1、Nong hao! Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you. Id like to thank Fudan Universitys President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome. Id also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exem
2、plifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. I dont know what he said, but I hope it was good. (Laughter.) 侬好(上海话)!诸位下午好。我感到很荣幸能够有机会到上海跟你们交谈,我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。我还想感谢我们出色的大使洪博培,他是我们两国间深厚的纽带。我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说得很好。What Id like to do is to make some opening remarks, and then what Im real
3、ly looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also weve received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman. And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as
4、 your English, but I am looking forward to this chance to have a dialogue.我今天准备备这样,先先做一个个开场白白,我真真正希望望做的是是回答在在座的问问题,不不但回答答在座的的学生问问题,同同时还可可以从网网上得到到一些问问题,由由在座的的一些学学生和洪洪博培大大使代为为提问。很很抱歉,我我的中文文远不如如你们的的英文,所所以我期期待和你你们的对对话。This is my firrst timme ttravveliing to Chiina, annd IIm excciteed tto ssee thiis mmaj
5、eestiic ccounntryy. Herre, in Shaanghhai, wee seee tthe groowthh thhat hass caaughht tthe atttenttionn off thhe wworlld - tthe soaarinng sskysscraaperrs, thee buustllingg sttreeets andd enntreepreeneuuriaal aactiivitty. Annd jjustt ass Im iimprresssed by theese siggns of Chiinas jjourrneyy too thhe
6、221stt ceentuury, Im eeageer tto ssee thoose ancciennt pplacces thaat sspeaak tto uus ffromm Chhinaas disstannt ppastt. Tommorrrow andd thhe nnextt daay II hoope to havve aa chhancce wwhenn Im iin BBeijjingg too seee tthe majjestty oof tthe Forrbidddenn Ciity andd thhe wwondder of thee Grreatt Waall
7、. TTrully, thiis iis aa naatioon tthatt enncommpasssess booth a rrichh hiistoory andd a bellieff inn thhe pprommisee off thhe ffutuure. 这是我首次次访问中中国,我我看到你你们博大大的国家家,感到到很兴奋奋。在上上海这里里,我们们看到了了瞩目的的增长,高高耸的塔塔楼,繁繁忙的街街道,还还有企业业家的精精神。这这些都是是中国步步入211世纪的的迹象,让让我感到到赞叹。同同时我也也急切的的要看到到向我们们展现中中国古老老的古迹迹,明天天和后天天我要到到北京去去看雄伟
8、伟壮丽的的故宫和和令人叹叹为观止止的长城城,这个个国度既既有丰富富的历史史,又有有对未来来憧憬的的信念。The ssamee caan bbe ssaidd off thhe rrelaatioonshhip bettweeen oour twoo coounttriees. Shhangghaii, oof ccourrse, iss a citty tthatt haas ggreaat mmeanningg inn thhe hhisttoryy off thhe rrelaatioonshhip bettweeen tthe Uniitedd Sttatees aand Chiina.
9、 IIt wwas herre, 37 yeaars agoo, tthatt thhe SShannghaai CCommmuniiquee oppeneed tthe dooor tto aa neew cchappterr off enngaggemeent bettweeen oour govvernnmennts andd ammongg ouur ppeopple.而我们两国国的关系系也是如如此,上上海在美美中关系系的历史史中是个个具有意意义的重重大城市市,在337年前前,上上海公报报打开开了我们们两国政政府和两两国人民民接触交交往的新新的篇章章。Howevver, Ammerii
10、cas ttiess too thhis citty - aand to thiis ccounntryy - sttrettch bacck ffurttherr, tto tthe earrlieest dayys oof AAmerricaas inddepeendeencee. IIn 117844, oour fouundiing fattherr, GGeorrge Wasshinngtoon, commmisssioonedd thhe EEmprresss off Chhinaa, aa shhip thaat sset saiil ffor theese shooress s
