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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第223页 共223页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES标准工作程序Front Office DEPARTMENT前 厅 部 礼宾部Concierge任务排列 描述Task No: Description 1. 酒店门前工作 hotel front door service2. 门童服务 door man service3. 旗帜升降 raise and drop flag4. 出租车服务 taxi service5. 专线车服务 special line vehicle service6. 带房程序 s

2、how-room service7. 散客离店 walk-in departure8. 团队入住 team checking-in9. 团队离店 team departure10. 换房 change room11. 行李提取 luggage picking-up12. 行李寄存 luggage consignation13. 行李处理 luggage handling14. 行李房 luggage room15. 行李房管理 management of luggage room16. 行李房钥匙管理 management of the key to luggage room17. 店外修理服

3、务 repairing service from outside of the hotel18. 邮件管理 mail management19. 邮包/挂号信投寄 delivery of package/registered mails20. 包裹/挂号信领取 picking up package/registered mails21. 报纸/邮件/留言的传送passage of newspaper/mails/messages22. 派送程序 sending-off process23. 车辆预订 vehicle reservation24. 内部用车 vehicle useage with

4、in hotel 25. 车辆维修 vehicle repair26. 车辆加油 vehicle oil adding27. 日常工作 daliy work28. 车辆清洗 car washing29. 行车记录 record of vehicle usage 30. 车辆月报告 monthly vehicle report31. 车辆钥匙管理 management of vehihcle keys32. 车辆运作管理 management of vehicle operation33. 司机操作程序 drivers operation process34. 机场送机 airport send

5、ing-off35. 机场接机 airport pick-up36. 穿梭巴士 airport shuttle37. 司机管理 driver management38. 车匙及证件管理 management of car keys and driving licenses39. 车辆日常管理 daily vehicle management接待 Reception任务排列 描述Task No: Description1. 政策与程序 policy and process2. 电话礼仪 telephone courtesy3. 接电话准则 principle of answering phone

6、4. 接听电话标准 standard of answering phone5. 住宿登记管理 management of registeration6. 散客入住办理 checking-in for walk-ins7. 团队入住 checking-in for team8. 团队相关事项办理 related process for team that checks in9. 老弱病残客人入住 checking-in for the old, weak, silk, and disable10. 贵宾接待 VIP reception11. 住房押金 deposit12. 延住 extensio

7、n13. 加床 extra bed14. 换房 room change15. 日租房 daily rent room16. 免费房 complimentary room17. 自用房 house use18. 房价变更 adjustment of room price19. 房价差异 room price difference20. 客房展示 room show21. 排房原则 principle of room arangement22. 当日排房 room arrangement of the day23. 提前排房 room arrangement in advance24. 超额预订

8、extra reservation25. 留言 message26. 接送服务 picking-up/sending-off service27. 回头客/长住客 returned custermer /long-stay guset28. 预离跟催 payment request before departure29. 团体退房 team departure30. 手工结账 manual checking-out31. 信用卡核查 credit card check32. 支票结算 check cheking-out33. 账项分离 account and item seperation34

9、. 付款凭证 remittance copy35. 公司挂账 charge to companys pending account36. 外币兑换 foreign currency exchange37. 旅行支票兑换 travelers check deposit38. 账目拒付 account payment denial39. 团体费用漏账 team payment omission40. 散客漏帐 walk-in payment omission41. 客人投诉 custermer complain42. 处理投诉的准则 principle of handling custermer

10、complain43. 房间万能钥匙的管理 management of master key商务中心BusinessCenter任务排列 描述Task No: Description1. 邮寄服务 mail service2. 设备租赁服务 equipment retal service3. 文件装订 document binding4. 传真接收 receiving fax5. 代发传真服务 sending fax6. 长途电话代拨 long-distance phone call7. 打字服务 typing service8. 复印服务 copy service9. 翻译服务 transl

