1、ChaseDreamPREP2008 语法笔记原“新Prep语法笔记”Version: 1.03主编:aeoluseros(GMAT语法区版主)语法笔记编写组成员:binbin,babeequeen,大龙(cdlxhmn),果汁软糖,jy03161061,狂奔的蜗牛,lovelacebaby,neko,steven大版,苏米拉提,魏小妞要出国,zanyingsan ChaseDream论坛: 版权声明:ChaseDream PREP2008语法笔记,本材料版权属于ChaseDream网站所有。本材料中的所有内容,包括(但不仅限于)正文、图片、表格和图标,受中国版权法和其他国际版权法的保护。在任
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3、rsion 1.00 PREP2008 语法笔记整体完成前言:笔记编写的目的,并不是想引导大家成为刨根问底、万全无遗的GMAT语法书,而只是为了方便大家的学习。至于解题的思路,还需自行参悟,每个人的彼岸都不一样,所以每个人都有适合自己通向彼岸的路。同时,因为时间有限,所以笔记中定然存在很多的不足感谢大家可以在论坛的笔记查漏专贴中为我,也为后来人指出。查漏贴链接(请跟帖回复提出修改意见): 感谢:感谢CD,笔记并非仅仅我们编写组的成果,大部分的内容都是取之CD用之CD。感谢CD上数不尽的大佬前辈们,尤有zeros, steven给我的支持与帮助。感谢语法笔记的编写组成员们(alphabetica
5、一列举,但是偶几位的大名能在笔记中被看到:-D同时也感谢在我这段生命里出现过的所有人,没有你们,我的生命黯淡无光。祝你们幸福。最后感谢女友果汁,在这过程里给过我太多关心,支持,自信与勇气,你是我坚持到最终截稿最大的支撑与意义。望我能给你幸福。aeoluseros2010.9使用说明1、 各题答案均隐藏在(D)选项后,显示的方法是鼠标左键单击“常用”工具栏“显示/隐藏编辑标记”按钮(只有WORD才有此按钮,写字板没有)。再次单击又被隐藏。见下图方框内标示:(此为word2010截图,word2003, 2007有类似按钮)2. 考点汇总:有效用词(Diction) 句子结构(Grammatica
6、l Construction)指代一致(Agreement) 平行对称(Parallelism)简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)逻辑表达(Logical Predication)主谓一致(Agreement)固定搭配(Idiom)其他(Ends & Odds)3. TIPS:1) 常常有些题目是可以纯粹根据effectiveness来判断正误良莠的。记住一些“effectiveness错误”,比如某时候多一个逗号更为清晰,比如大平行更加好看,往往是加速判题的关键。2) 引用某牛的一句话:“句式清晰,结构简洁,语义单一而精准”。做题时可以站在读者的角度看题,也即“我”作
7、为一个读者,看这句话的时候会不会产生另一个外一个理解,或者会不会感觉绕口看不懂,往往这样的选项就是错的 正确选项常常是最清晰简洁的那个。3) 关于每道题解析中一开始的考点说明会有列举得比较详细,建议参看的战友第一次看本笔记时先跳过那些考点说明,直接看选项分析,有不懂的点再回头核对相关知识点。为不强加思维于众考生,笔记里面大多题目并没有点出做题的思维方式,只分析了错误的语法点。4) 简单题要学会读完A选项后尽量同步地在脑中构思最好的写法应该如何,这一点如果一时无法做到毋须强求;遇到难题或新知识点时通常先以排除法为主,解题过程中不能排除的先放着作为候补选项,如果候补选项多于两个,最后再进行对比,切
8、莫因为某语法点不熟悉而把它作为排除理由。5) 做题速度的加快除了阅读速度加快之外,最大的原因在于有些选项基本不用读了。6) 记住一些近似词间的细微差别,能加速选项的筛选,如espeically和specially的区别,due to、in that、since和because的区别,it和one的区别,定语从句和现在分词修饰的区别等等。8) 固定搭配、习语并没有什么很好的办法去学,只能靠多看多记,正如idiom这个词并不是来自于idiot,而是来自于idio-,which means “unique, spontaneous, without rules or known genesis”。9
9、) 巧用“正确的句子”(见专门文档,CD上有下载):比如当想了解with的用法时,可以在“正确的句子”里搜索with,所有GMAT中出现过的with的用法就出来了。10) 由于总希望更清晰明白地表达意思,笔记有些地方未免显得啰嗦繁琐,如果大家时间不足,只需要看选项分析。This page is intentionally left blank!目录Practice Test #1 Sentence Correction (171-258)1170.1171.2172.2173.4174.5175.7176.8177.9178.10179.11180.12181. 重点题13182.15183.
