1、 Sector Industry ReportOutlook on Chinas Building Materials IndustryChina International Economic Consultants (CIEC)April 15, 2002107 Copyright CIEC 2002 All Rights Reserved Devellopmeent aand PProsppect of CChinaas BBuildding Mateerialls Inndusttry iin 20001Buildding mateerialls inndusttry iis cllos
2、elly reelateed too thee devveloppmentt cyccle oof thhe naationnal eeconoomy. In rrecennt yeears, Chiina hhas iimpleementted aa serries of ppoliccies suchh as the pro-actiive ffiscaal poolicyy andd thee exppansiive mmonettary poliicy. Accoordinngly, thee nattionaal ecconommic ggrowtth haas raallieed.
3、 WWhilee thee worrld eeconoomy ggenerrallyy sliid byy a wwide marggin, Chinna sttill manaaged to aachieeve aa rellativvely highh GDPP groowth ratee of 7.3% in 20011. Unnderppinneed byy thee fasst naationnal eeconoomic growwth, the econnomicc opeeratiion qqualiity oof Chhinas buuildiing mmaterrialss
4、inddustrry coontinnued to iimproove ssteaddily in 22001 on tthe bbasiss of a suubstaantiaal reebounnd inn 20000. Accorrdingg to lateest mmonthhly sstatiisticcs, tthe bbasicc ecoonomiic opperattion situuatioon off thee buiildinng maateriials induustryy in 20011 werre ass folllowss: thhe yeearlyy indd
5、ustrrial addeed vaalue hit 102.3 biillioon yuuan (refeerrinng too staate-oownedd inddustrrial enteerpriises and non-statte owwned induustriial eenterrprisses wwith annuual ssaless of overr 5 mmilliion yyuan, andd thee samme beelow), upp 11.65% overr thee preeviouus yeear, whicch waas sllighttly hhig
6、heer thhan tthe ggoal of 99-10% sett at the end of 22000; thee yeaarly salees reevenuue ammountted tto 3114.6 billlion yuann, upp 11.07% overr thee preeviouus yeear; the yearrly pprofiits ttotalled 111.8991 biillioon yuuan, up 226.811% ovver tthe ppreviious yearr, whhich was sligghtlyy morre thhan t
7、the ggoal of aaboutt 11 billlion yuann sett at the end of 22000; thee annnual impoort aand eexporrt vaalue of bbuildding mateerialls annd noon-meetalllic mminerral ccommooditiies sstoodd at 5.6772 biillioon USS dolllarss, upp 12.12% overr thee preeviouus yeear, of wwhichh expport accoounteed foor 3.
8、3 biillioon USS dolllarss, upp 15.11%; thee outtput of ccemennt reeacheed 6221 miillioon toons, up 66.5% yearr on yearr; thhe prroducctionn of platte gllass hit 204 milllion weigght ccratees, uup 144.48% yeaar onn yeaar.For 22002, thee enttire builldingg matteriaals iindusstry willl maiintaiin sttea
9、dyy groowth suppporteed byy steeady natiionall ecoonomiic grrowthh. Nuumeroous ffavorrablee facctorss willl prrop uup ovveralll grrowthh of the builldingg matteriaals iindusstry, altthouggh soome uunfavvorabble ffactoors wwill resttrainn itss furrtherr devveloppmentt. Sttructturall adjjustmment amid
10、d conntroll oveer agggreggate outpput wwill stilll bee thee maiin toone ffor ddevellopmeent oof thhe coountrrys builldingg matteriaals iindusstry in 22002. As Chinna haas enntereed thhe WTTO, tthe ddomesstic builldingg matteriaals iindusstry willl facce fiierceer coompettitioon annd soome ssub-ssect
11、oors wwill be aaffeccted to ssome exteents.This Repoort wwill summmarizze thhe opperatting condditioons oof Chhinas buuildiing mmaterrialss inddustrry inn 20001, aanalyyze aand fforeccast its induustriial ddevellopmeents in 22002, andd speecifyy thee advvantaages and disaadvanntagees off Chiinass WT
