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1、第 1 1页共 2121页20222022 个人留学申请书个人留学申请书个人留学申请书随着社会在进步,申请书与我们不再生疏,我们在写申请书的时候要切忌长篇大论。一起来参考申请书是怎么写的吧,以下是我细心整理的个人留学申请书,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有须要的挚友。个人留学申请书 1个人自述的形式和内容同样重要我们对写作的方式非常感爱好,申请人如何讲解并描述特别重要用清楚、精确的方式表达思想。在一所充斥着高素养候选人的学校里,决策的依据并非是数据和公式。个人自述帮助招生办做出理性的、但最终还是主观的推断。假如一所学校接一所学校地询问,你就会发觉个人自述的重要性越来越大。是否具有对其职业的综合

2、反思实力在一篇个人自述中,我们要求申请人将他们的过去和将来有机地结合起来。我们把这种自传叫作“职业目标”自传。它为我们供应了第 2 2页共 2121页确凿的信息,同时也可以确定申请人是否具有对自己及其职业的综合性反思实力。通常的状况是,即使是那些根据传统标准最聪慧的人也做不到这一点。我们其次篇个人自述是关于学习目标的,让申请人陈述他们想进耶鲁的理由。他或她想在这里学些什么如何做到学以致用。避开三个极端的非此即彼的常见问题(1)避开不实吹捧以及“英国式低调”个人自述中最常见的错误就是把简历或个人历史重述一遍,没有反思、评价和自我指责。另一个错误就是写的都是“招生办的人想听的事情”,结果常常让人感

3、到做作和矫情。还有一些人不情愿讲自己,我们把这种状况叫作“英国式低调。”这并不肯定是一个错误。事实上,在阅读了多数自我吹捧(这是另一个陷阱)的文章后,这种文章倒让人耳目一新。但是,假如申请人说得太少,也会令我们无从得知他这样做是出于谦逊呢还是因为拙于表达,或者他没有想到这篇文章对我们的重要性。(2)在整体和简洁之间做到令人开心的折衷建议不要把草稿寄过来。文章写完后要再看两遍。尽量做到清晰、第 3 3页共 2121页精确,但也不要因为篇幅的限制阻碍文章的完整。在整体和简洁之间可以做到令人开心的折衷。但是,大多数的自传都太长了,换句话说,过长的文章要多于过短的。最好的方法就是尽可能全面、诚恳地回答

4、学校的问题。让招生办的人自己去做有关录用的确定。不要想着搞什么心理战,或者企图替别人做确定。有些申请人自认为知道学校的想法,把自己装扮成某种类型,这样做会使我们失去了一个了解你的特性和思想的机会。(3)坦白具有风险,不必掩饰对将来的不确定性再说一遍,要诚恳。诚恳和坦白是优秀个人自述的标准,就像在工作和生活中一样,虽然这样做也有一点风险。有些申请人认为那些被录用的人都特别清晰在今后 40 年要做些什么。事实上,在这一时期,你对将来的.想法还是一片迷茫。你可能要进入一个重新反省的阶段,感觉像是经验了一次重新组合、人生翻到了下一页、生活的方向也在变更。但是你并不清晰要走哪条路。假如你的确如此,那么就

5、照实说;我们特别理解,即使是一些好学生,将来的管理界领袖也都经验过这种“阶段”。诚恳地表示出你对将来的不确定要比装作什么都知道好得多。第 4 4页共 2121页另一方面,模棱两可并不是一个好品质,为了不至于误导,我要说的是大部分的申请人在自传中都表现出了很强的目标感。个人留学申请书 2Due to the comprehensiveness of Chinas“reform and open”policies,economics plays an increasingly important role in thedevelopmentofitsglobalposition.Thoughmor

6、eandmorecompanies built,management of companies cannotcatch up with thedevelopment of the companies.Management is a burgeoning fieldinChina,so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on managementinEngland.The roots of my strong interest in business can betraced back to mychildhood.My father was

7、among the first ofChinas new breed of modernentrepreneurs.As a young girl,itwasinspirationalhearingabouthisbusinessventures,andmeeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs.Mymother was also involved in business as an accountant,helpinghim with simplecalculations.And so it was early in

8、my life thatI hoped I,also,would somedaybe able to enter the realm of第 5 5页共 2121页business.With the time of growing up,I preferred reading books tosatisfy mycuriosity.I never ceased to contemplate over thequestions I encountered.Subjects on business and managementbecame a special fascination to me a

9、nd myknowledge of psychologyas well as interest in this field was increasingrapidly.As a high school student in China,I had to concentrate onthe CollegeEntrance Examination(CEE),even so,books not relatedto the exams were neverexcluded from my life.Unfortunately whensitting in the exam in June,xx,Iwa

