1、精品可编辑授课题目(教学章节或主题):Unit 8授课类型ClassroomteachingCoping with an Educational Problem教学目标或要求:Students will be able to:understand the main idea and structure of the text;learn the way to write a cause-and-effect analysis;授课时间第 15、16 周第节grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;C
2、onduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities centered upon thetheme of the unit.教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点):PartPart I IPre-readingPre-reading TasksTasksListen to the recording and answer the following questions:1.What is the riddle?2.Why did the teacher ask his class this riddle?3.Ca
3、n you mentally calculate the cost of the goods you have just bought in a marketas quickly as the peddlers?If you cant,why?4.In text,the author tells a fable.What is a fable?(hint:short tales not based on facts and intended to give moral guidance.)5.Do fables give the moral lessons directly or let th
4、e reader deduce?(hint:let the reader deduce.)Aesops fables伊索寓言;tale 故事,Fairy tales神话,Tales of adventure冒险故事,legend 传说PartPart IIII Text:Text:FableFable ofof thethe LazyLazy TeenagerTeenager1.Ss skim the text and find out the main idea and structure of the text.Main idea of the text:Teenagers idlenes
5、s and ignorance will seriously affectthemselves and society in general.Organization of the text:Part 1-paras1-10:teenagers idleness and ignorance will produce seriouseffects on all concerned and society as a whole.Part 2-paras11-24:Kevin 1990 comes to realize in his dream how greatly lack ofeducatio
6、n costs his forebears,himself,his children and thesociety they live in,and how important it is to study hard.2.Ss skim part one and review anaphoric referents by finding out2.Ss skim part one and review anaphoric referents by finding out-the meaning of“that”in Para.3.(the author s doing mental arith
7、metic)精品可编辑-the meaning of“such an experience”in Para.6.(the salesgirl s ignorance)-the meaning of“this”in Para.7.(students inability to perform even the simplestcalculations)-the meaning of“all this ignorance”in Para.8.(students inability to calculate,andtheir poor knowledge of world history or geo
8、graphy)-the meaning of“this young man”in Para.9.(a friend s bright,lazy 16-year-old son)-the meaning of“this message”in Para.10.(teenagers ignorance leads to seriousconsequences)3.T explains the related cultural points and language points in part one to Ss and gives thempractice.4.Ss skim part two a
9、nd find out how many Kevin Hanleys there are in this part,and how theylive.-Kevin 1835,a poor peasant in Ireland;-Kevin 1928,a steel-mill worker in Pittsburgh,U.S.A.-Kevin 1945,a soldier fighting the Japanese army;-Kevin 1966,a student who studies all the time so as to get into college and law schoo
10、l;-Kevin 1990,a cleaner in a Japanese-owned factory;-Kevin 2020,a porter in a hotel for wealthy Europeans and Asians;-Kevin 2050,living in a slum and searching through trash piles for food.5.T explains the related cultural points and language points to Ss in part two and gives thempractice.6.Ss conc
11、lude the moral lesson of the essay.(Education is key to success,while lack of itleads to serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole.)PartPart IIIIIIPost-readingPost-reading taskstasks1.T guides Ss through some after-text exercises.2.T checks on Sshome reading(Text B).3.Ss do Pa
