1、劳动合同法中英文对照版 Order oof thee Pressidentt of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina (No. 65)Thhe Labbor Coontracct Laww of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina, whicch wass adoppted aat thee 28thh Sesssion oof thee Stannding Commiittee of thhe Tennth Naationaal Peoopless Conggress of thhe Peoopless Repuublic
2、 of Chhina oon Junne 29, 20077, is herebby proomulgaated aand shhall ccome iinto fforce as off Januuary 11, 20008. Prresideent off the Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna Hu Jintaao Junne 29, 20077Laborr Conttract Law oof thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina(Addoptedd at tthe 288th Seessionn of SStandiing
3、Coommitttee off the Tenthh Natiional Peoplles CCongreess off the Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna on June 29, 22007)CContennts Chhapterr I Geenerall ProvvisionnsChappter III Forrmatioon of Laborr Conttractss Chappter IIII Fuulfilllment and CChangee of LLabor ContrractsCChapteer IV Dissoolutioon andd T
4、ermminatiion off Laboor ConntracttsChappter VV Speccial PProvissions Sectiion 1 Colleectivee ConttractSSectioon 2 WWorkerr DisppatchSSectioon 3 PPart-ttime EEmployymentCChapteer VI Superrvisioon andd InsppectioonChappter VVII Leegal LLiabillitiess Chappter VVIII SSuppleementaary Prrovisiions中华人民共和国国
6、 I Geenerall Provvisionns第一章总则Articlee 1Thiis Laww is fformullated for tthe puurposees of improoving the llabor contrractuaal sysstem, clariifyingg the rightts andd obliigatioons off bothh partties oof labbor coontraccts, pproteccting the llegitiimate rightts andd inteerestss of eemployyees, and ees
7、tabllishinng andd deveelopinng a hharmonnious and sstablee emplloymennt rellationnship.第一条为了完完善劳动合同同制度,明确确劳动合同双双方当事人的的权利和义务务,保护劳动动者的合法权权益,构建和和发展和谐稳稳定的劳动关关系,制定本本法。Articlee 2 Thhis Laaw shaall appply tto thee estaablishhment of emmploymment rrelatiionshiip bettween emplooyees and eenterpprisess, inddi
8、viduual ecconomiic orgganizaationss, priivate non-eenterpprise entitties, or otther oorganiizatioons (hhereaffter rreferrred too as eemployyers), and to thhe forrmatioon, fuulfilllment, channge, ddissollutionn, or termiinatioon of laborr conttractss. Thee statte orggans, publiic insstituttions, soci
9、ial orrganizzationns, annd theeir emmployeees ammong tthem tthere is ann emplloymennt rellationnship shalll obseerve tthis LLaw inn the formaation, fulffillmeent, cchangee, disssoluttion, or teerminaation of thheir llabor contrracts.第二条中华人人民共和国境境内的企业、个个体经济组织织、民办非企企业单位等组组织(以下称称用人单位)与与劳动者建立立劳动关系,订订立、履
10、行、变变更、解除或或者终止劳动动合同,适用用本法。国家机关、事事业单位、社社会团体和与与其建立劳动动关系的劳动动者,订立、履履行、变更、解解除或者终止止劳动合同,依依照本法执行行。Articlee 3 Thhe priinciplle of lawfuulnesss, faiirnesss, equualityy, freee willl, neegotiaation for aagreemment aand goood faaith sshall be obbserveed in the fformattion oof a llabor contrract. A labbor coontra
11、cct conncludeed acccordinng to the llaw shhall hhave aa bindding fforce. The emplooyer aand thhe empployeee shalll perrform the oobligaationss as sstipullated in thhe labbor coontracct.第三条订立劳劳动合同,应应当遵循合法法、公平、平平等自愿、协协商一致、诚诚实信用的原原则。依依法订立的劳劳动合同具有有约束力,用用人单位与劳劳动者应当履履行劳动合同同约定的义务务。Articlee 4 Ann emplloyer
12、shalll estaablishh a soound ssystemm of eemployyment ruless so aas to ensurre thaat itss emplloyeess enjooy thee laboor rigghts aand peerformm the emplooymentt obliigatioons. WWhere an emmployeer forrmulattes, aamendss or ddecidees rulles orr impoortantt evennts cooncernning tthe reemunerrationn, wo
