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1、,package two;import java.awt.*;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.io.*;import java.util.*;public class calculator implements ActionListener int count = 0;private static int a;JFrame frame = new JFrame(计算器);JTextArea area = new JTextArea();JTextField fieldshow = new JTextField(0

2、);JTextField fieldcalculator = new JTextField();JPanel leftpanel = new JPanel();JPanel rightpanel = new JPanel();JPanel buttonpanel = new JPanel();JPanel motionpanel = new JPanel();JButton button1 = new JButton(1);JButton button2 = new JButton(2);JButton button3 = new JButton(3);JButton button4 = ne

3、w JButton(+);JButton button5 = new JButton(c);JButton button6 = new JButton(4);JButton button7 = new JButton(5);JButton button8 = new JButton(6);JButton button9 = new JButton(-);JButton button10 = new JButton(退格);JButton button11 = new JButton(7);JButton button12 = new JButton(8);JButton button13 =

4、new JButton(9);JButton button14 = new JButton(*);JButton button15 = new JButton(sin);JButton button16 = new JButton(0);JButton button17 = new JButton(+/-);JButton button18 = new JButton(.);JButton button19 = new JButton(/);JButton button20 = new JButton(=);JButton button21 = new JButton(保存);JButton

5、button22 = new JButton(复制);JButton button23 = new JButton(清除);StringBuffer S = new StringBuffer();/ t用来记录前一个运算符号是+ - * / =中的哪一个char t;/ count用来实现运算符号计数,a用来识别退格、正负号操作前一个操作是否是运算符号+ - * / sin =/ int count = 0, a = 0;Double x1, x2 = 0d, result;public static void main(String a) calculator that = new calc

6、ulator();that.go();void go() leftpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout();leftpanel.add(fieldshow, BorderLayout.NORTH);leftpanel.add(buttonpanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);buttonpanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 5);buttonpanel.add(button1);buttonpanel.add(button2);buttonpanel.add(button3);buttonpanel.add(butto


8、(button16);buttonpanel.add(button17);buttonpanel.add(button18);buttonpanel.add(button19);buttonpanel.add(button20);button1.addActionListener(this);/ 事件监听button2.addActionListener(this);button3.addActionListener(this);button4.addActionListener(this);button5.addActionListener(this);button6.addActionLi


10、(this);button16.addActionListener(this);button17.addActionListener(this);button18.addActionListener(this);button19.addActionListener(this);button20.addActionListener(this);button21.addActionListener(this);button22.addActionListener(this);button23.addActionListener(this);rightpanel.setLayout(new Bord

11、erLayout();rightpanel.add(fieldcalculator, BorderLayout.NORTH);rightpanel.add(area, BorderLayout.CENTER);rightpanel.add(motionpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);motionpanel.add(button21);motionpanel.add(button22);motionpanel.add(button23);Container con = frame.getContentPane();frame.setLayout(new GridLayout

12、(1, 2);con.add(leftpanel);con.add(rightpanel);frame.setBounds(200, 200, 600, 300);frame.setVisible(true);frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);frame.addWindowListener(new WindowListener() / 关闭程序时弹出警告public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(fr

13、ame, 确实要关闭程序吗?,警告, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);if (result = JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) System.exit(0); else public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) public void wi

14、ndowClosed(WindowEvent e) public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) );public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) / 0123456789等按钮if (e.getSource() = button1 | e.getSource() = button2| e.getSource() = button3 | e.getSource() = button6| e.getSource() = button7 | e.getSource() = button8| e.getSource()

15、= button11 | e.getSource() = button12| e.getSource() = button13 | e.getSource() = button16) a = 0;if (count = 0) S.append(e.getActionCommand();fieldshow.setText(S.toString();x1 = Double.parseDouble(fieldshow.getText(); else if (count = 1) S.append(e.getActionCommand();fieldshow.setText(S.toString();

16、x2 = Double.parseDouble(fieldshow.getText();/ 小数点的容错性if (e.getSource() = button18)/ 单击.按钮输入小数a = 0;if (fieldshow.getText().trim().indexOf(.) != -1)/ 判断字符串中是否已经包含了小数点 else/ 如果没有小数点if (fieldshow.getText().trim().equals(0)/ 如果初时显示为0S.setLength(0);fieldshow.setText(S.append(0 + e.getActionCommand().toSt

17、ring(); else if (fieldshow.getText().trim().equals()/ 如果初时显示为空则不做任何操作 else fieldshow.setText(S.append(e.getActionCommand().toString();/ 运算符号 + - * /if (e.getSource() = button4 | e.getSource() = button9| e.getSource() = button14 | e.getSource() = button19) count+;a = 1;S.setLength(0);if (e.getSource(

18、) = button4)/ +法switch (t) case +:result = x1 + x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + + + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + + + x2 + = + result + n);break;case -:result = x1 - x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + + + x2 + = + result);area.