12、rt IV:Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks(including group discussion).Exposition,narration,description and argumentation Exposition means explainingexplaining.An expository paper explains something,such as howsomething is made,why something has happened,in what ways two persons or thingsare simila
13、r or different and so on.A typical piece of expository writing beginswith a statement of opinionopinion,then goes on to support its statement with detailsdetails.Third-personThird-person narrationnarration andand passivepassive voicevoice are often adopted in exposition for thepurpose of objectivity
14、.To make your exposition effective,you should narrownarrow the scope of discussionto a manageable topic;making clear your own attitudeattitude.精品可编辑Difference between narration and exposition:take a topic of historical eventwriting as an example,in a narrativenarrative paper,we tell whatwhat happene
15、d,whenwhen and whereit happened,and whowho took part in it.In an expositoryexpository paper,we discuss its causecauseand effecteffect,its naturenature,and its significancesignificancein history.Ways of developing an expository paper:by illustration(giving examples);bycause-and-effectcause-and-effect
16、skill;bycomparison-and-contrast;comparison-and-contrast;byclassification-and-divisionclassification-and-division;by process,process,etc.Three expository essays in this book:Unit 3 mainly uses illustration to developthis exposition;unit 6 illustration;unit 8 cause-and-effect and illustration(telling
17、a fable).Cause-and-effect skill in expository writing:Three patterns in using cause-and-effect:a)CauseCause paper.paper.It often begins with a brief introduction about the effect,andthen the body of the paper is devoted to an analysis of the cause.Each of thesecauses is generally discussed in one pa
18、ragraph.b).EffectEffect paperpaper.It does the opposite,usually starts with a brief introductionabout the cause,and then goes on to discuss the effects.c)Cause-and-effectCause-and-effectpaper.It often explores both the causes and the effects ofsomething.Ss work in pairs to finish Text Organization E
19、xercise 2.5.T asks Ss to prepare the next unit.PartPart IVIV OtherOther listeninglistening andand speakingspeaking taskstasks inin classclassUnit 15 and 16 in Listening and Speaking Course 1CulturalCultural NotesNotesU.C.L.A.The Wealth of Nations(Ts book P.81)LanguageLanguage PointsPoints1.makemake
20、up:up:(1)make up or make oneself/sb.up为自己或某人化妆-She spent an hour making(herself)up before the party.(2)make sth.upcompose/constitute sth.构成、组成某物-What are the qualities that make up her character?(3)make up the bed 铺(床),支起(临时床)(4)make up a story 编造(故事)(5)make up for sth.:compensate for sth.补偿、赔偿精品可编辑
21、2.bring/drivebring/drive homehome toto sbsb.:explain clearly.使清楚无误地理解。bring sth.home to sb.;bring home to sb.Sth.bring home to sb.that-P228,para.10-We must drive home to them where the difficulties lie.3.runrun outout ofof:use up or finish a supply of(sth.)-To our disappointment,our car ran out of g
22、as halfway home.-When they ran out of food,the soldiers set about hunting for more.4.drugstoredrugstore(US):n.chemists shop which also sells many kinds of goods and oftenserves light meals(兼营杂货及便餐的)药房、杂货店.Its quite different fromChinese one.5.handful:handful:一把,少数(used as a singular noun,followed by
23、ofof)-Youd better hurry up.A handful of people are already waiting in the hall.suffixsuffix“-ful-ful”means being full of sth.mouthful,spoonful,cupful,bagful-make a mouthful of sth.swallow sth.at a mouthful 一口 吞下(某物)-three spoonfuls of medicine 三匙药6.inin amazement,amazement,in shock,in despair,in sur
