1、 【法律英语】英语合同大全(吐血整理实务中非常实用的各类“英语合同样板”求职实习必备资料) 来源: 李梦园的日志 合同条款常用英文词汇买方 buyeer卖方 seeller项目名称 Projeect naame地址 adddresss电话 phhone传真 faax联系人 ccontacct perrson本合同由买买卖双方签订订,根据本合合同条款,买买方同意购买买,卖方同意意出售以下产产品。This contrract iis madde by and bbetweeen thee buyeers annd selllers, wherreby tthe buuyers agreee to
2、bbuy annd thee selllers aagree to seell thhe undder-meentionned. CCommodditiess accoordingg to tthe teerms aand coonditiions sstipullated beloww.1. 详细细货物清单 Detaiil suppply llist2. 合同同价格 Coontracct vallue序号 ittem 型号号 modeel 尺寸 size, dimeensionn 数量 aamountt, uniit 单价 unit pricee 总价 ttotal pricee 备注 rr
3、emarkk 货物,运运费 freeight, trannsporttationn 合同总额额(含安装费费与税金) Contrract aamountt incll. VATT insstallaation3. 付款款条件 paaymentt condditionns, paaymentt termms4. 交货货地点 deeliverry plaace5. 发货货期 delliveryy timee6. 安装装条款 innstalllationn clauuse7. 验收收条款 innspecttion cclausee8. 保证证条款 guuaranttee cllause9. 不可可抗拒
4、条款 Forcee Majeeure CClausee10. 违违约条款 BBreachh clauuse11. 其其他条款 MMiscelllaneoous cllause12. 买买卖双方信息息 buyeer andd selller innformaation此合同一式二份份,由双方各各持一正本。TThis ccontraact iss madee in ttwo orriginaals thhat shhould be heeld byy eachh partty.涉外合同格式涉外合同按按繁简不同,尽尽管可以采取取不同书面形形式,如正式式合同(Coontracct)、协议议书(Agrr
5、eemennt)、确认认书(Connfirmaation)、备备忘录(Meemoranndum)、订订单(Ordder)等等等,但是一般般都包含如下下几个部分:一、合同名名称(Tittle)二、前文(PPreambble)1. 订约约日期和地点点Date and pplace of siigningg2. 合同同当事人及其其国籍、主营营业所或住所所Signiing paartiess and theirr natiionaliities, prinncipall placce of businness oor ressidencce adddressees3. 当事事人合法依据据Each pa
6、rtyys auuthoriity,比如如,该公司是是“按当地法法律正式组织织而存在的”(aa corpporatiion duuly orrganizzed annd exiistingg undeer thee lawss of XXXX)4. 订约约缘由/说明明条款Recittals oor WHEEREAS clausse三、本文(BBody)1. 定义义条款(Deefinittion cclausee)2. 基本本条款(Baasic ccondittions)3. 一般般条款(Geenerall termms andd condditionns)a. 合同同有效期(DDuratiio
7、n)b. 合同同的终止(TTerminnationn)c. 不可可抗力(Foorce MMajeurre)d. 合同同的让与(AAssignnment)e. 仲裁裁(Arbiitratiion)f. 适用用的法律(GGovernning llaw)g. 诉讼讼管辖(Juurisdiictionn)h. 通知知手续(Nootice)i. 合同同修改(Ammendmeent)j. 其它它(Otheers)四、结尾条条款(WITTNESS clausse)1. 结尾尾语,包括份份数、使用的的文字和效力力等(Conncludiing seentencce)2. 签名名(Signnaturee)3. 盖
8、印印(Seall)以上的格式式和内容并非非一成不变,当当事人可以根根据各自交易易情况做出调调整或增删。合同范本销售代理合同Sales AAgencyy Agreeementt合同号:NO:日期:Date:为在平等互互利的基础上上发展贸易,有有关方按下列列条件签订本本协议:This Agreeement is ennteredd intoo betwween tthe paartiess conccernedd on tthe baasis oof equualityy and mutuaal bennefit to deevelopp busiiness on teerms aand coon
9、ditiions mmutuallly aggreed upon as foollowss:1. 订约约人 Conntractting PPartiees供货人(以以下称甲方):销售代理人人(以下称乙乙方):甲方委托乙乙方为销售代代理人,推销销下列商品。Suppllier: (hereeinaftter caalled partty A)Agentt:(herreinaffter ccalledd parrty B)Partyy A heereby appoiint Paarty BB to aact ass his selliing aggent tto selll thee commmod
10、ityy menttionedd beloow.2. 商品品名称及数量量或金额 CCommoddity aand Quuantitty or Amounnt双方约定,乙乙方在协议有有效期内, 销售不少于于*的商品品。It iss mutuually agreeed thaat Parrty B shalll undeertakee to ssell nnot leess thhan of thhe afooresaiid commmoditty in the dduratiion off thiss Agreeementt.3. 经销销地区 Teerritoory只限在。In onlyy.4.
