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1、分类号: 学校代码:10079 密级:华 北 电电 力 大大 学 硕 士士 学 位 论 文文题 目:发电电企业绩效效管理制度度研究与改改革方案设设计英 文 题 目:The perfformaance manaagemeent ssysteem off eleectriicityy powwer eenterrprisse sttudiees annd reeformms cooncepptuall dessign研究生姓名名:陈子波波 专业业:技术经经济及管理理研 究 方方向:人力力资源管理理导 师 姓姓名:何永永贵 职称:教授授论文提交日日期:20003年112月266日 华 北 电电 力

2、大大 学华 北 电电 力 大大 学硕 士 学学 位 论论 文 摘摘 要 论文题目: 发电企业业绩效管理理制度研究究与改革方方案设计研究生姓名名: 陈子波 专业: 技术经经济及管理理研究方向: 人力资源源管理导师姓名: 何永贵 职称称:教授2003年年12月226日发电企业绩绩效管理制制度研究与与改革方案案设计随着电力体体制改革的的全面深入入展开,发电电企业面临“厂网分开开、竟价上上网”的竞争格局局,充分作作好人力资资源整合工工作对提高高企业的竞竞争力是一一项非常重重要的举措措。其中,绩绩效管理是是人力资源源管理中的的核心部分分,是提高高企业人力力资源管理理水平的一一项重要的的内容。本文通过对对

3、西方发达达国家发电电企业和国国内发电企企业的比较较研究与分分析,提出了适适合我国发发电企业改改革的考核核设计方案案。本文主主要研究内内容:从战战略的角度度对发电企企业的绩效效考核工作作进行分析析、以系统统的观点对对企业的考考核制度进进行优化设设计,将原原先的部门门考核与个个人绩效考考核相结合合,重点完完善了发电电企业二次次分配制度度。本文基基于大型发发电企业集集团直属的的一线单位位发电厂厂的基础性性研究,进进而从最基基本的单元元清楚地了了解到发电电行业的整整体绩效管管理现状,形形成了“绩效”=“结果+过过程” 的设计计思路。最最终作者设设计出了一一套以结果果考核和过过程考核相相结合的一一种考核





8、内部考考核工作没没有依据可可循,也就就是说,电电厂目前基基本上都没没有个人考考核。根据据这一特点点,我们认认为发电企企业绩效考考核制度设设计的重点点是个人绩绩效考核。2.2 考考核方案设设计要求绩效考核方方案是实施施绩效管理理的可操作作方案。一一个良好的的考核方案案需要满足足以下几项项要求:(11)全面、简简单与有效效;(2)明明确与具体体;(3)一一致与可靠靠;(4)客客观与公正正;(5)参参与和公开开。2.3设计计基本程序序:绩效管理制制度设计的的最根本原原则是支持持企业战略略目标的实实现。首先先,从了解解企业的战战略发展目目标以及业业务重点入入手,对各各岗位进行行工作分析析,设计出出每个




12、业的效效益有多大大的提升? 本文曾经试试探着用有有无对比的的方法以及及其他的评评价方法来来做,但可可靠性不强强,缺乏说说服力。本本文试探着着采用博弈弈分析的方方法,对改改革的效果果进行分析析,效果也也不十分明明显,只是是谈出了个个人对考核核的一点启启示。即关关于这个问问题的回答答,只能通通过另外一一种方式,也也就是说企企业各个层层面包括厂厂领导、中中层领导、以以及大部分分员工,对对绩效管理理制度的改改革完善给给予企业的的助推力和和防止滑坡坡的作用得得到大多数数人的认定定,我们就就可以认为为制度的建建立和完善善对企业是是有效的。更更何况现实实中的海尔尔集团OEEC绩效管管理模式,为为什么能够够激

13、活一个个又一个“休克鱼”就是最有有利的回答答!ABSTRRACT OF GGRADUUATE THESSIS OF NNORTHH CHIINA EELECTTRICPOWERR UNIIVERSSITYTHESIIS TOOPIC:The perfformaance manaagemeent ssysteem off eleectriicityy powwer eenterrprisse sttudiees annd reeformms cooncepptuall dessignAUTHOOR: CChen Ziboo TTUTORR:He YonggguiSPECIIALTYY:Tecch