19、append(x1 + - + x2 + = + result + n);break;case *:result = x1 * x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + + + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + * + x2 + = + result + n);break;case /:if (x2 = 0)fieldshow.setText(除数不能为零);else result = x1 / x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString

20、();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + + + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + / + x2 + = + result + n);break;case =:default:if (count = 2) x1 = result;t = +;if (e.getSource() = button9)/ -法switch (t) case +:result = x1 + x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + + + x2 + = + result

21、);area.append(x1 + + + x2 + = + result + n);break;case -:result = x1 - x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + - + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + - + x2 + = + result + n);break;case *:result = x1 * x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + * +

22、 x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + * + x2 + = + result + n);break;case /:if (x2 = 0)fieldshow.setText(除数不能为零);else result = x1 / x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + / + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + / + x2 + = + result + n);break;case =:default:if (count = 2) x1 =

23、 result;t = -;if (e.getSource() = button14)/ *法switch (t) case +:result = x1 + x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + + + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + + + x2 + = + result + n);break;case -:result = x1 - x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(

24、x1 + - + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + - + x2 + = + result + n);break;case *:result = x1 * x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + * + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + * + x2 + = + result + n);break;case /:if (x2 = 0)fieldshow.setText(除数不能为零);else result = x1 / x2;fi

25、eldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + / + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + / + x2 + = + result + n);break;case =:default:if (count = 2) x1 = result;t = *;if (e.getSource() = button19)/ /法switch (t) case +:result = x1 + x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.

26、setText(x1 + + + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + + + x2 + = + result + n);break;case -:result = x1 - x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + - + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + - + x2 + = + result + n);break;case *:result = x1 * x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();

27、fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + * + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + * + x2 + = + result + n);break;case /:if (x2 = 0)fieldshow.setText(除数不能为零);else result = x1 / x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + / + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + / + x2 + = + result + n);break;ca

28、se =:default:if (count = 2) x1 = result;t = /;/ 清零操作if (e.getSource() = button5) fieldshow.setText(0);/ 把显示屏清零count = 0;a = 0;t = ;x1 = 0d;x2 = 0d;S.setLength(0);/ 清空字符串缓冲区以准备接收新的输入运算数/ 退格操作if (e.getSource() = button10) if (a = 1) / 判断前一个操作是否是运算符号和等于操作System.out.println(运算符号不能退格!); else if (!fieldsh

29、ow.getText().trim().equals(0)/ 如果显示屏显示的不是零if (S.length() != 1) / 可能抛出字符串越界异常fieldshow.setText(S.delete(S.length() - 1, S.length().toString(); else fieldshow.setText(0);S.setLength(0);if (count = 0) x1 = Double.parseDouble(fieldshow.getText().trim(); else if (count = 1) x2 = Double.parseDouble(fields

30、how.getText().trim();/ 求正弦值操作 实现 运算过程中正弦值的优先性if (e.getSource() = button15) a = 1;if (count = 0) if (S.length() = 0) / 第一个按键不能为sinfieldshow.setText(先输入数字); else result = Math.sin(x1);fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(sin( + x1 + ) + = + result);area.append(sin( + x1 + ) + =

31、+ result + n);x1 = result;/ 将正弦值求出来赋值给x1if (count = 1) result = Math.sin(x2);fieldcalculator.setText(sin( + x2 + ) + = + result);area.append(sin( + x2 + ) + = + result + n);x2 = result;/ 将正弦值求出来赋值给x2S.setLength(0);/ 正负值操作if (e.getSource() = button17) if (a = 1) / 判断前一个操作是否是运算符号和等于操作 else if (count =

32、 0) x1 = Double.parseDouble(fieldshow.getText().trim();fieldshow.setText( + (-x1);x1 = -x1; else if (count = 1) x2 = Double.parseDouble(fieldshow.getText().trim();fieldshow.setText( + (-x2);x2 = -x2;/ 等于号操作if (e.getSource() = button20) switch (t) case +:result = x1 + x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toSt

33、ring();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + + + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + + + x2 + = + result + n);break;case -:result = x1 - x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + - + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + - + x2 + = + result + n);break;case *:result = x1 * x2;fieldshow.set

34、Text(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + * + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + * + x2 + = + result + n);break;case /:if (x2 = 0)fieldshow.setText(除数不能为零);else result = x1 / x2;fieldshow.setText(result.toString();fieldcalculator.setText(x1 + / + x2 + = + result);area.append(x1 + / + x2 + =

35、 + result + n);break;case =:default:x1 = x2 = 0d;count = 0;a = 1;t = =;S.setLength(0);/ 保存操作if (e.getSource() = button21) JFileChooser jf = new JFileChooser();/ 实例化文件选择器JTextField jt = new JTextField();Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance();int year = ca.get(Calendar.YEAR);/ 获取年份int month = ca.get(Cal

36、endar.MONTH);/ 获取月份int day = ca.get(Calendar.DATE);/ 获取日int minute = ca.get(Calendar.MINUTE);/ 分int hour = ca.get(Calendar.HOUR);/ 小时int second = ca.get(Calendar.SECOND);/ 秒int select = jf.showSaveDialog(frame);/ 显示对话框if (select = JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) / 单击保存按钮File file = jf.getSelectedFile()

37、;/ 得到选择的文件try Writer out = null;out = new FileWriter(jf.getSelectedFile();/ 输出流String str = area.getText() + 时间: + year + -+ month + - + day + n + hour + : + minute+ : + second;out.write(str);out.close(); catch (FileNotFoundException e1) e1.printStackTrace();System.out.println( jshdfj); catch (IOExc

38、eption e2) e2.printStackTrace();System.out.println( jshdfjjkdfh);jt.setText(saving: + file.getName(); else if (select = JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION/ 单击取消按钮或者关闭文件窗口操作| select = JFileChooser.ERROR_OPTION) jt.setText(Save command cancel by user);/ System.out.println(关闭);/ try / FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(/ jf.getSelectedFile();/输出流/ byte byt = new byte100


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