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1、2022年-2023年建筑工程管理行业文档 齐鲁斌创作机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所全国工业过程测量和控制标准化技术委员会 秘书处第七届“工业自动化与标准化”功能安全标准化与应用技术国际研讨会补充通知 各有关单位:受国家安全生产监督管理总局与国家标准化管理委员会委托,机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所负责承办“功能安全标准化与应用技术国际研讨会”。为了组织好这次会议,集中力量,配合国家有关主管部门突出宣传功能安全主题,特将此次会议与全国工业过程测量和控制标准化技术委员会秘书处第七届“工业自动化与标准化”研讨会合并举行。这次会议由国家安全生产监督管理总局与国家标准化管理委员会主办,表明国家在


3、3日 9:00至18:00地点:北京首都大酒店(二层紫云厅)地址:北京东城区前门东大街3号四、主办:国家安全生产监督管理总局政策法规司(SAWS)国家标准化管理委员会工业二部(SAC)协办:全国工业过程测量和控制标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC124)秘书处欧洲电气电子行业办事处(EuropElectro)承办:机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所(ITEI)五、会议日程安排 2008年10月22-23日日期/时间内 容演讲单位/演讲人主持10月22日星期三上午09:009:05介绍到会嘉宾国家安全生产监督管理总局政策法规司 处长邬燕云09:059:45领导致词、报告国家安全生产监督管理总局 领导

4、中国国家标准化管理委员会副主任 方向IEC/TC 65主席 亥德(Heidel)贺词IEC/ACOS安全顾问委员会主席 哈勒斯(HALESS)贺词9:4510:25欧洲电气帮助中国和欧洲更紧密的结合EuropElectro helps to bring China and Europe closer together欧洲电气电子行业(ZVEI)技术立法和标准化法规部总监 呼勒先生ZVEI Mr.Haimo Huhle10:2511:10工作现场事故预防为职业性事故预防和保险做出的贡献Prevention of accidents at the workplace The contributio

5、n of the Occupational Accident Prevention and Insurance德国电子纺织品精密机械职业保险联合会(BGETF) 预防部主任 俞林博士Berufsgenossenschaft Elektro Textil Feinmechanik (BGETF), Germany Dr. Jens Jhling11:1012:20过程自动化中的安全集成西门子(中国)有限公司 自动化与驱动集团 技术专家 姜荣怀 先生午餐12:2013:10午餐 企业现场演示交流10月22日星期三下午13:2014:30机械安全设备和安全控制的解决方案Practical solut

6、ions for safety devices and safety controls in machinery皮尔磁安全自动化(奥地利)有限公司 机械安全咨询总监 斯涛柯哈莫 先生PILZ GmbH, Austrai Mr.Gerhard Stockhammer国家标准化管理委员会工业二部信息技术与自动化处副处长孙 维14:3015:40安全控制技术趋向三菱电机名古屋制造所 安全计装部部安全技术总监 青山直树 先生Mr.Aoyama Naoki15:4016:50欧姆龙在安全领域中新技术和新产品欧姆龙自动化(中国)统辖集团 安全事业部 松井旭 主事16:5018:00TBC IEC/TC 6

7、5代表 贝特先生 Mr. David Bertet 10月23日星期四上午9:0010:10罗克韦尔自动化及应用(标准、安全解决方案及生产应用)罗克韦尔自动化传动系统及电气元件产品市场推广部 经理 李大光 先生安全系统和产品 经理 王旭光 先生欧洲电气电子行业办事处 总经理王 旭10:1011:20ABB安全解决方案ABB in SafetyABB控制系统及产品亚洲区 总监 戴尔兰 利玛 先生ABB Control Systems and Products Asia Mr.Darran Lim11:2012:20安全仪表系统在过程工业中的应用霍尼韦尔(中国)有限公司(TUV 认证专家亚太区市场

8、部经理)李木德 先生午餐12:2013:20午餐 企业现场演示展示交流10月23日星期四下午13:3014:40黑马公司在功能安全技术中的解决方案上海黑马安全自动化系统有限公司亚洲及太平洋地区总监 塞格尔 先生Mr.Dieter Seiger机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所副所长欧阳劲松14:4015:50建立我国功能安全保障体系的政策措施研究机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所功能安全中心主任 史学玲 女士15:5017:00元件在安全相关应用中使用的批准与认证Approval and certification of components for the use in safety-rel

