1、盘点世界八大辍辍学明星Bill GaatesThe Harrvard Crimsson caalled him Harvaards most succeessfull droppout - thee restt of tthe woorld jjust ccalls him rridicuulouslly ricch. Foor morre thaan a ddecadee, Billl Gattes haas beeen onee of tthe weealthiiest, if noot thee weallthiesst, meen in the wworld. The son oof
2、an attorrney aand a schooolteaccher, Gatess enteered HHarvarrd in the ffall oof 19773, onnly too dropp out two yyears laterr to ffound Microosoft with childdhood friennd Pauul Alllen. IIn 20007, moore thhan thhirty yearss afteer he left Harvaard, tthe coo-founnder oof Miccrosofft wouuld fiinallyy re
3、ceeive hhis deegree (an hhonoraary dooctoraate) ffrom hhis allma maater. At thhe commmenceement, Gatees saiid, IIm a bad iinflueence. Thats whyy I waas invvited to sppeak aat youur graaduatiion. IIf I hhad sppoken at yoour orrientaation, feweer of you mmight be heere tooday.哈佛佛深红报称称他为“哈佛佛最成功的辍辍学生”,而
4、而世界上其他他人则说他富富得没有天理理。在十几年年的时间内,比比尔盖茨即即使不是世界界上最富有的的人,也一直直是最富有的的人之一。盖盖茨的父亲是是一名律师,母母亲是一名教教师,他19973年秋季季进入哈佛大大学,但两年年之后便辍学学,和儿时好好友保罗?艾艾伦成立了微微软公司。22007年,在在离开哈佛三三十多年后,这这位微软的创创始人终于从从母校获得了了学位(荣誉誉博士)。盖盖茨在毕业典典礼上说:“我我是个坏榜样样。因此,我我受邀在你们们的毕业典礼礼上讲话。如如果我在你们们刚入学时候候给你们讲话话,你们现在在就没几个人人在这里了。”Steve JJobsThe Macc, thee iPodd
5、, hecck, evven Buuzz Liightyeear prrobablly wouuldntt havee exissted hhad Stteve JJobs sstayedd in sschooll. Thee futuure wiizard of Onne Inffinitee Loopp droppped oout off Reedd Colllege aafter just six mmonthss becaause oof thee unduue finnanciaal strrain iit plaaced oon hiss workking-cclass paren
6、nts ssavinggs. Hee woulld go on too evenntuallly fouund Appple, NeXT Compuuter aand Piixar, becomming aan insstrumeental forcee in sshapinng thee landdscapee of mmodernn cultture. Howevver, hhis brrief ttenuree in aacademmia waas nott for naughht. Inn a 20005 coommenccementt speeech hee gavee at SSt
7、anfoord Unniverssity, Jobs crediited aa callligrapphy cllass hhe toook at Reed Colleege wiith foormingg the basiss for the ttypogrraphy used in thhe firrst Maacintoosh coomputeer.如如果史蒂夫乔布斯不辍辍学的话,就就不会有Maac电脑、iiPod,甚甚至巴斯光年年(巴斯光年年战警是皮克克斯最早红遍遍全球的角色色之一,出现现于玩具总总动员系列列电影译译者注)了。由由于工薪阶层层的父母无力力承担学费,这这个无限循环环街1号
8、(苹苹果公司总部部所在地译者注)的的奇才进入里里德大学六个个月后便退学学。这之后,他他先后创立了了苹果、NeeXT电脑公公司和皮克斯斯动画制作公公司,成为影影响现代文化化版图的重要要力量。然而而,他短暂的的大学时光并并非白费了。22005年,乔乔布斯在斯坦坦福大学毕业业典礼上发表表演讲时称,正正是他在里德德大学上的书书法课构成了了第一代Maacintoosh电脑里里字体的基础础。James CCameroonThe Acaademy Awardd-winnning ddirecttor foolloweed a ccircuiitous routee to HHollywwood. Born
