1、房地产专专业术语语集锦 中英文文对照入世以后后,跨国国房地产产交易越越来越多多,涉外外交易动动辄千百百万;地地道、准准确、符符合国际际惯例的的房地产产英语无无疑是促促成交易易、避免免误解的的必备条条件,特特别是对对于一个个出色的的房地产产代理商商来说,其其重要性性就更为为突出。Affterr Chhinaas enttry intto WWTO, fooreiign esttatee trradee exxpannds rappidlly wwithh laargee suum oof ddolllarss offtenn innvollvedd, tthuss a goood ccommma
2、ndd off esstatte EEngllishh inn coonfoormiity witth iinteernaatioonall prractticee beecommes morre eesseentiial, esspecciallly to an outtstaandiing reaal eestaate ageent.Chappterr 1. Reesiddenttiall Fllat第一一章 住住宅物业业1. Reesiddenttiall Fllat Forr Saale1. 出售售住宅物物业Sccenee: AABC Prooperrtiees CComppanyy,
3、 TTai Kooo Shhingg Brrancch场景景: AABC 地产代代理公司司太古城城分行A:Ageent - JJamees WWilsson物业业代理詹詹姆士威尔逊逊B:Cliientt - Mr Johhnsoon客户户约翰逊逊先生A: Goood morrninng, Sirr. HHavee a seaat ppleaase.先生生,早晨晨好,请请坐。B: I wouuld likke tto kknoww thhe sstatte oof tthe ressideentiial prooperrty marrkett riightt noow bbecaausee I
4、havve aan aaparrtmeent to selll.我想想知道现现时住宅宅物业的的市场情情况,因因为我想想把我的的住宅出出售。A: Suure, heere is my bussineess carrd. Imm Jaamess Wiilsoon. Lett mee exxplaain to youu hoow tthinngs aree. IIn rreceent monnthss, tthe demmandd foor rresiidenntiaal ppropperttiess haas bbecoome exttremmelyy hiigh. Thhe ppricce ff
5、or ressideentiial prooperrty is rissingg allmosst ttwennty perrcennt.没问问题,这这是我的的名片,我我叫詹姆姆士威威尔逊。让让我向你你解释一一下住宅宅物业的的市场情情况,最最近数月月住宅物物业需求求甚殷,住住宅物业业的价格格上升了了差不多多两成。B: Reeallly? Sinnce I hhavee too goo baack to Engglannd wwithhin thee neext feww moonthhs, I wwoulld llikee too seell my apaartmmentt ass sooon
6、 as posssibble.真的的?由于于我必须须于数月月内返回回英国,所所以我想想尽快卖卖出我的的房子。A: Doontt woorryy, SSir. I thiink its aa seelleerss maarkeet nnow. Leet mme gget dowwn ssomee innforrmattionn abboutt yoour apaartmmentt fiirstt. WWhatt iss yoour prooperrtys aaddrresss?先生生,不用用担心,我我相信对对卖家而而言这是是很好的的时机。让让我先记记录一些些关于你你的住宅宅的资料料,请问问你的房
7、房子在哪哪里?B: Fllat C, 15/F, Tonng HHousse, Taii Kooo SShinng.在太太古城唐唐厦十五五楼 CC 室。A: Whhat is thee sqquarre aareaa off yoour prooperrty? Hoow mmanyy beedrooomss annd lliviing roooms?你的的单位面面积有多多大?有有多少间间睡房和和客厅?B: Itts ggrosss aareaa iss appprooximmateely ninne hhunddredd sqquarre ffeett. TTherress onne lliv
8、iing rooom, onee diininng rroomm, oone massterr rooom andd twwo bbedrroomms.建筑筑面积约约九百平平方英尺尺,有一一个客厅厅、一个个饭厅、一一间主人人套房和和两间睡睡房。A: Hoow iis yyourr prropeertyy orrienntattionn annd vvieww?你的的房子的的座向及及观景怎怎样?B: Itt iss onn thhe ssoutth wwithh a hilllsiide vieew.它是是向南而而面对山山景的。A: Thhe mmarkket priice forr Toong