9、ated applications德国莱茵TUEV集团 产品功能安全业务部总监 哈勃 先生TV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH, Germany Mr.Stephan Hb六、会议送代表班车 10月22、23两日下午会后同时安排大轿车分2个方向送代表(18:30发车,以下沿线停靠)1号车.首都大酒店 长椿街 北京西客站 六里桥 岳各庄桥 丰台路口 北大地 丰台 新华街 花乡桥2号车 首都大酒店 国贸桥 团结湖 亮马桥 三元东桥 宵云桥 酒仙桥 望京(西门子大楼)3号车 首都大酒店 建国门 东直门 雍和宫 钟楼北桥 安华桥 马甸桥 健翔桥 学院桥 中关村一桥 万

10、泉河桥特别提示: 该代表证作为您参加会议领取资料、餐券、纪念品、会后乘车的凭证,请保管好,丢失不补。 会场将手机调为振动模式; 会议资料按上、下午时间段发放; 会议提供午、晚餐(其中晚餐为通用餐券); 23日下午散会时参会代表交回调查问卷,凭代表证在会场门口领取通用餐券和纪念品。 首都大酒店临近公交车有:9、44、48、110、60、41、103、104路、崇文门地铁站。 22日、23日中午散会后全体参会代表在出口处领取午餐券到在一层四季厅和咖啡厅就餐。七、推荐住宿酒店编号酒 店房间类型会议价 RMB备 注1#首都大酒店预订电话:010-58159988-3207销售部 邵岩 13910697

11、5991#-1豪华间1050元/天一张双人床;含一人中西式自助早餐;含15%服务费。1#-2标间850元/天两单人床或一张双人床;含一人中西式自助早餐;含15%服务费2#北京新侨诺富特饭店预订电话:010-65133366转销售部 齐紫汝138115240332#-1标间635元/天一张双人大床;含一人早餐。2#-2标间718元/天两张单人床;含两人早餐。3#北京市哈德门饭店预订电话:010-67112244转销售部 孟捷3#-1标间300元/天两张单人床;含两人早餐。4#北京市崇文门饭店预订电话:010-65122211-10301潘经理139013001564#-1标间410元/天440元

12、/天两张单人床;含一人早餐两张单人床;含两人早餐注:1 以上价格优惠于2008年10月21-24日会议期间;取消或修改预订须提前三天。2 会务组住宿联系人:房聚平 王 健 Tel:+8610 63490582 Fax:+8610 63262680 Mobile:13901006159 E-mail:itei 八、会议注册出席会议的人员每人需交纳注册费500元(参讲、演展示单位各免两人费用),其余不免;可自行选择预定以上宾馆住宿,费用自理;会议注册费须在2008年10月15日前汇入主办单位指定帐户,一周内寄发票给您。现场交费的代表,需提前与会务组联系为您准备发票。付款地址:开户行:工商银行北京白

13、云路分理处户 名:机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所帐 号:0200020009004603994 (汇款请注明:研讨会注册费)机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所 全国工业过程测量和控制标准化技术委员会(ITEI) (SAC/TC124)秘书处二00八年九月二十八日九、功能安全标准化与应用技术国际研讨会(2008) 论坛回执单位:序号姓名职务/职称民族年龄E-mail住宿选择123会务组联系人:王 健 Tel:+8610 63490582 Fax:+8610 63262680 Mobile:13901006159 E-mail:itei 地址:备注:1.参会报名亦可通过以下四个网址下载会议通知

14、和论坛回执 www.ism- www.fs-china.org 2.同一个单位最多只能报两个名额,会议将根据您的回执信息制作参会证卡。3.请将选择的住宿编号填入回执“住宿选择”栏中4.回执以信、传真或电子邮件均可地址:北京宣武区广安门外大街甲397号 邮编:100055单位:机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所 收件人:王 健传真:010-63262680 E-mail:iteiInstrumentation Technology & Economy Institute, P.R.China (ITEI)397A Guanganmenwai St. Beijing 100055P.R.CHINA

