1、英语论文开题报告一、论文题目:classroom interaction and oral english teaching 二、讨论现状: 三、讨论的目的及意义: 通过对目前已经进展起来并比较成熟的几种互动模式的归纳来看:关于人际互动这种互动模式在目前的互动性讨论中被单独讨论还比较少,没有被当作一种独立的模式应用到英语口语课堂教学中,它更多的是被贯穿到其他几种互动模式当中。因此,本论题认为它还有进一步讨论的空间。 四、讨论的理论依据和讨论方法: 本论题将以教育心理学的理论为基础,以互动理论和构建主义理论为依据,运用归纳总结的方法对已有的讨论进行宏观上的概述,从而引出本文论题,通过例证分析、验
2、证人际互动模式对课堂英语口语教学效果的提高所具有的重要意义。 五、提纲: introduction chapter one definition and theoretical basis of interaction 1.1 definition of interaction 1.3 some main interactive modes in the present classroom chapter two the necessity and the principles of following interaction-teaching mode 2.1 the disadvantag
3、e of traditional oral english teaching mode 2.2 the necessity and merit of taking interaction-teaching mode 2.3 oral english interaction-teaching mode should follow the principles chapter three personal interaction in the oral english teaching 3.1 the relationship between the teacher and students 3.2 two types of personal interaction 3.3 classroom climate 3.4 classroom size chapter four the evaluation of the interactive oral english teaching mode 4.1 some principles should follow when evaluating 4.2 the concept of evaluating 4.3 the technology of evaluating conclusion 六、