12、OO memmbersship on tthe bbuildding mateerialls inndusttry bby emmployying authhorittativve daata aand mmaterrialss.Conteent1.Deeveloopmennt off Chiinass Buiildinng Maateriials Induustryy in 2001111.1 Aggrregatte Coontrool Taargetts foor thhe Buuildiing MMaterrialss Inddustrry inn 2000111.2OOvervview
13、 of IIndusstriaal Opperattion21.2.11Aggrregatte Coontrool Taargetts foor thhe Buuildiing MMaterrialss Inddustrry inn Firrst HHalf Yearr21.2.22 Annuual AAccommplisshmennt off Maiin Ecconommic IIndiccatorrs off thee Inddustrry41.3OOperaationns off 26 Key Builldingg Matteriaals EEnterrprisses62.Opperat
14、tionss of Sub-secttors in BBuildding Mateerialls Inndusttry iin 2000182.1GGlasss andd Glaass PProduucts Induustryy82.2CConsttructtion and Saniitaryy Cerramiccs Inndusttry112.3GGlasss Fibber aand PProduucts Induustryy112.4CCemennt Inndusttry133.Innflueencess of WTO Entrry onn Chiinass Buiildinng Maat
15、eriials Induustryy andd Anaalysiis off Couunterrmeassuress173.1GGenerral IInfluuencees onn thee Buiildinng Maateriials Induustryy173.1.11Anallysiss of Advaantagges aand DDisaddvanttagess of Chinnas Builldingg Matteriaals IIndusstry173.1.22Inflluencces oof WTTO Enntry on BBuildding Mateerialls Inndus
16、ttry Anaalysiis off Oppportuunitiies aand CChalllengees183.2 Inffluennces on MMain Sub-induustriies/AAssocciateed Inndusttriess193.2.11Mainn Subb-inddustrries193.2.22Assoociatted IIndusstriees Ceraamic Machhine-builldingg Inddustrry213.3AAnalyysis of CCounttermeeasurres234.Annalyssis aand FForeccast
17、 of tthe DDevellopmeents of BBuildding Mateerialls Inndusttry iin 20002264.1TTargeets aand MMain Workk of the Builldingg Matteriaals IIndusstry in 22002264.1.11Targgets264.1.22Mainn Worrk264.2FFavorrablee Facctorss forr thee Buiildinng Maateriials Induustryy in 20022284.3UUnfavvorabble FFactoors ffo
18、r tthe BBuildding Mateerialls Inndusttry iin 20002295.Deeveloopmennt Pllans for Builldingg Matteriaals IIndusstry305.1TTenthh Fivve-Yeear PPlan (20001-20005) for the Induustryy305.2 Tennth FFive-yearr Plaan foor Maain SSub-ssectoors305.2.11Consstrucctionn andd Sannitarry Ceeramiics IIndusstry305.2.2
19、2Cemeent IIndusstry315.2.33Glasss Inndusttry336.Annalyssis oof Liistedd Commpaniies iin Buuildiing MMaterrialss Inddustrry356.1NNew BBuildding Mateerialls Bllock356.2CCemennt Bllock366.3GGlasss Bloock376.4CConsttructtion and Saniitaryy Cerramiccs Bllock387.Apppenddixess397.1 Teenth Fivee-Yeaar Pllan
20、 ffor tthe BBuildding Mateerialls Inndusttry397.3 18 SStanddardss forr Buiildinng Maateriials Induustryy547.4 Outpput oof 1006 Ceementt Entterprrisess in 20011558.Reefereence Mateerialls581. Devellopmeent oof Chhinas Buuildiing MMaterrialss Inddustrry inn 200011.1 Aggrregatte Coontrool Taargetts foo
21、r thhe Buuildiing MMaterrialss Inddustrry inn 20001On Feebruaary 22, 20001, the Statte Ecconommic aand TTradee Commmisssion issuued tthe OOpiniions on IImpleementting Aggrregatte Coontrool inn thee Buiildinng Maateriials Induustryy in 20011 (SEETC NNo. 999 22001). AAccorrdingg to the docuumentt, thh
22、e coontrool taargetts foor thhe buuildiing mmaterrialss inddustrry inn 20001 arre ass folllowss: A totaal off 1,9900 ssmalll cemment kilnns wiill bbe cllosedd to reduuce bbackwward prodductiion ccapaccity by 550 miillioon toons, of wwhichh 35 milllion tonss aree invvolveed inn unccomplletedd oveerha