15、Oct 6, 2008The 7th Forum on “Industry Automation & Standardization”- International Functional Safety Standardization and Application Technology ForumSupplementary NoticeInstrumentation Technology and Economy Institute (ITEI) was commissioned by Policies and Laws Department of State Administration of

16、 Work Safety (SAWS) and Industry Department section 2 of Standardization Administration of China (SAC) to hold “International Functional Safety Standardization and Application Technology Forum”. In order to emphasize the subject of functional safety, this forum and the 7th forum on “industry Automat

17、ion & Standardization” will be hold jointly. The fact that this forum was jointly sponsored by SAWS and SAC has indicated Chinas deep concern on safety legislation and standardization. With cooperation with European Electricity and Electronic industry (Europelectro), we have invited specialists from

18、 German authorities, famous certification and test lab, international standard technical committee and industry association. More than three hundred delegates, including government officials, scholars, experts, researchers, system integrator, OEMs, manufacturers, end users, training engineers and ot

19、her experts in the related field, will be invited to attend the forum to share the latest information and application achievement of FS standard. We believe it shall be a pageant in instrumentation, automation and safety management field.1. Forum Name:International Functional Safety Standardization

20、and Application Technology Forum(2008)2. Forum Theme:Perfecting FS standard, Constructing FS security system, Improving the level of production safety management3. Time:9:00AM-6:00 PM, 22nd -23rd Oct. 2008 Place: Capital Hotel, Beijing(Ziyun Hall on the second floor)Address: No.3 Qianmen East Street

21、, East City District, Beijing 4. OrganizationCo-Sponsor: Policies and Laws Department of State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) Industry Department section 2 of Standardization Administration of China (SAC) Organizers: Instrumentation Technology & Economy Institute (ITEI)National Technical Commi

22、ttee 124 on Industry Process Measurement and Control of SAC (SAC/TC 124)EuropElectro5. Meeting Agenda22nd -23rd Oct. 2008DATE & TIMECONTENTSPEECH ORG/COSPEAKER22nd Oct.Wednesday,Morning09:009:05Welcome09:059:25Official addressPolicies and Laws Department of State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS)

23、Standardization Administration of China (SAC)TBD9:2510:05EuropElectro helps to bring China and Europe closer togetherZVEIHaimo Huhle(Technical Legislation and Standardisation)10:0510:50Prevention of accidents at the workplace The contribution of the Occupational Accident Prevention and InsuranceBeru

24、fsgenossenschaft Elektro Textil Feinmechanik (BGETF), GermanyDr. Jens Jhling(Head of theprevention department of the BGETF)10:5012:00Safety integration in process automationSiemens Ltd.,ChinaRonghuai JiangLunch12:0013:00Lunch Demonstration & Communication22nd Oct.Wednesday,afternoon13:0014:10Practic

25、al solutions for safety devices and safety controls in machineryPILZ GmbH, AustralGerhard Stockhammer( Manager of consulting safety of machinery)14:1015:20Trend of safety controlMitsubishi ElectricManufacturer, Nagoya茂木 刚(FA system department)15:2016:30Harmonious between safety and manufactureOmron

26、Automation Corporation, ChinaMatsui asahi(safety solution center)16:3017:40TBDSchneider Electric, FranceIEC/TC 65 experts23rd Oct.Thursday,morning09:0010:10Rockwell Automation & Application(Standards Safety Solutions & Produce Application)Rockwell Automation,Inc.TBD10:1011:20ABB in SafetyABB Control

27、 Systems and Products AsiaDarran LimAchieving Accredited Functional Safety Certification of ABBs Safety Execution Centres (SEC)ABB (China) Limited Process Automation DivisionWilliam Zeng11:2012:30Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process IndustriesHoneywell Ltd.,ChinaBob Lee TUV CFSE Marketing Man

28、agerLunch12:2013:00Lunch Demonstration & Communication23rd Oct.Thursday,afternoon13:0014:10Why do we need Functional SafetyHima Safety Automation System Ltd.,ShanghaiDieter Seiger(General Manager of Asia and Pacific area)14:1015:20Research of establishing safety insurance system policy in ChinaITEIX

