Unit 2 Sports culture Integrated skills(I)教案- 高二上学期英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册 .docx

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1、英语(选择性必修第二册)Unit 2 Sports cultureIntegrated skills (I)I. Learning objectivesBy the end of the class, students will be able to:1. know about Sir Bobby Charlton by listening and Eugenio Monti after reading.2. use some guided strategies in listening and improve the ability of reading analysis.3. form t

2、he understanding of sportsmanship from Charlton and Monti.II. Key competence focusImprove the ability to extract effective information through listening and reading.III. Predicted area of difficultyDiscover the meaning of sportsmanship.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 BrainstormingT shows some pictures

3、 about football and Sir Bobby Charlton and gets Ss to talk about them. 【设计意图:课前展示图片,营造气氛,为课堂主题做好铺垫。通过老师看似随意的聊天切入课堂,通过图片和讨论激发学生的兴趣,迅速完成导入,进入听力环节。】Step 2 Listening1. Listening strategies: 4 steps while listeningT explains the listening strategies shown on the PPT and makes Ss definitely understand wha

4、t they should do and how to do the task.Listening strategies:1) Pay attention to the general idea or the aspects to be talked about in the introduction during the first listening.2) Fix your eyes on the process information about the event happening to the protagonist during the second listening.3) B

5、e absorbed in detailed information about the protagonist in gap-filling.4) Focus on some time words and linking words, such as during, however, during the listening.2. Listen for general ideaT shows the task on the PPT and asks Ss to make a right choice after listening. T: Daniel is listening to an

6、introduction to Sir Bobby Charlton. Which of the following is not mentioned in the introduction?A. Personal informationB. Career and achievementsC. QualitiesD. Life and familyKey: D3. Listen for T or F T plays the recording again and asks Ss to finish A1.T: Now, I will play the listening material to

7、 you again. Circle the incorrect information in the false statements and correct it in the blanks.4. Listen for gap-fillingT plays the tape one more time and asks Ss to finish A2.T: This time, detailed information about Bobby Charlton is required to get. Focus on some words related to time and figur

8、e.5. Listen for sportsmanshipT plays the recording of the second paragraph to Ss and helps Ss to form their understanding of sportsmanship from Bobby Charlton.T: From the second paragraph, we know Charlton won many medals and made great achievements during his life owing to his determination, strong

9、 willpower, fitness and hard work. Without doubt, he is a successful and great football player. But besides, where champions like Bobby Charlton are really made? Listen for supporting sentences. Possible supporting sentences: It is said that champions are not made in the gym or on the field but in t

10、he heart. He always says, “Do your absolute best. You cant do anymore.”【设计意图:通过策略渗透,明确听力训练过程并把握环节要求。从宏观到过程再到细节,逐步了解作为成功体育人Bobby Charlton的基本信息并挖掘他身上体现出来的体育精神。】Step 3 Reading1. Read for factT discusses some questions with Ss to elicit some facts about the passage and Monti.T: In most cases, everybody

11、wants to be a victor in a sports game, for winning has the victor walking on air. But most players will face failure. So what will a true sportsman do about failure? (Para. 1) Recall what you have learnt before in “The Olympic Games” and according to the second paragraph, tell us who is Pierre de Co

12、ubertin and who was the first to win the Pierre de Coubertin Fair Play Trophy? (Para. 2)2. Read for critical thinking Why does the author say that “at any sporting event, you face two opponents?” (Para. 1) Why was Monti awarded the Pierre de Coubertin Fair Play Trophy? (Para. 2) Would you do the sam

13、e if you were Monti? Why or why not?3. Discuss for sportsmanshipT guides the Ss to form the understanding of sportsmanship from Monti.T: As we can find in para. 1, a true sportsman will make the right decisions for the right reasons and not worry about failure. Do you think Monti is a true sportsman

14、? Why?(After discussion)T: So winning is not everything. Fair play requires athletes not only to obey the rules but also carry forward the spirit of helping each other. As an old saying goes, friendship comes first, the result follows.【设计意图:通过不同目的的阅读,先获取文章的基本信息,再通过深入推理得到公平比赛背后所体现出来的运动精神。】Step 4 Summ

15、ary1. T uses a mind map to help Ss review the event happening to Bobby Charlton and consolidate the sportsmanship he brings. 2. T uses another mind map to help Ss review the event happening to Eugenio Monti and consolidate the sportsmanship he brings.3. Summarize a common sportsmanship that a real e

16、xcellent player should have.T: No matter who he is, Charlton or Monti, you will find that if an excellent player wants to be successful, he should struggle for and stick to it in the heart. Also, winning is not everything. Friendship first, then competition. As is concluded from the sayings, “Do you

17、r absolute best. You cant do anymore.” Bobby Charlton “Win with humility, lose with grace, and do both with dignity.” (wise saying)【设计意图:通过思维导图总结本节课主要内容,并和学生共同分享 对运动员精神的理解,形成正确的人生观、价值观、比赛观】V. HomeworkBasing your story on your understanding of sportsmanship, think about which sports star deserves your respect and tell the story that (has) happened to him/her.4


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