9、 Houuse is arooundd fiive thoousaand Honng KKongg doollaars perr sqquarre ffoott, bbut it alsso ddepeendss onn thhe iinteernaal llayoout andd coondiitioon oof tthe houuse.唐厦厦的市场场售价每每平方英英尺约五五千港元元,不过过要视单单位的内内部间隔隔及装修修而定。B: I wouuld likke tto mmarkk foour poiint fivve mmilllionn Hoong Konng ddolllarss.我
10、希希望订价价为港币币四百五五十万元元。A: Maay II haave youur nnamee annd cconttactt nuumbeer, Sirr?先生生,可否否告知我我你的名名字及联联络电话话号码?B: Joohnsson, myy coontaact nummberr iss 28876554322. MMy ooffiice nummberr iss 211345567.我叫叫约翰逊逊,我的的联系电电话是22876654332,而而公司电电话号码码是21123445677.A: Thhankk yoou, Mr Johhnsoon. Mayy I askk yoou oone
11、 morre qquesstioon? Wheen wwilll yoour prooperrty beccomee avvaillablle?谢谢谢你,约约翰逊先先生。请请问你的的单位何何时可以以交付?B: Inn abboutt onne mmontth.约一一个月之之后。A: Allso, Mrr Joohnsson, I wouuld likke tto rremiind youu myy coompaany willl ccharrge a ccommmisssionn eqquivvaleent to onee peerceent of thee trranssacttionn p
12、rricee inn thhe eevennt oof aa suucceessfful selllinng oof tthe prooperrty thrrouggh oour inttrodducttionn.还有有,约翰翰逊先生生,我想想提醒你你如果我我们为你你成功介介绍买家家,本公公司会向向你收取取成交价价的百分分之一作作为佣金金。B: Noo prrobllem.没有有问题。A: Thhankk yoou vveryy muuch. I willl iintrroduuce youur pproppertty tto oour cliientts. Wheen ttheyy waan
13、t to seee yoour prooperrty, I willl ggivee yoou aa caall.非常常感谢,我我会把你你的物业业介绍给给我公司司的客户户,如果果客户想想看楼,我我会通知知你的。B: Thhankk yoou.谢谢谢。 2. Reesiddenttiall Prropeertyy foor PPurcchasse购买买住宅物物业Sccenee: AABC Prooperrtiees CComppanyy, TTai Kooo Shhingg Brrancch场景景: AABC地地产代理理公司太太古城分分行A: Aggentt- JJamees WWilsson物
14、业业代理詹詹姆士威尔逊逊B: Clliennt- Mrss. CChenn客户户陈太太A: Goood morrninng, Maddam, annd hhow do youu doo?早晨晨好,太太太,你你好!B: Fiine. I wouuld likke tto cchecck oout toddays nnewsspapper advverttisiing on Tonng HHousse.早晨晨好,我我想查询询你们在在今天的的报章中中刊登有有关唐厦厦的广告告。A: Yees, Maddam. Haave a sseatt plleasse. I tthinnk yyou meaan
15、tthe onee maarkeed aat ffourr poointt fiive milllioon HHongg Koong dolllarrs. Mayy I havve yyourr naame, plleasse?好的的,太太太,请坐坐。 我我想你所所指的是是订价四四百五十十万那个个楼盘。请请问我可可以如何何称呼你你?B: Im MMrs. Chhen. Iss thhe fflatt sttilll avvaillablle?我是是陈太太,那那个单位位是否已已售出?A: Mrrs. Cheen, herre iis mmy nnamee caard. Im JJamees WW
16、ilsson. Thhe TTongg Hoousee iss abboutt seevennteeen yyearrs oold butt thhe iinteernaal ccondditiion is finne. Mayy I knoow iif yyou aree faamilliarr wiith thee neeighhbouurhoood herre? Do youu knnow thee loocattionn off Toong Houuse?陈太太,这这是我的的名片,我我是詹姆姆士威威尔逊。唐唐厦的楼楼龄约有有十七年年,不过过楼宇保保养良好好。你对对附近的的环境熟熟识吗?
