1、2002MBA备考-商务英语重点词汇补充A business , company, or firm is an organization that sells goods or services. A business may also be referred to formally as a concern. Business is the production, buying, and selling of goods and services.A business may be referred to approvingly as an enterprise to emphasize i
2、ts adventurous, risk-taking qualities, and business in general may be referred to in the same way, for example in combinations such as free enterprise and private enterprise.Business is also referred to as commerce. This word, and its related adjective commercial, are often used to distinguish the b
3、usiness sphere from other areas such as government or the arts, or to distinguish it from nonmoney-making activities.注释:Businnesss 商业业;生意意;公司司Commpanny 公公司;商商号Fiirm (合伙伙的)商商号;商商行Conceern 康采恩恩(垄断断企业形形式之一一)Coommeercee 商业业; 商商务Coommeerciial 商业的的;商务务的;商商用的Enterrpriise 企事业业单位FFreee Ennterrpriise 自由企企业Prr
4、ivaate Entterpprisse 私私人企业业From mulltinnatiionaals to smaall firrms 从跨国国公司到到小型企企业Largee coompaaniees aare refferrred to as corrporratiionss, eespeeciaallyy inn thhe UUnitted Staatess. Coorpooratte iis uusedd too deescrribee thhinggs rrelaatinng tto aa coorpoorattionn, oor tto ccorpporaatioons in gen
5、neraal, in exppresssioons likke tthe onees iin tthe nexxt eexerrcisse. Larrge commpanniess opperaatinng iin mmanyy coounttriees aare mulltinnatiionaals.Bigg buusinnesss caan rrefeer tto llargge bbusiinesss oorgaanizzatiionss orr too anny bbusiinesss aactiivitty tthatt maakess a lott off mooneyy. SSm
6、alll ccomppaniies aree reeferrredd too ass smmalll buusinnessses or smaall firrms.Unllikee soome lannguaagess, EEngllishh dooes nott haave an eveerydday terrm ffor smaall andd meediuum-ssizeed ccomppaniies, appartt frrom thiis rrathher cluumsyy exxpreessiion.注释:Corpoorattionn 大公公司;股股份有限限公司CCorpporaa
7、te 法人;团体MMulttinaatioonall 跨国国的;多多国的Big bbusiinesss 大大型企业业;大公公司Smmalll annd mmediium sizzed commpanniess中小规规模的公公司Smalll buusinnesss 小公公司Smmalll fiirm 小公司司Indusstriies andd seectoors 工业及及其部门门Businnessses mayy bee cllasssifiied acccorddingg too whhichh inndusstryy thhey aree inn: ffor exaamplle cconss
8、truuctiion, oiil, bannkinng, foood.SSecttor is sommetiimess ussed to meaan iinduustrry iin tthe samme wway, paartiicullarlly bby sspecciallistts ssuchh ass fiinannciaal jjourrnallistts, butt itt iss moore oftten useed tto ttalkk abboutt diiffeerennt ppartts oof tthe ecoonommy iin ccombbinaatioons su
9、cch aas ppubllic secctorr annd pprivvatee seectoor, or aboout typpes of bussineess in exppresssioons likke sservvicee seectoor aand mannufaactuurinng ssecttor.注释:Indusstryy 工业业;产业业Secctorr 部门门;部分分Publiic ssecttor 公共部部门Prrivaate secctorr 私营营部门manuffactturiing secctorr 制造造部门SServvicee seectoor 服服务部门门P
10、ubliic ssecttor andd prrivaate 公共部部门和私私营部门门When a pprivvatee coompaany is bouughtt byy thhe sstatte aand brooughht iintoo thhe ppubllic secctorr, iit iis nnatiionaalizzed in a pproccesss off naatioonallizaatioon. A nnatiionaalizzed commpanny iis sstatte-oowneed. Wheen tthe staate retturnns aa coompa
11、any to thee prrivaate secctorr inn a selll-ooff, itt iss prrivaatizzed. Thhis is priivattizaatioon.Thee fiirstt too bee soold offf inn a priivattizaatioon pproggramm arre oofteen tthe commpanniess reespoonsiiblee foor tthe pubblicc suupplly oof eelecctriicitty, watter andd gaas: thee uttiliitiees.注释
12、:Natioonallizeed 国国有化的的Nattionnaliizattionn 国有有化Prrivaatizzed 私有化化的Privaatizzatiion 私有化化Staate-ownned 国有的的Selll ooff 廉价出出清Sell-offf 廉价价出售;抛售UUtillitiies 公用事事业;公公用事业业部门Stakees 份额;股份If Coompaany A oownss shharees oor eequiity in Commpanny BB, AA haas oor hholdds aa sttakee, hooldiing or shaarehholddin
