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1、翻译的语言对比规律本讲稿第一页,共四十三页Pronunciation1.磕头Kowtow2.四十四只石狮子Forty-four stone lions3.A new kind of aircraft-small,cheap,pilotless-is attracting increasing attention.一种新型飞机-体积小,便宜,无人驾驶-正在越来越引起人们的注意。本讲稿第二页,共四十三页4.If North America and Europe renew their moral life,build on their culture commonality,and develop

2、 closer forms of economic and political integration to supplement their security collaboration in NATO,they could generate a third Euroamerican phase of western affluence and political influence.本讲稿第三页,共四十三页英汉语义对比1.、语言是随着社会实践的发展而发展的。2、意义的对等程度1)完全对等2)部分对应3)不能确定4)一词多义本讲稿第四页,共四十三页soft1.a soft abovegrou

3、nd launching site无坚固掩体的无坚固掩体的地面发射基地2.The record has been considered soft ever since it was set last May.自从五月份创造了这个纪录以来,人们一直认为它是很容易被打破的很容易被打破的。*(导弹设施等)无坚固掩护工事的,可攻破的本讲稿第五页,共四十三页3.The landing must be super-soft,made at a velocity of 18 miles or so an hour.这次着陆一定是超级的软着陆,即着陆时的飞行速度在每小时18英里(约29)公里左右。*(宇宙飞船

4、的着陆)飞行速度在32公里/小时左右的;软着陆本讲稿第六页,共四十三页4.Marijuana is usually regarded as a soft drug.大麻通常被看作是软性麻醉毒品。*(麻醉毒品)毒性较轻的;软性的5.At this stage there is only soft intelligence about the enemy intention.We should not shoot him for the hip.在目前,关于敌人的意图还只有不太充分的情报,我们不能鲁莽行事。本讲稿第七页,共四十三页*(情报等)非百分之百可靠本讲稿第八页,共四十三页Total1.Mr

5、.Smith was given a new Corvette by a Denver dealer and totaled it the next month.史密斯先生从丹佛的一个经销商处弄到了一辆崭新的考文特牌汽车,一个月后,这车子就撞得无法修理了。*彻底撞毁本讲稿第九页,共四十三页2.Did you at least total the guy that hit you?对那个揍你的家伙,你至少已经向他报复了吧?本讲稿第十页,共四十三页3、词义对比的文化内涵本讲稿第十一页,共四十三页4、Exercises1)At a memorial in New York,a little boy

6、left his football with a note for his lost father,“Dear Daddy,please take this to Heaven.I dont want to play football until I can play with you again someday.”在纽约举行的一次追思会上,一个小男孩留下他的足球和给他死去的父亲的留言:“亲爱的爸爸,请将这个足球带到天堂去。我不想再踢足球了,除非有一天能与您一起踢。”本讲稿第十二页,共四十三页2)An American and his wife were driving in Canada a

7、nd got lost.Finally they came into some city.They saw a gentleman on the sidewalk,so the gentleman pulled up to the curb,and the lady let down her window and asked:“Excuse me,sir.Where are we?”The gentleman on the street replied,“Saskatoon,Saskachewan.”The lady rolled up the window,turned to her hus

8、band and said,“We really are lost.They dont even speak English here!”本讲稿第十三页,共四十三页一对美国夫妇在加拿大开车迷了路。最后,他们来到某个城市。他们看见人行道上有位先生。先生走到路边,妻子放下车窗问道:“先生,请问,这是什么地方?”站在路边的先生答道:“Saskatoon,Saskachewan(萨斯喀彻温省的萨斯卡通)。”妻子摇上车窗,回过头对丈夫说:“我们真的迷路了。他们这儿甚至不讲英语。”本讲稿第十四页,共四十三页3)The U.S.Constitution separates the federal gover

9、nment into three distinct branches(judicial,legislative and executive)with a system of“checks and balances”among their powers.美国合众国宪法将联邦政府分为三个各司其职的部门(司法、立法和行政),并在它们的权力上实行“制衡”制度。本讲稿第十五页,共四十三页4)Sandra Roelofs has said that she plans to keep living in the familys modest flat near a McDonalds restaurant

10、 in downtown Tbilisi,even though they are now entitled to move into a luxurious government residence.“She is Dutch,she doesnt care about fancy houses and cars,”Malika,a 29-year-old civil servant in Tbilisi,said approvingly.本讲稿第十六页,共四十三页Another fan said Saakashvili-who has a reputation as a hothead-i

11、s a better president with his wife at his side.“Dont worry,Sandra will keep him in line,”said Dzhaeni,another Tbilisi resident.“He must have done something right if he got her to be his wife.”本讲稿第十七页,共四十三页桑德拉鲁洛夫斯说过,即使他们现在有资格搬到豪华的政府宅邸去,她也打算仍住在第比利斯市中心麦当劳餐馆附近他们家的一套不太大的房子里。第比利斯29岁的公务员玛莉卡赞许地说:“她是荷兰人,她对豪华

12、的房子和车子不感兴趣。”另一个崇拜者说,有好激动名声的萨卡什维利有富人在身边是个较好的总统。第比利斯另一个居民兹哈妮说:“别担心,桑德拉会让他不越轨的。如果说他娶到她为妻,他一定是做过某些正确的事情。”本讲稿第十八页,共四十三页5)Ruth Kelly has told friends she could not work in the Departments of Health or International Development,because of her views on abortion and birth control,and she opposed the Commons

