1、科技信息检索课检索实验报告上课时间:_ 星期二_ 姓 名:_ 董懿轩_ 学 号:_ _ 班 级:_完成时间:_2014.12.8_实验课题:美国次贷危机对中国经济影响请根据自己所选课题,在国内数据资源(CNKI、万方数据、重庆维普、中国知识产权网等)分别进行检索。1. 数据库名称:CNKI 关键词:美国 次贷危机 中国 经济运行 检索式:美国and(次贷危机or金融危机)and中国and(经济or经济运行) 检索年限:不限 检索方法:使用初级检索,直接在主检索页面输入关键词,按主题排序。命中文献文献篇数:18条题录文摘:一【题名】美国次贷危机对中国经济影响效应研究【作者】徐文强;【Author
2、】 Xiao Cuntao Guangdong University of Technology,Applied Mathematics School,Guangdong, 【机构】中共临朐县委党校;【摘要】通过研究经济危机对中国经济间接影响的路径、冲击程度,得出结论:美国次贷危机对中国经济的影响主要通过间接渠道产生,这种间接影响具有很强的滞后性;从影响程度看,美国次贷危机引发的全球性危机对中国经济的影响有限,中国经济不会出现大的波动,但是美国次贷危机引发的全球性危机对中国经济的影响是持续的。为实现中国经济转型发展阶段经济增长有力稳定,我国政府必须把着眼点放在稳定投资增速、扩大内需促进消费上,
3、同时还要增强国际市场竞争力积极扩大出口。二【题名】美国次贷危机对中国经济影响及应对措施【作者】陈华; 赵琳;【机构】山东经济学院财税金融研究所;【摘要】美国次贷危机给全球金融市场敲响了风险的警钟。当前我国宏观经济背景与危机发生前高涨的美国经济有一定相似性,应当从中得到警示,防患于未然。本文从证券化、货币政策、金融监管等方面分析了美国次贷危机成因,并为中国金融业、外贸企业、政府部门等应对美国次贷危机不利影响提出了可行性措施,主要包括:金融机构控制风险加强监管,政府通过贸易政策和管制措施弱化人民币升值预期,统筹规划货币、财政、贸易宏观经济政策等2. 数据库名称:重庆维普 关键词:美国 次贷危机 中
4、国 经济运行 检索式:美国and(次贷危机or金融危机)and中国and(经济or经济运行) 检索年限:1989-2014 检索方法:使用初级检索,直接在主检索页面输入关键词,按主题排序。命中文献文献篇数:24条题录文摘:一【题名】美国次贷危机对中国经济的影响【作者】任银厚林海霞高静【机构地区】河南财经学院成功学院信息工程系,河南巩义【出处】黑龙江科技信息 2008年第27期 68-69页,共2页HeilongjiangScienceandTechnologyInformation【摘要】次贷危机又称次级房贷危机或次级贷款危机,是次级房屋抵押贷款危机或次级按揭贷款危机的简称。次贷危机是发生于美
6、响至今仍未完全展露。本文试图对美国次贷危机进行定性分析。首先介绍了次贷危机发生的经济背景,从历史角度分析次贷危机发生的原因。然后详细分析了次级贷款业务的演变和发展,详述其中的漏洞并从微观角度推导了危机的产生和传导过程。在此基础上从宏观角度分析了次贷危机的成因。并进一步叙述了次贷危机对美国经济和. 二【题名】美国次贷危机对全球经济的影响研究【作者】梁金红【机构地区】山东服装职业学院,山东泰安, 山东浪潮集团,山东济南,【出处】科技资讯 2007年第12期 176-页,共1页Science&TechnologyInformation【摘要】2007年,美国爆发了次贷危机,并且愈演愈烈,美国的次贷危
8、界发达经济体应对美国次贷危机的政策措施和效果的基础上,提出了中国应对美国次贷危机的对策建议3. 数据库名称:万方数据 关键词:美国 次贷危机 中国 经济运行 检索式:美国and(次贷危机or金融危机)and中国and(经济or经济运行) 检索年限:不限-2014 检索方法:使用初级检索,直接在主检索页面输入关键词,按主题排序。命中文献文献篇数:96条题录文摘: 一【题名】次贷危机对中国经济的影响基于创新的金融危机测度指标的实证分析【摘要】始于2007年的次贷危机带来的资产市场泡沫破灭和市场流动性的缺乏重创了美国经济。本文利用美国的实际资产回报率和广义货币供给量这两个指标,按照Lumsdaine
9、 andPrasad(2003)的方法创建了一个衡量金融危机共同因素的单变量指标;并在测度我国宏观经济和金融市场主要指标的真实值和假设没有危机时的预测值差距的基础上,通过构建似不相关模型(SUR)考察了美国此次危机对我国经济的影响。我们的实证研究基于1992年1月至2009年6月的月度数据,结果显示:(1)我国的进口和出口因美国危机受到显著、持续并重大的负面影响,危机的深化加剧了我国进口和出口的下降;(2)美国的危机使我国的财政和货币政策显著扩张,危机的深化伴随着政策扩张力度的加大,尤其在货币政策上;(3)虽然受到出口下降的打击,扩张性的财政和货币政策对消费和私人投资的拉动效果明显,因此我国消
10、费受美国危机的影响虽有统计上显著的下降,但幅度很小;投资则未因危机有显著改变;(4)次贷危机对我国A股市场的总体收益影响不明显。总的来说,当前国际性危机影响我国经济的主要传导机制是出口和进口,影响的方面主要是实体经济领域。 二【题名】美国次贷危机对中国经济的影响和启示【摘要】次贷危机的风暴席卷全球,中国经济当然也在所难免地受到影响。从美国次贷危机的形成过程及原因入手,阐述了次贷危机对中国经济的影响,并提出了防范次贷危机的对策。.二、请根据自己所选课题,在下列国外数据库系统平台中(Ei Village 、WOK-Web of knowledge、PQDT-B)分别进行检索。(40分)1. 数据库
11、名称:Ei Village 关键词:the United States sub-loan crisis Chinas economic development 检索式: (the United States) and (sub-loan crisis or financial crisis) and (China economic development)检索年限:1899-2014 检索方法:使用初级检索,直接在主检索页面输入关键词,按主题排序。命中文献文献篇数:407条题录文摘:一【Title】 Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Im
12、plications【 Abstract】 The world has entered a global recession that is causing widespread business contraction, increases in unemployment, and shrinking government revenues. Some of the largest and most venerable banks, investment houses, and insurance companies have either declared bankruptcy or ha
13、ve had to be rescued financially. Nearly all industrialized countries and many emerging and developing nations have announced economic stimulus and/or financial sector rescue packages, such as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5). Several countries have resorted to borrowi
14、ng from the International Monetary Fund as a last resort. The crisis has exposed fundamental weaknesses in financial systems worldwide, demonstrated how interconnected and interdependent economies are today, and has posed vexing policy dilemmas. The process for coping with the crisis by countries ac
15、ross the globe has been manifest in four basic phases. The role for Congress in this financial crisis is multifaceted. While the recent focus has been on combating the recession, the ultimate issue perhaps is how to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of financial markets to promote the gene
16、ral well-being of the country while protecting taxpayer interests and facilitating business operations without creating a moral hazard. In addition to preventing future crises through legislative, oversight, and domestic regulatory functions, Congress plays a key role in generating policy options an