13、rrking time, breaak, vaacatioon, woork saafety and ssanitaation, insuurancee and welfaare, ttrainiing off emplloyeess, labbor diisciplline, or maanagemment oof prooductiion quuota, whichh are direcctly rrelateed to the iintereests oof thee emplloyeess, succh rulles orr impoortantt evennts shhall bbe
14、 disscusseed at the mmeetinng of emplooyees reprresenttativees or the ggeneraal meeeting of alll empployeees, annd thee emplloyer shalll alsoo put forwaard prroposaals annd opiinionss to tthe emmployeees annd neggotiatte witth thee laboor uniion orr the emplooyees reprresenttativees on a equual baas
15、is tto reaach aggreemeents oon theese ruules oor eveents. Durinng thee proccess oof exeecutioon of a deccisionn abouut a rrule oor aboout ann impoortantt evennt, iff the laborr unioon or the eemployyees ddeem iit impproperr, theey mayy requuire tthe emmployeer to amendd or iimprovve thee rulees or d
16、ecissions throuugh neegotiaationss. Thee emplloyer shalll makee an aannounncemennt of the rrules and iimporttant eeventss whicch aree direectly relatted too the interrests of thhe empployeees or inforrm thee emplloyeess of tthese ruless or eeventss.第四条用人单单位应当依法法建立和完善善劳动规章制制度,保障劳劳动者享有劳劳动权利、履履行劳动义务务。用
17、人人单位在制定定、修改或者者决定有关劳劳动报酬、工工作时间、休休息休假、劳劳动安全卫生生、保险福利利、职工培训训、劳动纪律律以及劳动定定额管理等直直接涉及劳动动者切身利益益的规章制度度或者重大事事项时,应当当经职工代表表大会或者全全体职工讨论论,提出方案案和意见,与与工会或者职职工代表平等等协商确定。在规章制度和重大事项决定实施过程中,工会或者职工认为不适当的,有权向用人单位提出,通过协商予以修改完善。用人单位应当将直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度和重大事项决定公示,或者告知劳动者。Articlee 5 Thhe labbor addminisstratiive deepartmment oo
18、f thee peopples goverrnmentt at tthe coounty levell or aabove shalll, toggetherr withh the laborr unioon andd the repreesentaativess of tthe ennterprrise, estabblish a souund thhree-pparty mechaanism to cooordinnate eemployyment relattionshhip annd shaall joointlyy seekk to ssolve the mmajor problle
19、ms rrelateed to emplooymentt relaationss.第五条县级以以上人民政府府劳动行政部部门会同工会会和企业方面面代表,建立立健全协调劳劳动关系三方方机制,共同同研究解决有有关劳动关系系的重大问题题。Articlee 6 Thhe labbor unnion sshall assisst andd direect thhe empployeees wheen theey conncludee withh the emplooyers and ffulfilll labbor coontraccts annd esttablissh a ccollecctive n
20、egottiatioon mecchanissm witth thee emplloyerss so aas to mainttain tthe laawful rightts andd inteerestss of tthe emmployeees.第六条工会应应当帮助、指指导劳动者与与用人单位依依法订立和履履行劳动合同同,并与用人人单位建立集集体协商机制制,维护劳动动者的合法权权益。Chapterr II FFormattion oof Labbor Coontraccts第二章劳动合合同的订立Articlee 7 Ann emplloyer estabblishees an emploo
21、ymentt relaationsship wwith aan empployeee fromm the date when the eemployyer puuts thhe empployeee to wwork. The eemployyer shhall ppreparre a rrosterr of eemployyees ffor innspecttion.第七条用人单单位自用工之之日起即与劳劳动者建立劳劳动关系。用用人单位应当当建立职工名名册备查。Articlee 8 Whhen ann emplloyer hiress an eemployyee, iit shaall faa
22、ithfuully iinformm him of thhe worrk conntentss, connditioons annd loccationn, occcupatiional harm, workk safeety sttate, remunneratiion, aand otther iinformmationn whicch thee emplloyee requiires tto be inforrmed. The eemployyer haas thee righht to know the bbasic inforrmatioon of the eemployyer wh
23、hich iis dirrectlyy relaated tto thee laboor conntractt and the eemployyee shhall ffaithffully proviide suuch innformaation.第八条用人单单位招用劳动动者时,应当当如实告知劳劳动者工作内内容、工作条条件、工作地地点、职业危危害、安全生生产状况、劳劳动报酬,以以及劳动者要要求了解的其其他情况;用用人单位有权权了解劳动者者与劳动合同同直接相关的的基本情况,劳劳动者应当如如实说明。Articlee 9 Whhen ann emplloyer hiress an eemployye
24、e, iit shaall noot dettain hhis iddentitty carrd or otherr certtificaates, nor rrequirre himm to pprovidde a gguarannty orr colllect mmoney or prropertty froom himm undeer anyy otheer exccuse.第九条用人单单位招用劳动动者,不得扣扣押劳动者的的居民身份证证和其他证件件,不得要求求劳动者提供供担保或者以以其他名义向向劳动者收取取财物。Articlee 10 AA writtten llabor contrra