11、ation service房间预定 Room Reservation任务排列 描述Task No: Description 1 电话促销 telephone promotion2 电话预订 telephone reservation3 传真预订 fax reservation4 团体预订 team reservation5 订房确认 room reservation confirmation6 担保预订 guaranteed reservation7 房价确认 confirmation of room price8 订房婉拒 refusal of room reservation9 预定未到

12、booked yet not arrived10 订房变更 reservation change11 订房取消 reservation cancel12 预订审核 reservation check总机 Operator 任务排列 描述Task No: Description1. 接电话礼仪 telephone courtesy2. 来电应答标准 phone answering standard3. 客房电话转接 connecting phone call 4. 电话转接准则 principle of connecting phone call5. 内部电话处理 internal phone

13、handling6. 客人信息查询 guest information inquiry7. 电话号码查询 phone number inquiry8. 叫醒服务 morning call service9. 留言服务 message service10. 免打扰服务 no disturb ance service11. 客人动向信息 guest information12. 保密服务 keeping confidentiality 13. 紧急电话 emergency call14. 电话系统故障 barrier of phone system主题 :酒店门前工作Subject: hotel

14、front work参考号:FO-CON-001Ref: FO-CON-001目的 OBJECTIVE 细化酒店门前的各项工作,维护酒店的星级门面形象Detail every task to maintain hotel image流程 PROCEDURES 1 门僮应认真准备好客人到达酒店时如何致意欢迎。如打开客人的车门时可以 说:“欢迎您光临雅阁酒店” Doorman prepares to greet to guests, like saying “welcome to Argyle Hotel” when he opens the door for them2 作为门僮,平素要注意研究

15、门前车辆的调度,熟悉各种车辆的停车、开门、关门、起动等四个动作和走车路线等。尤其是白昼、夜间、晴日、雨天以及人多杂乱时的各种不同情况。 As a doorman, pay attention to vehicle fleet, be familiar with the four movements (parking, opening door, closing doors, moving) and driving lines of every vehicle, esp. different situations during daytime, nighttime, sunny day, rai

16、ny day, or crowded days. 3 门僮对出租车司机要亲切、热情。处理好人际关系对于酒店的宣传极其重要。情况允许时,可告诉司机酒店客人的用车需要,并随时掌握酒店出租车的车辆情况。 Doorman should be kind and warm to taxi drivers. Deal with relationship well to introduce hotel. With allowance, doorman can tell drivers vehicle needs and get some taxi resource information4 客人乘车到达酒店时

17、,门僮要注意下列顺序:When guest arrives hotel by car, doorman should pay attention to:a) 指挥车辆停在适当位置。 Guide vehicle to park at proper place.b) 注意车辆前后左右的安全。 Pay attention to the safety of the vehicles neighbourhood.c) 客人做好下车准备再开车门,尤其对女客、儿童要格外小心。 Get ready to open doors for guests, esp. women and children.d) 使用恰

18、当、得体的语言表示欢迎。 Welcome guests with proper language.e) 清点行李的种类件数。 Count luggage number.f) 注意安全,关好车门。 Close the door of the vehicle and pay attention to safety.g) 指挥车辆离开 Guide vehicles to leave.h) 最好不替司机、客人保管车钥匙(必要时除外)。Doorman should better not keep keys for drivers and guests (unless he has to)5 由于司机经常

19、向门僮或行李员、服务员等询问诸如车场、车库路线、到名胜古 迹或大厦公司的路线、地址等问题,因此有关人员日常对此要有所研究。 As drivers often asks for parking, driving lines to places of interests, doorman should be familiar with different traffic information.6 召开大型宴会时,酒店一般事先发放停车证及车号,调度车辆时使用扬声器呼唤客人姓名、公司名称、车号等。在杂乱的大型停车场,还可酌情使用麦克风、手提式步话机等。 Hotel would hand out pa