10、15184.16185.17186.18187.19188.19189. (OG12-123)22190.23191.24192.25193.26194.26195. (GWD-7-Q13)27196. (T-9-Q26) (OG12-11)28197. (GWD-8-Q20)30198. (GWD-1-Q23)32199. (GWD5-Q4)33200. (T-3-Q14)33201. (GWD30-Q4)34202. (GWD-27-Q7)35203. (T-4-Q29)35204. (T-9-Q16) (OG12-53)36205. (T-9-Q15)38206. (GWD-21-Q29
11、)39207. (T-4-Q30)40208. (GWD-11-40)40209. (T-3-Q7)41210. (GWD-1-Q2) 重点题44211. (GWD-8-Q39)46212. (GWD-10-Q1)47213. (GWD-3-Q34)48214. (T-9-Q31)49215. (GWD-3-Q3)50216. (T-3-Q39) (天山-7-39)51217. (T-3-Q17) (天山-7-14)52218. (GWD7-Q4)53219. (GWD-12-Q20)53220. (GWD-24-8)54221. (GWD-12-Q34)55222. (GWD-1-Q34)5
12、5223. (GWD-23-Q23)56224. (GWD-12-Q13)57225. (GWD-1-Q24)58226. (GWD-3-Q1)59227. (GWD-3-Q41)60228. (GWD-8-Q2)60229. (T-9-Q34)62230. (T-4-Q4)63231. (T-9-Q38)64232. (TTGWD4-Q1)65233. (GWD-12-Q32)65234. (GWD-24-36)66235. (GWD-9-Q1)67236. (GWD-1-Q8)68237. (GWD-8-Q16) (GWD-13-15)68238. (GWD-4-4)69239. (GWD
13、-12-Q3)71240. (GWD-12-Q30)72241. (GWD-9-Q39)73242. (GWD-1-Q38)75243. (GWD-10-Q8)77244. (GWD-10-Q39)78245. (GWD-18-Q11)79246. (GWD-9-Q27)79247. (GWD-3-Q39)80248. (GWD-9-Q32)81249. (GWD-10-Q36) (GWD-11-19)82250. (GWD30-Q29)82251. (GWD-1-Q29)84252. (GWD7-Q1)85253. (GWD 4-Q13)85254. (GWD-29-Q36)86255. (
14、GWD-12-Q19)87256. (T-4-Q1 TS-7-41)88257. (GWD6-Q30)90258. (GWD-9-Q2)91Practice Test #2 Sentence Correction (152-235)93152. (OG10-245) (OG11-95)93153.94154.95155.97156.98157.99158. (OG12-121)100159.101160.102161.104162.105163.106164.109165. (OG10-243)110166.111167.113168.114169. (GWD-3-Q11)115170. (G
15、WD21-Q12)116171. (GWD-10-Q2) (GWD-11-10)117172. (GWD7-Q40)118173. (GWD-10-Q18)119174. (GWD-30-Q30)120175. (GWD-9-Q3)123176. (GWD17-Q12)124177. (T-4-Q12)125178. (GWD-1-Q21)126179. (GWD-9-Q15) (OG12-36)127180. (GWD-11-39)129181. (GWD-24-38)130182. (GWD-18-Q17)131183. (GWD-6-Q22)132184. (GWD-10-Q41) (O
16、G12-48)133185. (GWD-8-Q41)135186. (GWD-6-Q41)136187. (GWD-1-Q32)136188. (GWD-7-Q33)138189. (GWD3-Q30) (旧Prep2-131)138190. (GWD-28-Q24)139191. (GWD-10-Q24)141192. (GWD-7-Q20)142193. (T-3-Q2)143194. (GWD-11-32)144195. (GWD-24-Q19)146196. (GWD-1-Q41)146197. (GWD-1-Q16)147198. (GWD-18-Q31)148199. (GWD-1
17、-Q19)150200. (GWD-6-Q8)150201. (T-3-Q18)151202. (GWD-3-Q27)152203. (GWD-9-Q26)153204. (GWD-8-Q23)153205. (GWD-9-Q17)155206. (GWD-13-30)155207. (GWD-24-34)156208. (GWD-24-17) (OG12-63)157209. (GWD-10-Q21)158210. (GWD-12-Q31)159211. (GWD-5-Q34)160212. (GWD-26-Q23)161213. (GWD-30-Q2)162214. (GWD-8-Q1)
18、(GWD-13-13)162215. (GWD-31-Q28)163216. (GWD-13-1)164217. (GWD-8-Q11)165218. (T-4-Q33)166219. (GWD-8-Q34) (GWD-13-28)167220. (GWD-6-Q31)167221. (GWD-7-Q2)169222. (GWD-12-Q14)170223. (T-4-Q16)171224. (GWD-8-Q17)172225. (GWD-3-Q39)173226. (GWD-4-34) (OG12-28)174227. (GWD-7-Q3)176228. (GWD-5-Q1)179229.
