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1、Thank you so much. Thank you all.Well, thiis issnt exxactlly thhe paarty Id pllanneed, bbut II surre liike tthe ccompaany.I wannt too staart ttodayy by sayiing hhow ggrateeful I amm to all of yyou to everryonee whoo pouured yourr heaarts and yourr hoppes iinto thiss cammpaiggn, wwho ddrovee forr mil

2、les aand llinedd thee strreetss wavving homeemadee siggns, who scriimpedd andd savved tto raaise moneey, wwho kknockked oon dooors and madee callls, who talkked aand ssomettimess arggued withh youur frriendds annd neeighbbors, whoo emaailedd andd conntribbutedd onlline, whoo invvesteed soo mucch inn

3、 ourr commmon enteerpriise, to tthe mmoms and dadss whoo camme too ourr eveents, whoo liffted theiir liittlee girrls aand llittlle booys oon thheir shouulderrs annd whhispeered in ttheirr earrs, “See, youu cann be anytthingg youu wannt too be.”To thhe yooung peopple llike 13 yyear-old Ann Ridddle ff

4、rom Mayffieldd, Ohhio wwho hhad bbeen saviing ffor ttwo yyearss to go tto Diisneyy Worrld, and deciided to uuse hher ssavinngs iinsteead tto trravell to Pennnsylvvaniaa witth heer Moom annd vooluntteer therre ass welll. TTo thhe veeteraans aand tthe cchilddhoodd friiendss, too Neww Yorrkerss andd Ar

5、kkansaans wwho ttraveeled acrooss tthe ccounttry aand ttelliing aanyonne whho woould listten wwhy yyou ssuppoortedd me.To alll thhose womeen inn theeir 880s aand ttheirr 90ss borrn beeforee wommen ccouldd votte whho caast ttheirr vottes ffor oour ccampaaign. Ive ttold you befoore aaboutt Floorencce

6、Stteen of SSouthh Dakkota, whoo wass 88 yearrs olld, aand iinsissted thatt herr dauughteer brring an aabsenntee balllot tto heer hoospicce beedsidde. HHer ddaughhter and a frriendd putt an Amerricann flaag beehindd herr bedd andd hellped her filll outt thee balllot. Shee passsed awayy sooon affter,

7、andd undder sstatee laww, heer baallott diddnt coount. Butt herr dauughteer laater toldd a rreporrter, “My ddads ann ornnery old cowbboy, and he ddidnt liike iit whhen hhe heeard moms voote wwoulddnt bee couuntedd. I dont thhink he hhad vvotedd in 20 yyearss. Buut hee votted iin pllace of mmy moom.”

8、To alll thhose who voteed foor mee, annd too whoom I pleddged my uutmosst, mmy coommittmentt to you and to tthe pprogrress we sseek is uunyieeldinng. YYou hhave insppiredd andd touuchedd me withh thee stooriess of the joyss andd sorrrowss thaat maake uup thhe faabricc of our livees annd yoou haave h

9、humblled mme wiith yyour commmitmeent tto ouur coountrry.18 miillioon off youu froom alll waalks of llife wommen aand mmen, younng annd olld, LLatinno annd Assian, Afrricann-Ameericaan annd Caaucassian, ricch, ppoor and midddle cclasss, gaay annd sttraigght youu havve sttood stroong wwith me. And I

10、wiill ccontiinue to sstandd strrong withh youu, evvery timee, evvery placce, aand eeveryy wayy thaat I can. Thee dreeams we ssharee aree worrth ffightting for.Rememmber - wee fouught for the singgle mmom wwith a yooung daugghterr, juuggliing wwork and schoool, who toldd me, “Im dooing it aall tto be

11、etterr mysself for her.” We fougght ffor tthe wwomann whoo graabbedd my handd, annd assked me, “Whatt aree youu goiing tto doo to makee surre I havee heaalth caree?” andd beggan tto crry beecausse evven tthouggh shhe woorks threee joobs, she cant afffordd inssurannce. We ffoughht foor thhe yooung ma

12、n in tthe MMarinne Coorps t-shhirt who waitted mmonthhs foor meedicaal caare aand ssaid, “Takee carre off my budddies overr theere aand tthen, willl yoou plleasee hellp taake ccare of mme?” We fougght ffor aall tthosee whoove llost jobss andd heaalth caree, whho caant afffordd gass or grocceriees or

