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1、酒店英语语单词前 厅厅 部部the froont offficee:前厅厅部regiisteer:登登记、注注册Roomm Reeserrvattionn: 客客房预订订处Bookk : 预订Conffirmm : 确认Counnterr : 柜台Doubble rooom: 双人房房Singgle rooom: 单人间间Twinn rooom : 标准间间Deluuxe suiite : 豪豪华套房房Pressideentiial suiite : 总总统套房房Roomm chhangge : 房价价Specciall raate : 优优惠价Servvicee chharge: 服务务费D

2、isccounnt : 折扣扣Suittes: 套房房Creddit carrd: 信用卡卡Cashh : 现金Namee taag : 标签签,行李李牌Lugggagee/baaggaage: 行李李Suittcasse : 箱子子Handdbagg : 手提包包Valuuablle : 贵重重物品Breaakabble : 易易碎的Fulll naame: 全名名Filll inn : 填写Natiionaalitty : 国籍籍Depaartuure datte : 离店店日期Signnatuure : 签签名Passsporrt :护照Receeiptt : 收据Finee : 罚金S

3、unddry feee : 杂费Billl : 账单Invooicee : 发票Mis-cheeck : 算算账出错错Overrpayy : 多付Currrenccy : 货币币Airmmaill :航航空邮寄寄Ordiinarry bbilll :普普通邮寄寄Regiisteeredd maail : 挂挂号信Charrge to thee rooom : 挂挂账Freee off chhargge :免费Exchhangge rratee : 兑换率率Hoteel ppoliicy : 酒酒店的规规定Exprresss : 快件件Depoositt : 压金Off-seaasonn : 淡

4、季Peakk-seeasoon : 旺季季Arriivall liist : 来来客单Teleephoone dirrecttoryy : 电话号号码本A loong disstannce :长途途电话A loocall caall : 市市内电话话Exteensiion : 电电话分机机Elevvatoor : 电梯梯Supeermaarkeet : 超市市餐 饮饮 部部一、 器皿bowll : 碗choppstiickss : 筷子spooon : 调羹羹forkk : 叉子napkkin : 餐餐巾corkk : 软木塞塞screew : 开瓶瓶器二、 酒水cockktaiil : 鸡尾

5、尾酒liquuor : 烈烈酒sakee : 米酒、清清酒bittterss : 必打士士、苦味味酒gin fizzz : 金酒酒菲士blooody marry : 血玛玛利oranngeaade : 桔桔子水fruiit jjuicce : 果汁汁pepssi : 百事事可乐seveen-uup : 七喜喜sherrry:雪利酒酒kirssch:樱桃酒酒cofffee:咖啡tea:茶applle jjuicce: 苹果汁汁beerr:啤酒酒chammpaggne:香槟whissky:威士忌忌drinnk llistt:饮料料单winee liist:酒水单单campparii:金巴巴利bra

6、nndy:白兰地地vodkka:伏伏特加rum:朗姆酒酒gin:金酒tequuilaa:特吉吉拉red winne:红红葡萄酒酒whitte wwinee:白葡葡萄酒rosee wiine:玫瑰葡葡萄酒dry winne:干干葡萄酒酒semii-drry wwinee:半干干葡萄酒酒semii-swweett wiine:半甜葡葡萄酒sweeet wwinee:甜葡葡萄酒natuurall sttilll wiine:无汽葡葡萄酒sparrkliing winne:有有汽葡萄萄酒forttifiied winne:强强化葡萄萄酒arommatiizedd wiine芳芳香葡萄萄酒lemoon

7、: 柠檬檬三、早餐餐1、 dim summ:点心心2、 soybbeann miilk:豆浆3、 ricee grruell:稀饭饭4、 porrridgge : 粥5、 deepp-frriedd dooughh sttickks:油油条6、 sesaame seeed ppasttry:芝麻饼饼7、 steaamedd sttufffed bunn:肉包包8、 dumpplinng:水水饺9、 pickkle : 泡泡菜10、 wontton:馄饨11、 desssertt : 甜点12、 sanddwicch : 三明明治13、 nooddless : 面条14、 longgeviity