17、你知道道唐厦的的位置在在哪里吗吗?中国英语语学习网网,你最最好的英英语学习习伙伴 24een.ccom B: NNo, I ddont llivee arrounnd ttherre, butt I knoow tthe loccatiion andd ennvirronmmentt off Taai KKoo Shiing. I knoow tthe aveeragge ppricce oof ffivee thhoussandd Hoong Konng DDolllarss peer ssquaare fooot iis vveryy atttraactiive. Maay II knno
18、w thee siize, thhe llayoout andd thhe vvieww off thhe hhousse?我不不住在附附近,但但我清楚楚太古城城的位置置及周围围环境。在在太古城城每平方方英尺港港币五千千元的售售价很吸吸引人,可可否告诉诉我那个个单位的的面积、间间格和观观景怎样样的?A: Suure. Thhe aareaa off thhis flaat iis aarouund ninne hhunddredd sqquarre ffeett. IIt iis ddesiigneed aas oone livvingg rooom, onne ddiniing rooom,
19、 onee maasteer bbedrroomm annd ttwo beddroooms.当然然可以。房房子面积积约九百百平方英英尺,单单位设计计为一个个客厅、一一个饭厅厅、一个个主人套套房和两两个睡房房。B: Doo yoou hhavee thhe fflooor pplann off thhe bbuilldinng?你有有没有这这大厦的的平面图图?A: Yees, Mrss. CChenn. HHeree itt iss. FFor thiis uunitt, tthe effficiienccy rratee iss veery higgh bbecaausee thhe lla
20、yoout is verry eeffeectiive. Allso, thhe oowneer kkeepps tthe houuse in a ggoodd coondiitioon. Mayybe I ccan shoow yyou thee hoousee.有的的,陈太太,这这就是了了。以这这单位而而方言,由由于它实实用的设设计,所所以实用用率很高高;再者者,业主主把这单单位保持持得非常常好。或或者我先先带你看看看这单单位。B: Veery welll. Cann wee goo noow?非常常好,是是不是现现在就去去?A: Giive me a mminuute. Leet mme
21、 ccalll thhe oowneer ffirsst.请稍稍等,让让我先通通知业主主。Thhankk yoou.谢谢谢。Saamplle oof TTenaancyy Aggreeemennt租赁赁协议样样本Thhis agrreemmentt iss maade on thiis tthirrtieeth dayy off Seepteembeer 119999 byy annd bbetwweenn Chhen Jiaanmiin oof 2221 Sicchuaan RRoadd annd ZZhanng JJie of 3455 Liintoong Roaad,aas ffolll
22、owss:本协协议签于于19999年99月300日。现现住四川川路2221号的的陈建民民与现住住临潼路路3455号的张张捷达成成协议如如下:Thhe ssaidd Chhen Jiaanmiin hhereeby letts tto tthe saiid ZZhanng JJie a ddwelllinng fflatt off Noo.4004(hhereeinaafteer rrefeerreed tto aas tthe saiid fflatt), sittuatted in 9999 Feeiyuun RRoadd, ffor thee teerm of twoo yeearss f
23、oolloowedd byy eaach terrm oof ttwo yeaars unttil onee moonthhs notticee too quuit is givven by or to eittherr paartyy, aat tthe monnthlly rrentt off H.K.$ 9000 ppayaablee inn addvannce on thee fiirstt daay oof eeachh annd eeverry ccaleendaar mmontth. Thee teenanncy is to commmennce on thee fiirstt
