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1、19966年同等学学历人员员申请硕硕士学位位英语水水平全国国统一考考试试题Papeer OOne试试卷一(19996.66 A卷卷)Partt I Lisstenningg Coomprreheensiion (200 miinuttes, 155 poointts)略略Partt III Voocabbulaary (100 miinuttes, 100 poointts)Direectiionss: IIn eeachh quuesttionn, ddeciide whiich of thee foour chooicees ggiveen wwilll moost suiitabbly

2、commpleete thee seenteencee iff innserrtedd att thhe pplacce mmarkked. Markk ouut yyourr chhoicce oon tthe ANSSWERR SHHEETT wiith a ssinggle linne tthrooughh thhe ccentter.16. It wass feelt thaat tthe lacckedd thhe _to purrsuee a diffficcultt taask to thee veery endd.A. ppetiitioon B. enggageemennt

3、C. coommiitmeent DD. qquallifiicattionn17. He doees noothiing thaat _thee innterrestts oof tthe colllecctivve.A. rrunss foor B. runns aagaiinstt CC. rrunss ovver DD. rrunss innto18. Thooughh hee viiewss hiimseelf as a rreallistt, CCetrron sayys tthatt hiis ffinddinggs mmakee hiim vveryy _aabouut ffu

4、tuure.A. ooptiimissticc B. symmpatthettic CC. oobjeectiive DD. ppreccauttionns19. In succh aa chhanggingg annd ccompplexx soocieety, foormeerlyy siimplly ssoluutioons to infformmatiionaal nneedds bbecoome _.A. cconffusiing B. acccepptabble CC. ccomppliccateed D. feeasiiblee20. Wheen iit ccomees tto

5、tteacchinng _, manny ppareentss beelievee thhat if theey llovee thheirr chhilddrenn annd ttreaat tthemm kiindlly, thee kiids willl kknoww hoow tto bbehaave.A. mmenttaliity BB. mmoraalitty C. maajessty DD. mmajooritty21. Exeerciise seeems to bennefiit tthe braain powwer of heaalthhy aand sicck, youun

6、g andd olld _.A. aalikke B. allivee CC. ttogeetheer D. inncluudedd22. Hisstorry hhas demmonsstraatedd thhat couuntrriess wiith diffferrentt soociaal ssysttemss annd iideoologgiess caan jjoinn haandss inn meeetiing thee coommoon cchalllenngess too huumann _annd ddeveeloppmennt.23. Altthouugh spoortss

7、 _tthe houusehholdd, JJoe dreew tthe linne whhen theey iinteerfeeredd wiith fammilyy trradiitioons andd rooutiine.A. ooverrwheelmeed B. afffecctedd CC. ddomiinatted D. innfluuencced 24. Shooppiing forr a neww swwimssuitt iss onne oof lleasst _acttiviitiees, beccausse II allmosst aalwaays gett saales

8、scleerk witth aa siick sennse of hummor. A.faavorrablle B. poopullar CC. ffavooritte D. beenefficiial 25. It is durringg suummeer bbreaaks thaat wwe ffirsst ttastte tthe sattisffacttionn off woork thaat _intto hhardd cuurreencyy.A. ttrannsfeers B. traansllatees C. trranssmitts D. trranssplaantss26.

9、Skiilleed ttechhniccianns aand advvanceed ttechhnollogiies enaablee uss too buuildd unncommproomissed quaalitty iintoo alll oour carrs, beccausse oour firrst _is briingiing youu plleassuree foor yyearrs tto ccomee.27. Witth kkeenn _, connvinncinng ffactts aand a gglobbal anggle, Eppsteein vivvidlly

10、rrecoordeed aa brrillliannt ppagee off thhe ggreatt reevollutiion.A. iinsppecttionn BB. iinteelleectuual CC. iinteentiion D. innsigght28. Tellecoommuuniccatiion devveloopmeentssenaablee thhe ssenddingg off meessaagess _telleviisioon, raddio andd veery shoortlly, eleectrroniic mmaill too boombaard pe

11、ooplee wiith manny mmesssagees.A. vvia BB. aamidd CC.paast DD. aacrooss29. Thee soo-caalleed iinteelliigennt bbehaavioor ddemaandss meemorry, remmembberiing beiing a pprimmaryy _foor rreassoniing.A. rresoourcce B. reequiiremmentt CC. rresooluttionn DD. rrespponsse30. Wommens ccenttrall roole in mann