25、ct sshall be cooncludded inn the estabblishmment oof an emplooymentt relaationsship. Wheree an eemployyment relattionshhip haas alrready been estabblisheed witth an emplooyee bbut noo writtten llabor contrract hhas beeen ennteredd simuultaneeouslyy, a wwritteen labbor coontracct shaall bee concclude
26、dd withhin onne monnth frrom thhe datte wheen thee emplloyee beginns to work. Wherre an emplooyer aand ann emplloyee concllude aa laboor conntractt prioor to the eemployyment, the emplooymentt relaationsship iis esttablisshed ffrom tthe daate whhen thhe empployeee begiins too workk.第十条建立劳劳动关系,应应当订立书
27、面面劳动合同。已建立劳动关系,未同时订立书面劳动合同的,应当自用工之日起一个月内订立书面劳动合同。用人单位与劳动者在用工前订立劳动合同的,劳动关系自用工之日起建立。Articlee 11 WWhere an emmployeer faiils too concclude a wriitten laborr conttract when the eemployyer puut hiss emplloyee to woork, iif thee remuunerattion sstipullated betweeen thhe empployerr and the eemployyee iss n
28、ot clearr, thee remuunerattion tto thee new emplooyee sshall confoorm too the proviisionss of tthe coollecttive ccontraact. IIf theere iss no ccollecctive contrract oor if theree is nno succh stiipulattion iin thee colllectivve conntractt, thee prinnciplee of eequal pay ffor eqqual wwork sshall be o
29、bbserveed.第十一条用人人单位未在用用工的同时订订立书面劳动动合同,与劳劳动者约定的的劳动报酬不不明确的,新新招用的劳动动者的劳动报报酬按照集体体合同规定的的标准执行;没有集体合合同或者集体体合同未规定定的,实行同同工同酬。Articlee 12 LLabor contrracts are cclassiified into fix-tterm llabor contrracts, laboor conntractts witthout a fixxed teerm, aand thhe labbor coontraccts thhat seet thee comppletioon o
30、f speciific ttasks as thhe terrm to end ccontraacts.第十二条劳动动合同分为固固定期限劳动动合同、无固固定期限劳动动合同和以完完成一定工作作任务为期限限的劳动合同同。Articlee 13 AA fixeed-terrm labbor coontracct reffers tto a llabor contrract iin whiich thhe empployerr and the eemployyee sttipulaate thhe timme of termiinatioon of the ccontraact. TThe emmpl
31、oyeer andd the emplooyee mmay cooncludde a ffixed-term laborr conttract upon negottiatioon.第十三条固定定期限劳动合合同,是指用用人单位与劳劳动者约定合合同终止时间间的劳动合同同。用人人单位与劳动动者协商一致致,可以订立立固定期限劳劳动合同。Articlee 14 AA laboor conntractt withhout aa fixeed terrm reffers tto a llabor contrract iin whiich thhe empployerr and the eemployyee
32、 sttipulaate noo certtain ttime tto endd the contrract. An emmployeer andd an eemployyee maay, thhroughh negootiatiions, concllude aa laboor conntractt withhout aa fixeed terrm. Unnder aany off the folloowing circuumstannces, if thhe empployeee propposes or aggrees to reenew oor conncludee a laabor
33、ccontraact, aa laboor conntractt withhout aa fixeed terrm shaall bee conccludedd unleess thhe empployeee propposes to cooncludde a ffixed-term laborr conttract:1. Thhe empployeee has alreaady woorked for tthe emmployeer forr 10 ffull yyears conseecutivvely;22. Wheen thee emplloyer initiially adoptts
34、 thee laboor conntractt systtem orr whenn a sttate-oowned enterrprisee re-cconcluudes tthe laabor ccontraact duue to restrructurring, the eemployyee haas alrready workeed forr thiss emplloyer for 110 fulll yeaars coonsecuutivelly andd he aattainns to the aage whhich iis lesss thaan 10 yearss up tto
35、thee stattutoryy retiiremennt agee; or33. Thee laboor conntractt is tto be renewwed affter ttwo fiixed-tterm llabor contrracts have been conclluded conseecutivvely, and tthe emmployeee is not uunder any oof thee circcumstaances as meentionned inn Artiicle 339 andd Paraagraphhs (1) and (2) oof Arttic
36、le 40 off thiss Law. If tthe emmployeer faiils too signn a wrrittenn laboor conntractt withh an eemployyee affter tthe laapse oof onee fulll yearr fromm the date when the eemployyee beegins to woork, iit shaall bee deemmed thhat thhe empployerr and the eemployyee haave cooncludded a laborr conttract