24、daay oof OOctooberr, oone dayy affterr thhe ssaidd aggreeemennt iis ssignned.立约约人陈建建民根据据本协议议将其位位于飞云云路9999号内内标号为为4044的一套套房间(以以下称为为涉约套套房)租租给立约约人张捷捷。租期期为两年年,以后后每两年年转期一一次,直直至任何何一方通通知废约约为止,废废约通知知须在一一个整月月之前发发出。租租金定为为每月港港币9000元,在在每月的的第一天天交纳。租租期在签签约后一一天,即即本年度度10月月1日开开始。Annd tthe saiid CChenn Jiianmmin undde
25、rttakees tto ppay thee laand taxx annd tthe prooperrty taxx, aand to keeep tthe saiid fflatt inn alll nneceessaary reppairrs, so lonng aas tthe saiid ZZhanng JJie shaall conntinnue theereiin. Andd thhe ssaidd Zhhangg Jiie sshalll uundeertaake to takke tthe saiid fflatt off Chhen Jiaanmiin ffor andd
26、att thhe bbefoore menntioonedd teerm andd reent, annd ppay alll taaxess exxceppt tthosse oon llandd orr prropeertyy, aand to abiide by thee ottherr coondiitioons afooressaidd.陈建建民承诺诺交纳地地皮税和和财产税税,并在在张捷租租期之内内承担涉涉约套房房的各种种维修。张张捷应承承诺愿按按上述期期限及租租金租用用该涉约约套房,交交纳除地地皮税及及财产税税之外的的税款,同同时遵守守上述其其他条件件。Wee geet oour
27、hannds thee daay aand yeaar aaforresaaid.我们们在上列列日期签签名。Inn thhe ppressencce oof ZZhouu Weenqii (SSignnatuure)见证证人:周周文启Chhen Jiaanmiin(SSignnatuure)Zhhangg Jiie(SSignnatuure)立约约人:陈陈建民 张捷注释释:1. leet:此此处作“出出租”解解。2. nooticce tto qquitt:搬家家的预先先通知。qquitt在此作作“搬出出”、“迁迁出”解解。3. eaach andd evveryy:每一一个。4. teena
28、nncy:(土地地、房屋屋等的)租租赁;租租赁期限限。5. coontiinuee:在此此相当于于conntinnue to staay.6. thhereein:在那里里。7. abbidee byy:遵守守(法律律、决定定等);信守(诺诺言等)。8. geet hhandds (tto)= seet hhandds (tto):签名。3. Viisittingg thhe fflatt foor SSalee视察察出售物物业Sccenee: AAfteer MMrs.Cheen ssignned thee innspeectiion reccordd, JJamees WWilsson s
29、hoows Mrss.Chhen to Mr.Johhnsoonss hoousee. BBelll riingss.场景景: 陈陈太太签签署看楼楼纪录书书后,詹詹姆士威尔逊逊带陈太太到到约翰逊逊先生的的房子实实地视察察。门铃铃响了。A: Aggentt- JJamees WWilsson物业业代理詹詹姆士威尔逊逊B: Buuyerr- MMrs.Cheen买家家陈太太太S: Seelleer- Mr. Joohnsson卖家家约翰逊逊先生A: Heelloo, MMr.JJohnnsonn. II haave Mrss.Chhen to cheeck outt thhe hhousse.您好
30、好,约翰翰逊先生生。 这这是陈太太,她她来看你你的房子子。S: Plleasse ccomee inn annd ffeell frree to takke aa loook arooundd thhe hhousse.请进进来随便便参观。A: Mrrs.CChenn, aas yyou cann seee, thee deecorratiion is in perrfecct ccondditiion. Thhe kkitcchenn iss onn yoour lefft. Loook! It is so bigg thhat youu caan ffit fivve ppeopple i
31、nssidee. (TTheyy waalk to thee liivinng rroomm). Thee laayouut oof tthe flaat iis oone dinningg rooom, annd lliviing rooom, onee maasteer bbedrroomm annd ttwo beddroooms. Thhe ggrosss aareaa off thhis uniit iis nninee huundrred andd thhirtteenn sqquarre ffeett.陈太太,这这个单位位装修挺挺好的,厨厨房就在在左边,看看!厨房房或以容容纳五个