10、s so nervous that I didntscore well in the CEE exam.I enrolled in thedepartment ofComputerScienceinZhejiangCollegeofTraditionalChineseMedicine.Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on mymajor turned out to be afailure at the beginning of my collegelife.After several terms,I realizedthat I would ne

11、ver beinterested in being a programmer or an engineer.At thatmoment,Ilost my direction and objectives.第 6 6页共 2121页My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation.Asamatteroffact,IenjoyedreadingthebooksincludedEncyclopedia American,and some booksabout management by PeterF.Drucker.I began

12、to notice something interesting:Why somecompanies can produce more than others?Why some company can sellmorethan others?Why some companies can build up but otherscannot when facing thesame difficulties?With the questions in my mind,I started to read many relevantbooks.I waslucky to read the book“Jac

13、k:Straight from theGut”byJackWelch,inWhichJohnA.Byrnemakesaclearillustration that the management is important for acompany.WhenI was a junior,I ran a bookshop by myself near my school.Ishouldmanage not only the finance in the shop but also the employeesin my shopeven made some strategies to enlarge

14、the business inmy shop to hold on the runthe shop.From this,my interpersonalskillsandthecapacityinbusinesshasbeengreatlydeveloped,definitely I was increasingly interested in what I第 7 7页共 2121页wasdoing.By December,20 xx,I had finally determined to takebusiness managementas my career instead of IT.To

15、 accumulatemore relevant knowledge,I strived togain more practical workexperience in some big companies.Fortunately,as a senior,I began by conducting an internshipin theArchitecture Company in Zhejiang Province.Over sixmonths,I worked as anassistant of the manager to harmonize therelationship betwee

16、n the differentdepartments in this companyandtodraftsomemanagementsystem,whichbroadenedmyperspective of management conditions and business performanceindifferentindustries.Theexperienceshowedmethatmanagement is much more important thanthat of I thought in bigcompanies.After graduation,I continued my

17、 work inthis company.In May,xx,the company offered me an opportunity to participateinan training program held by a famous management school.Throughin-depthdiscussionswithteachersandstudentsintheclasses,they all encouraged me topursue my future career in第 8 8页共 2121页management field because of my int

18、ellectual abilityand the brandnew ideas I mentioned.During the short period of training,I realized that pursuinga higherdegree in management is a wise choice for me now.Lancaster,withitsexcellenceinmanagement,representstheperfect fit for my needs.In your challengingenvironment,I canbuild the require

19、d foundation of knowledge related tomanagementto achieve my goals.I am firmly convinced that your admissionwillbe my first step of success.With this in mind,I herebysubmit my application,and await your favorable reply.个人留学申请书 3申请日本留学的途径1、读日本语言学校日本高校日本语言学校主要是针对没有日语水平和有一点日语基础的同学去日本留学开设的学校,语言学校除了教授日语外还

20、会辅导学生如何选择高校和专业,甚至还会支配入学考试前的培训面试等等(包括日文写作及面试辅导等)。这样你可以考入一所优秀的日本高校,而不是在第 9 9页共 2121页国内取得那些三四流类高校的文凭。大家不用担忧考不上高校,日本高校许多,在国内都能去读,何况到了日本。假如你想日本留学有所作为的话,去语言学校,将来考一所国公立高校,找工作也相对简单。除了国公立高校,有些私立高校也很不错,但学费昂贵。2、读日语特地学校日本高校(大二、大三编入)假如不想奢侈时间,想去日本干脆读高校,而又不想在国内读日语,那就去读特地学校的日语学科,这个专业只要求日语 4 级(JLPT-4)就可以去日本,假如期间还想读高

21、校可以插入日本高校二年级或三年级(须要折算以前的学分确定进入几年级)。编入的专业一般都是同专业,主要考察日语和专业课,假如跨专业编入,通过几率较小。这也是给一些想节约时间的同学提出的小建议。3、直升日本高校日本高校要求日语二级(N2)就可以申请了。想必学过日语的挚友都知道你考出二级的水平,根本没有方法跟上日本高校的课程。一方面要学日语,一方面要打工挣钱,一方面还有高校的课程,你会手忙脚乱的。建议是考出一级(N1)再去申请。要不就干脆去语言学校熬炼半年到一年,这样经费也有了,日语也达到要求了。第 1010页共 2121页4、读日本高校预科日本高校事实上,日本预科班也会像语言学校一样支配备考“日本

22、留学试验”的辅导课程,但在日本,设立预科的院校较少,通常只有私立高校才设立,不过有些预科班有肯定的局限性,比如会限制学生的升学选择,规定学生日后升学只允许入读该预科班所在的高校。而且预科班除了日语课程以外还支配其他基础课程,全天制上课,学生打工时间不多。生活方面没有更好的保障。预科班在每年的 4 月和 10 月开学,语言学校的学制更加敏捷,在每年的 1、4、7、10 月开学。语言学校和高校预科的学费相差不大,但就签证胜利率而言,语言学校的签证胜利率比预科学校高。日本留学修士申请途径一般日本留学申请途径分为语言学校过渡干脆考修士、探讨生预科考修士、SGU(英文项目)。1,语言学校过渡干脆考修士:

23、是经由日本法务省公认的主要用来接受外国留学生的日本语教化机构,比较适合本科生(日语零基础或者没有 N2 以上)的同学。其特点为可以有足够的时间来提高自己的日语实力,并且学校里有许多留学生可以便利沟通从而获得的留学资讯。第 1111页共 2121页但同时这也是不好的一点,学校留学生多难免鱼龙混杂须要自己多留个心眼,要时刻拉高警报,自己是去留学的,不要被不上进的人误导。2,探讨生预科考修士:探讨生申请指的在国内申请修士的前期课程,适用于有 N2 以上的本科生或有肯定日语基础的本科生。须要打算语言成果,初期材料(包括个人简历、毕业及学位取得证明(或者毕业及学位预定取得证明)、成果单、举荐信、照片、印

24、章等)。之后还须要联系教授,日本大部分院校招收探讨生时实行“导师内诺制”,教授具有肯定的话语权,教授只要同意接收学生,学校教务科一般都会给学生下录用通知书。跟教授联系的时间,一般是出愿起先半年前,这一阶段教授对于自己要几个学生比较有数,最晚也要在出愿截止前1-2 周。得到教授内诺后,接下来须要打算是为了拿到学校入学许可书及合格通知书打算的工作,称为出愿,要想出愿,须要一个很关键的东西,叫做“募集要项”。募集要项上面会明确写明出愿时间、出愿地点及出愿提交材料等。出愿结束后,学校会支配统一的时间来开“教授会”,教授会通过后,学校一般都会发行正式的“入学许可书”或“合格通知书”。第 1212页共 2

25、121页3,日本 SGU 英语项目:Super Global University(超级国际化高校),是日本文部科学省在 20 xx 年推出的 Global30(G30)安排的后续升级版。旨在通过全英文项目,教学、研讨、论文全过程英文完成为目标,吸引海外留学生,增加学生国家化比例,提高学校排名。其特点是须要申请人英语水平高(托福考到 90 以上,雅思索到 6.0 以上)部分学校要求 GRE/GMAT 成果;还有成果单、举荐信、毕业证等基本材料;并且须要申请人是本科毕业生(有毕业证及学位证,自考学历不行以),申请时间通常状况下须要提前一年左右。但可选择的学校和专业有限,毕业后就业会成为一个大难题

26、,假如这是想身临其境的感受一下日本文化就还好,否则明显就失去了赴日留学极大的意义。个人留学申请书 4Monsieur le Prsident,Danslesouhaitduneinscriptionauprsdevotreuniversit,jailhonneur de vous exposer ci-dessous mesprincipales motivations.Jtudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans,etjobtiendrai malicence(bac+4)en juillet 20 xx.(1)第 1313页共 2121页Outr

27、elalanguefran?aise,jaitudiaussi.lalittraturefran?aiselaquellejemintresseparticulirement.(2)Aprs lobtention de mon dipl?me,jaimerais poursuivremes tudes delittrature fran?aise dans votre universitrpute pour son enseignement delittrature.(3)Or,pour entreprendre les dmarches ncessaires,jaibesoin duncer

28、tificat de pr-inscription dlivr par votreuniversit.Cest pourquoi jevous demande quelles conditionsje dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat etquelles sont lesattesations que je devrais fournir.Si cest possible,pourriez-vous me faire parvenir,ladresse ci-dessus,un dossier dinscription?(4)Vous remerc

29、iant par avance de votre bienveillance,je vousprie dagrer,Monsieur le Prsident,lexpression de monprofond respect.(trois lignes dinterligne)第 1414页共 2121页signature个人留学申请书 5Dear Sir,I should like to apply for one of the scholarships that yourdepartment maybe offering to students from other countries.W

30、ould you please send me thenecessary application forms and anyfurther details about the scholarships.IamapostgraduatestudentinBeijingScienceandEngineering University.I major in microelectronics engineering,and do some research work during mystudy years.I hope to havea further study and continue to d

31、o my research workif I succeedin obtaining the engineering scholarship.Enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and myscore reportcard.Thank you for your consideration.I lookforward to your reply.Respectfully yours,Li Ming第 1515页共 2121页个人留学申请书 6Dear Dr.Gomes,I have read the announcement of

32、 the scholarship in chemistrythat theUniversity of Colorado is offering,and I would like tosubmit myapplication.The enclosed application form for admission to the graduateschool of youruniversity will give my educational history.However,I would like to point outthat I have just received anM.S.Sincer