12、agiing natturaal rresoourcces andd prroteectiing thee ennvironnmennt hhas beeen ooverrloookedd moore oftten it hass beeen _.A. aacknnowlledgged B. emmphaasizzed CC. mmemoorizzed D. asssocciatted 31. Tecchnoologgy hhas _thhe ssharringg off innforrmattionn annd tthe stooragge aand delliveery of inffor

13、mmatiion, thhus makkingg moore infformmatiion avaailaable tto mmoree peeoplle.A. fformmulaatedd BB. ffurnnishhed C. fuuncttionned DD. ffaciilittateed32. Thee neew ggoveernmmentt _tthe forreiggn-oowneed ffiellds onee affterr annothher.A. ttookk ovver BB. ttookk ouut C. toook ooff D. toook on33. Onee

14、sttudyy fooundd thhat jobb apppliicannts whoo maake morre eeye conntacct aare _as morre aalerrt, deppenddablle, connfiddentt annd rrespponssiblle.A. rrefeerreed B. peerceeiveed C. reecommmenndedd D. preesummed34. Manny pprovverbbs _in ancciennt GGreeece andd Roome andd inn meedieevall Euuroppe, sprr

15、eaddingg frrom couuntrry tto ccounntryy inn Laatinntexxts.35. To givve yyou a ggeneerall iddea of ourr prroduuctss, wwe eenclloseed tthe cattalooguees sshowwingg vaarioous prooduccts hanndleed bby uus wwithh deetaiiledd _annd mmeanns oof ppackkingg.A. sspeccimeens BB. iinsppecttionns C. parraphhrass

16、es DD. sspeccifiicattionns.Partt IIII RReaddingg Coomprreheensiion(50 minnutees, 30 poiintss)Direectiionss: TTherre aare sixx paassaagess inn thhis parrt. Eachh paassaage is folllowwed by somme qquesstioons or unffiniisheed sstattemeentss. FFor eacch oof tthemm thheree arre ffourr chhoicces marrkedd

17、 A, B, C andd D. Yoou sshouuld deccidee onn thhe bbestt chhoicce aand marrkthhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer oon ttheAANSWWER SHEEET witth aa siinglle llinee thhrouugh thee ceenteer.Passsagee Onne A prroveen mmethhod forr efffecctivve ttexttboook rreaddingg iss thhe SSQ3RR meethood ddeveelopped by Fr

18、aanciis RRobiinsoon. The firrst steep iis tto ssurvvey (thhe SS sttep) thhe cchappterr byy reeadiing tthe tittle, inntrooducctioon, secctioon hheaddinggs, summmarry aand by stuudyiing anyy grraphhs, tabbless illlusstraatioons or chaartss. TThe purrposse oof tthiss sttep is to gett ann ovvervvieww of

19、f thhe cchappterr soo thhat youu wiill knoow bbefoore youu reead whaat iit wwilll bee abboutt. IIn tthe seccondd sttep (thee Q steep), foor eeachh seectiion youu assk yyourrsellf qquesstioons succh aas “Whaat ddo II allreaady knoow aabouut tthiss toopicc?”andd “Whaat ddo II waant to knoow?” Inn thhi

20、s steep yyou alsso ttakee thhe ssecttionn heeadiing andd tuurn it intto aa quuesttionn. TThiss sttep givves youu a purrposse ffor reaadinngthhe ssecttionn. TThe thiird steep (thee fiirstt off thhe 33Rs) is to reaad tto ffindd thhe aanswwer to youur qquesstioons. Thenn attthee ennd oof eeachh seectii

21、on, beeforre ggoinng oon tto tthe nexxt ssecttionn, yyou reccitee (tthe seccondd off thhe 33Rs) thee annsweers to thee quuesttionns tthatt yoou fformmed in the queestiion steep. Wheen yyou reccitee yoou sshouuld sayy thhe iinfoormaatioon yyou wannt tto llearrn oout louud iin yyourr owwn wwordds. The

22、 ffiftth sstepp iss doone aftter youu haave commpleetedd sttepss 2,3 aand 4 ffor eacch ssecttionn. YYou revvieww (tthe lasst oof tthe 3Rs) thee enntirre cchappterr. TThe revview iis ddonee muuch as thee suurveey wwas in thee fiirstt sttep. As yyou revvieww, hholdd a menntall coonveersaatioon wwithh

23、yooursselff ass yoou rreciite thee innforrmattionn yoou sseleecteed aas iimpoortaant to leaarn. The menntall coonveersaatioon ccoulld ttakee thhe fformm off asskinng aand ansswerringg thhe qquesstioonsfformmed froom tthe heaadinngs or reaadinng tthe summmarry, whiich lissts thee maain ideeas in thee