19、(GWD-6-Q18)180230. (GWD-8-Q32)181231. (T-4-Q3)183232. (GWD-4-17)184233. (GWD-9-Q19)185234. (GWD-3-Q28)185235. (GWD3-Q22)186Practice Test #1 Sentence Correction (171-258)170.Margaret Mead, the best-known anthropologist of the twentieth century, helped shape public opinion on fundamentally important a
20、reas like attitudes toward children and families, along with the relative merits of competition and cooperation.A. shape public opinion on fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, along withB. shape public opinion in such fundamentally important areas as attitudes t
21、oward children and families andC. to shape public opinion about such fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, also aboutD. the shaping of public opinion for fundamentally important areas such as attitudes toward children and families, and those toward (B)E. the shap
22、ing of public opinion around fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, and those of题目释义:MM, , helped shape opinion in areas such as and 考点:固定搭配(Idiom) 有效用词(Diction)1. 1. Help的用法:Help sb. (to) do; Help (to) do; Be helpful in (特别注意)2. 列举用such as A, B, and C结构,不可以用like代
23、替。like在GMAT中通常做介词表示“像一样”,要求前后严格对称,但不可表示列举。3. such as的两种形式:A such as B, such A as Bsuch as的用法:such as + 具体名词(n1 and n2或doing n1 and doing n2;)表示举例 such as + noun/ doing/ what从句/介词短语错误表达:such as + there/they/these 错 ,必须是具体的东西,不能加代词such as + to do 错 such as + 句子 错 such as + when错。X1, X2, X3 such as the
24、se 错,such as要放在列举之前。4. Along with短语引导的是伴随状语,不可以表示平行关系也不可以做连词使用5. 在方面要用in area(s).选项分析:A On areas 搭配错误;like无法表示列举,应当换成such as;along with不能代替and表示并列B Correct; such as的列举中,attitudes与relative merits的并列C Help to do不如help do简洁有效,但不能称其为绝对性错误;about areas 搭配错误;like无法表示列举,应当换成such as;also about错误,also不可以作为副词连
25、接词(副词连接词)使用D Help the doing搭配错误;forareas搭配错误;逻辑意思上讲such as的列举中应该是attitudes与relative merits的并列,也可以从另一个角度分析:如果是attitudes与merits并列的话,不应该再用those toward,而直接用and连接,如果是两个attitudes并列的话最多补出and toward,从两个方面来讲and those toward都是错的;另外and those toward前面的逗号不应该有E Help the doing搭配错误;around area搭配错误;like无法表示列举,应当换成su
26、ch as;逻辑意思上讲列举中应该是attitudes与relative merits的并列;另外and those of前面的逗号不应该有171.One of the primary distinctions between our intelligence with that of other primates may lay not so much in any specific skill but in our ability to extend knowledge gained in one context to new and different ones.A. between o
27、ur intelligence with that of other primates may lay not so much in any specific skill butB. between our intelligence with that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill but insteadC. between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill asD.
