1、汉英对比翻译汉英对比翻译第1页,此课件共44页哦本学期计划学习内容本学期计划学习内容第一章第一章 绪论绪论第二章第二章 汉英文化与汉英翻译汉英文化与汉英翻译第三章第三章 词语到英译与常用技巧词语到英译与常用技巧第四章第四章 句子的英译与常用技巧句子的英译与常用技巧第五章第五章 段落的英译与常用技巧段落的英译与常用技巧第六章第六章 篇章的英译篇章的英译第七章第七章 文学翻译之小说英译文学翻译之小说英译第八章第八章 文学翻译之散文英译文学翻译之散文英译第九章第九章 文学翻译之是个翻译文学翻译之是个翻译第十章第十章 商务文体英译商务文体英译第十一章第十一章 政论文体英译政论文体英译第十二章第十二章
2、法律文体英译法律文体英译第十三章第十三章 新闻文体英译新闻文体英译第十四章第十四章 科技文体英译科技文体英译第十五章第十五章 旅游文体英译旅游文体英译第2页,此课件共44页哦第3页,此课件共44页哦第4页,此课件共44页哦 合同是二人或多人之间在相互间设定合法义务而达成的具有法律强制力的协议。有效合同最基本的要素有:双方当合同是二人或多人之间在相互间设定合法义务而达成的具有法律强制力的协议。有效合同最基本的要素有:双方当事人或各方当事人在缔结合同时,必须具有缔约能力并有缔结该合同的合法权限或授权,必须就其交易的全部条事人或各方当事人在缔结合同时,必须具有缔约能力并有缔结该合同的合法权限或授权,
4、有强制力,甚至导致合同完全无效。至导致合同完全无效。A contract is an agreement between two or more persons intended to create A contract is an agreement between two or more persons intended to create a legal obligation between them and to be legally enforceable.The a legal obligation between them and to be legally enforceabl
5、e.The essentials of a valid contract are that both or all parties must have at the essentials of a valid contract are that both or all parties must have at the same time of contracting had contractual capacity and legal power or same time of contracting had contractual capacity and legal power or au
6、thority to make the kind of contract contemplated,must have reached authority to make the kind of contract contemplated,must have reached agreement on all the material terms of their bargain,normally by agreement on all the material terms of their bargain,normally by communication of offer and accep
7、tance thereof,must have intended a communication of offer and acceptance thereof,must have intended a legally enforceable,as distinct from a merely social or extra-legal legally enforceable,as distinct from a merely social or extra-legal agreement,and the agreement must not be objectionable as inten
8、ded to agreement,and the agreement must not be objectionable as intended to effect an impossibility or anything illegal or contrary to public policy or effect an impossibility or anything illegal or contrary to public policy or otherwise unenforceable.In certain cases contracts require certain other
9、wise unenforceable.In certain cases contracts require certain formalities of constitution or proof,without which they are unenforceable or formalities of constitution or proof,without which they are unenforceable or even wholly void.even wholly void.第5页,此课件共44页哦satellite city;fiscal income;satellite
10、 city;fiscal income;to lay off somebody/laid-off workers;to lay off somebody/laid-off workers;banquet hall;Rare animal;banquet hall;Rare animal;laptop/notebook computer;laptop/notebook computer;enrollment;garment company;enrollment;garment company;ticket income;dairy foods/products;ticket income;dai
11、ry foods/products;to take Chinese medicine/herbal medicine;to take Chinese medicine/herbal medicine;in-bound visitors/tourists;client;in-bound visitors/tourists;client;25th wedding anniversary;25th wedding anniversary;economic crisis;circulation;economic crisis;circulation;adult education;World Econ