24、 chhaptter, annd ttryiing to filll iin tthe dettaills ffro eacch mmainn iddea.36. Thee paassaage imppliees tthatt thhe SSQ3RR meethood _.A. nneedds tto bbe pprovvenB. lleavves mucch tto bbe ddesiireddC. tturnss ouut tto bbe ppraccticcablleD. ccannnot be useed bby eeverry rreadder37. Thee SQQ3R metth

25、odd coonsiistss off _steeps.A. tthreee B. foour CC. ffivee D. sevven38. Acccorddingg too thhe ppasssagee, tthe firrst steep hhelpps tthe reaaderrs _.A. rreadd fiirstt seeverral parragrraphhsB. sscan thee whholee chhaptterC. sstuddy tthe graaphssD. gget thee thhemee off thhe cchappterr39. Whiich of t

26、hee foolloowinng iis tthe fouurthh sttep?A. TTo qquesstioon yyourrsellf.B. TTo rreadd foor iinfoormaatioon.C. TTo uutteer yyourr annsweers.D. TTo ddraww a conncluusioon.40. Whiich of thee foolloowinng sstattemennts is truue?A. IIn tthe lasst sstepp, yyou shoouldd reememmberr alll tthe infformmatiion

27、.B. WWhenn yoou ffiniish thee laast steep, youu wiill gett booth thee maain ideea aand thee deetaiils.C. TThe menntall coonveersaatioon iinvoolvees aanswweriing thee quuesttionns aaskeed bby tthe autthorr.D. WWhille yyou are hholddingg a menntall coonveersaatioon yyou sellectt thhe iimpoortaant inff

28、ormmatiion.Passsagee TwwoThouugh it is merre II too 3 perrcennt oof tthe poppulaatioon, thee uppperr cllasss poosseessees aat lleasst 225 pperccentt off thhe nnatiions wweallth. Thhis claass hass toow ssegmmentts: uppper-uppper andd loowerr-uppeer. Bassicaallyy, tthe uppper-uppper claass is thee “ol

29、dd riich”fammiliies thaat hhavee beee wweallthyy foor sseveerall geenerratiionsan ariistoocraacy of birrth andd weealtth. Theiir nnamees aare in thee Soociaal RRegiisteer, a llisttingg off acccepptabble memmberrs oof hhighh soocieety. A feew aare knoown acrrosss thhe nnatiion, suuch as thee Roockeef

30、elllerrs, Rooosevveltts, andd Vaandeerbiiltss. MMostt arre nnot vissiblle tto tthe genneraal ppubllic. Theyy liive in graand secclussionn (深居简简出), draawinng ttheiir iincoome froom tthe invvesttmennt oof ttheiir iinheeritted weaalthh. IIn cconttrasst, thee loowerr-uppperr cllasss iss thhe “neww riich

31、”. Althhouggh ttheyy maay bbe wweallthiier thaan ssomee off thhe oold ricch; thee neew rrichh haave husstleed (急于做) too maake theeir monney likke eeverryboody elsse bbeneeathh thheirr cllasss. TThuss thheirr prresttigee iss geenerrallly lloweer tthann thhat of thee olld rrichh, wwho havve nnot fouun

32、d it neccesssaryy too liift a ffingger to makke ttheiir mmoneey, andd whho ttendd too loook dowwn uuponn thhe nnew ricch.Howeeverr itts wweallth is acqquirred, thhe uuppeer cclasss iis vveryy, vveryy riich. Theyy haave enooughh mooneyy annd lleissuree tiime to culltivvatee ann innterrestt inn thhe a

33、artss annd tto ccolllectt raate boooks, paainttingg, aand scuulptturee. TTheyy geenerrallly llivee inn exxcluusivve aareaas, bellongg too exxcluusivve ssociial cluubs, coommuuniccatee wiith eacch ootheer, andd maarryy thheirr owwn kkinddalll off whhichh keeepss thhem so disstannt ffromm thhe mmassse

34、s thaat ttheyy haave beeen ccallled thee ouut-oof-ssighht cclasss. Moree thhan anyy ottherr cllasss, ttheyy teend to be connsciiouss off beeingg meembeers of a cclasss. Theyy allso commmannd aan eenorrmouus aamouunt of powwer andd innfluuencce hheree annd aabrooad, ass thhey holld mmanyy toop ggovee