8、 nooodlees : 长寿寿面条15、 nooddle souup : 汤面面16、 frieed eeggss : 煎蛋17、 boilled egggs : 水煮煮蛋四、菜肴肴a laa caartee : 点菜tablle ddhotte : 套餐餐appeetizzer : 开开胃品soupp : 汤salaad : 色拉拉entrre : 主主菜fry : 煎煎deepp-frry : 炸sautt : 嫩炒炒braiise : 炖炖boill :煮煮steaam : 蒸simmmer : 煨煨grilll : 烤bakee : 烤roasst : 烤stufff : 酿、填填s

9、mokke : 烟熏熏lukeewarrm : 微温温oilyy : 太油raree : 生一点点mediium : 中中等火候候welll-doone : 全全熟undeerdoone : 不不熟lighht : 清淡淡的heavvy : 口味味重的seassoniing : 调调味品chilli : 辣椒椒jam : 果果酱poulltryy : 家禽sharrks ffin 鱼翅shriimp : 虾虾pigeeon : 鸽鸽子crabb : 螃蟹eggpplannt: 茄子vegeetabble : 蔬蔬菜funggus : 蘑蘑菇filllet : 里里脊rumpp : 腿肉stea

10、ak : 牛排排五、菜名名steaamedd caarp : 清清蒸鲤鱼鱼sweeet aand souur ccroaakerr : 糖醋黄黄花鱼stewwed turrtlee : 清炖甲甲鱼stirr-frriedd eeel wwithh brrownn saaucee : 干烧黄黄鳝sweeet aand souur pporkk chhopss : 糖醋排排骨frieed ccrissp pporkk : 脆皮锅锅酥肉plaiin ssautt sshriimpss : 清炒滑滑虾仁chicckenn cuubess wiith chiili peppperrs : 辣子子鸡丁po

11、rkk shhredds wwithh fiish seaasonningg : 鱼香肉肉丝smokked criisp fissh : 烟熏熏酥鱼specciall sppicyy chhickken : 怪怪味鸡nooddless Siichuuan styyle : 担担担面frieed rricee YaangZZhouu sttylee : 扬州炒炒饭frieed ssoybbeann sccum rolll : 炸响响铃DonggPo porrk : 东坡坡肉 hanggzhoou rroasst cchicckenn : 杭州烤烤鸡coldd duuck webb : 拌鸭掌掌t

12、hreee-ddeliicioous-in greedieent souup : 三鲜鲜汤Sichhuann chhickken cubbe-lletss : 宫保鸡鸡丁Roasst cchicckenn : 烧鸡Chicckenn chhopss : 白斩鸡鸡Chicckenn inn caasseerolle : 沙锅锅鸡客 房房 部部swittch : 开开关IDD : 国国际直拔拔DDD : 国国内直拔拔Turnn-doown serrvicce : 做晚晚床Warddrobbe : 衣柜柜、衣橱橱Matttresss : 床垫垫Air-conndittionner : 空空调器Lau

13、nndryy : 洗衣Exprresss seerviice : 快快洗Ironn : 熨烫Mendd : 修补dry-cleeaneed 干干洗indeemniity : 赔赔偿shriink 缩水水 fadee 褪褪色 coloorfaast : 不不褪色的的launndryy baag 洗衣袋袋 shirrt 衬衬衫coatt 大衣trouuserrs: 裤裤子toillet, laavattoryy 恭恭桶 toillet papper, tooileet rrolll 卫卫生纸toillet papper hollderr 卫卫生纸架架toillet covver 恭桶桶盖toill

14、et seaat 恭桶座座圈 handd toowell 毛毛巾toweel rrackk, ttoweel rraill 毛毛巾架washh baasinn, hhandd baasinn 面面盆fauccet, taap 水龙头头 shavver outtlett, sshavver poiint 剃须须刀插座座bathhtubb, bbathh浴缸 bathh toowell 浴浴巾showwer 淋浴喷喷头showwer currtaiin 浴盆帘帘soapp diish 浴皂皂盒 toillet artticlles 盥洗洗用品toweel 毛毛巾 handdkerrchiief手手

15、帕 shammpooo 洗发发香波 hot waaterr 热水soapp 肥皂皂deteergeent 洗衣粉粉tootth ppastte 牙膏 hanggerss 衣衣架 tootth bbrussh 牙刷toillet mirrrorr 梳梳妆shavvingg brrushh 剃剃须刷 shavvingg crreamm剃须膏膏combb 梳梳子 hairr drrierr 吹吹风机naill sccisssorss 指指甲剪 bathhrooom 浴室 showwer batth, shoowerr 淋浴浴 dressserr 梳梳妆台mirrror 镜子子 toillet, la