12、omic Forumadult education;World Economic Forum第6页,此课件共44页哦第一章第一章 绪论绪论1.1 翻译的性质与类型翻译的性质与类型翻译是跨语言(cross-language)与跨文化(cross-culture)的交际活动,也是一门科学,又是一门艺术。就涉及的语言而论,翻译可分为语内翻译语内翻译(intra-lingual translation)和语际翻译语际翻译(inter-lingual translation)按活动方式分,翻译可分为口译口译(interpretation)和笔译笔译(translation)口译口译(interpreta
13、tion)基本方式:连续传译连续传译(consecutive interpretation)和同声传译同声传译(simultaneous interpretation)第7页,此课件共44页哦1.2 翻译的标准和方法翻译的标准和方法1789年,英国翻译家、学者乔治年,英国翻译家、学者乔治坎贝尔率先提出了翻译坎贝尔率先提出了翻译的的“三原则三原则”:一、准确地再现原作的意义;二、在符合:一、准确地再现原作的意义;二、在符合译作语言的前提下,尽可能地移植作者的精神和风格;三、译作语言的前提下,尽可能地移植作者的精神和风格;三、是译作至少具有原创作品的特性,显得自然流畅。是译作至少具有原创作品的特性
14、,显得自然流畅。1898年严复提出年严复提出“译事三难:信、达、雅译事三难:信、达、雅”,“信信”就是就是忠实于原文的本意,忠实于原文的本意,“达达”就是通顺流畅,就是通顺流畅,“雅雅”就是古就是古雅。雅。20世纪30年代初,林语堂林语堂提出了“忠实、通顺和美忠实、通顺和美”的三原则。傅雷傅雷指出“重神似(重神似(similary in spirit),不重形似不重形似”的翻译观。钱钟书认为翻译在文化交流中起着联络员的作用。但“一国文字和另一国文字之间必然有距离,译者的理解和文风跟原作作品的内容和形式之间也不会没有距离,.”文学翻文学翻译译的的最高理想可以说是“化化”。第8页,此课件共44页哦
15、翻译方法:直译(literal translation)和意译(free translation)直译直译:既保持原文内容,又保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。意意译译:只保持原文内容、不保持原文形式的翻译方法。1.词语中的直译与意译(1)the moon 直译:月亮 意译:玉兔(东升);金兔;白兔;蟾宫(蟾宫折桂);月桂(一轮);婵娟(但愿人长久,千里共);水镜;阴宗 (2)月亮 直译:the moon 意译:celestial body,heavenly body,planet,secondary planet,planetoid,orb of night,moon goddess,gre
16、en cheese,Diana,Luna,Cynthia,queen of night(Shakespeare),chaste and fair(B.Johnson)第9页,此课件共44页哦2.成语中的直译与意译 (1)to kill two birds with one stone 直译:一石二鸟 意译:一箭双雕;一举两得;一并两用 (2)过街老鼠 直译:(like)a rat crossing the street 意译:the object of universal condemnation;a bad man hated by everybody音译音译(transliteration
17、):旨在保留原文文化词的发音和指示意义的翻译方法。一般适用于专有名词、动植物名称、医药名、科技用语等特殊名词。音译的基本通则:1.准确读音;2.正确拼写;3.弄清辞源;4.约定俗成;5.准确回译;6.缩略语复原第10页,此课件共44页哦1.3 翻译的步骤奈达分为四步:一、分析分析(analysis),从语法和语义两方面对原文信息进行分析;二、传译传译(transfer),将经过分析的信息从原语传译成译语;三、重组重组(restructuring),把传译过来的信息重组成符合要求的译语;四、检验检验(testing),对比译文意义与原意义是否对等。乔治斯坦纳从解释的角度,也将翻译过程分成四步:一
18、、信赖信赖(trust),相信原文是有意思的,译者必须理解透彻;二、侵入侵入(aggression),对原文的理解认识和解释仿佛一种不可避免的入侵行为,译者把原文的意思当做俘虏捕获过来;三、吸收吸收(incorporation),吸收的程度不同,有完全归化的,有显得生疏的,都会影响译语的整个结构;四、补偿补偿(restitution),译者在前两步里,都是因为倾向原文而先后两次失去平衡,因此译者必须做出补偿,通过相互作用恢复平衡,已达到理想的翻译。第11页,此课件共44页哦原文理解原文理解 My life has been lived in the healthy area between t
19、oo little and too much.Ive never experienced financial or emotional insecurity,but everything I have,I ve attainted by my own work,not through indulgence,inheritance or privilege.(C.Carroll:Dreams Are the Stuff Life Is Made of)译文译文:我一生都处于不多不少的中间地带不多不少的中间地带我从未经历过经济或情感不安定,但是我所拥有的一切,都是我自己奋斗都来,而不是通过纵欲通过
20、纵欲,遗产或特权。简析简析:这是一个“夹生饭”式的译文,“一生都处于不多不少的中间地带”和“通过纵欲”之类的译文,着实让读者感到困难。主要原因是没有正确理解“live in the healthy area between too little and too much”和“through indulgence”的意思。area在此指的是生活境况生活境况,healthy意为in a good condition,而between too little and too much指的是物质物质条件既不过于贫乏,又不过于丰富条件既不过于贫乏,又不过于丰富。而把“through indulgence”
21、理解成“通过纵欲”也是不准确的,根据上下文来看,此处是指受人溺爱、恩惠之意受人溺爱、恩惠之意。第12页,此课件共44页哦 我一生都处于优裕的境地,记不太穷又不太富处于优裕的境地,记不太穷又不太富,从未经历过经济或情感危机,不过我所拥有的一切,都是自我奋斗都来,而不是受人溺爱受人溺爱、继承遗产或享受特权所致。第13页,此课件共44页哦翻译(表达)翻译(表达)1.以以“忠实、通顺忠实、通顺”为翻译标准为翻译标准 雨后,院子里来了个麻雀,刚长全了羽毛。它在院子里跳,有时飞飞一下,不过是由地上飞飞到花盆沿上,或由花盆上飞飞下来。看它这么飞飞了两三次,我看出来:它并不会飞飞得再高一些,它的左翅的几根长翎