24、prise7.“modestlymodestly educatededucated adultadult”means the adult who have received certain but notvery much education.failfail toto:forget,neglect or be unable to do sth.-She fails to write to her mother.upsetupset:make(sb.)worry or feel unhappy(usually used in the pattern:bebe upsetupsetby/abou
25、tby/about)-He was upset about the argument he had with his wife.8.better-natured:better-natured:更加和蔼的、更加和善的adjective/adverb+V.(past participle).soft-spoken(轻言细语的);single-minded(专心致志的);quick-tempered(易怒的);good-tempered(和蔼的);good-natured(和善的);wide-eyed(睁大眼睛的);big-headed(妄自尊大的);narrow-minded(心胸狭窄的)well
26、-dressed(穿着考究的);well-meant(用意良好的);well-advised(明智的)N.+V.(past participle)self-taught(自学而成的);self-employed(自己经营的);custom-built(定做的);air-conditioned(备有空调装置的);weather-beaten(饱经风霜的)精品可编辑9.ignorantignorant:knowing little or nothing;lacking education or information;unawarebe ignorant of:愚昧的、没有学识的;不知道。-Peo
27、ple in remote areas are ignorant of modern civilizatio偏n僻.于现代文明一无所知、愚昧落后。地区的人们对-To say your were ignorant of the rules is no excuse说.自己不知道规则是不能成为借口的。IgnoranceIgnorance:the noun form of“ignorant”.-We are in complete ignoranco oef fyour plans.我们对你的计划一点都不知道。10.n no on ne ex xi is st te en nt t:nonhuman
28、(非人类的);nonsense(胡说、无意义);nonconductor(非导体)11.The attitude wassummedsummed upupby a friend s bright,lazy 16-year-old16-year-old son,whoexplained why he preferredpreferred notnot totogo to U.C.L.A.(1)sum up:计算.的总数,概括,总结-Alice summed up her christmas holidays in one word:“Terrible.”-We discussed the pro
29、posal for most of the meeting,while the chairman only tooka few moments at the end to sum up.(2)16-year-old structure(3)prefer to do sth.:more like to do petecompete with/with/againstagainst:try to be better than(sb.else).-Today,many countries are competing against each other in many fields.13.accum
30、ulateaccumulate:collect,or gather together,esp.over a period of time.-I have accumulated many books over the last few years.-While we were away on vacation,a lot of letters accumulated in our mailbox.14.affectaffect:(vt.)have an influence on.影响-The Asian financial crisis didnt affect our national ec
31、onomy.effect:effect:(n.)change produced by an action or cause;result or outcome效应;结果;后果-have a good effect 有好的影响-Bring/put sth.into effect:cause sth.to come into use 使某物开始使用-in effect 正在实行:The old system is still in effect.旧制度仍有效。-in effect 实际上 He is,in effect,my rival.实际上他是我的竞争对手。-take effect 开始实行;
32、开始生效:The medicine quickly took effect.药很快见效了。精品可编辑-The contract takes effect as of October 1.本合同从十月一日起生效。effect:effect:(vt)vt.招致,实现,达到(目的等)-effect a cure 治愈-effect ones purpose 达到目的-effect an insurance policy 取得保险单,加入保险AsAs ofof 在.时;到.时为止;从.时起15.functionfunction:(vt.)(vt.)operate;act运作;起作用-Athens fu
33、nctioned as a center oftrade in the thirteenth century.(n.)(n.)作用,功能-The function of the heart is to pump blood through the bo心dy脏.的功能是把血液输往全身。16.idleidle:lazy;not doing anything 懒惰的,空闲的,无用的,无因的adj.vt,viadj.adj.-She is so idle,we can never get her to do anything.-Most of the men were idle during the
34、 depression-It would be idle to argue further.再辩论下去也不会有什么效果。-idle fears无端的恐惧vt.vt.-idle the afternoon away.虚度一个下午vi.vi.-Dont idle(about).不要吊儿郎当。1 17 7.breakbreak down:down:stop working;停止运转-The telephone system has broken down电.话系统失灵了。fail,collapse 失败,垮了-Negotiationsbetweenthetwosideshavebrokendown.