13、r colllegee, whho haave ffelt inviisiblle too theeir ppresiidentt theese llast seveen yeears.I entteredd thiis raace bbecauuse II havve ann oldd-fasshionned cconviictioon: tthat publlic sserviice iis abbout helpping peopple ssolvee theeir pprobllems and livee theeir ddreamms. IIve hhad eeveryy opppo

14、rtuunityy andd bleessinng inn my own lifee andd I wwant the samee forr alll Ameericaans. Untiil thhat dday ccomess, yoou wiill aalwayys fiind mme onn thee froont lliness of demoocraccy figghtinng foor thhe fuuturee.The wway tto coontinnue oour ffightt noww to accoompliish tthe ggoalss forr whiich ww

15、e sttand is to ttake our enerrgy, our passsion, ourr strrengtth annd doo alll we can to hhelp elecct Baarackk Obaama tthe nnext Pressidennt off thee Uniited Stattes.Todayy, ass I ssuspeend mmy caampaiign, I coongraatulaate hhim oon thhe viictorry hee hass wonn andd thee exttraorrdinaary rrace he hha

16、s rrun. I enndorsse hiim, aand tthroww my fulll suppportt behhind him. Andd I aask aall oof yoou too joiin mee in workking as hhard for Baraack OObamaa as you havee forr me.I havve seervedd in the Senaate wwith him for fourr yeaars. I haave bbeen in tthis camppaignn witth hiim foor 166 monnths. I hh

17、ave stoood onn thee staage aand ggone toe-to-ttoe wwith him in 222 deebatees. II havve haad a fronnt roow seeat tto hiis caandiddacy, andd I hhave seenn hiss strrengtth annd deetermminattion, hiss graace aand hhis ggrit.In hiis owwn liife, Baraack OObamaa hass livved tthe AAmeriican Dreaam. AAs a co

18、mmmunitty orrganiizer, in the statte seenatee, ass a UUniteed Sttatess Sennatorr - hhe haas deedicaated himsself to eensurring the dreaam iss reaalizeed. AAnd iin thhis ccampaaign, he has insppiredd so manyy to becoome iinvollved in tthe ddemoccratiic prrocesss annd innvestted iin ouur coommonn futt

19、ure.Now wwhen I sttarteed thhis rrace, I iintennded to wwin bback the Whitte Hoouse, andd makke suure wwe haave aa preesideent wwho pputs our counntry backk on the pathh to peacce, pprospperitty, aand pprogrress. Andd thaats exacctly whatt were ggoingg to do bby ennsuriing tthat Baraack OObamaa wall

20、ks tthrouugh tthe ddoorss of the Ovall Offfice on JJanuaary 220, 22009.I unddersttand thatt we all knoww thiis haas beeen aa touugh ffightt. Thhe Deemocrraticc Parrty iis a famiily, and its noow tiime tto reestorre thhe tiies tthat bindd us togeetherr andd to comee toggetheer arroundd thee ideeals w

21、e ssharee, thhe vaaluess we cherrish, andd thee couuntryy we lovee.We maay haave sstartted oon seeparaate jjournneys butt todday, our pathhs haave mmergeed. AAnd wwe arre alll heeadinng toowardd thee samme deestinnatioon, uuniteed annd moore rreadyy thaan evver tto wiin inn Novvembeer annd too turrn

22、 ouur coountrry arroundd beccausee so muchh is at sstakee.We alll waant aan ecconommy thhat ssustaains the Amerricann Dreeam, the oppoortunnity to wwork hardd andd havve thhat wwork rewaardedd, too savve foor coollegge, aa homme annd reetireementt, too affford thatt gass andd thoose ggroceeriess and

23、d stiill hhave a liittlee lefft ovver aat thhe ennd off thee monnth. An eeconoomy tthat liftts alll off ourr peoople and ensuures thatt ourr proosperrity is bbroaddly ddistrributted aand sshareed.We alll waant aa heaalth caree sysstem thatt is univversaal, hhigh quallity, andd afffordaable so tthat

24、pareents no llongeer haave tto chhoosee bettweenn carre foor thhemseelvess or theiir chhildrren oor bee stuuck iin deead eend jjobs simpply tto keeep ttheirr inssurannce. Thiss isnnt juust aan isssue for me it is aa passsionn andd a ccausee andd it is aa figght II willl coontinnue uuntill eveery ssi

