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1、巴菲特致伯克希尔公司股东的信 Note: Thhe ffolllowiing tabble apppearrs iin tthe priinteed AAnnuual Repportt onn thhe ffaciing pagge oof tthe Chaairmmans LLettter注:以下表表格出现现在伯克克希尔印印刷年度度报告中中董事长长致股东东的信的的封面上上。Berksshirress Coorpooratte PPerfformmancce vvs. thee S&P 5500伯克希尔公公司与标标准普尔尔5000指数业业绩比较较 AAnnuual Perrcenntagge

2、CChannge年年度变化化百分比比(1)inn Peer-SSharre BBookk Vaaluee off Beerksshirre iin (2)S&P 5500 witth DDiviidennds Inccludded (1)-(2)RRelaativve RResuultssYear (11) (22) (1)-(2)1965 . 23.8 110.00 133.81966 . 20.3 (111.77) 332.001967 . 11.0 300.9 (119.99)1968 . 19.0 111.0 88.01969 . 16.2 (88.4) 224.661970 . 12

3、.0 33.9 88.11971 . 16.4 144.6 11.81972 . 21.7 188.9 22.81973 . 4.77 (114.88) 119.551974 . 5.55 (226.44) 331.991975 . 21.9 377.2 (115.33)1976 . 59.3 233.6 335.771977 . 31.9 (77.4) 39.31978 . 24.0 66.4 117.661979 . 35.7 188.2 117.551980 . 19.3 322.3 (13.0)1981 . 31.4 (55.0) 36.41982 . 40.0 211.4 118.6

4、61983 . 32.3 222.4 9.991984 . 13.6 6.1 7.551985 . 48.2 311.6 16.61986 . 26.1 188.6 7.551987 . 19.5 5.1 14.41988 . 20.1 166.6 3.551989 . 44.4 311.7 12.71990 . 7.44 (33.1) 100.51991 . 39.6 300.5 9.111992 . 20.3 7.6 12.71993 . 14.3 100.1 4.221994 . 13.9 1.3 12.61995 . 43.1 377.6 5.551996 . 31.8 233.0 8

5、.881997 . 34.1 333.4 0 .71998 . 48.3 288.6 19.71999 . 0.55 211.0 (200.5)2000 . 6.55 (99.1) 155.62001 . (6.2) (111.9) 5.772002 . 10.0 (22.1) 332.112003 . 21.0 28.7 (77.7)2004 . 10.5 10.9 (00.4)2005 . 6.44 4.9 1.5Averaage Annnuall Gaain 119655-20005 21.5 110.33 111.2Overaall Gaiin 19964-20005 3305,134

6、4 5,5833年份 年度变化化百分比比 伯克希尔每股净资产产(1) 包括红利利在内的的标准普尔5500指指数(22) 相对业绩绩(1)-(2) 1965 23.880 10.000 13.880 1966 20.330 -11.70 32.000 1967 11.000 30.990 -19.90 1968 19.000 11.000 8.000 1969 16.220 -8.440 24.660 1970 12.000 3.900 8.100 1971 16.440 14.660 1.800 1972 21.770 18.990 2.800 1973 4.700 -14.80 19.550

7、 1974 5.500 -26.40 31.990 1975 21.990 37.220 -15.30 1976 59.330 23.660 35.770 1977 31.990 -7.440 39.330 1978 24.000 6.400 17.660 1979 35.770 18.220 17.550 1980 19.330 32.330 -13.00 1981 31.440 -5.000 36.440 1982 40.000 21.440 18.660 1983 32.330 22.440 9.900 1984 13.660 6.100 7.500 1985 48.220 31.660

8、 16.660 1986 26.110 18.660 7.500 1987 19.550 5.100 14.440 1988 20.110 16.660 3.500 1989 44.440 31.770 12.770 1990 7.400 -3.110 10.550 1991 39.660 30.550 9.100 1992 20.330 7.600 12.770 1993 14.330 10.110 4.200 1994 13.990 1.300 12.660 1995 43.110 37.660 5.500 1996 31.880 23.000 8.800 1997 34.110 33.4

9、40 0.700 1998 48.330 28.660 19.770 1999 0.500 21.000 -20.50 2000 6.500 -9.110 15.660 2001 -6.220 -11.90 5.700 2002 10.000 -22.10 32.110 2003 21.000 28.770 -7.770 2004 10.550 10.990 -0.440 2005 6.400 4.900 1.500 1965-20005年均均收益率率 21.550 10.330 11.220 1965-20005总收收益率 3051134 55833 Notees: 注:Data aree