22、拧在一处,有一根特别的长,似乎要脱落下来。(老舍,小麻雀)译文译文:As soon as the rain stops,a young sparrow,almost full-fledged,comes to the courtyard.It hops and flutters,up to the edge of a plant pot or back to the ground again.After it has fluttered up and down a couple of times,I realize that it can not fly any higher as the p
23、lumes on its left wing have got twisted,and one is sticking out as if about to come off any moment.(刘士聪 译)第14页,此课件共44页哦 简析简析:这段文字中,作者连续重复使用了五个“飞”字,准确、恰当地表现了“小麻雀想飞却飞不起来”的动作。译文兼顾了忠实和通顺两方面。在英文译文中将原文中的三个“飞”合译为“hops and flutters”,第四个重复“飞”则使用了“flittered”来表达,但最后一个则改用“fly”,这样是用词免于重复,使译文读来更加通顺,流畅。第15页,此课件共44
24、页哦2.翻译阶段要着重解决的环节翻译阶段要着重解决的环节一、要正确处理忠实与通顺的关系要正确处理忠实与通顺的关系(1)全客厅顿然见得一团和气了。(鲁迅,彷徨中的离婚)译文译文:Complete harmony prevailed in the hall.(2)可是青年人热烈的求知欲望和好高骛远的劲头,管它懂不懂,她还是如饥似渴地读下去。(杨沫,青春之歌)译文译文:Yet her youthfuk craving for knowledge,her sapiring sririt,made her read on eagerly whether she understand or not.第16
25、页,此课件共44页哦二、要正确处理内容与形式的关系二、要正确处理内容与形式的关系 Studies sever for delight,for ornament,and for ability.their chief use for delight,is in privateness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse;and for ability,is in the judgment and dis position of business.(F.Bacon,Of Studies)译文:读书足以怡情,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独幽居之时;其博彩
26、也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判断之际。(王佐良 译)第17页,此课件共44页哦三、要正确处理克己意识和创造意识的关系三、要正确处理克己意识和创造意识的关系The cold weather frosted up the track last night.译文一译文一:昨晚寒冷的天气是跑道上结了霜。译文二译文二:昨晚天气寒冷,跑道上结了霜。简析简析:译文一基本上市在搬照原文的词法、句法结构,虽然意思也表达出来了,但翻译腔太重,给人一种别扭的感觉。译文二则摆脱了原文结构的束缚,采取了汉语的习惯表达方式,读起来既自然又顺畅,无疑更为中国读者接受。第18页,此课件共44页哦校对校对 在翻
27、译实践中,译者在完成翻译初稿后,至少需要审校两至少需要审校两遍遍:第一遍第一遍,对照原文校对,检查有无疏漏、误译之处;第第二遍二遍,脱离原文校对,检查有无生硬拗口之处。第19页,此课件共44页哦1.4 翻译对译者的要求翻译对译者的要求深厚的语言功底深厚的语言功底1.“语法意识(sense of grammar)”问题 他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多不很可靠的地方。译文:He found there were many unreliable points in the geography record which be searched by the people before.简析:该英译文中
28、、处均有错误。处,作为修饰语,我们应该选用形容词geographic,而不是名词geography,而“record”一词则应以复数形式“records”出现,它们均属语法错误。处,动词不定式be的用法有误,动词search与先行词geographic records搭配不合逻辑。处所选词语表意不贴切。拟改译为:He found there were many reliable points in the geographic records kept by his predecessors.第20页,此课件共44页哦2.惯用法意识(惯用法意识(sense of idiomaticalness
29、)问题问题 (一天,邻居王二婶不小心把钥匙锁在了家里,)很多热心人都前来帮忙,但都无济于事。人们找到了他,但被他拒绝了。译文1:Many warm-hearted people came to help,but without any result.Peoplewanted him to help,however,he refused them.译文2:Many warm-hearted neighbors came,but they could do nothing for her.So they turned to him for help,yet met with his refusal
30、.简析:从语法来看,译文1除了but without any result部分外,别处似乎说不上有什么问题。but是连词,后面应该连接一个表示转折关系的分句,译文1在此处语法有误;译文2将此部分扩展成一个句子,更符合了语言规范。就表达效果而言,译文2优于译文1。两个动词短语turn to sb.for help 和meet with使语言自然地道,表现力更强。此外,连词so的添加,也挑明了原文隐含的因果关系,体现了译者对英汉句法差异的理解。它起到了衔接语篇的作用。两个译文的优劣反映了译者“惯用法意识”以及语言表达能力的强弱。第21页,此课件共44页哦3.“连贯意识(连贯意识(sense of
31、coherence)”问题问题 那人一只大手,向他摊着:一只手却撮着一个鲜红的馒头,那红的还是一点一点的往下滴。译文:This man was thrusting one huge extended hand towards him,while in the other held a roll of steamed bread,from which crimson drops were dripping to the ground.第22页,此课件共44页哦广博的文化知识广博的文化知识外事翻译笑话:某外宾称赞一位中国官员的夫人美丽,着位官员连忙说“哪里,哪里”,译员照直翻译“Where,whe