33、ely yours,Li Ming个人留学申请书 71、姓名。力求与各种学 li 证明的姓名相同,如有更改姓名的状况,务必在公证时予以声明,并附上公证书。2、性别。3、诞生年月日及地点。第 1616页共 2121页力求与各类学历证明的诞生年月日一样,诞生地点写明国别和省份。4、国籍。5、婚姻状况。6、现工作单位或就读学校及具体通信地址。7、教化背景。包括高校、硕士阶段的在读时间,所在高校的名称、专业和所获学位,参与工作后的受教化经验,主要指脱产接受特地的进修、培训或学习。8、专业经验。应力求抓住重点,突出探讨方向。担当教学工作的可列出主讲、助讲课程的名称,担当探讨工作的可列出参与各个探讨项目的

34、课题名称。9、个人的著作、论文或探讨成果要分门别类列出,并肯定要与个人专业经验相一样。所列着作要注明名称、出版年月、出版单位。所列论文要注明论文题目,刊载杂志或期刊名称、期号、语种。对于在学术会议上发表第 1717页共 2121页的文章还要注明学术会议的名称、召开时间和地点等。假如其中有被外国学者评论过的,最好附上刊载评论文章的杂志名称刚好间。10、外语水平。注明参与考试的时间、地点及成果。若申请者驾驭多门外语,则要一一注明语种并说明娴熟程度。11、参与何种学术团体,得到何种荣誉。学术团体一般应是省、市或行业一级以下的专业学术团体,在学术团体中所担当的职务可加以注明。荣誉主要是指在专业、技术探

35、讨方面获得的嘉奖和荣誉,并要注明获奖名称,颁奖时间和颁奖单位。12、拟申请的高校和导师的姓名。可依据申请者查询的资料予以注明,并要留意根据每个单位、每位导师一份简历的原则,即在同一份自传中不必注明全部想要联系的单位和导师。13、拟进行的探讨方向和希望从事探讨的题目。国外院校的专业面一般较宽,要依据国外状况,力求专业面与其一样。探讨课题可依据自己的探讨爱好和须要,同时也要尽量考虑对第 1818页共 2121页方的条件。在简历的书写过程中,还应留意必需尽力保证字迹的工整、清晰,最好用电脑排版后打印。总之,一份胜利简历要达到这样得标准:既不要言过其实,又必需充分反映自己的实际水平,展示自己得才华。求

36、又是怎样的呢?个人留学申请书 8Respectful Sir or Madam,Im writing to you to apply for a scholarship of your school.Im very gladto hear you can provide scholarship for exchangestudents.Thats really goodnews for me.And I am veryappreciating that you can give me a chance to explainway I wantto apply for a scholarship

37、.My name is Haoyu Liu.Im 17 yearsoldand Im a fresh man in Taiyuan No.2 Foreign Language HighSchool.Im very proudof as one of my school.Im diligent andI know I must be a useful person.So Ialways tell myself thatI have to learn more and more.Im also very outgoingand I liketo help people as possible as

38、 I can.Thats way I got many第 1919页共 2121页friends.Iwas born in Jixian,a small county with poor land andterrible weather.Myparents were farming at home.Even lifedoesnt easy,I still hopeful enough.Istill love my hometownand I want to do something for my country.So I want tolearn moreknowledge as possib

39、le as I can.I know how hard peoples life.So Iwant to change it by myself.Thats way Im diligent andI like to help people.But when I went to high school,our lifegot worst.My parents cant afford mytuition.So my father wentto Taiyuan to find a job.And we have to rent alittle house nearby my school becau

40、se my school is far from my hometown.But Istillkeep my faith,because I know that my family will support me tolet mydream come true forever.When I got the information thatI can be an exchangestudent,I was exciting but confusing.Ireally want to go to German to studybut I dont want my parentsworry abou

41、t my tuition.So Im writing this letterto you toapply for a scholarship of your school.I wish I can do betterjustbecause I have a dream that I can change my family,my第 2020页共 2121页hometown even my country.I hope I can share responsibility formy parents from this thing.At school,Ima good student.Imint

42、erested about sports,arts and science.I also like tostudyforeign language.Thats way I chose to study German and Englishatschool.I noticed that language can let me communicate withothers easily.But Icant only study language.I have to knowabout the Germanic culture clearly.Thats way I need to be anexc

43、hange student this time.But I need your trust.Ineed ascholarship of your school,because Im a good student.I havea dream.In that dream,I can see my parents are smiling becauseI became a usefulperson.I can see my teachers are smiling whenI came back from German.My willis strong.And I know I can dobetter when I go to German.So Im writing to youto apply ascholarship.And Im waiting for your return.Thank you for yourkindheart and reading my letter.Best wishes.xx第 2121页共 2121页Feb.x.xx本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!


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