13、motions on embryo research.“I am a practicing Catholic,”she has said.“Clearly I have strong personal principles.I would have to abide by them in my political career if they are strong personal principles.”On some issue,however,she takes a liberal line.本讲稿第十九页,共四十三页露丝凯利对朋友说过,由于她在堕胎和节育方面的观点,她无法在卫生部或国际

14、开发事务部工作,况且,她还反对议会下院有关胚胎研究的动议。她说过:“我是个虔诚的天主教徒。显然,我有坚定的个人原则。如果说这些是坚定的个人原则,那么,在我的政治生涯中,我就得遵守。”然而,在某些问题上,她采取的是自由主义的态度。本讲稿第二十页,共四十三页6)Qu Man and Yang Jie marry in a hotel courtyard with 85 people and a type of ceremony that is becoming common:Western,statues of Roman gods and scads of purple balloons are

15、 part of an event complete with the throwing of rice and confetti.At one point,the parents of both bride Qu and groom Yang are called up front to speak at the ceremony.It seems like no big deal.And that was not 本讲稿第二十一页,共四十三页for show.It signals she will not be an old-style daughter-in-law,subservien

16、t,powerless and dependent.She will negotiate when to leave her career and have a child.If she is like many brides today,she will have told her husband already that if he expects her to live with his family,he must find a different wife.本讲稿第二十二页,共四十三页句法的差异1、英汉语言在形式上的最基本差异表现为:英语重形合 hypotaxis汉语重意合 para

17、taxis本讲稿第二十三页,共四十三页形合:指句中的词语或分句之间需要一种语言形式手段(如连词或关联词)连接起来,表达一定的语法意义和逻辑关系。意合:指词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段进行连接,句中的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语或分句的含义来表达。本讲稿第二十四页,共四十三页2、英汉语言的特点英语又称“屈折语”inflectional language汉语又称“非屈折语”non-inflectional language本讲稿第二十五页,共四十三页英语高度形式化、逻辑化,句法结构严谨完备,并以动词为核心,重分析轻意合;而汉语则不注重形式,句法结构不必完备,动词的作用没有英语中那么突出,重意合、轻分

18、析。-贾玉新跨文化交际学本讲稿第二十六页,共四十三页1)应与重形合,句法结构严谨,所以表意十分精确;如:The confidence that the west would remain a dominant force in the 21st century,as it has for the past four or five centuries,is giving to a sense of foreboding that forces like the emergence of fundamentalist Islam,the rise of East Asia and the col

19、lapse of Russia and Eastern Europe could pose real threats to the west.本讲稿第二十七页,共四十三页2)汉语重意合,句法结构松散,所以使得词在表达意思上形式灵活;如:鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜本讲稿第二十八页,共四十三页又如:明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。旧时茅店社林边,路转溪桥忽见。(西江月,辛弃疾)本讲稿第二十九页,共四十三页再如:“有些朋友不理解:雪白的纸、乌黑的字、怎么能印出一篇篇这样的文字来呢?”本讲稿第三十页,共四十三页3、翻译中译者遇到的最大困难是句型结构的迁

20、移。本讲稿第三十一页,共四十三页2、翻译方法1)汉语用形合句翻译应与的形合句能够更清晰地展示原文所蕴含的逻辑关系,译出原文所包含的强调意味。2)把英语的倒装句译成汉语时,一般采取正常的“主、谓”结构,而宾语该提前的则提前。本讲稿第三十二页,共四十三页3)复杂的英语长句可简化成一个个具有最简单语序的句子,然后再译,能解决语序错综复杂造成的翻译困难。如:本讲稿第三十三页,共四十三页The speed with which they had transformed themselves from peasant societies into industrial powerhouses,their

21、continuing ability to achieve growth rates several times higher than the advanced nations,and their increasing ability to challenge or even surpass American and European technology in certain areas seemed to call into questions the dominance not only of Western power but of Western ideology.本讲稿第三十四页

22、,共四十三页4)被动语态The application has been improved.A number of new features have been added and a number of bugs have been fixed.已改进了该应用程序,增加了一些新的功能,同时也纠正了一些错误。本讲稿第三十五页,共四十三页The procedure is performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient facility.这种手术只需局部麻醉,在门诊部就可以做。本讲稿第三十六页,共四十三页思维的差异西方人喜欢抽象,长于分析中国人喜

23、欢具体,长于综合本讲稿第三十七页,共四十三页1、不能停留于表面意思She sits up late.2、不能“对号入座”Doubt的译法3、必须学会使用英美人的思维方式来判断词的意思1)Back的译法2)否定疑问句或反意疑问句的回答3)比较级的翻译本讲稿第三十八页,共四十三页4、英语中表达抽象概念的词语的翻译本讲稿第三十九页,共四十三页Exercises1、I was proud to work with members of both parties Chairman John Boehner and Congressman George Miller,Senator Judd Gregg

24、and I was so proud of our work I even had nice things to say about my friend Ted Kennedy.本讲稿第四十页,共四十三页译文一:我对我们的工作情况感到如此骄傲,以至于对我的朋友特德 肯尼迪,我甚至有些令人愉快的事情要讲。译文二:我对我们的工作感到如此的骄傲,以至关于我的朋友特德 肯尼迪有一些好话要说。本讲稿第四十一页,共四十三页译文三:我对我们的工作感到如此的自豪,我甚至说过有关我的朋友甘乃迪的好话。本讲稿第四十二页,共四十三页2、In growing pockets of educated urban Chi

25、na,wives and daughters are claiming new status and power in the family.Their earning power is rising,there is new talk of mutual care and love,and there are simply fewer women than men,giving women leverage.At the same time,however,louder complaints are heard about a macho male culture in business,and of greater marital infidelity.本讲稿第四十三页,共四十三页


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