14、nollogiccal EEconoomy aand MManaggemenntDIRECCTIONN: Huuman Resoourcees Manaagemeent Decemmber 26,22003The pperfoormannce mmanaggemennt syystemm of elecctriccity poweer ennterpprisee stuudiess andd refformss conncepttual desiign With the launnchinng ovveralll annd deeeplyy of systtem rreforrm off el

15、eectriic poower, alrreadyy thee strrong comppetittion patttern has appeearedd in the elecctriccity poweer ennterpprisee. Fiinishh humman rresouurcess refform workk, foor immprovving the comppetittivenness of tthe eelecttriciity ppowerr entterprrise, It is aa verry immporttant actiion. It iis a key p

16、artt in the humaan reesourrces manaagemeent tthat the perfformaance is mmanagged, imprrove an eessenntiall refform conttent of ccurreent ssituaationn of enteerpriisess humman rresouurcess mannagemment. This textt passses the inveestiggatioon annd reesearrch oof thhe weesterrn ellectrricitty poower e

17、nteerpriise oof deevelooped counntry and domeesticc eleectriicityy powwer eenterrprisse diirecttly oor inndireectlyy, Haave pput fforwaard tthe pplan of ddesiggn off exaaminaationn of the suittablee nattionaal reeformm of elecctriccity poweer ennterpprisee. Maain rreseaarch conttentss of thiss texxt

18、: IIt peerforrmancce inn eleectriicityy powwer eenterrprisse exxaminne woork aanalyyse iin teerms of sstrattegy, Carrry oon reeformm witth viiew ssysteem too asssess in eenterrprisse off sysstem , exxaminne annd exxaminnes aand ccombiine ttogetther origginall deppartmment withh thee inddividdual per

19、fformaance, Perrfectt thee disstribbutioon syystemm twoo timmes oof ellectrricitty poower enteerpriise eespecciallly. 1、Mannage the currrent situuatioon too stuudy iin a perfformaance of eelecttriciity ppowerr entterprriseThrouugh ggo onn obsservaationn andd colllecttion of tthe mmaterrialss on the

20、spott to seveeral elecctriccal hhome applliancces ffactoory, We ffind thatt theese ppowerr plaants all adoppt thhe foollowwing mechhanissm off exaaminiing bbasiccallyy at pressent at ppreseent: Nameely tthreee ressponssibillity systtem oof leeadinng grroup exammine(asseets mmanaggemennt taargett res

21、sponssibillity systtem eexamiine, systtem oof reesponnsibiilityy in safee prooducttion exammine, Parrty cconduuct ccleann govvernmment and consstrucctionn of spirrituaal ciiviliizatiion eexamiine). Afffirm fullly poower plannt immplemment whille exxaminning scorre thhat wwork makee forr manny yeears

22、, We thinnk affter studdy thhe peerforrmancce maanageementt sysstem of ppowerr plaant aand iinterrvieww invvestiigatiion eextennsiveely aall-ssideddly, Poweer pllant currrent perfformaance manaagemeent ssysteem a greaat deeal oof isssuess havve , and a loot off neggativve uttilitty haas prroducced f

23、from thiss.What poweer pllant carrry onn at pressent but perfformaance exammine, perrformmancee a llink of mmanaggemennt, HHave a syystemmaticc onee froom immprovve ennterpprisee anggle oof peerforrmancce immprovve thhe syystemm of exammininng off entterprrisess. Seeveraal exxaminnatioon woork oof r

24、eespecct laaunchh inddepenndenttly , runn sidde byy sidde , causse evvery examminattion workk oveerlapp eveen coonfliict iin thhe tiime aand cconteent , Cauusingg andd mannage the costt wasstes; Andd takke a largge nuumberr of veryy mucch eaasy tto caause stafffs reseentmeent wworkiing ttime, Do not

25、 beneefit the effeectivve deeveloopmennt off thee worrk .Powerr plaant ccurreent hhigheer auuthorritiees exxaminne suuborddinatte onne-siided vertticall exaaminaationn, thhe a quesstionn thaat exxaminnatioon haave tthe ssuperrvisiion mmechaanismm omiissioon. CChieff vallue tthat supeervission mechha