10、foor ccaleendaar yyearrs wwithh thhesee exxcepptioons: 19965 andd 19966, yeear endded 9/330; 19667, 15 monnthss enndedd 122/311.日期为公历历年份,其其中例外外如下:19665和19666年会会计年度度结束于于9月30日。19967年年包括115个月月份,会会计年度度结束于于12月31日。Starttingg inn 19979, acccouuntiing rulles reqquirred inssuraancee coompaaniees tto vvaluue

11、tthe equuityy seecurritiies theey hholdd att maarkeet rrathher thaan aat tthe lowwer of cosst oor mmarkket, whhichh waas pprevviouuslyy thhe rrequuireemennt. In thiis ttablle, Berrkshhirees ressultts tthrooughh 19978 havve bbeenn reestaatedd too coonfoorm to thee chhangged rulles. Inn alll ootheer r

12、resppectts, thee reesullts aree caalcuulatted usiing thee nuumbeers oriiginnallly rrepoorteed.从19799年开始始,会计计规则要要求保险险公司按按照市价价对所持持有的权权益类证证券投资资进行计计价,而而不是根根据以前前所要求求的成本本与市价价孰低进进行计价价。在这这张表中中,伯克克希尔119788年的业业绩已经经根据变变化后的的规则重重新编报报。在所所有其它它方面,业业绩根据据最初报报告的数数据进行行计算。The SS&P 5000 nuumbeers aree prre-ttax wheereaas

13、 tthe Berrkshhiree nuumbeers aree affterr-taax. If a ccorpporaatioon ssuchh ass Beerksshirre wweree siimplly tto hhavee owwnedd thhe SS&P 5000 annd aaccrruedd thhe aapprroprriatte ttaxees, itss reesullts wouuld havve llaggged thee S&P 5500in yeearss whhen thaat iindeex sshowwed a pposiitivve rretuur

14、n, buut wwoulld hhavee exxceeededd thhe SS&P 5000 inn yeearss whhen thee inndexx shhoweed aa neegattivee reeturrn. Oveer tthe yeaars, thhe ttax cossts wouuld havve ccaussed thee agggreegatte llag to be subbstaantiial.标准普尔5500指指数的数数据为税税前收益益,而伯伯克希尔尔的数据据为税后后收益。如如果类似似于伯克克希尔的的一家公公司只是是简单地地持有标标准普尔尔5000指数,并

15、并相应计计算应付付税款,如如果指数数呈现正正的收益益那么这这家公司司数年之之后的业业绩将会会落后于于标准普普尔5000指数数。如果果指数呈呈现负的的收益那那么这家家公司数数年之后后的业绩绩将会领领先于标标准普尔尔5000指数。经经过数年年之后,纳纳税成本本将会导导致公司司的业绩绩显著落落后于如如果指数数呈现正正的收益益那么这这家公司司数年之之后的业业绩将会会落后于于标准普普尔5000指数数。 BERKSSHIRRE HHATHHAWAAY IINC. 伯克克希尔哈撒韦韦公司To thhe SSharrehooldeers of Berrkshhiree Haathaawayy Innc.:致伯

16、克希尔尔哈撒撒韦公司司股东:Our ggainn inn neet wwortth dduriing 20005 wwas $5.6 bbilllionn, wwhicch iincrreassed thee peer-ssharre bbookk vaaluee off booth ourr Cllasss A andd Cllasss B stoock by 6.44%. Oveer tthe lasst 441 yyearrs (thaat iis, sinnce preesennt mmanaagemmentt toook oveer) boook vvaluue hhas groow

17、n froom $19 to $599,3777, a rratee off 211.5% coompooundded annnuallly.*112005年年伯克希希尔公司司的净利利润为556亿美美元,每每股A种股票票和B股股票票账面价价值增长长了6.4%。在在过去的的41年间间,也就就是说从从目前的的管理层层接手以以来,每每股账面面价值从从19美元元增长到到593377美美元,年年复合增增长率为为21.5%。Berksshirre hhad a ddeceent yeaar iin 220055. WWe iinittiatted fivve aacquuisiitioons (twwo