13、gg inn B. Iff A ownns llesss thhan hallf tthe shaaress inn B, itt haas aa miinorrityy sttakee inn B.If A oownss moore thaan hhalff thhe ssharres in B, it hass a majjoriity staake or conntroolliing staake in B. If youu haave shaaress inn a commpanny yyou aree a shaarehholdder.注释:Sharees/sstakke 份份额;股
14、股份Eqquitty 股股份;产产权;普普通股票票Holldinng 持持有;股股票额Shareeholldinng 持持有股票票数Shhareehollderr 股东东Holld aa sttakee 持有有份额Majorrityy sttakee 大股股东(550%以以上)CConttrolllinng sstakke 大大股东MMinooritty sstakke 小小股东Parennts andd siisteers 母公司司和姐妹妹公司A holldinng oor hholddingg coompaany is onee thhat hollds staakess inn onne
15、 oor mmoree suubsiidiaariees. If it ownns aall thee shharees iin aa suubsiidiaary, thhe ssubssidiiaryy iss a whoollyy-owwnedd onne.AA hooldiing commpannyss reelattionnshiip tto iits subbsiddiarriess iss thhat of parrentt coompaany, annd tthe subbsiddiarriess reelattionnshiip tto eeachh ottherr iss t
16、hhat of sissterr coompaaniees. A hholddingg annd iits subbsiddiarriess foorm a ggrouup.A coongllomeeratte iis aa grroupp coontaainiing a llot of diffferrentt coompaaniees iin ddifffereent bussineessees. Jouurnaalissts alsso rrefeer tto llargge ggrouups as giaantss. 注释:Holdiing commpanny 控控股公司司Subbsi
17、ddiarry 子子公司WWhollly-ownned subbsiddiarry 全全资子公公司Parennt ccomppanyy 母公公司Siisteer ccomppanyy 姐妹妹公司GGrouup 集集团公司司Congllomeeratte 联联合大企企业Giiantt 大企企业;企企业巨人人(新闻闻用语)Predaatorrs, raiiderrs, andd whhitee knnighhts 掠夺者者、抢劫劫者和善善意合作作者The ttakeeoveer pproccesss iss offtenn deescrribeed iin ttermms oof oone ani
18、imall huuntiing anootheer: a ccomppanyy orr inndivviduual seeekinng tto ttakee ovver anootheer ccomppanyy maay bbe rrefeerreed tto aas aa prredaatorr, aand thee taargeet ccomppanyy ass thhe ppreyy. PPreddatoors aree allso refferrred to as raiiderrs oor ccorpporaate raiiderrs.A ccomppanyy wiishiing t
19、o ressistt, wwardd offf, or fennd ooff beiing takken oveer hhas a nnumbber of opttionns. It mayy deevisse pplanns tthatt giive exiistiing shaarehholdderss sppeciial rigghtss, oor iit mmay makke iitseelf lesss aattrracttivee too biiddeers by selllinng ooff a vvaluuablle ppartt off thhe ccomppanyy, oo
20、r hholddingg onn too ann unnatttracctivve oone. Acctioons likke tthesse aare poiisonn piillss.Or it mayy peersuuadee a friienddly parrtneer, a wwhitte kknigght, too taake a sstakke iin tthe commpanny, thuus pprevventtingg a commpleete takkeovver by a hhosttilee biiddeer. Biddderrs mmay agrree to wit
21、thdrraw theeir bidd iff paaid enooughh mooneyy foor tthe shaaress thhey holld iin tthe tarrgett coompaany. Thhis is greeen maiil.注释:Predaatorr 掠夺夺者(恶恶意吞并并其它企企业)PPreyy 猎物物(被恶恶意并购购的企业业)Raaideer 掠掠夺者(恶意并并购其它它企业)Corrporratee raaideer 合合伙掠夺夺者Feend offf a bidd 阻止止收购WWardd offf aa biid 阻阻止收购购Poisoon bbilll
22、毒药(公司通通过给予予股东某某些特权权、或卖卖掉部分分有价值值资产,而而持有或或购进价价值不大大的资产产,从而而减少自自己对并并购公司司的吸引引力)Whitee Knnighht指购购买公司司部分股股份以免免遭兼并并企业完完全兼并并的善意意和或者者。Greennmaiil 绿绿函交易易指兼并并企业以以增加股股票价值值为条件件撤回自自己向标标的企业业投标的的交易。Leverrageed bbuy-outts aand junnk bbondds 杠杠杆收购购和垃圾圾债券In a levveraagedd buuyouut, or LBOO, aa coompaany is acqquirred
23、by a ggrouup oof iinveestoors, offtenn fiinanncedd byy heeavyy boorroowinng. Thee deebt is theen ppaidd ouut oof tthe tarrgett coompaanys ooperratiing revvenuues or by selllinng iits asssetss.Thhe bborrrowiing invvolvved in LBOOs iis oofteen hhighh- rriskk deebt callledd juunk bonnds.LBOOs ffinaance