11、oo thhat it couuld purrsuee trradee wiith thee Qiing Dynnastty. Wasshinngtoon wwantted to seee thhe sshipp caarryy thhe fflagg arrounnd tthe gloobe, annd tto fforgge nnew tiees wwithh naatioons likke CChinna. Thhis is a ccommmon Ameericcan imppulsse - tthe dessiree too reeachh foor nnew horrizoons,
12、annd tto fforgge nnew parrtneershhipss thhat aree muutuaallyy beenefficiial.不过美国与与这个国国家的纽纽带可以以追溯更更久远的的过去,追追溯到美美国独立立的初期期,乔治治华盛顿顿组织了了皇后号号的下水水仪式,这这个船成成功前往往大清王王朝,华华盛顿希希望看到到这艘船船前往各各地,与与中国结结成新的的纽带。希希望与中中国开辟辟新的地地平线,建建立新的的伙伴关关系。Over thee twwo ccentturiies thaat hhavee foolloowedd, tthe currrennts of hisstor
13、ry hhavee stteerred thee reelattionnshiip bbetwweenn ouur ccounntriies in manny ddireectiionss. Andd evven in thee miidstt off tuumulltuoous winnds, ouur ppeopple hadd oppporrtunnitiies to forrge deeep aand eveen ddrammatiic ttiess. FFor insstannce, Ammeriicanns wwilll neeverr foorgeet tthe hosspitt
14、aliity shoown to ourr piilotts wwho werre sshott doown oveer yyourr sooil durringg Woorldd Waar III, andd caaredd foor bby CChinnesee ciivillianns wwho risskedd alll tthatt thhey hadd byy dooingg soo. Andd Chhineese vetteraans of thaat wwar stiill warrmlyy grreett thhosee Ammeriicann veeterranss whh
15、o rretuurn to thee siitess whheree thhey fouughtt too heelp libberaate Chiina froom ooccuupattionn.在其后的两两个世纪纪中,历历史洪流流使我们们两国关关系向许许多不同同的方向向发展,而而即使在在最动荡荡的方向向中,我我们的两两国人民民也打造造了很深深的,甚甚至有戏戏剧性的的纽带,比比如美国国人永远远不会忘忘记,在在二战期期间,美美国飞行行员在中中国上空空被击落落后,当当地人民民对他们们的款待待,中国国公民冒冒着失去去一切的的危险保保护着他他们。而而参加二二战的中中国老兵兵仍然欢欢迎故地地重游的的美
16、国老老兵,他他们在那那里参战战。A diffferrentt kiind of connnecctioon wwas madde nnearrly 40 yeaars agoo whhen thee frrostt beetweeen ourr coounttriees bbegaan tto tthaww thhrouugh thee siimplle ggamee off taablee teenniis. Thhe vveryy unnlikkelyy naaturre oof tthiss enngaggemeent conntriibutted to itss suucceess -
17、 beccausse ffor alll ouur ddifffereencees, botth oour commmonn huumannityy annd oour shaaredd cuurioositty wweree reeveaaledd. As onee Ammeriicann pllayeer ddesccribbed hiss viisitt too Chhinaa - Theepeeoplle aare jusst llikee ussThhe ccounntryy iss veery simmilaar tto AAmerricaa, bbut stiill verry
18、ddifffereent. OOf ccourrse thiis ssmalll oopenningg waas ffollloweed bby tthe achhievvemeent of thee Shhangghaii Coommuuniqque, annd tthe eveentuual esttabllishhmennt oof fformmal rellatiionss beetweeen thee Unniteed SStattes andd Chhinaa inn 19979. AAnd in thrree deccadees, jusst llookk att hoow ff
19、ar we havve ccomee.40年前,我我们两国国间开启启了又一一种联系系,两国国关系开开始解冻冻,通过过乒乓球球的比赛赛解冻关关系。我我们两国国之间有有着分歧歧,但是是我们也也有着共共同的人人性及有有着共同同的好奇奇,就像像一位乒乒乓球人人员所说说的一样样,那的的国家就就是一样样,但是是这个小小小的开开头带来来了上上海公报报的问问世,最最终还带带来了美美中在119799年建交交。在其其后的330年我我们又取取得了长长足的进进展。In 19979, trradee beetweeen thee Unniteed SStattes andd Chhinaa sttoodd att ro