29、ueling Shi15:2016:30TBD TBDTBD16:3017:40Approval and certification of components for the use in safety-related applicationsTV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH, GermanyStephan Hb (Manager of Business Unit Product Functional Safety) Note: The TBD content in this table will be completed soon. The full

30、schedule will be distributed to attendees during registration.6. Meeting ShuttleThere will be two shuttles to send delegates in two directions on the 22nd and 23rd afternoon after meeting. (Depart at 18:30, and follow nether tracks.)Shuttle 1: Capital Hotel - Changchun St. - Beijing West Station - L

31、iuli Bridge - Fengbei Bridge - Kefeng BridgeShuttle 2: Capital Hotel - Guomao Bridge - Tuanjie Lake - Sanyuan Bridge East - Jiuxian Bridge - WangjingNote: 1) The delegate card will be your identity card to get document, meal ticket and souvenir. Please take care of it. It will not be re-processed if

32、 you lose it. 2) Please turn your mobile phone to silence mode during meeting. 3) There will be free lunch and dinner on 22nd and 23rd. (Fast food ticket will be provided for dinner.) 4) Return the questionnaire after 23rd meeting, and take souvenir at the gate of meeting hall by delegate card.7. Re

33、commended HotelNumHotelRoom TypePrice (RMB)Note1#Capital HotelTel:010-58159988-3207Yan Shao 139106975991#-1Luxurious RoomRMB1050 /dayOne double-bed, including 1 persons Chinese and Western breakfast with 15% service fee1#-2Standard RoomRMB850/dayTwo single beds or one double-bed, including 1 persons

34、 Chinese and Western breakfast with 15% service fee2#Novotel XinQiao Beijing Tel: 010-65133366 sale departmentZiru Qi 138115240332#-1 Standard RoomRMB635/dayOne double-bed, including 1 persons breakfast2#-2 Standard RoomRMB718/dayTwo single beds, including 2 persons breakfast3#Hamemen HotelTel:010-6

35、7112244 sale department Jie Meng3#-1 Standard RoomRMB300/dayTwo single beds, including 2 persons breakfast4#Chongwenmen HotelTel:010-65122211-10301Manager Pan 139013001564#-1 Standard RoomRMB410/dayRMB440/dayTwo single beds, including 1 persons breakfastTwo single beds, including 2 persons breakfast

36、Note:1) Above is the discount cost during the meeting between Oct.21st - Oct. 24th.Cancellation or correction of your reservation should inform hotel 3 days before.2) Accommodation contact person: Juping Fang, Jian WangTel:+8610 63490582 Fax:+8610 63262680 Mobile:13901006159 E-mail:itei 8. Meeting R

37、egistrationThe person attending this meeting should pay RMB500 for registration. (Each speech or demonstration company can exempt 2 persons fee.) Any hotel listed in above table can be chosen at their own expense. The registration payment should be remitted to specific account appointed by organizer

38、 before Oct.15th, 2008. The invoice will be sent back in a week. The delegate who plans to pay the registration fee on site should contact meeting affair group in advance, so we can prepare the invoice.Payment address:Bank name:Industry and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Baiyunlu District BranchA

39、ccount name:Instrumentation Technology & Economy Institute, P.R.ChinaAccount No.:0200020009004603994 (Cash remittance note should be remarked with registration payment.)Instrumentation Technology & Economy Institute (ITEI)Secretariat of National Technical Committee 124 on Industry Process Measuremen

40、t and Control of SAC (SAC/TC 124) 9. Receipt of International Functional Safety Standardization and Application Technology Forum(2008)Company:Address:NumNameTitleNationalityAgeE-mailAccommodation 123Contact person:Jian WangTel:+8610 63490582 Fax:+8610 63262680 Mobile:13901006159 E-mail:itei Note: 1)

41、 Following four websites can be used to sign up and download meeting notice and receipt: www.ism- www.fs-china.org 2) Each company can only have two persons attend the meeting. Delegate card will be made according to your receipt information. 3) Please fill “Accommodation” with room type number giving in part 7. 4) Receipt can be send by mail, fax, or e-mail. Address: 397A, Guanganmenwai St., Beijing, China, 100055 Unit: Instrumentation Technology & Economy Institute Contact person: Jian Wang Fax: 010-63262680 E-mail: itei9


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