1、雅思写作高分和详解共享 如何在写作中拿高分,今日我和大家共享雅思写作高分.和详解,盼望能够关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 雅思写作高分.和详解:旅游便利产生的利与弊 雅思写作题目:Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Do you think the positive effects exceed the neoreover, beinoreover, companies could visit foreiany people think that a
2、rts (paintinany common everyday services such as weather forecastineanwhile, in the wake of ever-increasinan beinay somehow be able to solve those lons that seem to have no solution for now.) (三)太空探究与人类本能: 这是一个相对宏大的哲学视角。太空探究源自根植于人类基因中的奇怪心本能和冒险精神。千百万年以前,我们的祖先迫于生存的需求不断开拓、迁徙,致使从从前的几个小部落领地扩张到了如今的占据整个地球表
3、面,也正由于如此我们的种族得以繁衍传接下去,生生不息、经久不衰;而这样的扩张还将连续人类向宇宙迈进。 (Our wonder and imainids. Actually, it is the very human instinct - curiosity - that impels people to constantly explore and expand, pushin lands to seas, venturin Earth to the universe. The stronake up and essential to our species success. Therefor
4、e, explorin and other worlds of the space is an imperative rather than a luxury, as weve already occupied the surface of our planet.) (四)太空探究与自然科学: 关于“What is science?(什么是科学?)”这一问题,我们中国人的熟悉或许不太精确。Science一词源自于拉丁文scientia,即为“knowlede from, these are the questions we have been askine the birth of modern natural science; in lookiny. Science is never meant to be anythin relevant to our life riinute. But it has to an beinan progress.) 雅思写作高分.和详解共享