20、oughhly 5 bbilllionn - toodayy itt toops oveer 4400 billlioon eeachh yeear. Thhe ccommmercce aaffeectss ouur ppeopples llivees iin sso mmanyy waays. AAmerricaa immporrts froom CChinna mmanyy off thhe ccompputeer ppartts wwe uuse, thhe cclotthess wee weear; annd wwe eexpoort to Chiina macchinneryy th
21、hat hellps powwer youur iinduustrry. Thhis traade couuld creeatee evven morre jjobss onn booth siddes of thee Paaciffic, whhilee alllowwingg ouur ppeopple to enjjoy a bbettter quaalitty oof llifee. Andd ass deemannd bbecoomess moore ballancced, itt caan lleadd too evven brooadeer pprossperrityy. 197
22、9年年中美贸贸易仅有有50亿美美元,而而今天美美中贸易易已经接接近40000亿亿美元。贸贸易在许许多方面面影响人人民的生生活,比比如美国国电脑中中许多部部件,还还有穿的的衣服都都是从中中国进口口的,我我们向中中国出口口中国工工业要使使用的机机器,这这种贸易易可以在在太平洋洋两岸创创造更多多的就业业机会,让让我们的的人民过过上质量量更高的的生活。随随着需求求趋于平平衡,繁繁荣的范范围将进进一步扩扩大。 In 19979, thhe ppoliiticcal coooperratiion bettweeen tthe Uniitedd Sttatees aand Chiina wass rooot
23、eed llarggelyy inn ouur ssharred rivvalrry wwithh thhe SSoviiet Uniion. TTodaay, we havve aa poosittivee, cconsstruuctiive andd coomprreheensiive rellatiionsshipp thhat opeens thee dooor to parrtneershhip on thee keey gglobbal isssuess off ouur ttimee - ecconoomicc reecovveryy annd tthe devveloopmee
24、nt of cleean eneergyy; sstopppinng tthe sprreadd off nuucleear weaaponns aand thee sccourrge of cliimatte cchannge; thhe pprommotiion of peaace andd seecurrityy inn Assia andd arrounnd tthe gloobe. AAll of theese isssuess wiill be on thee aggendda ttomoorroow wwhenn I meeet wwithh Prresiidennt HHu.1
25、979年年,美中中之间的的政治合合作主要要立足于于双方共共同面对对的竞争争对手苏苏联。如如今我们们有着积积极合作作和全面面的关系系,为我我们在当当前重大大的全球球问题上上建立伙伙伴关系系打开了了大门,这这些问题题包括经经济复苏苏、洁净净能源的的开发、制制止核武武器扩散散以及应应对气候候变化。还还有在亚亚洲及全全球各地地促进和和平和稳稳定,所所有这些些问题我我明天与与胡主席席会谈时时都会谈谈到。And iin 119799, tthe connnecctioons amoong ourr peeoplle wweree liimitted. Toodayy, wwe ssee thee cuur
26、ioositty oof tthosse ppingg-poong plaayerrs mmaniifesstedd inn thhe ttiess thhat aree beeingg foorgeed aacrooss manny ssecttorss. Thee seeconnd hhighhestt nuumbeer oof fforeeignn sttudeentss inn thhe UUnitted Staatess coome froom CChinna, andd weevee seeen a 550 pperccentt inncreeasee inn thhe sstud
27、dy oof CChinnesee ammongg ouur oown stuudennts. TTherre aare neaarlyy 2000 friienddshiip ccitiies drrawiing ourr coommuunittiess toogettherr. Ameericcan andd Chhineese sciienttistts ccoopperaate on neww reeseaarchh annd ddisccoveery. AAnd of couursee, YYao Minng iis jjustt onne ssignnal of ourr shha
28、reed llovee off baaskeetbaall - Imm onnly sorrry thaat II woontt bee abble to seee a Shaanghhai Shaarkss gaame whiile Imm viisittingg.1979年年的时候候,我们们两国人人民的联联系十分分有限。当当年在乒乒乓球领领域的好好奇如今今已延伸伸到许多多领域,美美国现在在数量最最多的留留学生都都来自中中国。而而在美国国的学生生中,学学中文的的人数增增加了550%。我我们两国国有近2200个个友好城城市,美美中科学学家在许许多新的的研究领领域和发发现领域域进行合合作。我我们
29、两国国人民都都热爱篮篮球,姚姚明就是是个例子子。不过过,此行行中我不不能观看看上海鲨鲨鱼队的的比赛,有有点遗憾憾。It iss noo cooinccideencee thhat thee reelattionnshiip bbetwweenn ouur ccounntriies hass acccommpanniedd a perriodd off poosittivee chhangge. Chhinaa haas lliftted hunndreeds of milllioons of peooplee ouut oof ppoveertyy - ann acccommpliishmme
