1、如何提高GRE语文成果 提高ap,行文方式,每一段讲了什么,态度。这是最重要的10到15秒,许多考生忽视了这10到15秒直接跳去做题,这样你不但对整篇文章做不到心中有数,更会造成读了后面忘了前面。 你在每一次读完一篇inaterials, of which only a few have been utilized. (a)exploited (b)quantifiable (c)controversial (d)inexhaustible (e)remarkable 2 a common arent claims that in folk art, the artists subordina
2、tion of technical mastery to intense feelinmunication of emotion to the viewer. (a) facilitates (b) averts (c) neutralize (d) implies (e) represses 3 it is ironic that a critic of such overwhelmin a measure of the oblivion to which he was forever-others, in the end, all his-has only worked a. (a) de
3、dicatinninedical occupations is in many ways a-system; its strata remain-and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility. (a) health. skilled (b) delivery. basic (c) reental. flexible (d) traininonstrate an occasionally interrupted but ented (d) rarely. continual (e) needlessly. inc
4、essant 6 it is puzzlinmentators have traditionally arost obvious_is its relentlessly riatic, framework. (a) attention to. preoccupation (b) speculation about. characteristic (c) parody of. disparity (d) violation of. contradiction (e) lack of. flaw 7 ironically, the party leaders encountered no . su
5、ccess (d) obstacle to. resistance (e) praise for. reputation 8 durinents of the family shifted remarkably, from ent of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread-it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose-was both imminent and welcome. (a) fli. restitution (b) fascination with. corruption
6、(c) rejection of. voent of. ascent 9 until the current warminal climatic fluctuations, there will be, amonospheric co2 can cause lon warmin for (d) worry about (e) experimentation on 10 the idealized paintinedieval -natural settinounted (d)disinterest in. alleviated (e)enthusiasm for. confronted key
7、s:daced eddba 新ent, not harbinal (c) monotonous (d) virtual (e) typical 2.the spellinany old enpted (d) revised (e) improved 3. althou for his employees project, in reality his interest in the project was so _as to be almost nonexistent. (a)ptive (c) expectedindiscriminate (d)feiandeddispassionate 4
8、. however _ they mian poets were bound to have some favorite earlier author whom they would _. (a)subservientimitate (b)independentinspire (c) oriulate (d)creativeadmire (e) talentedneposter syndrome often afflicts those who fear that true self-disclosure will lower them in others esteem; riay actua
9、lly _ones standinpostureundermine (c)affectationjeopardize (d) candorenhance (e) mimicryefface 6. the new bioloental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existinpede (c)constrain (d)precipitate (e)consummate 7. in the seventeenth century, direct floutin of values was rea
10、dness. (a) adventurous (b) frivolous (c) willful (d) impermissible (e) irrational 8. literature is inevitably a - rather than -medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality. (a)distortinbinant dna research have decided to-federal reakinpromise th
11、ey can forestall proposed state and local controls that miany of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still -on land, where minininine a- enterprise. (a)scarce. . common (b)accessible. marginal (c)unidentified. subsidized (d)conserved . . public (e)plentiful. profitable 答案:aadcd deade 如何提高GRE语文成果