18、oof wwhicch hhavee yeet tto cclosse) andd moost of ourr opperaatinng ssubssidiiariies proospeeredd. EEvenn ouur iinsuurannce bussineess in itss enntirretyy diid wwelll, tthouugh Hurrriccanee Kaatriina infflicctedd reecorrd llossses on botth BBerkkshiire andd thhe iinduustrry. We esttimaate ourr loos

19、s froom KKatrrinaa att $22.5 billlioon annd hher uglly ssistterss, RRitaa annd WWilmma, cosst uus aan aaddiitioonall $.9 bbilllionn.2005年年伯克希希尔表现现得相当当不错。我我们发起起了5起并购购,其中中2起并购购已经完完成,而而且我们们下属的的大多数数业务经经营良好好。尽管管卡特里里娜飓风风(Huurriicanne KKatrrinaa)让伯伯克希尔尔公司和和整个保保险行业业遭受了了创记录录的巨大大损失。我我们估计计卡特里里娜飓风风给我们们造成的的损失高高达

20、255亿美元元,她的的那些同同样可恶恶的两个个妹妹丽丽塔(RRitaa )和和威尔玛玛( WWilmma)飓飓风又让让我们进进一步损损失了99亿美元元。Crediit GGEICCO annd iits briilliiantt CEEO, Tonny NNiceely ffor ourr sttelllar inssuraancee reesullts in a ddisaasteerriiddeen yyearr. OOne staatissticc sttandds oout: Inn juust twoo yeearss, GGEICCO iimprroveed iits proodu

21、cctivvityy byy 322%. Remmarkkablly, empployymennt ffelll byy 4% evven as pollicyy coountt grrew by 26% andd moore gaiins aree inn sttoree. WWhenn wee drrivee unnit cossts dowwn iin ssuchh a draamattic mannnerr, wwe ccan offfer eveer-ggreaaterr vaaluee too ouur ccusttomeers. Thhe ppayooff: Laast yeaa

22、r, GEIICO gaiinedd maarkeet-ssharre, earrnedd coommeendaablee prrofiits andd sttrenngthheneed iits braand. Iff yoou hhavee a neww soon oor ggranndsoon iin 220066, nnamee hiim TTonyy.在20055年这个个巨灾之之年我们们的保险险业务能能够取得得如此辉辉煌的业业绩,应应该归功功GEIICO及及其杰出出的首席席执行官官Tonny NNiceely。统统计数据据清楚地地表明:在过去去仅仅两两年间,GEICO经营效率提高了3

23、2%。非常引人注目的是,保单数量增长了26%,收益大幅增长,而与此同时公司员工数量减少了4%。由于我们能够如此显著地降低单位成本,所以我们能为客户创造更多的价值。这样的结果如何呢?去年GEICO赢得了更多的市场份额,获得了令人称羡的盈利,并进一步提高了品牌的影响力。如果你2006年喜得龙子龙孙的话,建议你给他起名为Tony。* * * * * * * * * * * *My gooal in wriitinng tthiss reeporrt iis tto ggivee yoou tthe infformmatiion youu neeed to esttimaate Berrkshhire

24、es inttrinnsicc vaaluee. II saay “eestiimatte” beccausse ccalcculaatioons of inttrinnsicc vaaluee, tthouugh alll-immporrtannt, aree neecesssarrilyy immpreecisse aand oftten serriouuslyy wrrongg. TThe morre uunceertaain thee fuuturre oof aa buusinnesss, tthe morre pposssibiilitty ttherre iis tthatt t

25、hhe ccalcculaatioon wwilll bee wiildlly ooff-basse. (Foor aan eexpllanaatioon oof iintrrinssic vallue, seee ppagees 777 788.) Herre BBerkkshiire hass soome advvanttagees: a wwidee vaarieety of rellatiivelly-sstabble earrninngs strreamms, commbinned witth ggreaat lliquuidiity andd miinimmum debbt. Th

26、eese facctorrs mmeann thhat Berrkshhirees inttrinnsicc vaaluee caan bbe mmoree prreciiselly ccalcculaatedd thhan cann thhe iintrrinssic vallue of mosst ccomppaniies.我写这份报报告的目目的是为为股东们们估计伯伯克希尔尔的内在在价值提提供相应应的信息息。我之之所以说说是估计计,是因因为尽管管计算内内在价值值在投资资中为重重中之重重,但往往往并不不精确,且且常常严严重错误误。公司司业务的的前景越越是不确确定,内内在价值值计算就就越是可可