28、our intelligence has from that of other primates may lie not in any specific skill as (C)E. of our intelligence to that of other primates may lay not in any specific skill but句子结构: One of the primary distinctions between and may lie not so much in as in考点:1. 固定搭配distinction(s) betweenand2. 固定搭配so mu
29、chas,要保证平行3. May, must, should, would等情态动词后面要接动词原形4. 注意当lay和lie都为动词的原型时的区别:lay是使役动词; lie表达的是状态,可以作为Linking Verb.选项分析:A. between with搭配错误;so much but搭配错误;lay不是原形,应该换成lieB. between with搭配错误;so much but搭配错误;instead多余C. correct; that指代intelligenceD. distinction要用betweenand.来搭配,不能用定语从句;固定搭配betweenand不完整;
30、缺少了so much,改变合理句意E. distinction要用betweenand.来搭配;ofto搭配错误;lay不是原形,应该换成lie;not so muchas被改为notbut,改变了合理句意补充:有difference from和difference/distinction between A and B,而没有distinction from172.Introduced by Italian merchants resident in London during the sixteenth century, in England life insurance remained
31、 until the end of the seventeenth century a specialized contract between individual underwriters and their clients, typically being ship owners, overseas merchants, or professional moneylenders.A. in England life insurance remained until the end of the seventeenth century a specialized contract betw
32、een individual underwriters and their clients, typically beingB. in England life insurance had remained until the end of the seventeenth century a specialized contract between individual underwriters with their clients, who typically wereC. until the end of the seventeenth century life insurance in
33、England had remained a specialized contract between individual underwriters and their clients, typicallyD. life insurance in England remained until the end of the seventeenth century a specialized contract between individual underwriters and their clients, typically (D)E. life insurance remained unt
34、il the end of the seventeenth century in England a specialized contract between individual underwriters with their clients, who typically were句子结构:Introduced by , life insurance remained until a contract between and 其中a contract是同位语修饰life insurance考点:A. 固定搭配between and B. 时态问题:以下情况用现在完成时:l within/du
35、ring/in/over+ past/recent/last+时间段l 出现since考虑现在完成时以下情况用一般过去式:l 出现original/originally, firstl 过去明确时间l 过去段时间以下情况用一般现在时l 自然现象l 统计数据l 实验结论l 客观事实拓展:l continue这个词,对于时态方面有一点特殊性:1)不用进行时态;2)不用两种以上的时态l 现在完成时与过去时:过去时就是过去的动作,完成了;现在完成时,除了过去的动作完成了,它区别于过去时的地方就在于它强调对现在的影响。要说什么时候通用,那就是抓住本质“对现在有没有影响?”没有的话,两者都可以。 (per
36、sonal comment by aeoluseros)l 过去完成时表达的是过去的过去,所以需要与一个过去的时态作对比,也即如果句子里面没有特别明显表达过去的过去或者没有某个动词是过去时态,那么必不会出现过去完成时。C同位语:同位语由unrestricted adjectival phrase而来,同位语的修饰对象:名词或名词短语或代词同位结构的特征a) 起修饰语的作用,一般用于修饰名词或名词短语;同位语解释的是整个名词,不是名短中某个词,故同位语不是核心词修饰。b) 必须对其修饰对象具有解释力;c) 位置:名词前或名词后,一般在修饰对象的后面;d) 不影响主谓一致(谓语应该和主语保持一致,
37、而不是和同位语);e) 同位结构中名词的数可以和其修饰对象的数不一致。同位结构的形式1) 名词性同位语:名词解释名词。(以下三种,第二个n.后可以跟修饰词)i. N., n.; ii. n., a/an + n.或a/an + n., n.; iii. the + n., n.(前面的the + n 为同位结构)2) 内容具体化同位结构:抽象名词(theory/evidence/belief/principle)+that 从句,that从句对抽象名词进行具体化解释(注意与of 结构的区别),that从句部分才是同位语。(that是小品词,连词,和一般的名词性that分句中的that一样)3)