16、avattoryy, wwashhrooom 卫生间间 wateer cclosset, W.C. 厕所所;抽水水马桶 bathhrobbe 浴衣 wastte-ppapeer bbaskket 废纸纸篓 carppet 地地毯 slippperrs 拖拖鞋closset 壁壁橱chaiirs 椅子 nighhtsttandd 床头头柜shoee-shhineer 鞋刷刷初 级级 英英 语语1、 Goodd moorniing/aftternnoonn/evveniing, siir/mmadaam. 早上/下午/晚上好好,先生生/女士士。2、 Goodd niightt. 晚晚安。3、 Ha

17、vee a goood ttimee! 祝您您过得愉愉快!4、 Wishh yoou aa moost pleeasaant staay iin oour hottel. 愿愿您在我我们酒店店过得愉愉快!5、 Im sorrry. 对对不起,很很抱歉。6、 Excuuse me. 打扰扰一下,对对不起。7、 Sorrry tto hhavee keept youu waaitiing. 对不不起,让让您久等等了。8、 Justt a mommentt, ppleaase. 请稍稍等一下下。9、 I appoloogizze ffor thiis. 我为此此道歉。10、 Can I heelp

18、youu. 我我能帮您您吗?11、 Itss veery kinnd oof yyou. 您您真客气气。12、 Thannk yyou. 谢谢谢您。13、 You aree weelcoome. 不不用谢。14、 I amm att yoour serrvicce. 乐意为为您效劳劳。15、 Turnn leeft/rigght. 往往左/右右转。16、 TThiss waay, pleeasee. 请请这边走走。17、 IIts oon tthe seccondd flloorr. 在在二楼。18、 HHapppy bbirtthdaay! 生日快快乐! Happpy Neww Yeear!

19、 新年年快乐! Merrry Chrristtmass! 圣圣诞快乐乐!19、 Mayy I coome in? 我可可以进来来吗?20、 MMay I knnow youur rroomm nuumbeer aand namme? 我能知知道您的的房间号号码和姓姓名吗?总 台台基本句型型一、预订订服务Goodd moorniing. Thhis is Rooom rreseervaatioon. Mayy I heelp youu? 早上好,客客房预订订处,我我能为您您做什么么?Whatt kiind of rooom wwoulld yyou likke tto rreseervee ?您

20、想订哪哪种类型型的房间间?A siinglle rroomm orr a douublee rooom ? 要单人间间还是双双人房间间?For whiich dattes do youu waant to boook tthe roooms ?您想订哪哪几天的的房间呢呢?Whatt tiime willl yyou be arrriviing? 您将在何何时到达达?May I knnow youur nnamee ? 您能告诉诉我您的的名字吗吗?How lonng wwilll yoou bbe sstayyingg? 您将要住住多久?Id likke tto cconffirmm yoour

21、 resservvatiion.我要确认认一下您您的预订订。Illl chheckk thhe rroomm avvaillabiilitty.我查查客客房预订订情况。You shoouldd paay aa deepossit of US$10000 bbefoorehhandd .您应预期期付10000美美元的定定金。Therre iis aa 100 peer ccentt diiscoountt .10%的的折扣。二、接待待服务Whatt kiind of rooom wwoulld yyou be preeferr?您要什么么样的房房间?Havee yoou ggot a bbook

22、kingg?您预订了了吗?A siinglle rroomm orr a douublee rooom?要单人间间还是双双人房间间?A dooublle rroomm coostss 3668 YYuann peer nnighht . 双人房的的房价是是每晚3368元元。Breaakfaast is alsso iinclludeed.早餐也包包括在内内。May I seee yyourr paasspportt? 我能看一一下您的的护照吗吗?Coulld yyou filll iin tthiss foorm, plleasse? 请您填一一下这张张登记表表好吗?Thiss iss yoo

23、ur rooom ccardd annd rroomm keey?这是您的的房卡和和房间钥钥匙。Coulld yyou siggn yyourr naame, plleasse?请您签一一下名,好好吗?If yyou leaave aftter 6:000 pp.m , yyoull havve tto ppay thee fuull acccounnt.晚上六点点以后退退房,按按全天收收费计算算.Youll havve tto rregiisteer iindiividduallly, plleasse.请你们分分开登记记。How wouuld youu liike to payy , si