27、能谬之千里里。(关于内内在价值值的有关关解释,请请参见公公司年报报的777-788页。)不过伯伯克希尔尔公司具具有以下下有利因因素:种种类众多多的相对对稳定的的收入流流,同时时拥有巨巨大的流流动性和和很少的的债务。这这些因素素使伯克克希尔公公司内在在价值能能够比其其它绝大大多数公公司更为为准确的的进行估估计。Yet iif ppreccisiion is aidded by Berrkshhirees finnancciall chharaacteerissticcs, thee joob oof ccalcculaatinng iintrrinssic vallue hass beeen m

28、adde mmoree coompllex by thee meere preesennce of so manny eearnninggs sstreeamss. BBackk inn 19965, whhen we ownned onlly aa smmalll teextiile opeerattionn, tthe tassk oof ccalcculaatinng iintrrinssic vallue wass a snaap. Noww wee owwn 668 ddisttincct bbusiinesssess wiith widdelyy diispaaratte oope

29、rratiing andd fiinannciaal ccharractteriistiics. Thhis arrray of unrrelaatedd ennterrpriisess, ccouppledd wiith ourr maassiive invvesttmennt hholddinggs, makkes it impposssiblle ffor youu too siimplly eexamminee ouur cconssoliidatted finnancciall sttateemennts andd arrrivve aat aan iinfoormeed eesti

30、imatte oof iintrrinssic vallue.尽管伯克希希尔的财财务特征征有助于于提高估估值的准准确程度度,但计计算内在在价值的的工作由由于有如如此之多多的收入入流而变变得更加加复杂。早早在19965年年时,我我们只有有一个小小小的纺纺织厂,估估值不过过是小菜菜一碟。如如今我们们拥有668种经经营特性性和财务务特性相相差很大大的业务务。这些些各不相相关的众众多业务务,加上上我们巨巨大的投投资规模模,使你你根本不不可能简简单地看看看我们们的合并并报表就就能对公公司内在在价值进进行合理理的估计计。We haave atttempptedd too eaase thiis pprob

31、blemm byy cllustteriing ourr buusinnessses intto ffourr loogiccal grooupss, eeachh off whhichh wee diiscuuss latter in thiis rrepoort. Inn thhesee diiscuussiionss, wwe wwilll prroviide thee keey ffiguuress foor bbothh thhe ggrouup aand itss immporrtannt ccompponeentss. OOf ccourrse, thhe vvaluue oof

32、 BBerkkshiire mayy bee eiitheer ggreaaterr orr leess thaan tthe summ off thhesee foour parrts. Thhe ooutccomee deepennds on wheetheer oour manny uunitts ffuncctioon bbettter or worrse by beiing parrt oof aa laargeer eenteerprrisee annd wwhettherr caapittal alllocaatioon iimprrovees oor ddeteerioorat

33、tes wheen iit iis uuderr thhe ddireectiion of a hholddingg coompaany. Inn ottherr woordss, ddoess Beerksshirre oowneershhip briing anyythiing to thee paartyy, oor wwoulld oour shaarehholdderss bee beetteer ooff if theey ddireectlly oowneed ssharres in eacch oof oour 68 bussineessees? Theese aree imm

34、porrtannt qquesstioons butt onnes thaat yyou willl hhavee too annsweer ffor youurseelf. 为更好地解解决这一一难题,我我们将我我们的业业务合理理地分为为四类,并并在以下下报告内内容中详详细分析析每一类类业务。在在讨论中中我们会会提供每每类业务务及其主主要企业业的关键键数据。当当然,伯伯克希尔尔的总体体价值可可能会高高于或低低于四类类业务价价值之和和。最终终结果取取决于两两个因素素,一是是我们下下属的众众多部门门作为一一个更大大企业的的组成部部分与母母体相比比运作得得更好更更是更差差,二是是在母公公司的管管理下

35、资资本配置置进一步步改善还还是进一一步恶化化。简而而言之,伯伯克希尔尔做为所有有人为下下属各个个企业带带来了什什么好处处,是不不是伯克克希尔公公司的股股东们直直接持股股而非通通过伯克克希尔间间接持股股能够更更加有利利?这是是一个至至关重要要的问题题,但各各位股东东必须自自己寻找找答案。Beforre wwe llookk att ouur iindiividduall buusinnessses, hoowevver, leetss reevieew ttwo setts oof ffiguuress thhat shoow wwherre wwevve ccomee frrom andd whheree wee arre nn


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