23、uul drrive of tthe iindusstry and 15-220 miillioon toons cconceern aaddittionaal cllosurres oof smmall kilnns too makke rooom ffor bbig pprojeects. Thee nattionaal ceementt outtput willl be conttrollled wwithiin 5770 miillioon toons. Meannwhille, 1100 ssmalll glaass pproduuctioon liines willl be clo
24、ssed ddown to rreducce thhe gllass prodductiion ccapaccity by 110 miillioon weeightt craates and conttrol the natiionall plaate gglasss outtput at 1170 mmilliion wweighht crratess. Thhe prrofitt of the wholle inndusttry aafterr offfsettting lossses wwill not be lless thann 8.55 billlionn yuaan.For d
25、detaiils, pleaase ssee tthe ffolloowingg tabble wwith regaard tto thhe agggreggate cemeent ccontrrol ttargeets aand tthe ccatalloguee of capaacitiies tto bee eliiminaated in 22001:Tablee 1-11: Agggreggate cemeent ccontrrol ttargeets aand ccatalloguee of capaacitiies tto bee eliiminaated in 22001 (un
26、iit: 110,0000 toons):ProviinceActuaal ouutputt in 20000Aggreegatee conntroll tarrget in 22001Capaccity to bbe elliminnatedd acccordiing tto Doocumeent NNo. 449 11999 isssued by GGenerral OOfficce off thee Staate CCounccilCapaccity alreeady elimminatted bby 20000Capaccity to bbe elliminnatedd in firs
27、st haalf oof 20001Totall58319957000010000065003500Beijiing 827800961800Tianjjin 26827024*35 0Hebeii46954600773*635 138Shanxxi119312005445880Innerr Monngoliia630630171*53 118Liaonning19541950361247114Jilinn759800149*44 105Heiloongjiiang9049501506783Shangghai3123103*3 0Jianggsu45994600509*580 0Zhejiia
28、ng425742007097090Anhuii19062000810666144Fujiaan15141600612*171 441Jianggxi1463140016811256Shanddong654762001134884250Henann37233500611*225 386Hubeii246124007397600Hunann23962200994*400 594Guanggdongg587256001283*265 1018Guanggxi2198200041823395Hainaan31530025*22 3Sichuuan27662600752288464Guizhhou784
29、750567*91 476Yunnaan15121500376*41 335Chonggqingg14031300315*108 207Shaannxi989970350*332 18Gansuu724720151*118 33Qinghhai12412032*16 16Ningxxia28026033*21 12Xinjiiang8959001586098Note: 1) * thee figguress aree up to OOctobber 22000.2) TThe ccatalloguee is sourrced fromm thee No. 99 20001 ddocumment
30、 issuued bby thhe Sttate Econnomicc andd Traade CCommiissioon onn Febbruarry 2, 20001.1.2OOvervview of IIndusstriaal Opperattion1.2.11Aggrregatte Coontrool Taargetts foor thhe Buuildiing MMaterrialss Inddustrry inn Firrst HHalf YearrChinaas ccemennt ouutputt amoounteed too 2877 milllionn tonns inn t
31、hee firrst hhalf of 22001, up 9% yyear on yyear. Thee figgure reprresennted 50.33% off thee annnual targget, indiicatiing tthat the prodductiion wwas bbasiccallyy witthin the scoppe off conntroll.A tottal oof 155 proovincces, muniicipaalitiies aand aautonnomouus reegionns poostedd bettter conttrol t
32、hann thee nattionaal avveragge leevel in ccemennt ouutputt in the firsst haalf oof 20001. Theyy aree: Innner Monggoliaa (444.0%), Heeilonngjiaang (45.00%), Liaooningg (455.8%), Xiinjiaang (46.11%), Fujiian (46.33%), Hebeei (446.9%), GGuanggxi (47.00%), Beijjing (47.6%), Guaangdoong (47.77%), Jiliin
33、(448.4%), AAnhuii (488.5%), Huubei (48.9%), Hunnan (49.11%), Shannxi (49.33%), and Shannghaii (499.7%).The rregioons wwhosee outtput exceeededd thee tarrget alsoo nummbereed 155. Thhey aare: Qingghai (62.8%), Hennan (56.66%), Shaaanxi (55.3%), Choongqiing (55.11%), Guizzhou (54.7%), Sicchuann (544.0