25、nglle Ammericcan iis innsureed no exceeptioons, no eexcusses.We alll waant aan Ammericca deefineed byy deeep annd meeaninngfull equualitty froom ciivil righhts tto laabor righhts, fromm wommens riightss to gay righhts, fromm endding disccrimiinatiion tto prromotting unioonizaationn to provvidinng he

26、elp ffor tthe mmost impoortannt joob thhere is: cariing ffor oour ffamillies.We alll waant tto reestorre Ammericcas sttandiing iin thhe woorld, to end the war in IIraq and oncee agaain llead by tthe ppowerr of our valuues, and to jjoin withh ourr alllies to cconfrront our sharred cchalllengees frrom

27、 ppoverrty aand ggenoccide to tterroorismm andd gloobal warmming.You kknow, Ive bbeen invoolvedd in poliiticss andd pubblic lifee in one way or aanothher ffor ffour decaades. Durring thosse foorty yearrs, oour ccounttry hhas vvotedd tenn timmes ffor PPresiidentt. Deemocrrats won onlyy thrree oof thh

28、ose timees. AAnd tthe mman wwho wwon ttwo oof thhose elecctionns iss witth uss todday.We maade ttremeendouus prrogreess ddurinng thhe 900s unnder a Deemocrraticc Preesideent, withh a fflourrishiing eeconoomy, and our leaddershhip ffor ppeacee andd seccuritty reespeccted arouund tthe wworldd. Juust t

29、thinkk howw mucch moore pprogrress we ccouldd havve maade oover the pastt 40 yearrs iff we had a Deemocrraticc preesideent. Thinnk abbout the lostt oppportuunitiies oof thhese pastt sevven yyearss on the enviironmment and the econnomy, on heallth ccare and civiil riightss, onn eduucatiion, foreeign

30、poliicy aand tthe SSupreeme CCourtt. Immaginne hoow faar wee couuldve ccome, howw mucch wee couuldve aachieeved if wwe haad juust hhad aa Demmocraat inn thee Whiite HHousee.We caannott lett thiis moomentt sliip awway. We hhave comee tooo farr andd acccompllisheed tooo muuch.Now tthe jjournney aahead

31、d willl noot bee eassy. SSome willl sayy we cant doo it. Thaat itts tooo haard. Thatt were jjust not up tto thhe taask. But for as llong as AAmeriica hhas eexistted, it hhas bbeen the Amerricann wayy to rejeect “cant doo” claaims, andd to chooose iinsteead tto sttretcch thhe booundaariess of the pos

32、ssiblee thrroughh harrd woork, deteerminnatioon, aand aa piooneerring spirrit.It iss thiis beelieff, thhis ooptimmism, thaat Seenatoor Obbama and I shhare, andd thaat haas innspirred sso maany mmilliions of oour ssuppoorterrs too makke thheir voicces hheardd.So tooday, I aam sttandiing wwith Senaato

33、r Obamma too sayy: Yees wee cann.Togetther we wwill workk. Weell hhave to wwork hardd to get univversaal heealthh carre. BBut oon thhe daay wee livve inn an Amerrica wherre noo chiild, no mman, and no wwomann is withhout heallth iinsurrancee, wee willl liive iin a stroongerr Ameericaa. Thhats whhy w

34、ee neeed too hellp ellect Baraack OObamaa ourr Preesideent.Welll havve too worrk haard tto geet baack tto fiiscall ressponssibillity and a sttrongg midddle classs. BBut oon thhe daay wee livve inn an Amerrica whosse miiddlee claass iis thhriviing aand ggrowiing aagainn, whhere all Amerricanns, nno m

35、aatterr wheere tthey livee or wherre thheir anceestorrs caame ffrom, cann earrn a deceent llivinng, wwe wiill llive in aa strrongeer Ammericca annd thhat iis whhy wee musst ellect Baraack OObamaa ourr Preesideent.Welll havve too worrk haard tto foosterr thee innnovattion thatt makkes uus ennergyy in

36、ddepenndentt andd lifft thhe thhreatt of globbal wwarmiing ffrom our chilldrenns fuuturee. Buut onn thee dayy we livee in an AAmeriica ffueleed byy rennewabble eenerggy, wwe wiill llive in aa strrongeer Ammericca. TThats whhy wee havve too hellp ellect Baraack OObamaa ourr Preesideent.Welll havve to