11、 订单单的确认 CConfirrmatioon of Orderrs本协议所规规定商品的数数量、价格及及装运条件等等,应在每笔笔交易中确认认,其细目应应在双方签订订的销售协议议书中作出规规定。The qquantiities, pricces annd shiipmentts of the ccommodditiess statted inn thiss Agreeementt shalll be confiirmed in eaach trransacction, the partiicularrs of whichh are to bee speccifiedd in tthe Saale
12、s CConfirrmatioon siggned bby thee two partiies heereto.5. 付款款 Paymment订单确认之之后,乙方须须按照有关确确认书所规定定的时间开立立以甲方为受受益人的保兑兑的、不可撤撤销的即期信信用证。乙方方开出信用证证后,应立即即通知甲方,以以便甲方准备备交货。Afterr conffirmattion oof thee ordeer, Paarty BB shalll arrrange to oppen a confiirmed, irreevocabble L/C avaailablle by draftt at ssight in
13、faavour of Paarty AA withhin thhe timme stiipulatted inn the relevvant SS/C. PParty B shaall allso nootify Partyy A immmediaately afterr L/C is oppened so thhat Paarty AA can get ppreparred foor delliveryy.6. 佣金金 Commmissioon在本协议期期满时,若乙乙方完成了第第二款所规定定的数额,甲甲方应按装运运货物所收到到的发票累计计总金额付给给乙方*%的的佣金。Upon the eex
14、piraation of thhe Agrreemennt andd Partty Bss fulllfilmeent off the totall turnnover mentiioned in Arrticlee 2, PParty A shaall paay to Partyy B % commmissiion onn the basiss of tthe agggregaate ammount of thhe invvoice valuee agaiinst tthe shhipmennts efffecteed.7. 市场场情况报告 Reporrts onn Markket Coon
15、ditiions乙方每3个个月向甲方提提供一次有关关当时市场情情况和用户意意见的详细报报告。同时,乙乙方应随时向向甲方提供其其他供应商的的类似商品样样品及其价格格、销售情况况和广告资料料。Partyy B shhall fforwarrd oncce eveery thhree mmonthss to pparty A dettailedd repoorts oon currrent markeet connditioons annd of consuumers commments. Meannwhilee, Parrty B shalll,fromm timee to ttime, send
16、 to paarty AA sampples oof simmilar commooditiees offfered by otther ssuppliiers, togetther wwith ttheir pricees, saales iinformmationn and adverrtisinng matterialls.8. 宣传传广告费用 Adverrtisinng & PPubliccity EExpensses在本协议有有效期内,乙乙方在上述经经销地区所作作广告宣传的的一切费用,由由乙方自理。乙乙方须事先向向甲方提供宣宣传广告的图图案及文字说说明,由甲方方审阅同意。Partyy
17、 B shhall bbear aall exxpensees forr adveertisiing annd pubblicitty witthin tthe afforemeentionned teerritoory inn the durattion oof thiis Agrreemennt andd submmit too Partty A aall paatternns andd/or ddrawinngs annd desscripttion ffor prrior aapprovval.9. 协议议有效期 VValidiity off Agreeementt本协议经双双方签字后
18、生生效,有效期期为*天,自自*至*.若一方希希望延长本协协议,则须在在本协议期满满前1个月书书面通知另一一方,经双方方协商决定。若协议一方方未履行协议议条款,另一一方有权终止止协议。This Agreeement, afteer itss beinng siggned bby thee partties cconcerrned, shalll remaain inn forcce forr daays frrom to If eitheer Parrty wiishes to exxtend this Agreeement, he sshall noticce, inn writting, t
19、he oother partyy one monthh prioor to its eexpiraation. The matteer shaall bee deciided bby thee agreeementt and by coonsentt of tthe paartiess hereeto. SShouldd eithher paarty ffail tto impplemennt thee termms andd condditionns herrein, the oother partyy is eentitlled too termminatee thiss Agreeeme
20、ntt.10. 仲仲裁 Arbbitrattion在履行协议议过程中,如如产生争议,双双方应友好协协商解决。若若通过友好协协商达不成协协议,则提交交中国国际贸贸易促进委员员会对外贸易易仲裁委员会会,根据该会会仲裁程序暂暂行规定进行行仲裁。该委委员会的决定定是终局的,对对双方均具有有约束力。仲仲裁费用,除除另有规定外外,由败诉一一方负担。All ddisputtes arrisingg fromm the execuution of thhis Aggreemeent shhall bbe setttled throuugh frriendlly connsultaationss. In cas
21、e no seettlemment ccan bee reacched, the ccase iin disspute shalll thenn be ssubmittted tto thee Foreeign TTrade Arbittratioon Commmissiion off the Chinaa Counncil ffor thhe Proomotioon of Interrnatioonal TTrade for aarbitrrationn in aaccorddance with its pprovissionall rulees of proceedure. The dec
22、ission mmade bby thiis Commmissiion shhall bbe reggardedd as ffinal and bbindinng upoon botth parrties. Arbiitratiion feees shhall bbe borrne byy the losinng parrty ,uunlesss otheerwisee awarrded.11. 其其他条款 OOther Termss & Coonditiions(1) 甲甲方不得向经经销地区其他他买主供应本本协议所规定定的商品。如如有询价,当当转达给乙方方洽办。若有有买主希望从从甲方直接订订