24、rr , in cassh oor bby ccreddit carrd ?先生,请请问您是是用现金金付款还还是用信信用卡付付账?I feeel terrribbly sorrry . tthiss iss thhe bbusiiestt seeasoon aand alll kiindss off rooomss arre ffullly bbookked.非常抱歉歉,这个个季节人人多,各各种房间间都订满满了。Do yyou knoow wwhicch uunitt iss reespoonsiiblee foor tthe reccepttionn?您知道您您是由哪哪个单位位负责接接待的吗

25、吗?Coulld yyou keeep yyourr rooom keyy unntill yoou cchecck oout ?请您在住住宿期间间自己保保管钥匙匙,直到到结帐离离开。三、收银银服务Heree iss yoour billl . Itts 220000 Yuuan in alll.这是您的的账单。总总共20000元元。How wouuld youu liike to payy , sirr , in cassh oor bby ccreddit carrd ?先生,请请问您是是用现金金付款还还是用信信用卡付付账?Pleaase cheeck it andd siign herr

26、e.请核对一一下,在在这里签签个字。I wiill wriite outt a recceippt ffor youu .我给您开开一张收收据。May I chheckk thhe ddetaailss foor yyou , ppleaase?我能为您您核对账账单上的的详细内内容吗?Do yyou havve aany chaargees ffor thiis mmornningg?您今天是是否挂帐帐用酒店店的服务务?Welll hhavee too chhargge yyou $100 exxtraa.我们要向向您额外外收100美元。 Didd yoou mmakee anny pphon

27、ne ccallls ffromm rooom, siir?先生,您您从房间间打过电电话吗? Exccusee mee , sirr , butt I doont tthinnk tthatt wiill be enooughh.先生,对对不起,我我认为钱钱数不够够。I amm soorryy ,ssir ,thheree haas bbeenn ann errrorr inn yoour billl .Pleeasee waait a mminuute whiile I coorreect it .对不起,先先生,您您的帐单单算错了了。请稍稍候,我我马上把把它改过过来。 Is youur b

28、bagggagee doown yett, ssir ? CCoulld yyou cheeck outt affterr yoour bagggagge hhavee beeen brooughht ddownn, ppleaase?先生,您您的行李李拿下来来了吗?能请您您在行李李拿下来来后再结结帐吗?Sorrry , yoour creeditt caard hass beeen stooppeed ppayiing . AAccoordiing to thee reegullatiionss off baank, itt muust be canncellledd.对不起,您的信信用卡已

29、已经止付付。根据据银行规规定要取取消。四、兑换换外币The rattes of excchannge aree onn thhe bboarrd ttherre .今天的兑兑换牌价价在那里里的牌子子上。How mucch wwoulld yyou likke tto cchannge?您要换多多少?Itss 8.10 Yuaan RRMB forr onne UUS ddolllar?1美元兑兑换8.10元元人民币币。情景对话话一、 Checck iin 1. C : Goood aftternnoonn , sirr . Wellcomme tto oour hottel . MMay I

30、heelp youu ?G: Yess. II boookeed aa rooom onee weeek agoo .C: Mayy I haave youur nnamee plleasse , siir ?G: Johhn SSmitth.C: Jusst aa moomennt , siir . Whhilee I loook thrrouggh oout lisst. Yess , We do havve aa reeserrvattionn foor yyou , MMr. Smiith. A citty vvieww siinglle rroomm wiith batth . Yo

31、ouve paiid 220000 Yuuan RMBB ass a depposiit . Iss thhat corrrecct ?G: Thaats iit .C: Wouuld youu plleasse ffilll inn thhis reggisttrattionn caard , ssir ?G: Surre . Heere youu arre. I thhinkk Ive fillledd inn evveryythiing corrrecctlyy .C: Lett mee seee Namme , adddreess, naatioonallityy, fforwward

32、dingg adddreess , ppasssporrt nnumbber , ssignnatuure andd daate of deppartturee . Oh , hheree , sirr . Youu foorgeet tto ffilll inn thhe ddatee off deeparrturre. Mayy I fiill it in forr yoou ? Yoou aare leaavinng oonG: Octtobeer 224.C: Maay II seee yyourr paasspportt , pleeasee ? Thaank youu ,ssir.