32、个人。(他他们走进进客厅)这这间房子子的基本本设计为为三房二二厅,包包括一个个客厅、一一个饭厅厅、一间间主人套套房连洗洗手间和和两间睡睡房。建建筑面积积是九百百一十三三平方英英尺。B: NNo, I ddont llivee arrounnd ttherre, butt I knoow tthe loccatiion andd ennvirronmmentt off Taai KKoo Shiing. I knoow tthe aveeragge ppricce oof ffivee thhoussandd Hoong Konng DDolllarss peer ssquaare fooot
33、iis vveryy atttraactiive. Maay II knnow thee siize, thhe llayoout andd thhe vvieww off thhe hhousse?我不不住在附附近,但但我清楚楚太古城城的位置置及周围围环境。在在太古城城每平方方英尺港港币五千千元的售售价很吸吸引人,可可否告诉诉我那个个单位的的面积、间间格和观观景怎样样的?A: Suure. Thhe aareaa off thhis flaat iis aarouund ninne hhunddredd sqquarre ffeett. IIt iis ddesiigneed aas oon
34、e livvingg rooom, onne ddiniing rooom, onee maasteer bbedrroomm annd ttwo beddroooms.当然然可以。房房子面积积约九百百平方英英尺,单单位设计计为一个个客厅、一一个饭厅厅、一个个主人套套房和两两个睡房房。B: Doo yoou hhavee thhe fflooor pplann off thhe bbuilldinng?你有有没有这这大厦的的平面图图?A: Yees, Mrss. CChenn. HHeree itt iss. FFor thiis uunitt, tthe effficiienccy rrat
35、ee iss veery higgh bbecaausee thhe llayoout is verry eeffeectiive. Allso, thhe oowneer kkeepps tthe houuse in a ggoodd coondiitioon. Mayybe I ccan shoow yyou thee hoousee.有的的,陈太太,这这就是了了。以这这单位而而方言,由由于它实实用的设设计,所所以实用用率很高高;再者者,业主主把这单单位保持持得非常常好。或或者我先先带你看看看这单单位。B: Veery welll. Cann wee goo noow?非常常好,是是不是现
36、现在就去去?A: Giive me a mminuute. Leet mme ccalll thhe oowneer ffirsst.请稍稍等,让让我先通通知业主主。Thhankk yoou.谢谢谢。Saamplle oof TTenaancyy Aggreeemennt租赁赁协议样样本Thhis agrreemmentt iss maade on thiis tthirrtieeth dayy off Seepteembeer 119999 byy annd bbetwweenn Chhen Jiaanmiin oof 2221 Sicchuaan RRoadd annd ZZhanng J
37、Jie of 3455 Liintoong Roaad,aas ffolllowss:本协协议签于于19999年99月300日。现现住四川川路2221号的的陈建民民与现住住临潼路路3455号的张张捷达成成协议如如下:Thhe ssaidd Chhen Jiaanmiin hhereeby letts tto tthe saiid ZZhanng JJie a ddwelllinng fflatt off Noo.4004(hhereeinaafteer rrefeerreed tto aas tthe saiid fflatt), sittuatted in 9999 Feeiyuun RRo
38、add, ffor thee teerm of twoo yeearss foolloowedd byy eaach terrm oof ttwo yeaars unttil onee moonthhs notticee too quuit is givven by or to eittherr paartyy, aat tthe monnthlly rrentt off H.K.$ 9000 ppayaablee inn addvannce on thee fiirstt daay oof eeachh annd eeverry ccaleendaar mmontth. Thee teena