9、and rraisedd in CCanadaa, he and hhis faamily movedd to BBrea, Califforniaa in 11971. It waas theere thhat thhe youung Caameronn enroolled in Fuullertton Coollegee to sstudy physiics. HHis accademiic liffe didd not last long. He wwould drop out, marryy a waaitresss andd evenntuallly beccome aa trucc
10、k driiver ffor thhe loccal scchool distrrict. It waas nott untiil he saw SStar WWars iin 19777 thaat Cammeron wouldd tradde hiss bluee colllar caareer for oone crreatinng somme of the llate 220th-ccenturrys mmost sstunniing (aand exxpensiive) ssciencce-ficction moviees.这这位奥斯卡最最佳导演奖得得主进入好莱莱坞的道路非非常曲折。
11、詹詹姆斯卡梅梅隆出生于加加拿大,并在在那里长大,11971年,他他和家人移民民至加州布雷雷亚市。卡梅梅隆考入当地地的富勒顿学学院,主修物物理。然而,他他的大学生活活很短暂。他他辍学后娶了了一位女服务务员,最后成成为当地学区区的一位卡车车司机。直到到1977年年,卡梅隆看看到了星球球大战,他他此时才决定定放弃蓝领工工作,成为一一名导演,并并最终拍摄了了几部可谓220世纪末最最令人瞠目结结舌(也是最最贵)的科幻幻电影。Mark ZuuckerbbergMost coollegee studdents use ttheir dorm roomss to ssleep, studdy, orr do
12、tthingss theiir parrents probaably ddont want to knnow abbout. Mark Zuckeerbergg founnded FFaceboook inn his. Origginallly meaant onnly foor Harrvard studeents, the ppopulaar soccial nnetworrking site quickkly sppread to thhe resst of the IIvies and oother colleeges aacrosss the natioon. Ass Faceebo
13、oks poppulariity exxplodeed, Zuuckerbberg ppackedd up hhis baags annd rellocateed thee fleddglingg comppany tto Pallo Altto, Caaliforrnia, forevver leeavingg behiind Haarvardds haalloweed hallls. SSo farr, thee deciision has wworkedd out prettty welll forr the twentty-sommethinng. Acccordiing too Fo
14、rbbes, ZZuckerrberg is thhe youungestt billlionaiire inn the worldd, witth a 22010 nnet woorth oof $4 billiion.多数大学生生只在宿舍睡睡觉,学习,做做些父母们或或许不想知道道的事。然而而,马克?扎扎克伯格却在在宿舍创建了了脸谱网。这这个社交网站站原本只对哈哈佛的学生开开放,但后来来迅速在常春春藤联盟和美美内其他大学学风靡起来。随随着脸谱网大大受欢迎,扎扎克伯格收拾拾行装,将这这家新公司搬搬入加州帕洛洛阿尔托市,永永远离开了哈哈佛的神圣殿殿堂。截至目目前,这个二二十多岁年轻轻人的这一决决
15、定是正确的的。福布斯斯杂志称,扎扎克伯格是全全世界最年轻轻的亿万富翁翁,其20110年身价达达40亿美元元。Tom HannksTime haas callled TTom Haanks AAmericcas cchroniicler in chhief; Sacraamentoo Statte cann calll him theirr mostt famoous drropoutt. Thee storried aactor left colleege too inteern fuull tiime att the Greatt Lakees Theeater Festiival iin
16、Cleevelannd, Ohhio. TThere, he llearneed varrious aspeccts off theaater ffrom llightiing too set desiggn, laaying the ffoundaation for hhis Hoollywoood caareer as moovie sstar, produucer, direcctor aand wrriter. Not one tto forrget hhis owwn passt, inn 20099 Hankks hellped ffund-rraise moneyy to hhe
17、lp rrenovaate thhe Cleevelannd theeater wheree he ggot hiis staart.时代周刊刊称汤姆?汉克斯为美美国的首席记记录者。萨克克拉门托州立立大学称他是是该校最著名名的辍学生。这这位著名演员员辍学后北上上俄亥俄州克克利夫兰市,在在五大湖戏剧剧节做全职实实习生。从照照明到舞台设设计,他在那那里学到了戏戏剧的各个方方面,为他进进军好莱坞,并并最终成为电电影明星、制制作人、导演演和编剧,打打下了坚实基基础。汉克斯斯并不忘本,22009年,他他帮忙筹集资资金,修缮克克利夫兰剧院院他梦想想开始的地方方。Apparenntly aa collleg