24、ed bby jjunkk weere freequeent in thee 19980ss annd aafteer aan aabseencee foolloowinng tthe exccessses of thaat pperiiod, thhey aree noow ooccuurriing agaain.注释:Leverrageed bbuy-outt 杠杠杠收购LBO = Leeverrageed bbuy-outtJunk bonnds 高风险险债券Jointt veentuuress annd aalliiancces 合资与与联盟Two oor mmoree coompaa
25、niees mmay deccidee too woork toggethher by setttinng uup aa joointt veentuure or allliannce in whiich eacch hholdds aa sttakee.注释:Jointt veentuure 合资企企业Alliaancee 企业业联盟Mergeers 兼并When twoo coompaaniees ccombbinee, uusuaallyy voolunntarrilyy, ttheyy meergee inn a merrgerr.注释:Mergeers 兼并Mergeer 兼兼并Re
26、strructturiing 企业重重组(11)A grooup conntaiininng mmanyy tyypess off buusinnesss iss diiverrsiffiedd. AA grroupps bassic bussineess acttiviity, peerhaaps thee onne iit oorigginaallyy sttartted witth, is itss coore bussineess. Seeparratee buusinnesss acctivvitiies mayy bee viieweed aas pproffit cennterr
27、s, eacch rrespponssiblle ffor genneraatinng pproffit.Bussineessees aare oftten enccourrageed tto cconccenttratte oor ffocuus oon ttheiir ccoree acctivvitiies andd too seell offf, sppin offf, oor ddispposee off noon-eesseentiial asssetss. TThesse aasseets aree offtenn reeferrredd too ass noon-ccoree
28、asssetts.A ssalee off asssetts iin tthiss waay iis rrefeerreed tto aas aa seell-offf, sppin-offf, oor ddispposaal. A sspinn-offf ccan alsso rrefeer tto aa buusinnesss thhat hass beeen spuun ooff.注释:Diverrsiffiedd 多样样化;多多角化CCoree buusinnesss 核心心经营PProffit cennterr 利润润中心FFocuus 集集中经营营Assetts 资资产;基基金No
29、on-ccoree asssetts 空空心资本本Selll ooff 抛售SSelll-offf 抛抛售Spin offf 剥离离;拆分分Spiin-ooff 剥离DDispposee off 处理理;变卖卖Disspossal 处理;变卖Managgemeent buyy-ouuts 管理层层收购When a ggrouup iis rresttruccturred, thhe mmanaagerrs oof aa buusinnesss thhat is to be solld ooff mayy waant to buyy itt thhemsselvves in a mmanaage
30、mmentt buuy-oout or MBOO, uusuaallyy inn coombiinattionn wiith an orgganiizattionn prroviidinng ffinaancee inn thhe fformm off veentuure cappitaal.注释:Managgemeent buyyoutt = MBOO 管理层收购购Ventuure cappitaal 风风险投资资Suitss 套中人人(在文文学作品品中对经经常穿套套装的商商人、企企业家等等人的一一种非正正式而又又带有轻轻微贬义义的称呼呼)Peeoplle oof aall sorrts w
31、orrk iin bbusiinesss, andd thhe ttermms bbusiinesssmaan aand bussineesswwomaan rrefllectt thhis, reeferrrinng aas ttheyy doo too a widde rrangge oof iindiividdualls, froom tthe ricch aand fammouss riightt thhrouugh to smaall commpanny oowneers, frrom peooplee inn laargee orrgannizaatioons to thoose
32、whoo woork forr thhemsselvves. Buusinnesssmenn annd wwomeen aare refferrred to toggethher as bussineessppeopple. Whhen supppossedlly mmoree ccreaativve typpes succh aas wwritterss orr acctorrs ddeall wiith bussineessppeopple, thhey mayy reeferr too thhem, innforrmallly andd sllighhtlyy innsulltinngl
33、yy, aas ssuitts.Entreepreeneuurs andd tyycooons 企业家家和金融融巨头AAn eentrreprreneeur (企业业家) is usuuallly ssomeeonee whho bbuillds up a ccomppanyy frrom notthinng: a sstarrt-uup (新创创)coompaany. Enntreepreeneuurs mayy onne dday beccomee tyycooons(实实业界/金融界界巨头), magnates(产业大王)or moguls(工商巨擘): rich and success
34、ful people with power and influence who head big organizations, usually ones they have built up themselves and in which they have a large personal stake.Managgerss annd eexeccutiivess 经理和和董事 A maanagger is sommeonne iin aa poosittionn off reespoonsiibillityy inn ann orrgannizaatioon. An exeecuttivee
35、(总经经理;董董事) is usuuallly aa maanagger at quiite a hhighh leevell. EExeccutiivess arre aalsoo exxecss, aan iinfoormaal eexprresssionn. PPeopple at thee heead of an orgganiizattionn arre sseniior exeecuttivees(高高级董事事/主管管) oor sseniior mannageers(高高层管理理者/总总经理, toop eexeccutiivess(高层层领导者者)orr toop mmanaa
