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1、会计术语英汉对对照表初级会计 初级会计 会计术语名称英文名称 (checkiing) (corresspondiing acccountts) (Perioddic chheckinng metthod) (perioddic innventoory syystem) (bound book) (adjusttment accouunts) (adjustting jjournaal enttry) (singlee accoount ttitle vouchher) (singlee-entrry boookkeepping) (Seconddary aaccounnts) (costinn

2、g acccountss) (physiccal innventoory) (bookkeeepingg) (non-peeriodiic cheeckingg methhod) (correcction by exxtre rrecordding) (off-baalancee sheeet acccountss) (provission aaccounnts) (provission aand addjunctt accoounts) () (book oof chrronoloogicall entrry) (singlee-recoord doocumennt) (deposiit j

3、ouurnal) (perpettual iinventtory ssystemm) (sourcee docuument) (suspennse acccountts) (increaase-deecreasse boookkeepping) (accounnts foor setttlemeent off claiim) (accounnts foor setttlemeent off claiim andd debtt) (accounnts foor setttlemeent off debtt) (accounnt) (Accounnt nummber) (debit-crediit

4、 rellationnship) (adjusttment of acccountt) (speciaal-purrpose vouchher) (reverssing eentry) (accounnts off sourrces oof funnds) (balancce sheeet acccountts) (transffer vooucherr) (accounnts off appllicatiions oof funnds) (internnal soource documment) (generaal leddger) (generaal acccount) (adjuncct

5、 acccountss) (paymennt vouucher) (ledgerr) (bookkeeepingg procceduree usinng collumnarr jourrnal) (closinng acccount) (closinng enttry) (debit-crediit boookkeepping) (partiaal cheeck) (card bbook) (inter-periood alllocatiion acccountts) (multipple-reecord documment) (compouund boook) (subsiddiary le

6、dgeer) (subsiddiary accouunt) (inventtory aaccounnts) (paralllel reecordiing) (compleete chheck) (combinnod joournall and ledgeer) (bookkeeepingg procceduree usinng summmarizzed joournall) (triplee-entrry boookkeepping) (real aaccounnts) () (trial balanncing) (receippts-paaymentt bookkkeepiing) (rec

7、eippt vouucher) (incomee stattementt accoounts) (generaal purrpose vouchher) (bookkeeepingg procceduree usinng genneral journnal) (sourcee docuument from outsiide) (cash jjournaal) (nominaal acccountss) (cumulaative sourcce doccumentt) (bookkeeepingg procceduree usinng summmary ovcheers) (workinng p

8、apper) (mvltipple acccountt titlles vooucherr) (Doublee entrry boookkeepping) () (correcction by drrawingg a sttraighht linng) (cumulaative sourcce doccumentt) (accounnting documments) () (accounnt tittle) (correcction by ussing rred innk) (bookkeeepingg proccedurees) (postinng) (accounnting entryy)

9、 (accounnting cyclee) (Book oof acccountss) (loose-leaf book) (cleariing acccountts) (matchiing acccountts) (bookkeeepingg methhods) (recordding rrules) (voucheer) (Bookkeeepingg procced urreusinng vouucherss) (bookkeeepingg procceduree usinng cattegoriized aaccounnt summmary) (simplee entrry) (sett

10、leement accouunts) E8%A1%AA8&acttion=eedit&ssectioon=2中级会计 中级会计 会计术语名称英文名称 Period Expennse recogniition of reevenuee corporaate boond isssuingg pricce depreciiationn of ffixed assetts converttible bondss accelerrated depreeciatiion meethodss net nonn-operratingg incoome annd exppenditture interesst

11、ratte on debennture assignmment oof acccountss receeivablle debentuure boonds last-inn,firsst-outt,LIFOO Other mmonetaary asssets discounnt on notess payaable first-iin,firrst-ouut缩写FIFO construuctionns in proceess 与improveementss and replaacemennts off fixeed asssets periodiic invventorry sysstem a

12、ll-incclusivve conncept of inncome Income stateement approoach net reaalizabble vaalue Accruedd welffarismm additioons off fixeed asssets 旧sale orr facttoringg of aaccounnts reeceivaable continggent lliabillity sales rreturnns andd alloowancees retail methood cash diiscounnt bonds ppayablle sale mee

13、thod notes ppayablle stock rrightss repairss and mainttenancce of fixedd asseets mortgagge bonnds sellingg expeenses dividennds paayablee 旧notes rreceivvable intangiible aassetss collecttion mmethodd income tax currentt liabbilitiies producttion mmethodd retiremment aand reeplaceement methood invent

