1、Word文档百搭的雅思口语话题真的存在么 什么话题用来谈天永久不过时?无论是在中英文的日常交际里,又或者是在口语考试中,什么素材百聊不厌呢?下面我就和大家共享百搭的雅思口语话题真的存在么,来观赏一下吧。 百搭的雅思口语话题真的存在么? 在雅思口语的PART 2卡片题里面,也有不少可以聊到吃的话题噢! 比方说下面这道题: Describe a time you planned for a happy event. You should say: what event it was; how you planned it; who helped you; and explain how you f
2、elt about it. 这道题需要大家描述自己筹划的一件让人欢快的事 一下子是不是没思路呢?但是,假设大家可以聊食物的话,就简洁很多啦 可以说,你为伴侣或家人做了一次饭,让对方很奇怪! Last month I threw my parents a surprise party on their 20th anniversary. I sat them down at the dining room, and served them a delicious meal cooked by myself. 先一句话,答复第一问。我为我父母的结婚纪念日做了一顿大餐! The whole thin
3、g took me almost three hours to prepare. I planned this because in my mind, the 20th anniversary was a big deal. It took 20 years of love, affection and patience to get there, and was certainly worth celebrating. 然后用2句话交代自己是如何预备的:花了3小时来预备,而且由于20周年很有意义,所以其实自己很早就有这个想法了。 I did this all by myself, becau
4、se I wanted it to be a secret, but I did follow every step in the recipe preciously just to prevent the food getting messy,cuz my parents favorite food Squirrel Fish was like a huge challenge. So perhaps I could call my IPad the biggest helper. 在这里,假设是语速比较快的考生,可以和圈哥一样,说一两道特色菜。但是假设是语速偏慢的考生,建议用一句简洁句答复
5、就好,把重点放在最终一问上,避开头重脚轻。 As for my feelings, well, I certainly felt emotional and content. I mean, I felt a great sense of fulfillment when I saw how happy my parents were. You know, when my father gave the toast, he said how proud he was to have a daughter/son like me. 最终,在聊一聊自己的感受。建议大家在聊感受的时候,只是单纯讲ha
6、ppy,sad的话,就有些太抽象啦尽量添加一个小详情,这样会更有画面感。比方说,父亲为我感到傲慢,和我喝了一杯。 这道题可以用食物来答复,其他类似的题目也是可以的。比方说这些话题: Something you ate for the first time. 美食初体验 An app that you think is very useful. 做菜、搜食的应用软件 A person you would like to spend time with. 和会做菜的盆友/家人打发时间 A large company you are interested in. 百胜(旗下品牌肯德基,必胜客,小肥羊
7、.) A creative person 做菜超有创意的人 Work in foreign country. 外国的食物让你印象深刻 A piece of equipment. 微波炉,或者是烤箱,酸奶机,果汁机等等 总之,中国人就是一个以吃为主的国家,所以假设大家不知道聊什么的话,聊吃的准没错! 雅思口语Part3范文:A time you missed an appointment 1.Is it important to be punctual in your country? People here dont take it seriously. When we really want
8、 them to come punctual we usually tell them its half an hour earlier than it actually is and even then there are some that come late. Btw: Im doing an exchange in Germany and everybody is surprisingly punctual, Im astonished. 2.Do people in your country accept excuses for being late? Why? / Why not?
9、 It depends on the situation and if the excuse is genuine or not. We are very hospitable and respectful here and we believe that if a person arrives late it is better than not arriving at all, but most people try to arrive on time and most of the time its not a problem. I think excuses are only a pr
10、oblem if the occasions are too frequent or inconvenient for the other person. 3.What type of excuses do people in your country accept? There are many reasons why people might be late arriving somewhere or attending a meeting or appointment. Problems with the family, having to help an older member of
11、 the family or look after one of the younger children in an emergency, problems with transport or delays in traffic are common and of course when you are sick or ill and have to pos官方真题Officialne an event or appointment. Most other people understand these situations, because it has also happened to
12、them at one time or another in their lives, you know, sometimes you just cant avoid being late for an appointment. 雅思口语P3话题范文: a (short) journey you disliked 1.Are there any special places for visiting in China? 2.Do Chinese people like to travel abroad? 3.What can people benefit from from travellin
13、g? 4.Do you like to travel on your own or with your family? 5.Do you like to visit popular places or less-known places? Sample answers: 1.It is worthwhile to visit several regions in China. In terms of big cities, Shanghai and Beijing are a must. The Oriental Pearl Tower of Shanghai represents moder
14、nization while the Forbidden City stands for tradition. As regards small places, Guilin is known for the best landscape in China whereas Lijiang is mysterious for the legend of the suicide of a couple. 2.Most of the Chinese people do not prefer travelling to other countries. One obvious reason is th
15、at the air tickets themselves are costly, usually above ten thousand Yuan which is almost equal to a months salary of an average white-collar worker. Another reason is that the cultural shock, especially the language barrier, frightens those who know little about English. However, some are crazy abo
16、ut journeys for the sake of releasing pressures and enriching lives. 3.Tourists can be benefited from travelling in several aspects. The most prominent advantage is to relax ones soul because a new environment provides a golden opportunity to escape from daily routines. Another boon is to do physica
17、l exercises through visiting a wide range of tourist attractions. More importantly, travel companions are able to get closer and they can make new friends, thanks to whom a new skill of another language of dialect can be picked up and the culture will be revealed to some extent. 4.I prefer travellin
18、g by myself. By doing so, one can enjoy full freedom without making compromises as to what scenic spots, restaurants and hotels to go to. Whats more, travelling alone is especially appropriate for me to calm down and make big decisions in life as regards marriage or career, for there is no interrupt
19、ion to my inner voice. 5.I favor those hottest travel destinations. One practical reason is that in these regions, locals are quite friendly to tourists through whom they make money. So, it is safer to stay in hotels and walk on streets there, emotionally and economically. Besides, after visiting the tourist attractions, I can have more common topics of conversation to share with my friends who may have been there too. 百搭的雅思口语话题真的存在么 3 / 3