32、re”,外宾听了很诧异,只好答道“Everywhere”。第23页,此课件共44页哦第24页,此课件共44页哦第25页,此课件共44页哦Earthquake Disaster WordsEarthquake Disaster Words1)1)里氏里氏7.87.8级地震级地震:Richter Scale:Richter Scale2)2)震源震源:Focus(of an earthquake):Focus(of an earthquake)3)3)震中震中:epicenter:epicenter4)4)地震波地震波:Seismic waves:Seismic waves5)5)山崩山崩:Lan
33、dslide;landslip:Landslide;landslip6)6)地裂地裂:Ground fissures:Ground fissures 第26页,此课件共44页哦意大利著名的旅行家马可波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己是在天堂。”The Travels of Marco Polo devotes 16 pages to describing HangzhouKinsai*(i.e.,Hangchow*)is without doubt the finest and most splendid city in the world.the ci
34、ty is about 100 miles in circumference.and through every part it is possible to travel either by land or by canals.There are said to be 12,000 bridges;those over the main channels are built with such lofty arches so well designed that big ships can pass under them without a mast,and yet over them pa
35、ss carts and horses.Travels of Marco Polo,(Wordsworth Editions Ltd.,1997)*Hangzhou is also sometimes known as Hangchow(under the Wade-Giles method of transcribing Chinese).Marco Polo called it Kinsai.The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he The famous
36、 Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as“the finest and the most splendid city in the world where one feels that one is described it as“the finest and the most splendid city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise”.in paradise”.第27页
37、,此课件共44页哦在中国,也流传这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”Just as there is paradise in heaven,there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.In Heaven there is Paradise;on Earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.In China,there has been a century-old popular saying praising the city:“In Heaven there is Paradise;on Earth ther
38、e are Suzhou and Hangzhou.”第28页,此课件共44页哦杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。Hangzhous fame lies mainly in its picturesque West Lake.西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。As it is beautiful all the year round,the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo,a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty,to a beauty“who is always charm
39、ing in either light or heavy makeup.”在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可购上几样名特土产。In Hangzhou,you will not only find the lake a perfect delight to the eye but also find it a joy to stroll along the busy streets,taste famous Hangzhou dishes and buy some special local products.第29页,此课件共44页哦水光潋滟晴方好,
40、山色空朦雨亦奇;欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。(苏轼,饮湖上初睛后雨)Theshimmeringripplesdelighttheeyeonsunnydays;Thedimminghillspresentarareviewinrainyhaze.WestLakemaybecomparedtoBeautyXiZiatherbest,Itbecomeshertoberichlyadornedorplainlydressed.(Chen Gang)Rippling water shimmering on sunny day.Mist mountains wonderful in the rain.