14、oory meethod currentt asseets purchasses diiscounnts goodwilll accountts recceivabble investmment iincomee operatiing inncome capitall stocck 旧redempttion oof bonnds bad debbts revaluaationss of ffixed assetts cash inn bankk fixed aassetss profit distrributiion accruedd expeense trademaarks aand trr

15、adenaames net inccome profit payabble Undistrributeed proofits income bondss Cash annd cassh equuivaleents capitallizatiion off inteerestss Statutoory weelfaree reseerve engineeer matteriall advancee to ssuppliier other rreceivvabless cash Advancee Receeived from Custoomers corporaate boond flloatat

16、tion wages ppayablle paid-inn capiital surpluss reseerves Managemment FFeeManaggementt Feess dividennd negativve gooodwilll recogniition of exxpensee temporaary innvestmment Short-tterm BBorrowwing deferreed chaarges Low-vallue coonsumpption goodss/Low valuee conssumblees currentt operratingg concce

17、pt oof inccome 旧effectss of iinventtory eerrorss 旧depreciiationn depreciiationn methhod depreciiationn ratee paymentt straighht-linne 旧旧patentss housingg fundd replaceement costiing 旧旧know-hoow franchiises capitall reseerves 旧naturall resoourcess inventoory 旧sinkingg fundd long-teerm paayablees long

18、-teerm innvestmments long-teerm liiabiliity off longg-termm debtt financiing exxpensees approprriatedd retaained earniings standarrd cossting variablle cossting Wrappagge copyrigghts 高级会计 高级会计 会计术语名称英文名称 indepenndent direcctor Market Valuee Addeed,MVAA Investmment CCenterr Profit Centeer Discrettion

19、arry Exppense Centeers revenuee centter preacquuisitiion inncome cash diistribbutionn plann safe paaymentts schhedulee market of fuuturess trannsactiion futuress trannsactiion leveragged leease financiial innstrumments businesss qrooup annual reporrt transacctionss betwween hhome oofficee and brancc

20、hes partnerrship enterrprisee consoliidatedd balaance ssheet (美)accountting ffor inncome taxess of cconsollidateed enttitiess consoliidatedd stattementt of ccash fflow cost-boook vaalue ddifferrentiaals consoliidatedd finaanciall stattementts purchasse metthed the vallue off an eenterpprise as a who

21、lee poolingg of iintereest meethod (美)intrapeeriod tax aallocaation unrealiized pprofitt in eendingg inveentoryy intercoompanyy trannsactiions iin lonng-terrm asssets maintaiining capittal inn unitts of moneyy the funnd theeory (美)functioonal ccurrenncy exchangge gaiins orr lossses consoliidatedd st

22、attementt of cchangees in finanncial poitiion translaation gainss or llossess (美)Leveragged buuyoutss,简称LBC change in owwnershhip peercenttage hheld bby parrent (美)reciproocal aallocaation approoach monetarry iteems partnerrship liquiidatioon acquisiition of maajoritty intterestt tariff units oof no

23、mminal curreency recordiing cuurrenccy operatiing leease currentt/nonccurrennt metthod economiic inccome trusteee accoountinng combineed finnanciaal staate-meents equity methood home offfice-brancch exppense alloccationn monetarry/no monettary interesst ratte futtrues transsactioon simple equitty me

24、tthod exchangge ratte parent compaany bonus pproceddure (美)treasurry stoock appproacch servicee facttor actuariiesreporrt comprehhensivve alllocatiion expensees rellated to coombinaationss indirecct quootatioon buying rate futruess conttract conglommeratiion holdingg comppany stock iindex futruues c

25、rosswiise saale fixed rrate tax efffect mmethodd recordiing raate horizonntal iintegrrationn preacquuisitiion diividennds net reaalizabble accountting ffor buusinesss commbinattion offset gain and lloss sellingg ratee financiial fuuturess trannsactiion accountting iincomee consoliidatedd incoome stt

26、atemeent fair vaalue optionss indirecct hollding two-traansacttion oopinioon bankruppcy liiquidaation businesss commbinattion the entterpriise thheory consignnment equity theorry financiing leease futruess for commoodity goodwilll proocedurre maintaiining capittal inn termms of produuctivee capaacit

27、y premiumm minoritty intterestt incoome minoritty stoockhollders intterestt listed compaany sttatmennt the ressiduall equiity thheory temporaal metthod entity theorry the enttity ttheoryy (美)trusteee specifiic chaange income tax aaccounnting interqeeriod tax aallocaation tax acccountiing sale-leease