17、d informing the public. On the regulatory side, the largest questions seem to be how U.S. regulations should be changed and, if changed, how closely those changes are to be harmonized with international recommendations. Congress also plays a role in measures to reform and recapitalize the Internatio
18、nal Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and regional development banks. On June 17, 2009, the Department of the Treasury presented the Obama Administration proposal for financial regulatory reform 【Document type】 Conference article (CA)二.【Title】Causes of American subprime mortgage crisis and its enlighte
19、nment to China【Abstract】So far American Subprime Mortgage Crisis has lasted more than four years. It not only hit Americas economy but also caused a global financial crisis. The study on its causes and its enlightenment to China undoubtedly is beneficial to the healthy development of Chinas financia
20、l market. 2012 Springer-Verlag GmbH.【Document type】 Conference article (CA)2. 数据库名称:PQDT-B 关键词:he United States sub-loan crisis Chinas economic development 检索式:(the United States) and (sub-loan crisis or financial crisis) and (China economic development)检索年限:不限 检索方法:使用初级检索,直接在主检索页面输入关键词,按主题排序。命中文献文献
21、篇数:2824条题录文摘:一【Title】RETRACTED ARTICLE: The impact and countermeasure study of the world economic crisis on Chinese family business【Abstract】At the end of 2007, subprime mortgage crisis broke out in America, and then it gradually evolved into global economic crisis and spread to other countries. The
22、 international financial situation has been deteriorating sharply and has rapidly evolved into the most serious international economic crisis since the Great Depression of last century. Export trade, as the important support of Chinas economy, was affected inevitably and greatly, among which small a
23、nd medium enterprises suffered most. Since most of the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country are family enterprises, some related theories are given in this paper to analyze how the global economic crisis influences the small and medium-sized family enterprises, and it also analyzes how,
24、 in the situation of economic crisis, we can solve problems for the further development of family enterprises and some suggestions will be given at last. 2010 IEEE.【Document type】Dissertation/Thesis二【Title】The impact of global financial crisis on Chinas trade in forest product and countermeasures【Ab
25、stract】China is a great power of forest product producing, processing, consumption and the import and export country in the world. The total volume of the import and export of forest product ranks second in the world, which is next to the United States. The main target market of Chinas forest produc
26、t focuses on the harder hit area of financial crisis such as the Europe and the United States. The depression of the estate and construction industry in America as a major consumer of forestry product directly influenced the foreign trade of Chinas forestry product. The high external independence de
27、gree of Chinas forestry economy has a great impact on its development. The paper emphasizes the impact of global financial crisis on Chinas forestry product trade and the relative measures taken by Chinese government. Furthermore, some suggestions and countermeasures are proposed to cope with the fi
28、nancial crisis. 2009 IEEE.【Document type】Dissertation/Thesis3. 数据库名称:WOK-Web of knowledge 关键词:he United States sub-loan crisis Chinas economic development 检索式:(the United States) and (sub-loan crisis or financial crisis) and (China economic development) 检索年限:不限 检索方法:使用初级检索,直接在主检索页面输入关键词,按主题排序。命中文献文献
29、篇数:90条题录文摘:一【Title】A comparison between the United States and China (1950-present【Abstract】In view of the evolution of Chinese and U.S. American research policy in the past 60 years, the two countries have undergone different stages of development. The S&T policy system in the United States was grad
30、ually built up since World War II, the benefit of research freedom adding to academic interest. The intervention and support for science and technology from the government has been gradually strengthened, promoting S&T development. Since the 1990s, the U.S. government has defined the five functions
