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1、Session 3 Suffixes in Academic Vocabulary1.Suffix means the affix,which is added to the end of a word,and which usuallychanges the part of speech of a word.Common examples are case endings,whichindicate the grammatical case of nouns or adjectives,and verb endings,which formthe conjugation of verbs.2

2、.ErosionDepositionCrateringPrecipitationCondensationSublimationmeasurement这些单词都是名词,词尾是-sion,-tion,-ing 和-ment。这些名词都由动词加了后缀演变而来,they indicate a natural,geological process,a state/condition,or aresult from an action.Evaporation means a process in which something is changed from a liquid to avapor with

3、out temperature reaching boiling point.表示气体蒸发。Condensation is the process of a gas changing to a liquid.表达气体凝结,冷凝。Precipitation involves rain,snow,or hail,all of which are formed by condensationof moisture atmosphere and fall into the ground.表示降水的过程。Circulation means the movement of sth(for example

4、air,water,gas,etc.)aroundan area or inside a system or machine.表示(气体、水等的)环流,循环。Measurement is the act or the process of finding the size,quantity or degree of sth.表示测量。Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase,without passing through the intermediate liquid phase.表示升华。猜测一下 weathering、erosion和 deposition 的词义吧。weathering 风化作用,指地表或接近地表的坚硬岩石、矿物与大气、水及生物接触过程中产生物理、化学变化而在原地形成松散堆积物的全过程。erosion 腐蚀,侵蚀(作用),狭义的侵蚀作用指流水、波浪和潮流、冰川和风等外力的侵蚀作用;deposition,表示岩石和土壤沉积、堆积的过程。


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