28、baack personaal inccome ttax (美)personaal finnanciaal staate-meents (美)reorgannizatiion pllan reorgannizatiion complexx equiity meethod associaated ccompanny dividennd floatinng ratte accountting ffor brranch construuctivee gainns andd lossses onn bondds construuctivee retiiremennt spculattion disco

29、unnt specifiic priice inndex branch installlment saless installlment liquiidatioon segmenttal reeportiing real esstate revennue cost off reall setaate multiplly excchangee ratee net invvestmeent inn foreeign eentitiies units oof meaasuremment deffereed metthod contempporaryy theoory singal methood p

30、ensionn plann (美)accountting ffor peensionn plann (美)pensionn beneefit oobligaationss (美)net perriodicc penssion ccost (美)pensionn plann asseets accoungg for circuulatinn tax (美)assignmment oof parrtnersship iintereest purchassing ppower gainss or lloossees nonmoneetary itemss (美)one-linne connsolid

31、dationn foreignn exchhange foreignn currrency stateementss foreignn cureency ttransllationn riskk recordiing-cuurrenccy metthod hedge foreignn cureency iinvesttment risk foreignn currrency assetts rissk translaation of fooreignn currrency stateementss foreignn currrency exchaange rrisk foreignn curr

32、rency commiitmentt foreignn crurrency liabiility risk foreinggn currrencyy holdding rrisk originaal-currrencyy methhod foreignn currrency foreignn currrency transsactioon merger accountting ffor prrice cchangees insolveency full coonsoliidatioon price iindex price cchangees full acccruall methhod ge

33、nerall pricce inddex foreignn exchhange frtruues trransacction (美)push-doown acccountting translaation-remeaasuremment mmethodd / currentt costt/geneeral ppurchaasing powerr accoountinn crurentt costt currentt costt accoountinng remeasuuremennt-traanslattion mmethodd sales aagencyy mutual holdiings

34、reconciiliatiion off homee offiice annd braanch aaccounnts upstreaam salle derivattive ffinanccial iinstruu-mentts sales-ttype ffinanccing llease downstrream ssale consumeer taxx one-traansacttion oopinioon the proopriettorshiip theeory generall pricce levvel acccountting units oof genneral purchhas

35、ingg poweer maintaiining capittal inn unitts of generral puurchassing ppower stamp ttax taxes ppayablle metthod operatiing looss caarrybaacks aand caarryfoorwardds receivaables ofr ppayablles deenominnated in fooreignn currrency lump-suum qarrtnersship lliquiddationn husinesss taxx permaneent diiffe

36、reence retiremment oof iniitial partnner historiical ccost forwardd ratee timing diffeerencee temporaary diiffereence value aadded stateement committtee reepreseentatiion debt reestruccturinngs recordeed ratte direct finanncing leasee direct quotaation direct holdiings middle rate interimm repoortin

37、gg replaceement cost subleasses (美)quasi-rreorbgganizaation capitall mainntenannce capitallized valuee asset/llibiliity meethod consoliidatioon accountting ffor leeases-lessoor /(产损益)holdingg gainns lossses opsitioon gaiin andd losss accountting ffor leeases-leaseee cost reecoverry metthod Verticaal

38、 inttegrattion generall channge change in owwnershhip off a suubsidiiary subsidiiary ccompanny resourcces taax cost meethod (美)fiduciaary acccountting propertty taxx partiall alloocatioon unconsoolidatted suubsidiiariess (美)leases rents off-ballance-sheett finaancingg (美)proporttionatte connsoliddti

39、on depositt methhod A7%E8%AA1%A8&actioon=ediit&secction=4成本会计 成本会计 会计术语名称英文名称 direct laborr variiance direct materrial vvariannce accumullationn proccess oof prooclucttion ccost manufaccturinng exppensess variiance 与actual cost and eestimaated ccost salary costss alloocatioon cost cuurve originaal c

40、osst andd repllacemeent coost 与direct cost and iindireect coost controlllablee costt manufaccturinng exppensess alloocatioon 与theory cost and ppractiice coost proceduure off costt conttrol cost enntry, cost recorrder ccost aagendaa job cossting methood direct laborr variiance cost coontroll methhod

41、与historiical ccost aand fuuture cost 与avoidabble coost annd unaavoidaable ccost cost peeriod 与avoragee costt and indivviduall costt societyy costt spoliagge andd defeectivee workk lossses 与unit coost annd tottal coost cost trransfeer total ccost ccontrool cost off mercchandiise soold price vvariannce holdingg costt or ccarryiing coost 与expiredd costt and unex-piredd costt 与relevannt cosst andd irreelevannt cosst factor analyysis aapproaach target cost group ccostinng metthod norm coost inter-pperiodd expeenses alloccationn plannedd costt fuel exxpe


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