34、%), Gaansu (53.8%), Shaandonng (553.5%), JJianggsu (53.33%), Ninggxia (53.3%), Yunnnan (52.8%), Haiinan (52.4%), Tiaanjinn (522.3%), Zhhejiaang (51.44%), and Jianngxi (51.1%).Of sppeciaal noote, the prodductiion iin thhe niine rregioons iin weesterrn Chhina exceeededd thee nattionaal avveragge byy 3
35、.55 perrcenttage poinnts, and the growwth rrate was alsoo higgher thann thaat inn thee samme peeriodd of 20000, suuch aas Guuizhoou (440.3%), QQinghhai (34.88%), Yunnnan (32.44%) aand SSichuuan (24.88%). Thiss wass duee maiinly to tthe iimpleementtatioon off thee Wessternn Chiina DDevellopmeent DDri
36、vee, whhich caussed ggreatter ddemannd foor ceementt. Annywayy, thhis aalso has brouught abouut prressuures to tthe ccemennt inndusttriall resstruccturiing iin thhe weesterrn reegionns. TThe rregioons sshoulld seeize the oppoortunnitiees too devvelopp neww-typpe drry-meethodd cemment and disccard ba
37、ckkwardd prooducttion capaacitiies.See TTablee 1-22 on fulffillmment of ccemennt ouutputt conntroll tarrgetss by regiion iin thhe fiirst halff of 20011.Tablee 1-22: Fuulfilllmennt off cemment outpput ccontrrol ttargeets bby reegionn in the firsst haalf oof 20001RegioonCemennt ouutputt conntroll tarr
38、get for 20011 (100,0000t)Firstt hallf yeear aaggreegateeAggreegatee outtput (10,000tt)y-o-yy inccreasse (%)Perceentagge off annnual targget(%)Totall 5700002866339.050.3Centrral CChinaa15080076059.050.4Easteern CChinaa3243001616559.149.8Westeern CChinaa9120487620.853.5Regioons wwith bettter ooutpuut
39、coontrool thhan nnatioonal averrage1Qinghhai 1207534.862.82Henann 350019829.356.63Shaannxi 9705369.955.34Chonggqingg 13007168.955.15Guizhhou 75041040.354.76Sichuuan 2600140424.854.07Gansuu 72038814.253.98Shanddong 620033148.653.59Jianggsu 4600245121.553.310Ningxxia 26013914.753.311Yunnaan 150079232.
40、452.812Hainaan 3001570.152.413Tianjjin 27014129.452.314Zhejiiang 4200219516.251.415Jianggxi 140071618.051.1Regioons wwith outpput hhigheer thhan nnatioonal averrage leveel1Shangghai 31015414.649.72Shanxxi 12005928.549.33Hunann 220010804.449.14Hubeii 2400117311.948.95Anhuii 20009704.648.56Jilinn 8003
41、878.048.47Guanggdongg 560026730.947.78Beijiing 8003815.047.69Guanggxi 2000941-7.547.010Hebeii 4600215910.446.911Fujiaan 160074112.646.312Xinjiiang 90041515.446.113Liaonning 19508946.245.814Heiloongjiiang 9504276.745.015Innerr Monngoliia 63027916.044.2(Sourrce: Econnomicc Opeeratiion BBureaau off Sta
42、ate EEconoomic and Tradde Coommisssionn)1.2.22 Annuual AAccommplisshmennt off Maiin Ecconommic IIndiccatorrs off thee Inddustrry Accorrdingg to the lateest mmonthhly rreporrt, tthe bbuildding mateerialls inndusttry rrealiized its antiicipaated targgets for 20011. Vaariouus ecconommic iindiccatorrs o
43、ff thee inddustrry weere aas foollowws (SSourcce: ffrom Yu XXiaollan, Infoormattion Depaartmeent oof Chhina Assoociattion of BBuildding Mateerialls Inndusttry, No. 2, 22002 of CChinaa Buiildinng Maateriials Jourrnal): (1) IIndusstriaal Addded ValuueThe bbuildding mateerialls inndusttry aaccommplissh
44、ed an iindusstriaal addded valuue off 1022.3 bbilliion yyuan in 22001 (covverinng sttate-owneed inndusttriall entterprrisess andd nonn-staate-oownedd inddustrrial enteerpriises withh annnual salees off oveer 5 milllion yuann, annd thhe saame bbeloww), uup 111.65% oveer thhe prrevioous yyear. Thee groowth ratee wass higgher thann thee 9-110% fforeccast at tthe eend oof 20000.(2) SSaless RevvenueeThe ssaless revvenuee of the builldingg matteriaals iindusstry