41、Plain or gaily decked out like Xi Zi.The West Lake is always alluring.”On sunny days the glistening tremulous ripple.On rainy days the hills in softened haze.The West Lake,like Xizi,the classic beauty.In plain or gorgeous dress,she looks her best.第30页,此课件共44页哦苏堤和白堤把西湖一分为二,仿佛两条绿色的缎带,飘逸于碧波之上。The West
42、Lake is bisected by the Su Causeway The West Lake is bisected by the Su Causeway and the Bai Causewayand the Bai Causeway which look like two green which look like two green ribbons floating gracefully on the blue waters.ribbons floating gracefully on the blue waters.湖中心有三个小岛:阮公墩、湖心亭和小瀛洲。In the cent
43、er of the lake are three isles In the center of the lake are three isles Ruangong Isle,Mid-lake Pavilion and Lesser Ruangong Isle,Mid-lake Pavilion and Lesser Yingzhou.Yingzhou.第31页,此课件共44页哦湖水泛着涟漪,四周山林茂密,点缀着楼台亭阁,是我国最有名的旅游景点之一。With With ripples ripples on on the the waters waters surface surface and
44、and thickly-wooded thickly-wooded hills hills dotted dotted by by exquisite exquisite pavilions pavilions on on its its four four sides,sides,the the West West LakeLake is one of Chinas best-known scenic spots.is one of Chinas best-known scenic spots.杭州人观西湖有个说法:“晴湖不如雨湖,雨湖不如夜湖。”Hangzhou residents Han
45、gzhou residents have their way of enjoying the have their way of enjoying the beauty of the West Lakebeauty of the West Lake.According to them,“The West.According to them,“The West Lake looks more delightful on rainy days than on clear Lake looks more delightful on rainy days than on clear days,but
46、it is at its best after darkness has fallen”.days,but it is at its best after darkness has fallen”.第32页,此课件共44页哦您在杭州,一定要去领略一下西湖的风韵,看看此说是否有道理。When you are in Hangzhou,you ought to go and When you are in Hangzhou,you ought to go and take in the charm of the lake for yourself to see take in the charm o
47、f the lake for yourself to see if the comment is true.if the comment is true.杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。Being one of Chinas six ancient capital Being one of Chinas six ancient capital cities,Hangzhou has a history of more than cities,Hangzhou has a history of more than 2000 years.2000 years.第33页,此课件共4
48、4页哦杭州不仅以自然美景闻名于世,而且有着传统文化的魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。It It is famous not only for its natural beauty but also is famous not only for its natural beauty but also for its cultural traditions.Apart from a large for its cultural traditions.Apart from a large number of poems and inscriptions in its p
49、raise left number of poems and inscriptions in its praise left behind by scholars and men of letters through the behind by scholars and men of letters through the centuries,centuries,it it also also boastsboasts delicious food and delicious food and pretty handicrafts.pretty handicrafts.第34页,此课件共44页
50、哦杭州是中国的丝绸之府,丝绸产品品种繁多,其中以织锦尤为引人注目。一种织有图画、像刺绣一样的丝织品,是杭州等地的特产 Being the home of silk in China,Hangzhous silk products come in a great variety,among which its brocade is especially attractive.杭州还专门生产黑纸扇和檀香扇。其他特产有西湖绸伞和中国十大名茶之一的西湖龙井。Hangzhou also specializes in making black paper fans and sandalwood fans.