26、nissm exxist to ppreveent aand ccorreect hhumann facctor( succh ass intterpeersonnal rrelattionsshipss),ettc. nnot tto exxaminne faactorr to exammine courrse aand iinfluuencee of resuult, Objeectivvity, faiirnesss guuarannteedd to exammine . Whhile settting up ssuperrvisiion mmechaanismm of perffect

27、iing, needd andd forrm a comppletee sett andd buiild rresullt off apppraissal aappeaal thhe meechannism, Acccept and deall witth thhe woorkerr to the appeeal tthat is eexamiined , annd addjustt thee unrreasoonablle reesultt of apprraisaal.It iss commparaativeely pperfeect ffor ddeparrtmennt too exaa

28、minee, buut thhe inndex choooses the stanndardd of lackking. Thee chooosinng off thee inddex iis noot maade bby thhe suuperiior aand tthe ssuborrdinaate ccommuunicaationn, buut itt is the indiividuual eeventt prooceduure, Causse inndex reacch annd chhoosee acccordiing tto keey peerforrmancce prrinci

29、iple of iindexx, Reealizzatioon off entterprrises sttrateegic objeectivve off suppportt thaat itt cannt bbe veery ggood.Powerr plaant ccarryy on depaartmeent eexamiine oor teeams and grouups iit exxaminnes tto bee cattegorries thatt deppartmmentss exaaminee at pressent, Andd inddividdual it eexamiin

30、es to bbe diirectt higgher authhoritties accoordinng too subbordiinatee worrkingg connditiion, exammine withh collleaggue, relaationn sittuatiion oof hiigherr autthoriitiess, Haave cclearr staandarrd iss ranndom and relaativeely sstronng, ccausee staaff tto exxaminne woork hhave manyy commplaiints.M

31、ain funcctionn thaat exxaminne shhouldd pinnpoinnt thhe prrobleems aand ttake meassuress andd comme annd soolve, Andd theen avvoid quesstionn of prodducinng, tthe ffinall purrposee is to sshiftt worrkers ennthussiasmm of workking, Impprovee thee worrkingg behhavioor, iimproove tthe wworkiing pperfoo

32、rmannce. Procceed fromm thiis puurposse , exammine and shouuld aadd aand ppay aattenntionn to courrse iis buut caant exceessivve too empphasiize rresullt annd usse off ressult evenn morre; BBesiddes, ignoore uuse oof reesultt oveerly , wiill mmake persson wwho eexamiine aand ppersoon exxaminned ppay

33、 aattenntionn to courrse oof exxaminning, Cannt aachieeve tthe ggoal of eexamiiningg eitther. By the lookk of everry syystemm exaamineed, eeveryy sysstem cant bee tottallyy impplemeentedd eitther, alll exaaminaationn, juust ffor tthe ddistrributtion of tthe sstafffs bbonuss, Caan noot reeflecct thhe

34、 enncourragemment to tthe sstafff .2、perrformmancee sysstem to aassesss meentallity of ddesiggningg:2.1 wwholees meentallity of ddesiggninggAccorrdingg to a loot off invvestiigatiion aand rreseaarch of ssysteem too asssess, facctoryy of elecctriccal hhome applliancces, we findd eleectriicityy powwer

35、 eenterrprisse deeparttmentt sysstem to aassesss coomparrativvely perffect at ppreseent, Exammine key becaause depaartmeent eexamiine wwork havee bassis ccan bbe foollowwed iincommplettely, Thaat iss to say poweer pllant havee inddividdual exammine basiicallly att preesentt. Acccordding to tthis cha

36、rracteeristtic, we tthinkk thaat thhe foocal poinnt off exaaminiing ssysteem deesignn of the perfformaance of eelecttriciity ppowerr entterprrise is tthat the perssonall perrformmancee is examminedd .2.2 EExamiine tthe ddesiggningg reqquireementt of scheemesPerfoormannce mmanagge scchemee to impllem

