1、国际汉语教育专业培养方案(中文授课)一、培养目标(结合专业特点,确定符合本专业的国际化人才培养目标)本专业培养掌握扎实的汉语基础知识,具有较高的人文素养,具备中国文学、中国文化、 跨文化交际等方面的专业知识与能力,能在各类学校从事汉语教学,在各职能部门、外贸机 构、新闻出版单位及企事业单位从事与汉语言文化传播交流相关工作的中国语言文学学科应 用型专门人才。二、培养要求(本专业应该掌握的知识和应具备的能力)本专业学生主要学习汉语言及中华历史文化方面的基础知识,接受人文社会科学的基本 训练,掌握综合运用所学知识开展语言文字工作、汉语国际教育以及国际文化交流实践的基 本能力。1 .掌握语言学的基础理
2、论和基本知识;2 .具备汉语作为第二语言教学的专业技能;3 .有较强的汉语口头表达和写作能力,能讲比拟标准的普通话,能规范地使用汉字;4 .熟悉中外文学和文化的基本知识,熟练掌握一门外语,并具有一定的跨文化交流能力;5 .具有一定的组织管理能力、人际交往能力以及团队协作能力;6 .了解本学科领域的理论前沿及开展动态,具有较宽广的文化视野和国际视野;7 .掌握文献检索、资料查询及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法;8 .具有不断获取新知识的能力以及一定的科学研究和实际工作能力,具有一定的批判性 思维能力。9 .能了解一种或多种中国传统艺术门类,并具备一定的才艺表现能力。10 .具有对终身学习
3、的正确认识、学习能力及适应开展能力三、主要课程(标出8-10门核心课程即可)现代汉语,语言学概论,应用语言学,对外汉语教学概论,跨文化交际,汉字学,中国 民俗学,中国文化概论四、学制基本学制为四年,弹性学习年限为36年五、授予学位(注明具体学位名称,如:理学学士、文学学士和工学学士等)文学学士六、学分要求课程类别修读性质学分通识公共(教育)课必修28选修1学科(专业)基础课必修51专业课专业必修必修13专业选修课选修20实践教学环节必修17合计130学分七、教学进程计划表(附后)Bachelor Degree Program for International StudentsI. Progr
4、am Title (专业名称)Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other LanguagesII. Program Description (专业介绍)The major of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, whose recruitment starts since 2014, aims at cultivating specialized talents equipped with good command of basic knowledge of Chinese language, hu
5、manistic quality, and professional knowledge and ability of Chinese literature, Chinese culture and cross-cultural communication, and whose students are able to teach at schools of all levels and qualified for related works in the field of Chinese language cultural communication at various functions
6、, foreign trade, news and publishing agencies and enterprise and public institutions.III. Special Features(专业特色)The major of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages is an applied and composite subject. Its features are the followings:1. It puts emphasis on the imparting of basic knowledge of
7、 Chinese language and Chinese literature, and cross-cultural communication skills, enabling the students to acquire language skills, professional knowledge like cross-cultural communication and practical knowledge.2. Great importance is attached to the cultivation of literacy. As a result, courses l
8、ike Art of Chinese Painting & Calligraphy and Chinese Talents are offered, and students are encouraged to learn one or more Chinese folk arts, for instance, Calligraphy, tai chi, Chinese classical music, etc.3. We adhere to the practical principle of teaching and consider the practice of language sk
9、ills and communication skills as an important procedure. We encourage the interaction between local students and international students, and the co-host of activities like Oral Chinese Contest, Chinese speech contest, Talent Show and etc. to color the campus life and advance the students ability of
10、cross-cultural communication.IV. Curriculum (8-10 core courses)Modern Chinese, Ancient Chinese, Introduction to Linguistics, An Introduction to Foreign-Related Chinese, Cross-Culture Communication, Chinese Characters, Chinese Folk CustomV. Duration4 years, 36 years flexible.VL Degree (B.Sc., B.A., o
11、r B.Eng., etc.)B. A.(Bachelor of Arts )VIL CreditsCourse categoryCurriculum attributeCreditsGeneral Basic CoursesRequ i red28Elective1Basic disciplinary coursesRequ i red51SpecializedCoursesSpecialized Requi redCoursesRequ i red13Specialized EIectiveCoursesElective20Practice CoursesRequ i red17Total130 CreditsVIII. Teaching Schedule (Attached)