20、rking certificate and series number to drivers when large-scale banquet is going on. Use louderspeakers to read guests name, company name, and car number, etc. to have vehicle fleet management.主题 :门僮服务Subject: doorman service参考号:FO-CON-002Ref: FO-CON-002目的 OBJECTIVE 规范门前工作的细节,保证来临的客人第一时间地感受到酒店的亲切、热情

21、的到店服务Regularize working details of hotel front area, make sure guests feel warm and hospitable once they get hotel流程 PROCEDURES 1. 当客人乘坐的车辆抵近时,站外车道的门僮要主动为司机打手势,以便汽车停在适当的位置。待车停定后,门童应迅速走近开启汽车门的最佳位置,热情相迎(微笑),拉开车门,向客人表示欢迎(讲敬语、问好),先开前门,再开后门,然后站在后门为客人服务。 Doorman signals driver to park at proper place when

22、 guests vehicle comes. When the vehicle stops, go to the best place to smile and open the door for the guest, and have greetings to the guest, to open the front door first, then back door, then serve guest at the back door.2. 动作应是左手拉开车门,右手遮挡于车门框上沿(泰国客人除外),以防客人头部与汽车门框相碰,并提醒客人注意。 Open the door with le

23、ft hand, cover the top of the vehicle with right hand (except people from Thiland) and tell guest to be careful, in case to let guest bump into the vehicle.3. 对于年老或行动不便的客人,拉开车门后,要主动搀扶其下车。 For old or those who have proble in walking, open the door and support them with hands to get out of the vehicle

24、.a) 如果客人手上拿的东西太多,应主动接过来,以方便客人下车。 If guest has many things in his hand, help him to carry things when he gets out of the vehicle.b) 如果车上装有行李,即招呼门口行李员为客人搬运行李。 If there is luggage, call for luggage man to carry the luggage.c) 询问客人是否要住店,并转告行李员。 Ask guest if he will sty in the hotel, then let luggage man

25、 know.d) 如暂时没有行李员,应主动帮助客人将行李卸下,当面和客人点清件数,把行李搬入大堂,并告诉行李员行李件数,如无行李生则与领班交接,然后迅速返回工作岗位。 If there is no luggage man at that time, help guest to take off the luggage, count them in front of the guest, take them to the lobby, tell luggage man the number. If there is no luggagem man, tell the head of the sh

26、ift, then go back to work.e) 登记车号卡转交给客人。 Register vehicle number and hand in to the guest.4 客人离店时,门童应主动上前向客人打招呼,问客人去处并代客人叫车,打手势引导车辆停在适当位置。请客人上车,并告诉司机客人的去处,向客人道别。 When guest leaves the hotel, doorman should say goodbye to guest, ask the guest where to go, and help him to get a vehicle. Open the door

27、for the guest, tell driver where to go, say goodbye to the guest.a) 动作应是左手拉门,右手遮挡于车门门框上沿,以防客人头部与汽车门框相碰,并提醒客人注意。 Open the door with left hand, cover the top of the vehicle with right hand (except people from Thiland) and tell guest to be careful, in case to let guest bump into the vehicle.b) 对于年老或行动不

28、便的客人,拉开车门后,要主动搀扶其上车。 For old or those who have proble in walking, open the door and support them with hands to get into the vehicle.c) 如果客人手上拿的东西太多,应主动接过来,征得客人同意后,把行李物品放好,并交接好件数,盖好车尾箱盖(或关好车门)。 If there are many things in the guests hands, with the guests permission, help him put the luggage in the v

29、ehicle, count and tell guest how many items, close the trunk/door.d) VIP 客人离店,当客人车辆启动时,应举手告别,且目送其离去以示礼 貌。 Solute to VIP when he leaves hotel.e) 登记车号卡呈交客人。Register vehicle number and give it to the guest.5 当候车人多而无车时,门僮应礼貌地请客人排队,按先后次序乘车,协助保安员维持秩序;当载客的车多而人少时,门僮应按汽车到达的先后安排客人乘车。 When there are many peopl