33、 Noow eeverrythhingg iss inn orrderr . Andd heere is youur kkey . MMr. Smiith . YYourr rooom nummberr iss 11107. Itts oon tthe 11tth fflooor aand youur rroomm raate is 5000 RMMB pper nigght . HHeree iss yoour keyy caard witth aall thee innforrmattionn onn yoour boookinng, thee hootell seerviicess an

34、nd tthe hottel rulles andd reegullatiionss onn itt. PPleaase makke ssuree thhat youu haave it witth yyou alll thhe ttimee. YYou neeed tto sshoww itt whhen youu siign forr yoour meaals andd drrinkks iin tthe resstauurannts andd thhe bbarss. G: Yess, IIlll keeep it witth ccaree , thaank youu .C: I hoo

35、pe youu ennjoyy yoourss sttay witth uus.2. C: Goood aafteernooon, maadamm. CCan I heelp youu?G: Goood aafteernooon, I waant a ssinggle rooom, pleeasee .C: Havve yyou madde aa reeserrvattionn?G: No, I haavennt. C: Howw loong do youu waant to staay?G: Thrree dayys.C: Ill seee whhat we havve, maddam. O

36、hh, yyes. I caan ooffeer yyou a rroomm onn thhe eeighht fflooor.G: Finne.C: Mayy I seee yyourr paasspportt?G: Of couursee. HHeree yoou aare.C: Thaank youu. MMadaam. Couuld youu fiill in thiis fformm, ppleaase?G: Yess. HHeree itt iss.C: Thaank youu, HHeree iss yoour keyy. IIts RRoomm 8008 oon tthe ei

37、gght flooor.G: Thaank youu veery mucch. Goood nnighht.二、 Checck oout 1. C: Goood mmornningg. CCan I heelp youu?G: Yess. II woouldd liike to cheeck outt. CCoulld II haave my billl. Pleeasee?C: Cerrtaiinlyy, ssir, Maay II knnow youur nnamee annd yyourr rooom nummberr, ppleaase ?G: Dennniss bllackk, RR

38、oomm 11108.C: Alll riightt. HHeree iss yoour billl, Mr. Bllackk. TThe tottal is 18000 YYuann.G: Thee fiigurre sseemms rrighht.C: Howw woouldd yoou llikee too paay, Mr. Bllackk , in ccashh orr byy crrediit ccardd ?G: In cassh. Herre iis tthe monney. C: Thaank youu, MMr. Blaack . JJustt a mommentt, pp

39、leaase , IIll wriite outt a recceippt ffor youu .2C: GGoodd moorniing. Caan II heelp youu? GG: Yess, IId llikee too chheckk ouut nnow . CC: Cann I haave youur nnamee annd rroomm nuumbeer, pleeasee ? GG: Johhn ssmitth, rooom 112088 . CC: Mayy I haave youur rroomm keey, pleeasee ? GG: Surre. Herre yyo

40、u aree. CC: Jusst aa moomennt, pleeasee.MMr. Smiith . HHeree iss yoour billl. Wouuld youu liike to cheeck it ? GG: Im ssorrry . Whhats tthe 20 Yuaan ffor ? CC: Thaats ffor thee drrinkks yyou orddereed ffromm yoour rooom . GG: I ssee . CC: Howw woouldd yoou llikee too maake payymennt , Mrr. SSmitth ?

41、 GG: Id llikee too paay iin ccashh . CC: Thaatll be 21880 YYuann . GG: Herre yyou aree . CC: Herres yyourr chhangge aand recceippt , MMr. Smiith , IIll sennd aa beellmman up to gett yoour lugggagge. GG: Thaank youu . CC: Youu arre wwelccomee , Goood-bbye . 三、 Reseervaatioon1. C: Goood mmornningg . T

42、hiis iis rroomm reeserrvattionn . Mayy I heelp youu ?G: Yess , Id llikee too boook a rroomm , pleeasee . C: Finne , Foor wwhicch ddatee ?G: Forr Occt. 1stt . C: Forr hoow mmanyy niightts ?G: Twoo niightts.C: A ssinggle rooom oor aa dooublle rroomm ?G: A ddoubble rooom .C: Couuld youu giive me youur nnamee , pleeasee ?G: Mr. Joohn C


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