37、 withoout a fixedd termm.第十四条无固固定期限劳动动合同,是指指用人单位与与劳动者约定定无确定终止止时间的劳动动合同。用人单位与与劳动者协商商一致,可以以订立无固定定期限劳动合合同。有下列列情形之一,劳劳动者提出或或者同意续订订、订立劳动动合同的,除除劳动者提出出订立固定期期限劳动合同同外,应当订订立无固定期期限劳动合同同:(一一)劳动者在在该用人单位位连续工作满满十年的;(二)用用人单位初次次实行劳动合合同制度或者者国有企业改改制重新订立立劳动合同时时,劳动者在在该用人单位位连续工作满满十年且距法法定退休年龄龄不足十年的的;(三三)连续订立立二次固定期期限劳动合同同,
38、且劳动者者没有本法第第三十九条和和第四十条第第一项、第二二项规定的情情形,续订劳劳动合同的。用人单位自用工之日起满一年不与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,视为用人单位与劳动者已订立无固定期限劳动合同。Articlee 15 AA laboor conntractt thatt setss the complletionn of aa speccific task as thhe terrm to end tthe coontracct reffers tto thee laboor conntractt in wwhich the eemployyer annd thee emplloyee sti
39、puulate that the ttime pperiodd of tthe coontracct shaall bee baseed on the ccompleetion of a speciific ttask. An emmployeer andd an eemployyee maay, uppon neegotiaation, concclude a labbor coontracct thaat setts thee comppletioon of a speecificc taskk to eend thhe conntractt.第十五条以完完成一定工作作任务为期限限的劳动合
40、同同,是指用人人单位与劳动动者约定以某某项工作的完完成为合同期期限的劳动合合同。用用人单位与劳劳动者协商一一致,可以订订立以完成一一定工作任务务为期限的劳劳动合同。Articlee 16 AA laboor conntractt shalll be agreeed witth by the eemployyer annd thee emplloyee and sshall come into effecct aftter thhe empployerr and the eemployyee afffix ttheir signaaturess or sseals to thhe labbor
41、coontracct. Thhe empployerr and the eemployyee shhall eeach hhold oone coopy off the laborr conttract.第十六条劳动动合同由用人人单位与劳动动者协商一致致,并经用人人单位与劳动动者在劳动合合同文本上签签字或者盖章章生效。劳动合同文文本由用人单单位和劳动者者各执一份。Articlee 17 AA laboor conntractt shalll incclude the ffollowwing cclausees:1. The eemployyers name, domiicile, legaal
42、 reppresenntativve, orr majoor perrson-iin-chaarge;22. Thee emplloyees namme, doomicille, iddentitty carrd nummber, or otther vvalid identtity ccertifficatee numbber;3. The time limitt for the llabor contrract;44. Thee job descrriptioons annd worrk loccationns;5. The wwork hhours, breaak timme, annd
43、 voccationns;6. The rremuneeratioons;7. The sociaal seccurityy;8. TThe emmploymment pprotecction, workk condditionns, annd prootectiion aggainstt and preveentionn of ooccupaationaal harrm; annd9. OOther itemss thatt shalll be incluuded iin thee laboor conntractt undeer anyy lawss or rregulaationss.
44、Apaart frrom thhe esssentiaal claauses as prrescriibed iin thee preccedingg paraagraphh, thee emplloyer and tthe emmployeee mayy, in the llabor contrract, stipuulate the pprobattion ttime pperiodd, traainingg, connfidenntialiity, ssuppleementaary innsurannces, welfaares aand beenefitts, annd othher
45、ittems.第十七条劳动动合同应当具具备以下条款款:(一一)用人单位位的名称、住住所和法定代代表人或者主主要负责人;(二)劳劳动者的姓名名、住址和居居民身份证或或者其他有效效身份证件号号码;(三三)劳动合同同期限;(四)工作作内容和工作作地点;(五)工作作时间和休息息休假;(六)劳动动报酬;(七)社会会保险;(八)劳动动保护、劳动动条件和职业业危害防护;(九)法法律、法规规规定应当纳入入劳动合同的的其他事项。劳动合同除前款规定的必备条款外,用人单位与劳动者可以约定试用期、培训、保守秘密、补充保险和福利待遇等其他事项。Articlee 18 IIf remmuneraationss, worr
46、k connditioons, aand otther ccriterrions are nnot exxpresssly sttipulaated iin a llabor contrract aand a dispuute iss trigggeredd, thee emplloyer and tthe emmployeee mayy re-nnegotiiate tthe coontracct. Iff no aagreemment iis reaached throuugh neegotiaationss, thee provvisionns of the ccollecctive c
47、ontrract sshall be foolloweed. Iff therre is no coollecttive ccontraact orr if tthere is noo suchh stippulatiion abbout tthe reemunerrationn, thee prinnciplee of eequal pay ffor eqqual wwork sshall be obbserveed. Iff therre is no coollecttive ccontraact orr if tthere is noo suchh stippulatiion abbout tthe woork coonditiions aand otther ccriterri