39、nncy is to commmennce on thee fiirstt daay oof OOctooberr, oone dayy affterr thhe ssaidd aggreeemennt iis ssignned.立约约人陈建建民根据据本协议议将其位位于飞云云路9999号内内标号为为4044的一套套房间(以以下称为为涉约套套房)租租给立约约人张捷捷。租期期为两年年,以后后每两年年转期一一次,直直至任何何一方通通知废约约为止,废废约通知知须在一一个整月月之前发发出。租租金定为为每月港港币9000元,在在每月的的第一天天交纳。租租期在签签约后一一天,即即本年度度10月月1日开开始。
40、Annd tthe saiid CChenn Jiianmmin undderttakees tto ppay thee laand taxx annd tthe prooperrty taxx, aand to keeep tthe saiid fflatt inn alll nneceessaary reppairrs, so lonng aas tthe saiid ZZhanng JJie shaall conntinnue theereiin. Andd thhe ssaidd Zhhangg Jiie sshalll uundeertaake to takke tthe saiid
41、 fflatt off Chhen Jiaanmiin ffor andd att thhe bbefoore menntioonedd teerm andd reent, annd ppay alll taaxess exxceppt tthosse oon llandd orr prropeertyy, aand to abiide by thee ottherr coondiitioons afooressaidd.陈建建民承诺诺交纳地地皮税和和财产税税,并在在张捷租租期之内内承担涉涉约套房房的各种种维修。张张捷应承承诺愿按按上述期期限及租租金租用用该涉约约套房,交交纳除地地皮税及及财产
42、税税之外的的税款,同同时遵守守上述其其他条件件。Wee geet oour hannds thee daay aand yeaar aaforresaaid.我们们在上列列日期签签名。Inn thhe ppressencce oof ZZhouu Weenqii (SSignnatuure)见证证人:周周文启Chhen Jiaanmiin(SSignnatuure)Zhhangg Jiie(SSignnatuure)立约约人:陈陈建民 张捷注释释:1. leet:此此处作“出出租”解解。2. nooticce tto qquitt:搬家家的预先先通知。qquitt在此作作“搬出出”、“迁迁出”
43、解解。3. eaach andd evveryy:每一一个。4. teenanncy:(土地地、房屋屋等的)租租赁;租租赁期限限。5. coontiinuee:在此此相当于于conntinnue to staay.6. thhereein:在那里里。7. abbidee byy:遵守守(法律律、决定定等);信守(诺诺言等)。8. geet hhandds (tto)= seet hhandds (tto):签名。3. Viisittingg thhe fflatt foor SSalee视察察出售物物业Sccenee: AAfteer MMrs.Cheen ssignned thee inns
44、peectiion reccordd, JJamees WWilsson shoows Mrss.Chhen to Mr.Johhnsoonss hoousee. BBelll riingss.场景景: 陈陈太太签签署看楼楼纪录书书后,詹詹姆士威尔逊逊带陈太太到到约翰逊逊先生的的房子实实地视察察。门铃铃响了。A: Aggentt- JJamees WWilsson物业业代理詹詹姆士威尔逊逊B: Buuyerr- MMrs.Cheen买家家陈太太太S: Seelleer- Mr. Joohnsson卖家家约翰逊逊先生A: Heelloo, MMr.JJohnnsonn. II haave Mrs
45、s.Chhen to cheeck outt thhe hhousse.您好好,约翰翰逊先生生。 这这是陈太太,她她来看你你的房子子。S: Plleasse ccomee inn annd ffeell frree to takke aa loook arooundd thhe hhousse.请进进来随便便参观。A: Mrrs.CChenn, aas yyou cann seee, thee deecorratiion is in perrfecct ccondditiion. Thhe kkitcchenn iss onn yoour lefft. Loook! It is so bigg thhat youu caan ffit fivve ppeopple inssidee. (TTheyy waalk to thee liivinng rroomm). Thee laayouut oof tthe flaat iis oone dinningg