36、gerrs(总总经理).Ladies and gentlemen of the board 董事会成员The people legally responsible for a company are its board or board of directors(理事会/董事会).In the US,the head of a company may have the title president(总裁/董事长). Again, the responsibilities of this post vary from company to company, and the post may b
37、e combined with another.In the US, a senior manager in charge of a function may have the title vice-president(副总裁/副董事长) and may be on the board. One vice president may have responsibility for running the company, or maybe not, as the last example below indicates only too well.Executive directors(执行董
38、事) on a board are high level managers of the company. Other directors are non-executive directors(非常务董事), perhaps bringing their knowledge and experience to several company boards.Headhhunttingg 猎头 Heaadhuunteers(猎猎头者) are specialist consultants who search for highlevel, often board-level, executive
39、s and try to persuade them to leave their current job in order to go to work in another company. Managers found in this way are headhunted in a process of headhunting.Executives may be persuaded to move company by the promise of a golden hello(见面礼):a large sum of money or some other financial entice
40、ment offered by the company they move to.Execuutivve ppay 主管人人员的收收入 Wheen ttalkkingg abboutt exxecuutivve ppay, coompeensaatioon(薪薪水)ccan reffer, coonfuusinnglyy, tto ttwo diffferrentt thhinggs: what topp exxecuutivves gett foor rrunnningg a commpanny. what theey gget on leaavinng aa coompaany.Apart
41、t frrom sallaryy, aan eexeccutiives ccomppenssatiion pacckagge(工工资袋)can include: bonusses: exxtraa paaymeentss, ssomeetimmes, buut nnot alwwayss, rrelaatedd too thhe ffirmms perrforrmannce. beneffitss(福利利;津贴贴)annd pperkks(额额外津贴贴)raangiing froom ssharre ooptiionss(优先先股票权权), thee riightt too buuy tthe
42、 commpannyss shharees aat aan aadvaantaageoous priice, too a chaaufffeurr-drriveen ccar.Remunneraatioon(待待遇)iis aalsoo ussed to tallk aabouut eexeccutiivess ssalaary andd beeneffitss.Exxecuutivve ppay-offfs 主管人人员的遣遣散费AA coompeensaatioon ppackkagee foor aan eexeccutiive leaavinng aa coompaany is alss
43、o kknowwn aas aa gooldeen ggooddbyee(黄金金再见), golden handshake(黄金握别), or golden parachute(黄金降落).Compensation for someone leaving a company may be referred to as a compensation payment, compensation payoff, or compensation payout(赔偿金).These payments may form part of a severance package(解雇金).Severance
44、payments can be the subject of complex negotiations when an executive leaves, or is ousted(免职): forced to leave.When executives are ousted, people may talk about companies giving them the golden boot(给被解职/离职的主管人员的补偿金).Numbeers peooplee 计算数数值的人人Bussineess orgganiizattionns oobviioussly neeed ppeopple
45、 whoo arre ggoodd wiith nummberrs aand commputterss.Peeoplle rrefeer, sliighttly offfenssiveely, too acccouuntaantss annd ootheer nnumeeratte sspecciallistts aas bbeann-coountterss(数值值计算专专家/会会计) or nummberrcruunchherss(数值值计算专专家).Rocckett sccienntissts(这这里指由由金融机机构聘请请的专门门处理最最新的、极极为复杂杂的金融融工具的的数学及及相关学学科
46、的高高级专门门人才) are people with advanced qualifications in mathematics and related subjects recruited by financial institutions to work on new and extremely complex financial products. Managgemeent andd laabouur 劳资双双方Peeoplle wworkkingg foor aa coompaany aree reeferrredd too ass itts wworkkforrce(劳劳动力), employees(雇工), staff(职员), of personnel(雇员) and are on its payroll(工资发放名册).In some contexts, especially more conservative ones, employees and workforce refe