1、文秘的工作内容英文版 文秘的工作内容英文版 A secretary keeps an office running smoothly.Secretaries have a wide range of duties,depending on the offices that they work for,but as a general rule,they are extremely efficient and well organized.Qualification requirements for a position as a secretary vary; a minimum,clerki
2、ng skills like typing and operating office equipment are needed.Employment prospects in this field are generally good,especially for skilled individuals. Secretaries may be known by a variety of other titles,like administrative assistants,clerks,or personal assistants.These titles may reflect differ
3、ent types of secretarial jobs,although all of these positions share the common theme of administrative tasks.Secretarial positions are quite old; Greek and Roman businessmen and politicians,for example,used personal secretaries and clerks to manage their affairs. At a minimum,a secretary handles cor
4、respondence,keeps track of a schedule,manages a filing system,and operates office equipment like phones,fax machines,and copiers.Many secretaries also answer phones and route phone calls to the appropriate people.Some secretaries also handle supply ordering for an office,and they may deal with budge
5、ting,bookkeeping,and personnel paperwork.A secretary is expected to have experience with computers and other electronics,as he or she will handle a great deal of electronic material,including correspondence. In addition to having clerical skills,a secretary is a skilled manager of time and people.Se
6、cretaries are often very important people in the offices that they work in,although they may not command the salary and respect from outsiders that higher ranking people in the office do.A good secretary anticipates the needs of office staff,solves problems quickly,and works so efficiently that many
7、 people do not realize how valuable the secretary is until he or she leaves the job.Secretaries also have excellent people skills,and they are secure in handling confidential material,high-strung executives,and the chaos that is often present in a busy office. 文秘的工作内容中文版 1.拟定、办理公文 拟定公文是指根据领导者意图和领导班子
8、的决定精神起草公文或在领导者主持、指导之下,起草领导讲话稿。 拟定公文是秘书工作的传统职能。现代社会,拟定公文更成为秘书工作的一项极其重要的日常工作。因为公文具有发布政令、传达意图、沟通情况、凭证记载等重要功能,因此,拟定公文是一项非常严肃的工作,秘书人员应该以高度的责任心对待。 2.办理组织会务 办理组织会务简称办会,是指机关秘书部门或临时设立的会议秘书机构办理与会议有关的各类具体事务,目的是为领导人开好会议做会前、会中和会后的各种综合辅助性服务。办会过程中应主要做好以下工作:一是会议议题的协调与安排;二是会议的统筹安排;三是会议文件材料的印发、传递、清退、立卷、归档等;四是会议期间的各项服
9、务;五是会议善后工作,如整理会议记录、编写简报和会议纪要、督促检查会议决策的落实等。 3.调查研究工作 调查研究工作是指围绕中心工作,针对当前领导关心和急需解决的有关问题,调查了解相关情况,并进行分析研究,写出调查报告呈交给领导机关或领导人。这是发挥秘书工作的参谋、助手职能,直接为领导决策服务的一项重要工作。 4.信息处理工作 秘书信息处理工作是指按照党政领导机关工作的要求,采集与处理信息,为领导正确决策和实施决策服务的一项工作。凡是领导工作中要掌握的各种动态、情况以及实际工作领域中带有苗头性、倾向性的问题,都需要收集并及时反馈给领导部门。 5.沟通协调工作 对秘书工作而言,沟通协调工作的内容
10、极为广泛,依据协调对象划分,有对上的协调(即对领导者之间和领导机关之间的协调)、对下的协调、同级之间的协调、上下级双方的协调、同属部门的协调、业务工作的协调等,而其中最常见的是业务工作的协调,如会议协调、公文活动协调、事项协调等。 6.信访接待工作 信访接待工作是处理群众来信和接待群众来访工作的总称,是各级党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体的秘书工作的一项经常性的重要工作。收到群众来信,要及时拆封,认真阅读,做好摘记,准确交办,按“分级负责,归口办理”的原则妥善处理或转交有关部门办理。有群众来访时,要热情接待,认真听记,恰当处理。 7.监督检查工作 监督检查工作的主要内容分为三个方面,即对党的路线
11、、方针、政策和党政机关工作部署落实情况的督促检查;对领导人批办事件承办情况的督促检查;对文件和会议事项的督促办理。监督检查工作的具体做法主要包括催办检查、实地调研、日常查办、综合反馈等工作形式,其工作的最基本的方式就是向下了解情况,向上反映情况。 8.公务接洽工作 公务接洽工作是指办理领导机关、平行单位、下级组织与本机关联系公务事宜的接洽工作。这是党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体均不可缺少的一项工作,是作为机关“窗口”的秘书工作经常性的重要工作内容。此外,还应善于处理人际关系。 除上述之外,秘书工作还包括管理日常事务、机要保密、文书立卷与归档、领导公务活动安排、领导临时交办事项等。在日常工作中,秘书工作人员均应以认真负责的态度,保质保量,切实做好领导交办的各项工作和任务。