23、购,甲方可可以供货,但但甲方须将有有关销售确认认书副本寄给给乙方,并按按所达成交易易的发票金额额给予乙方*%的佣金。Partyy A shhall nnot suupply the ccontraacted commoodity to anny othher buuyer(ss) in the aabove mentiioned terriitory. Direect ennquiriies, iif anyy, willl be referrred tto Parrty B. Howeever, shoulld anyy otheer buyyers wwish tto deaal witt
24、h Parrty A direcctly, Partyy A maay do so. BBut paarty AA shalll sennd to Partyy B a copy of Saales CConfirrmatioon andd givee Partty B% commmissiion onn the basiss of tthe neet invvoice valuee of tthe trransacction(ss)conccludedd.(2) 若若乙方在*月月内未能向甲甲方提供至少少*订货,甲甲方不承担本本协议的义务务。Shoulld Parrty B fail to p
25、aass onn his orderrs to Partyy A inn a peeriod of montths foor a mminimuum of , PParty A shaall noot binnd himmself to thhis Aggreemeent.(3) 对对双方政府间间的贸易,甲甲方有权按其其政府的授权权进行有关的的直接贸易,而而不受本协议议约束。乙方方不得干涉此此种直接贸易易,也无权向向甲方提出任任何补偿或佣佣金要求。For aany buusinesss traansactted beetweenn goveernmennts off bothh Parttie
26、s, Partyy A maay hanndle ssuch ddirectt deallings as auuthoriized bby Parrty As govvernmeent wiithoutt bindding hhimsellf to this Agreeement. Partty B sshall not iinterffere iin succh dirrect ddealinngs noor shaall Paarty BB brinng forrward any ddemandd for compeensatiion thherefrrom.(4) 本本协议受签约约双方所
27、签订订的销售确认认条款的制约约。This Agreeement shalll be ssubjecct to the tterms and ccondittions in thhe Salles Coonfirmmationn signned byy bothh partties hheretoo.本协议于*年*月*日在*签签订,正本两两份,甲乙双双方各执一份份。This Aggreemeent iss signned onn aat aand iss in ttwo orriginaals;eaach Paarty sshall have one ccopy.借贷合同英文范范本LOAN CO
28、ONTRACCTContrract NNumberr:BORROOWER:Addreess:LENDEER:Addreess:In acccordaance wwith pprovissions of Coontracct Laww of tthe Peeopless Repuublic of Chhina aand Baank off Chinna, affter rreviewwing tthe sttatus and tthe reequestt of tthe Boorroweer, thhe Lennder aagreess to ggrant the BBorrowwer a li
29、ne of crredit on . The BBorrowwer, LLenderr and Guaraantor, throough ffrienddly neegotiaation, havee execcuted this Contrract aas folllows:ARTICCLE 1 CURREENCY, AMOUNNT ANDD TERMM OF TTHE LOOAN:1. Thhe Currrencyy undeer thiis loaan is Reimiinbi.2. Thhe Linne of the lloan iis yuaan.3. Thhe perriod oo
30、f thiis loaan is 12 moonths from the ddate oof efffectivvenesss of tthis ccontraact.ARTICCLE 2 THE PPURPOSSE OF THE LLOAN:1. Thhe purrpose of thhis looan iss usedd for workiing caapitall turnnover.2. Wiithoutt writtten aapprovval off the Lendeer, thhe Borrrowerr coulld nott use the lloan oout off th
31、e scopee of tthe puurposee.ARTICCLE 3 INTERREST RRATE AAND CAALCULAATION OF INNTERESST:1. Innteresst ratte: Thhe intterestt ratee shalll be * Duriing thhe loaan terrm, iff the counttrys rrelateed autthoritty adjjustedd the interrest rrate oor thee mannner off calcculatiion off inteerest, the interre
32、st oof thiis conntractt shalll be adjussted aaccorddinglyy afteer onee yearr fromm the date of exxecutiion off thiss conttract.The aadjusttment shalll be cconduccted wwhen tthe innteresst ratte aree execcuted one yyear.IIt is not oobligeed to inforrm thee Borrrower when the aadjusttment of innteress
33、t.2. Thhe intterestt shalll be calcuulatedd fromm the date of fiirst ddrawdoown annd thee actuual daays thhe borrrowerr use. One year shalll be ccalcullated as 3660 dayys.3. Thhe payyment of innteressts: TThe Boorroweer shaall paay thee inteerestss per quartter. TThe paaymentt datee shalll be , andd
34、 If tthe paaymentt for the llast iinstalllmentt is nnot onn the paymeent daate,thhe intterestts shaall deeduct the iintereest frrom thhe bannk acccount of thhe Borrrowerr.In thhe eveent thhat thhe Borrrowerr faills to pay tthe innteressts onn timee and the bbalancce of the aaccounnt of the BBorrowwe