35、rnmmentt poosittionns, runn thhe CCounncill onn Fooreiign Rellatiionss, aand conntrool mmulttinaatioonall coorpoorattionns. The acttionns aaffeect thee liivess off miilliionss.41. Alll thhe ffolllowiing staatemmentts aare truue EEXCEEPT thaat _.A. tthe uppper-uppper claass is of ariistoocraaticc orr

36、igiin.B. tthe“oldd riich” ennjoyy hiigheer ppresstigge tthann thhe “neww riich”.C. tthe “old ricch” issolaate theemseelvees aand leaad aa loonelly llifee.D. tthe uppper claass ownns aat lleasst aa quuartter of thee coounttrys wweallth.42. Thee“oldd riich”gett riicheer _.A. tthrooughh thhe SSociial R

37、eggistterB. tthrooughh thheirr reeputtatiionC. bby iinveestiing theeir inhheriitedd weealtthD. bby ccolllecttingg paainttinggs aand scuulptturees43. Thee reeasoon wwhy thee “oldd riich” loook dowwn uuponn thhe “neww riich” iss thhat _.A. tthe forrmerr arre wweallthiier thaan tthe latterB. tthe latte

38、r sweeat theemseelvees tto mmakee mooneyyC. tthe “neww riich” haave no inttereest in arttsD.thhe“oldd riich” arre cconsscioous of beiing memmberrs oof tthe uppper claass44. Thee uppperr cllasss iss allso callledd thhe oout-of-sigght claass beccausse _.A. ttheyy keeep awaay ffromm thhe ggeneerall puu

39、bliicB. ttheyy sppendd moost of theeir timme aabrooadC. ttheyy doont ccommmuniicatte wwithh anny ppeoppleD. ttheyy moove freequeentlly ffromm pllacee too pllacee45. We cann leearnn frrom thee paassaage thaat _.A. tthe uppper claass is powwerfful andd innfluuenttiallB. tthe uppper claass collleccts r

40、arre bbookks tto mmakee mooneyyC. tthe uppper claass hollds alll toop ggoveernmmentt poosittionnsD. tthe “oldd riich” maakess muuch morre mmoneey tthann thhe “neww riich”Passsagee ThhreeeWhatt, bbesiidess chhilddrenn, cconnnectts mmothherss arrounnd tthe worrld andd accrosss hhe sseass off tiime? It

41、s cchicckenn sooup, onn prromiinennt AAmerricaan ffoodd exxperrt ssayss.Fromm Ruussiian villlagges to Afrricaa annd AAsiaa, cchicckenn sooup hass beee tthe remmedyy frro tthosse wweakk inn boody andd sppiriit. Mothherss paasseed ttheiir kknowwleddge on to ancciennt wwritterss off Grreecce, Chiina an

42、dd Roome, annd eevenn thhe 112thh ceentuury phiilossophher andd phhysiiciaan MMosees MMainnmiddes exttollled (赞美) iits virrtuees.Amonng tthe ancciennts, Arristtotlle tthouughtt pooulttry shoouldd sttandd inn hiigheer eestiimattionn thhan fouur-lleggged aniimalls bbecaausee thhe aair is lesss ddensse

43、 tthann thhe eeartth. Chicckenns ggot anootheer bboosst (吹捧) iin tthe boook oof GGeneesiss, wwherre iit iis wwritttenn thhat birrds andd fiish werre ccreaatedd onn thhe ffiftth dday, a dayy beeforre ffourr-leeggeed aanimmalss.But acccorddingg too Miimi Sheeratton, whho hhas speent mucch oof tthe pas

44、st tthreee yyearrs eexplloriing thee woorldd off chhickken souup, mucch oof tthe reaasonn foor cchicckenns rreall orr immagiinedd cuurattivee (治愈) ppoweers commes froom iits collor.Her neww boook, “Thee Whholee Woorldd Loovess Chhickken Souup”, llookks aat tthe belloveed aand myssterriouus bbreww, w

45、withh doozenns oof rreciipess frrom arooundd thhe wworlld. “Thrrougghouut tthe agees,” shhe ssaidd, “theere hass beeen a llot of feeelinng tthatt whhitee-coolorred fooods aree eaasieer tto eeat forr thhe wweakkwommen andd thhe iill,” Inn adddittionn, “souups, orr annythhingg foor tthatt maatteer eeateen wwithh a spooon” arre cconssideeredd “commforrt ffoodds.” Shheraatonn saaid.“I llovee sooup andd loove makkingg sooup andd ass I wass coolleectiing reccipees II beegann too seee tthiss ass ann innterrnattionnal dissh.Itt haa


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