30、e waiting for the vehicle, doorman should be polite and tell guests to wait in line, and asist security guard to maintain order; when there are more vehicles than guests, doorman should arrange the picking up according to the order in line. 6 如有客人赶火车或飞机,必须要征得排队客人的同意,方可让赶火车或飞机d的客人先乘车。 If any guest is

31、 in a hurry to go to the airport or railway station, with other guests allowance, let them leave first. 主题 :旗帜升降Subject: raise and drop flag参考号:FO-CON-003Ref: FO-CON-003目的 OBJECTIVE 规范旗帜的管理,维护酒店的社会形象Regularize the management of flag to maintain hotels image流程 PROCEDURES 1 店旗和国旗升降归前厅礼宾部管理,每天清早在七点正将国旗

32、、店旗和集团旗 升起,在晚上六点将上述旗帜降下。 Concierge is in charge of the raise and drop of hotel flag and natioianl flag, raise national flag, hotel flag and cooperat flag at 7ap every day, drop them down at 6pm. 2 在升旗时,必须要注意旗帜箭头所指方向,每面旗帜都有箭头指引方向,请按 指引方向升旗, 当值领班负责监督。 Pay attention to the direction of the flag with gu

33、idance, duty supervisor should inspect it.3 旗帜一式三套,应主动清洗。 With three sets of flags, clean them constantly. 主题 :出租车服务Subject: Car rental service参考号:FO-CON-004Ref: FO-CON-004目的 OBJECTIVE 规范酒店的客用车服务程序,确保客人用车的方便、快捷和准时流程 PROCEDURES 1 根据预订部的通知,把当日抵店客人的用车要求,提前通知司机 Tell driver guests car picking up request

34、in advance according to the announcement of reservation department.2 客人的订车要求必须记录在出租车记录表内,并准备相应的车单在前台接 待处入账。 Guests booking sheet should be kept in CAR RENTAL FORM, and related sheet should be input into account in the front desk.3 每日下午或晚上将次日清晨时刻客人的用车要求事先通知司机。 Tell driver guests need of car service e

35、very afternoon or evening or early the second morning.4 确保订车客人的用车需要,如所订的车辆未能准时抵达,应迅速另找车辆代替, 同时把、车辆未能到达的原因记录下来,并向客人表示歉意。 Make sure guests car would be ready on time. If the car couldnt be there on time, should immediately find another car to replace, meanwhile keep a record on why the car doesnt come

36、 and appoligize to the guest.主题 :专线车服务Subject: Special line shuttle service参考号:FO-CON-005Ref:FO-CON-005目的 OBJECTIVE 规范穿梭巴士的服务程序,为酒店住店客人提供便利Regularize the process of hotel shuttle service to provide convenience for hotel guests流程 PROCEDURES 1 专线车是为住客提供的免费服务项目,原则上只有住客才能享受这项服务,对 非住客的乘搭要婉言拒绝。 Special li

37、ne shuttle is a free service for the guests, in principle only hotel guests can share this service, should refuse those people who do not stay in the hotel.2 住客的亲戚、朋友等在车辆可容纳的情况下可与住客一同前往火车站、机场。 Hotel guests relatives, friends, etc. can ride together to railway station and airport when there are enoug

38、h empty seats.3 房务总监、前厅经理、宾客服务经理可酌情同意,对非住客的乘车免去费用。 With the director of room division, front desk manager, guest service managers permission, guests who do not stay in the hotel can also ride on the shuttle for free.4 耐心解答客人提问,总是做到热情、有礼,尽可能为客人提供最直接的服务。 Solve guests problems patiently, be passionate and polite, provide the most direct service as much as possible.5 若住客向行李员询问专线车怎样乘搭,行李员要认真解答。如客人需立即乘车 离店,则由行李员直接带客人上专线车,并将客人的房号、人数、前往地点 等资料告诉门僮,以便登记。如接受


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