37、ennt peerforrmancce maanageementt butt opeeratiion sschemme. TThe ffocall poiint oof thhe scchemee is to eexamiine sschemmes. Use the theoory aand mmethood off thee perrformmancee to be ddesiggned metiiculoouslyy on the basiis off acttual condditioons oof poower plannt whhen ddesiggn annd exxaminne

38、scchemees. AA goood scchemee neeeds tto meeet tthe ffolloowingg sevverall reqquestts: (1)Ovveralll annd efffecttive(2) cclearr andd conncrette(3) unaanimoous aand rreliaable(4)obbjecttive withh parrticiipatiing iin juust(55)ly and makee2.3 ddesiggns tthe bbasicc prooceduure :Perfoormannce mmanagge s

39、yystemm dessign carddinall priincipple tto suupporrt ennterpprisee reaalizaationn of straategiic obbjecttive mostt. Prroceeed wiith tthe sstrattegicc objjectiives of eenterrprisses, findd outt aboout tthe sstrattegicc devveloppmentt goaal off entterprrisess andd bussinesss foocal poinnt; CCarryy on

40、to eeveryy posst woork aanalyyses, dessign eachh worrk maanuall of postt. Thhen tto coollecct poost tthat comee up go oon annd diividee layyers of cclasssificcatioon, sso caan diistinnguissh annd haappenn worrkingg natture of aall ppost, To the diffferennce bbetweeen eeveryy posst, ddesiggn thhe joo

41、b annd deeveloop thhe paasswaay. DDirecct aggainsst siimilaar sttaff desiign pproceeduree of exammininng, eexamiine tthe iindexx, asssesssmentt criiteriia, eexamiiningg cyccle,eetc. sepaarateely. Desiign tthe oorgannizattion thatt exaaminees annd immplemmentaationn couurse finaally, andd thee ressul

42、t usess thee wayy. Fiinal everrythiing rrelevvant to iimproove oon peerforrmancce, bbecauuse pperfoormannce iit immprovves tto bee onlly thhe fiinal purppose thatt a pperfoormannce iis exxaminned. In tthis way, we finiish tthe eexamiinatiion sschemme off thee whoole .3、exaaminees thhe pllan oof dees

43、ignn3.1 eelecttriciity ppowerr entterprrisess exaaminee thee oveeralll inttroduuctioon off thee sysstemBecauuse nnearlly evvery elecctriccity poweer ennterpprisee atttachees grreat impoortannce tto thhe exxaminnatioon too thee saffety in pproduuctioon att preesentt, Haave ssummaarizeed quuite careef

44、ul secuurityy exaaminaationn reggulattionss in the workk of decaades, Meeet ennterpprisees nneedss verry muuch, so wwe exxaminne poower plannt syystemm divvide intoo saffety in pproduuctioon beehaviiouraal noorm eexamiine aand eexamiine ( inccludiing eexamiiningg witth annnuall commprehhensiive aapp

45、raaisall at ordiinaryy timmes), twoo linnk deegreee forrm, tthis exammine diffferennt pllacess witth otther typee entterprrise too, Speeciall plaace. 3.2 TThe bbehavvioraal noorm oof saafetyy in prodductiion iis exxaminnedThe bbehavvioraal noorm oof thhe saafetyy in prodductiion iis exxaminned aand

46、aalreaady iimpleementted sseverral yyearss in the poweer pllant, Rellativvely moree perrfectt, eaach ppowerr plaant hhas aa uniifiedd reegulaationn of manaagemeent oof ecconommic rrewarrds aand ppunisshmennts oof thhe saafetyy in prodductiion. Thiis reegulaationn is thatt eleectriic poower enteerpri

47、ises are quitte inntactt thrroughh whaat thhe exxplorratioon inn deccadess traansfoorm iinto, Opeeratiing vvery stroong ssysteem too asssess. We thinnk saafetyy in prodductiion bbehavviourral nnorm exammine and go oon acccordding to tthe ccurreent ssysteem.3.3Poost wworkiing aachieevemeent eexamiine aand ggo onn andd divvide layeer cllassiifiedd andd mannageddPersoonnell claassiffy diividee layyer eenterrprisse fooundaationn of humaan reesourrces manaagemee


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