30、ntt unnparrallleleed iin hhumaan hhisttoryy - whhilee pllayiing a llargger rolle iin gglobbal eveentss. Andd thhe UUnitted Staatess haas sseenn ouur eeconnomyy grrow aloong witth tthe staandaard of livvingg ennjoyyed by ourr peeoplle, whiile briingiing thee Coold Warr too a succcesssfuul cconcclussi
31、onn.我们两国之之间的这这种关系系给我们们带来了了积极的的变化,这这并不是是偶然的的,中国国使得亿亿万人民民脱贫,而而这种成成就是人人类历史史上史无无前例的的。而中中国在全全球问题题中也发发挥更大大的作用用,美国国也目睹睹了我们们经济的的成长。Theree iss a Chiinesse pprovverbb: Coonsiiderr thhe ppastt, aand youu shhalll knnow thee fuuturre. SSureely, wee haave knoown settbaccks andd chhalllengges oveer tthe lasst 330
32、yyearrs. Ouur rrelaatioonshhip hass noot bbeenn wiithoout dissagrreemmentt annd ddiffficuultyy. Butt thhe nnotiion thaat wwe mmustt bee addverrsarriess iss noot ppreddesttineed - nnot wheen wwe cconssideer tthe passt. Inndeeed, beccausse oof oour coooperratiion, booth thee Unniteed SStattes andd Chh
33、inaa arre mmoree prrospperoous andd moore seccuree. We havve sseenn whhat is posssibble wheen wwe bbuilld uuponn ouur mmutuual inttereestss, aand enggagee onn thhe bbasiis oof mmutuual resspecct.中国有句古古言,温温故而知知新。当当然,我我们过去去30年中中也遇到到了挫折折和挑战战,我们们的关系系并不是是没有困困难的,没没有分歧歧的。“但是我我们必须须一定是是对手”的这种种想法不不应该是是一成不不变的。
34、由由于我们们两国的的合作,美美中两国国都变得得更加繁繁荣、更更加安全全。我们们基于相相互的利利益、相相互的尊尊重就能能有成就就。And yyet thee suucceess of thaat eengaagemmentt deepennds upoon uundeersttanddingg - onn suustaainiing an opeen ddialloguue, andd leearnningg abboutt onne aanottherr annd ffromm onne aanottherr. Forr juust as thaat AAmerricaan ttablle t
35、tennnis plaayerr poointted outt - wee shharee muuch in commmonn ass huumann beeinggs, butt ouur ccounntriies aree diiffeerennt iin ccerttainn waays. 不过,这种种接触的的成功要要取决于于我们要要彼此了了解,要要能够进进行开诚诚布公的的对话,彼彼此进行行了解。就就像当年年美国乒乒乓球运运动员所所说的,我我们作为为人有着着共同的的向往,但但是我们们两国又又不同。I bellievve tthatt eaach couuntrry mmustt chha
36、rtt itts oown couursee. Chiina is an ancciennt nnatiion, wiith a ddeepply roootedd cuultuure. TThe Uniitedd Sttatees, by commparrisoon, is a yyounng nnatiion, whhosee cuultuure is dettermmineed bby tthe manny ddifffereent immmigrrantts wwho havve ccomee too ouur sshorres, annd bby tthe fouundiing do
37、ccumeentss thhat guiide ourr deemoccraccy.我认为每个个国家都都应该勾勾画出自自己要走走的路,中中国是一一个文明明古国,它它有着博博大精深深的文化化。相对对而言,美美国是一一个年轻轻的国家家,它的的文化受受到来自自许多不不同国家家移民的的影响,还还受到我我们民主主制度文文件的影影响。Thosee doocummentts pput forrwarrd aa siimplle vvisiion of humman afffairrs, andd thhey ensshriine sevveraal ccoree prrincciplles - thaat
38、aall menn annd wwomeen aare creeateed eequaal, andd poosseess cerrtaiin ffunddameentaal rrighhts; thhat govvernnmennt sshouuld refflecct tthe willl oof tthe peooplee annd rresppondd too thheirr wiishees; thaat ccommmercce sshouuld be opeen, infformmatiion freeelyy acccesssibble; annd tthatt laaws, a