37、o worrk haard tto brring our trooops hhome fromm Iraaq, aand gget tthem the suppport theyyve eearneed byy theeir sserviice. But on tthe dday wwe liive iin ann Ameericaa thaats ass loyyal tto ouur trroopss as theyy havve beeen tto uss, wee willl liive iin a stroongerr Ameericaa andd thaat iss whyy we

38、 mustt hellp ellect Baraack OObamaa ourr Preesideent.This elecctionn is a tuurninng pooint elecctionn andd it is ccritiical thatt we all undeerstaand wwhat our choiice rreallly iss. Wiill wwe goo forrwardd toggetheer orr willl wee staall aand sslip backkwardds. TThinkk howw mucch prrogreess wwe haav

39、e aalreaady mmade. Wheen wee firrst sstartted, peopple eeveryywherre assked the samee queestioons:Couldd a wwomann reaally servve ass Commmandder-iin-Chhief? Welll, II thiink wwe annswerred tthat one.And ccouldd an Afriican Amerricann reaally be oour PPresiidentt? Seenatoor Obbama has answweredd tha

40、at onne.Togetther Senaator Obamma annd I achiievedd millestoones esseentiaal too ourr proogresss ass a nnatioon, ppart of oour pperpeetuall dutty too forrm a moree perrfectt uniion.Now, on aa perrsonaal noote wheen I was askeed whhat iit meeans to bbe a womaan ruunninng foor Prresiddent, I aalwayys

41、gaave tthe ssame answwer: thatt I wwas pproudd to be rrunniing aas a womaan buut I was runnning becaause I thhoughht Id bee thee besst Prresiddent. Butt I aam a womaan, aand llike milllionss of womeen, II knoow thhere are stilll baarrieers aand bbiasees ouut thhere, oftten uunconnscioous.I wannt too

42、 buiild aan Ammericca thhat rrespeects and embrracess thee pottentiial oof evvery lastt onee of us.I rann as a daaughtter wwho bbeneffitedd froom oppporttunitties my mmotheer neever dreaamed of. I raan ass a mmotheer whho woorriees abbout my ddaughhters fuuturee andd a mmotheer whho waants to llead

43、all chilldrenn to brigghterr tommorroows. To bbuildd thaat fuuturee I ssee, we mmust makee surre thhat wwomenn andd menn aliike uunderrstannd thhe sttrugggles of ttheirr graandmootherrs annd mootherrs, aand tthat womeen ennjoy equaal oppporttunitties, equual ppay, and equaal reespecct. LLet uus rees

44、olvve annd woork ttowarrd acchievving somee verry siimplee prooposiitionns: TTheree aree no acceeptabble llimitts annd thhere are no aaccepptablle prrejuddicess in the twennty-ffirstt cennturyy.You ccan bbe soo prooud tthat, froom noow onn, itt willl bee unrremarrkablle foor a womaan too winn priima

45、ryy staate vvictooriess, unnremaarkabble tto haave aa womman iin a closse raace tto bee ourr nommineee, unnremaarkabble tto thhink thatt a wwomann cann be the Pressidennt off thee Uniited Stattes. And thatt is trully reemarkkablee.To thhose who are disaappoiintedd thaat wee couuldnt goo alll thee wa

46、yy esppeciaally the younng peeoplee whoo putt so muchh intto thhis ccampaaign it woulld brreak my hheartt if, in fallling shorrt off my goall, I in aany wway ddiscoouragged aany oof yoou frrom ppursuuing yourrs. AAlwayys aiim hiigh, workk harrd, aand ccare deepply aaboutt whaat yoou beelievve inn. W

47、hhen yyou sstumbble, keepp faiith. Whenn youure kknockked ddown, gett rigght bback up. And neveer liistenn to anyoone wwho ssays you cant orr shoouldnnt goo on.As wee gatther heree todday iin thhis hhistooric magnnificcent builldingg, thhe 500th wwomann to leavve thhis EEarthh is orbiitingg oveerheaad. IIf wee cann blaast 550 woomen intoo spaace, we wwill someeday launnch aa womman iinto the Whitte Hoouse.Althoough we wwerennt abble tto


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