18、e ddegreee isnt a pprereqquisitte forr flyiing thhe Milllenniium Faalcon. Harrrison Ford, of SStar WWars aand Inndianaa Jonees famme, maajoredd in pphilossophy at Riipon CCollegge, buut droopped out sshortlly beffore ggraduaation. He ssubseqquentlly lannded sseveraal smaall paarts iin Holllywoood pr
19、ooductiions, but uunhapppy witth succh minnor rooles, turneed to a carreer iin proofessiional carpeentry insteead. AAlmostt ten yearss lateer, hee woulld co-star in Geeorge Lucass 19773 graaduatiion niight ccomedyy Amerrican Grafffiti aand suubsequuentlyy joinned Luucas iin a ggalaxyy far, far away
20、in thhe 19777 bloockbusster SStar WWars.很显然,并并不是说你有有大学文凭就就可以开“千千年隼”号宇宇宙飞船(“千千年隼”是电电影星球大大战中的一一款飞行器编者注)。哈哈里森?福特特因出演星星球大战和和印第安纳纳琼斯而闻闻名于世,他他在理邦学院院主修哲学,但但就在毕业前前夕辍学。他他随后在好莱莱坞得到了几几个小角色,但但由于对此不不满,转而去去做了木匠。近近十年后的11973年,他他参演乔治卢卡斯执导导、反映一群群高中毕业生生夜生活的美美国风情画,并并在19777主演了卢卡卡斯拍摄的大大片星球大大战。Before she wwas a Gaga, she
21、was aa Germmanottta. Boorn Sttefanii Joannne Anngelinna Gerrmanottta, tthe arrtist betteer knoown ass Ladyy Gagaa atteended New YYork UUniverrsitys Tissch Scchool of thhe Artts, buut droopped out aafter just a yeaar to pursuue herr musiic carreer ffull ttime. She bbroke onto the NNew Yoork cllub scc
22、ene wwith hher buurlesqque peerformmancess and was ssignedd to IIntersscope Recorrds byy the age oof 20. Her 2008 debutt albuum, Thhe Famme, haas hadd the worldd goinng gagga forr Gagaa everr sincce.在在成为“雷人人教母”之前前,她是一个个姓基马诺塔塔的“普通女女孩”。她原原名乔安妮?安吉丽娜?基马诺塔,但但人们只知道道Lady Gaga。她她曾经就读于于纽约大学堤堤许艺术学院院,但一年后后就选择退
23、学学,全身心投投入音乐事业业。她曾经在在纽约夜店里里进行滑稽表表演,20岁岁时同Intterscoope唱片公公司签约。她她于20088年发行首张张专辑超人人气,使得得世界为她而而疯狂。In a woorld wwhere prodiigiouss sporrts taalentss tendd to fforgo higheer eduucatioon alttogethher foor thee pross, Tigger Wooods cchose to coontinuue plaaying amateeur goolf att Stannford Univeersityy as aa
24、n ecoonomiccs majjor. PPerhapps it was iin Ecoon 1011 thatt he llearneed thee termm oppportunnity ccost, becaause hhis tiime att Stannford was nnot loong. AAfter two yyears theree, Wooods tuurned pro wwith hhis HHello worldd annnounceement, offiiciallly endding hhis coollegiiate ccareerr. He wouldd
25、go oon to becomme onee of tthe hiighestt paidd athlletes in thhe worrld, eearninng morre thaan $1000 milllion annuaally aat thee heigght off his careeer. Hoows tthat ffor ecconomiics?当今世界,体体育天才往往往为了参加职职业比赛而放放弃上大学,而而泰格伍兹兹却选择一边边在斯坦福大大学学习经济济学,一边打打业余高尔夫夫球赛。伍兹兹或许是在学学习“经济1101”时认认识了“机会会成本”这一一术语,因为为他在斯坦福福呆的时间并并不长。两年年后,伍兹以以“你好,世世界”的广告告语宣告进入入职业比赛,也也正式结束了了大学生涯。他他最终成为世世界上收入最最高的运动员员之一,在其其职业生涯巅巅峰时期,年年收入逾一亿亿美元。经济济学学得不赖赖。