35、r iss not enouggh forr the paymeent off inteerest, the Lendeer shaall haave riights to coollectt a peenaltyy beinng * off the outsttandinng amoount pper daay forr the Borroowers breacch of contrract.ARTICCLE 4 OVERDDUE INNTERESSTS ANND MISSUSINGG INTEERESTSS1. Iff the Borroower ffails to reepay tthe
36、 looan annd cann not reachh a aggreemeent wiith thhe Lennder rregardding tthe exxtensiion, tthe Leender shalll colllect aan oveerdue penallty foor * off the overddue ammount per dday.2. Iff the Borroower ffails to usses thhe loaan in accorrdancee withh the proviisionss set forthh in tthis ccontraact
37、, tthe Leender shalll havee righht to chargge a iintereests ffor thhe missusingg partt at aa ratee of * per dday.ARTICCLE 5 ACCOUUNTThe BBorrowwer shhall oopen RReiminnbi baasic aaccounnt andd/or fforeiggn currrencyy accoount aat thee Lendder orr Lendders bbranchh for the uuse off draww-downn, reppa
38、ymennt,payyment of innteressts annd feees.ARTICCLE 6 DRAW-DOWN1. Thhe loaan undder thhis coontracct is revollving, the balannce off thiss conttract shalll not more than the lline oof creedit.2. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll sennd a ddraw-ddown aappliccationn as tthe foorm heerein attacched iin thiis conntr
39、actt 7 daays beefore the ddate oof draaw-dowwn.3. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll nott draww the loan less than 1 milllion.ARTICCLE 7 CONDIITIONSS FOR DRAW-DOWNThe ffollowwing ccondittions shalll be ssatisffied iin advvance of thhe draaw-dowwn datte:1. Thhe Borrrowerr has openeed forreign accouunt annd Reiim
40、inbii accoount aat thee offiice off the Lendeer or the bbranchh of tthe Leender;2. Thhis coontracct andd the appenndicess havee beenn effeectivee;3. Thhe Borrrowerr has proviided tthe reecogniition of thhe invvestmeent orr certtificaate off the invesstmentt to tthe Leender;4. Thhe Borrrowerr has pro
41、viided tthe booard rresoluution and ppower of atttorneey reggardinng thiis loaan conntractt;5. Thhe Borrrowerr has proviided tthe liist annd thee signnaturee sampple off the authoorizedd persson whho emppower to siign thhis coontracct andd docuumentss;6. Thhe Guaarantyy undeer thiis conntractt has b
42、een effecctive;7. Thhe Borrrowerr has been satissfied the wwarrannts unnder AArticlle 11 of thhis coontracct;8. Thhe othher reequireement for tthe drraw-doown haave beeen saatisfiied.ARTICCLE 8 REPAYYMENT PLAN AND PPREPAYYMENT1. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll reppay thhe loaan in accorrdancee withh the stat
43、uus of its ccash. The BBorrowwer shhall iinformm the Lendeer thee paymment aamountt and date * prioor to make the ppaymennt. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll be obligged too repaay thee prinncipall and relatted innteressts onn due date withoout anny connditioon.2. Thhe payyment made by thhe Borrrowerr and the
44、 ddeducttion ffrom tthe acccountt of tthe Boorroweer shaall bee usedd for repayying tthe innteresst at firstt and then for rrepayiing thhe priincipaal.3. Inn the eventt the Borroower ffails to reepay tthe looan, tthe Leender shalll havee righhts too deduuct thhe debbt froom thee bankk accoount oof t
45、hee Borrrower at thhe Lennder oor emppower the bbranchhes off the Lendeer to deducct thee debtt fromm the bank accouunt off the Borroower aat thee Lendders bbranchhes;4. Thhe insstallmment oof reppaymennt shaall noot lesss thaan 1 mmillioon.ARTICCLE 9 DEBT CERTIIFICATTEThe LLenderr shalll keeep reccord iin thee Lendders aaccounnt forr the princcipal,interrests and ffees aand otther ffees oof thee Borrrower underr thiss conttract; The abovee me