31、of science as serving national objectives, emphasizing S&T progress to promote sustainable economic and social development, and continued innovation to maintain the U.S. American leadership position. Although the country has experienced a number of economic or financial crises, the U.S. governments
32、investment in basic research has followed a course of rapid growth, treating basic research as a source of innovation and power. The Chinese S&T system was established upon and developed on a very weak basis after the establishment of the new Chinese republic. In the 1950s, the recovery and establis
33、hment of the S&T system almost fully emulated the Soviet model. Up to the late 1950s, With the successful implementation of the 12-year S&T development plan, the key tasks and key engineering projects drove the development of the basic disciplines and initially established the basic research system
34、in China. The Cultural Revolution decade made Chinese S&T undertakings grind to a standstill, further widening the gap in relation to advanced global levels. With the reform and opening up in 1979, the Chinese S&T system was restored again. Especially since the 1990s, the state increasingly invested
35、 in basic research more and more significantly, and S&T development in China entered a fast track of development while basic research as the source of innovation received more attention from government and community. 二【Title】Property rights system and financial development, economic Growth: Developi
36、ng countrys evidence【Abstract】The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the property rights system and the financial development as well as the property rights system and economic growth in developing counties such as China. The paper uses statistical and econometric methods t
37、o analyze the finance data in Asia and Latin America, and economic data in China combined with property rights institutional changes data. The results are following: (1) In developing countries of the higher property rights values, their commercial banks and the stock market are in higher developmen
38、t level. In fact, financial reform and development problems are usually caused due to imperfect property rights system, and such imperfections affect the occurrence of financial risks, and even the financial crisis. (2) Property rights institutional changes promoted the process of the Chinese market
39、, while market-oriented process has promoted changes in Chinas property rights system. (3) With regard to long period, there exists two-way Granger causality between property rights institutional changes and economic growth, both of them promote each other and maintain a positive relationship. 2010
40、IEEE.4.文摘翻译【原文】Subprime crisis, which happened in America, exacerbated the financial fragility all over the world. With the world economic recession, the possibility of the second bottom is higher than expected. Studying financial fragility in China is of great significance at this time. The measure
41、ments of the financial fragility have many standards and every standard has advantages and disadvantages. This article chose the most common method of measuring the financial fragility and got the indexes of Chinas financial fragility in 19982009. Then according to fitting the macro-economic indicat
42、ors and the financial fragility indexes, this paper calculated KLR signal model critical value in China, contrasted with the international standards and analyzed the financial fragility in China. At last, this article provided some decision-makings for Chinas development. 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin
43、 Heidelberg.【译文】发生在美国的次贷危机加剧了世界各地的金融脆弱性。伴随着经济衰退二次探底的可能性高于预期。在中国了解金融脆弱性有十分重要的意义。对金融脆弱性的测量有很多标准,这些标准各有利弊。本文选择了衡量金融脆弱性的常用标准引用了1998-2009中国金融脆弱性的指标。然后根据拟合的宏观经济指标和金融脆弱性指标,本文计算klr信号模型在中国的临界值,与国际标准和中国经济脆弱性进行分析。最后为中国的发展提供一些建议。利用EI Village平台或者WoK平台对你所检索的课题进行全景分析,包括发文量排名前十的作者、机构、出版物、年份。作者机构出版物年份ZHAO BHIEEECOMP
45、MENT SCIENCE2003LI LHEDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH2002MERABTI MGOVERNMENT LAW2005三、利用web of Knowledge(WOK)平台完成下列题目 (20分)1. 利用web of Knowledge平台上的Journal Citation Reports 找出3种你感兴趣专业方向(或选出)的期刊名称,检索出选中期刊2013年的影响因子。Abbreviated Journal TitleImpact FactorACM T STORAGE1.115J SCHEDULING0.941WATER POLICY1.6