39、nnd nnot simmplyy meen, shoouldd guuaraanteee tthe admminiistrratiion of jussticce.我有一个非非常简单单的向往往,代表表了一些些核心的的原则,就就是所有有的人生生来平等等,都有有着基本本的权利利,而政政府应当当反映人人们的意意志,贸贸易应该该是开放放的,信信息流通通应当是是自由的的,而法法律要保保证这个个公平。Of cooursse, thee sttoryy off ouur nnatiion is nott wiithoout itss diiffiicullt cchappterrs. Inn maany
40、wayys - ooverr maany yeaars - we havve sstruugglled to advvancce tthe proomisse oof tthesse pprinncippless too alll oof oour peooplee, aand to forrge a mmoree peerfeect uniion. WWe ffougght a vveryy paainfful civvil warr, aand freeed a pporttionn off ouur ppopuulattionn frrom slaaverry. Itt toook ti
41、mme ffor wommen to be exttendded thee riightt too voote, woorkeers to winn thhe rrighht tto oorgaanizze, andd foor iimmiigraantss frrom diffferrentt coorneers of thee gllobee too bee fuullyy emmbraacedd. Eveen aafteer ttheyy weere freeed, Affriccan Ameericcanss peerseeverred thrrouggh ccondditiionss
42、 thhat werre ssepaaratte aand nott eqquall, bbefoore winnninng ffulll annd eequaal rrighhts.当然,我们们的国家家历史也也不是没没有过困困难的地地方,从从很多方方面来讲讲,很多多年以来来,我们们是通过过斗争来来促进这这些原则则或者使使所有的的人民能能够享受受到。为为了缔造造一个更更完美的的联合,我我们也打打过一个个很痛苦苦的内战战,把一一部分我我们被奴奴役的人人口释放放出来,经经过一段段时间才才能使妇妇女有投投票权,劳劳工有组组织权,包包括来自自各地的的移民能能够全部部被接受受。即使使他们被被解放以以后,
43、非非洲裔美美国人也也和美国国人经过过一些分分开的、不不平等的的条件,经经过一段段时间才才争取到到全面的的平等权权利。None of thiis wwas eassy. Buut wwe mmadee prrogrresss beecauuse of ourr beelieef iin tthosse ccoree prrincciplles, whhichh haave serrvedd ass ouur ccomppasss thhrouugh thee daarkeest of stoormss. Thaat iis wwhy Linncolln ccoulld sstannd uup i
44、in tthe middst of civvil warr annd ddecllaree itt a strrugggle to seee whhethher anyy naatioon, connceiivedd inn liiberrty, annd deddicaatedd too thhe ppropposiitioon tthatt alll mmen aree crreatted equual coouldd loong endduree. TThatt iss whhy DDr. Marrtinn Luutheer KKingg coouldd sttandd onn thhe
45、 sstepps oof tthe Linncolln MMemooriaal aand askk thhat ourr naatioon llivee ouut tthe truue mmeanningg off itts ccreeed. Thhats wwhy immmigrrantts ffromm Chhinaa too Keenyaa coouldd fiind a hhomee onn ouur sshorres; whhy ooppoortuunitty iis aavaiilabble to alll whho wwoulld wworkk foor iit; andd wh
46、hy ssomeeonee liike me, whho llesss thhan 50 yeaars agoo woouldd haave hadd trroubble vottingg inn soome parrts of Ameericca, is noww abble to serrve as itss Prresiidennt.所有这些是是不容易易的。但但是我们们对这些些核心原原则的信信念使我我们取得得了进展展,在最最黑暗的的风暴当当中作为为我们的的指南针针。这是是为什么么林肯在在内战期期间站起起来说过过,任何何一个国国家以自自由、以以所有人人类平等等的原则则能够长长久的存存在,也
47、也就是为为什么马马丁路德金博士士在林肯肯纪念馆馆的前台台站起来来,说我我们国家家要必须须真正的的实现我我们的信信念。也也就是为为什么来来自中国国或者肯肯尼亚的的移民能能够到我我们的家家,也是是为什么么一个不不到500年前在在某些地地方连投投票都遇遇到困难难的人,现现在就能能够做到到那个国国家的总总统。And tthatt iss whhy AAmerricaa wiill alwwayss sppeakk ouut ffor theese corre pprinncippless arrounnd tthe worrld. We do nott seeek to impposee anny ssysttem of govvernnmennt oon aany othher nattionn, bbut we alsso ddont bbeliievee thhat thee prrincciplles thaat wwe sstannd ffor aree unniquu