35、双方谈判已经破裂。(of sbs health)become very bad(身体状况)变的恶劣-Her healthbroke downunder the pressured of work工.作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。18.humblehumble:not proud;modest 谦虚的-He thanked us again with a humble smile.low in importance,status,or condition 卑下的-He came from a humble family.19.s su ug gg ge es st ti io on n:sth.su
36、ggested(often followed byofof/forfor/that-clauthat-claus s)e e.-The old man followed the doctors suggestion of a stroll to the river everyday.-I have lots of suggestions for the parks future.-His suggestion that we(should)postpone the task is reasonable.精品可编辑20.insistinsist:demand forcefully 坚决要求ins
37、ist on sth./doing sth.e.g.I insist on your taking immediate action to putthis right.我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好。insist+that clause.e.g.I insist that you(should)take immediate action toput this right.21.wage:wage:Payment for labor or services to a worker,especially remuneration onanhourly,daily,or weekly basi
38、s or by the piece.工资:为劳动或服务付给一个工人的报酬,尤指按小时、天数或周给或按工作量给salarysalary 指按月发的薪水,领取薪水者通常是经过培训而具有特殊技能或专门知识的人-Teachers,government officials and clerks receive salari教es师.,政府官员和职员接受薪水。feefee 一词在英语中指付给医生、音乐师、美术工作者或律师的报酬。-School fees are high in that country那.个国家的学费很高。22.luxury:luxury:(Countable)Something ines
39、sential but conducive to pleasure andcomfort.奢侈品:使人愉快、舒服但非必需的东西-Houses with swimming pools are still a luxury in many parts of the country.(Uncountalbe)Sumptuous(奢侈的)living or surroundings-He lives in luxury 过着奢华的生活23.betterbetter offoff:richer,more comfortable 更富有、更舒服-Todays farmers are better off
40、than they used to be.-Its obvious that those woho work hard are better off than those who dont.2 24 4.scaredscared:of/to/thatof/to/that-When she saw a snake on the floor,the lady was too scared to move.-I have always been scared of dogs.-Alex was scared that his classmates might tell the teacher he
41、broke the window.25.livelive by:by:earn ones living by doing sth.以为生-live by one s brain干脑力活;live by ones back干体力活2 26 6.wakewake upup-This morning I woke up with a terrible headache.-Stewart woke me up with his coughing.27.relieverelieve:减缓;免于痛苦;松了口气精品可编辑-relievedrelieved all his symptoms;relieved
42、the tensio减n轻了他的所有症状;缓和紧张局面-Heisis relievedrelieved fromfrombitterness.-heisis relievedrelieved totobe away from Ireland and the steel mill.28.ComplexComplex复合的,复杂的and Complicated复杂的,难解的Complex implies a combination of many associated parts 暗指许多关联部分的组合-Thecomposertransformeda simple folk tune into a
43、 complexset of variations.这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。Complicated stresses elaborate relationship of parts 强调各部分之间的细微关系-Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cannot agree ona cohesive(粘着的)policy.中东政治如此复杂以致于甚至专家们也难以制定出统一的政策。29.declinedecline vi.,vt.,n.in-There will be a great dec
44、line in the stock market.in,on the-The birthrate in China is on the decline.-Class attendance is in decline recently.3 30 0.swear:make a serious promise about(often followed by infinitivetotoororthatthat-clause-clause)-to swear a person to secrecy使某人发誓保守秘密-He swore that he would never lie.31.faculty
45、:faculty:mental or physical abilities 天赋,先天的智力、能力-He has a very high faculty for learning foreign languages.the permanent workers at a university or school.全体教员-The teacher was very happy to be accepted as permanent faculty at HarvardUniversity.教学手段与方法:1.Lecture as the basic teaching method.2.Group
46、discussion with teachers comments to enhance the studentsunderstanding of thetext.3.Questions and answers(either from the teacher or students)to check the students homeworkand their understanding of the text and the lecture,or to inspire the students to develop精品可编辑their own ideas about an issue.精品可
47、编辑4.Exercises and teachers comments to reinforce the language study.5.Means of classroom instruction:traditional means of instruction.思考题、讨论题、作业:1.Listen to New Concept English 2;2.Practice the skills of fast reading with the text book New Practical English Fast Reading.3.Write an essay titled as Th
48、e Use of Computers in Schools.参考资料(含参考书、文献等):1.College English Integrated Course 1(Students Book),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.2.College English Integrated Course 1(Teachers Book),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.3.Listening and Speaking Course 1,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.4.新编英语语法程,第二版,1992,上海:上海外语教育出版社.5.牛津高阶英汉双解词典,第四版,1997,商务印书馆,牛津大学出版社.6.New Concept English 27.New Practical English Fast Reading,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004.注:1、每项页面大小可自行添减;2 一个单元为一个教案;3、“重点”、“难点”、“教学手段与方法”部分要尽量具体;4、授课类型指:理论课、讨论课、实习课、练习课等。.