38、 概括性同位语:用一个概括性的名词去概括前面的修饰对象:短语/句子,n. + that / doing / done.选项分析:A in England 位置不好,应该在修饰对象life insurance后面以使introduced修饰life insurance更为清晰;being多余B in England 位置不好,应该在修饰对象life insurance后面以使introduced修饰life insurance更为清晰;between with搭配错误;who typically were多余C 时间状语until the end of the seventeenth centu
39、ry位置不好,应放到动词remained后面以使introduced修饰life insurance更为清晰,也使得与其修饰对象remained更加接近。D Correct;remain如果像在B,C中用了过去完成时语法上并没有错,只是句意就imply了“life insurance在17世纪末以后就变了”,而如果是一般过去时,则有可能18世纪初了英国的寿险可能还是那样子,因为这个改变不是必须的,所以不一定要过去完成时。E between with搭配错误;who typically were多余173.The widely accepted big-bang theory holds tha
40、t the universe began in an explosive instant 10 to 20 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.A. that the universe began in an explosive instant 10 to 20 billion years ago and has been expandingB. that the universe had begun in an explosive instant 10 to 20 billion years ago and had been
41、 expandingC. that the beginning of the universe was an explosive instant 10 to 20 billion years ago that has expandedD. the beginning of the universe to have been an explosive instant 10 to 20 billion years ago that is expanding (A)E. the universe to have begun in an explosive instant 10 to 20 billi
42、on years ago and has been expanding句子结构: The theory holds that the universe began in and has been考点:1.宾语从句前的that不可省略2.描述自然现象、统计数据、实验结论、客观事实的时候用一般现在时PS:同样需要注意的是在描述法律规定的时候定语从句要用Ving形式选项分析:A CorrectB Had began时态错误;第二个had应该改为hasC the beginning of the universe was的表达wordy;was应该改为is;that has expanded将原句中并
43、列的句子改为从句,改变了原句意思D 缺少that;the beginning of the universe was的表达wordy;to have been表达不正确,而且wordy;that is expanding将原句中并列的句子改为从句,改变了原句意思E 缺少that;and前的句子主谓不完整OG12-8的解释:Logical predication; Verb formThe sentence describes the central tenet of a theory about how the universe began. The focus of the second c
44、lause should be consistently on the subject the universe, and all verbs in the clause beginning with that must describe what the universe did at the initial explosive moment.A. Correct. Both verbs in the second clause correctly take universe as their subject.B. Had begun is the wrong tense because i
45、t describes action that occurred farther in the past than some other, specifi ed past action.C. The relative clause that has expanded describes instant, which makes no sense.D. The beginning of the universe to have been is unnecessarily indirect and wordy; illogically suggests that beginning is expa
46、nding, not the universe.E. The verb phrases to have begun and has been expanding both reference the same subject of the clause, universe, and therefore need to be parallel.下划线的两个句子并不矛盾,因为that从句前面的beginning be an instant是主系表结构,所以that从句describe的是instant和beginning. 174.Often major economic shifts are so gradual as to be in