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1、21年海船船员模拟试题8卷21年海船船员模拟试题8卷 第1卷 根据松油的联合国编号:1272,在国际危规的编号索引中查得以下数据:I.3377 II.3-07 III.313,它们分别表示_。A.医疗急救表号,应急表号,危规页码B.应急表号,危规页码,医疗急救表号C.危规页码,应急表号,医疗急救表号D.危规页码,医疗急救表号,应急表号正确答案:C 在车钟记录时,符号“ ”所表示的含义为_。A.停车B.备车C.完车D.定速正确答案:D The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transfering oil

2、must either be carried on board or _A.on a tug standing byB.available by contract with the shore facilityC.kept at the shoreside hose connection during transferD.kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible正确答案:B按照RCM的观点:()、设备越陈旧,故障就越多、设备越陈旧,故障不见得就越多、定期拆修是对付故障的有效方法A、+B、+C、仅仅是D、仅仅是参考答案:B

3、现行的国际船用燃油标准是执行()。、ISO8217:1996(E)船用直馏燃油标准、ISO8217:1996(E)船用渣油标准、ISO8217:1987(E)船用燃油标准、埃克森石油公司船用燃油标准A、仅仅是B、和通用C、或D、+参考答案:D 松缆绳时应_。A.短缆先松长缆后松B.短缆后松长缆先松C.长短缆必须同时松D.以上都可以正确答案:A 国际航行船舶的法定证书与轮机部有关的是_。、国际防止油污证书;、防止生活污水污染证书;、防止垃圾污染证书。A.+B.+C.+D.+正确答案:A21年海船船员模拟试题8卷 第2卷在与热带气旋配合使用时,GW表示()。A、目前或预计24h内热带气旋中心附近最

4、大风力达到89级B、预计48h内热带气旋中心附近最大风力可达到89级C、预计24h内热带气旋中心附近最大风力可达到1011级D、热带气旋中心附近最大风力目前未达到89级,预计24h内可达到89级参考答案:A 抢救煤气中毒呼吸停止的病人时,不可做口对口人工呼吸。()参考答案:错误火灾初期,应使用就近灭火器材进行灭火。()此题为判断题(对,错)。参考答案:正确 船舶机损事故发生后,不论其性质属于船员责任事故或非船员责任事故,国际航行船舶应在事故发生后_日之内,国内航行转变应在事故发生后_之内,向主管机务部门提交经验船长签字的船舶机电设备损坏事故报告。A.45/15B.30/10C.30/7D.15

5、/10正确答案:A ORPC国际油污防备和反应合作公约的宗旨在于()。A.为了提高海员素质,防止人为错误导致的管理失误B.规定了船舶构造.设备和操作方面的最低标准,最终目的是保障船舶的安全管理和运行,保障海上的人命安全C.促进各国加强油污防备和反应工作,在遇到重大油污事故时进行区域性或国际性合作,通过采取迅速有效的行动来减轻油污造成的损害正确答案:C 下列不构成对遇局面的是:I、互见中,一艘机动船与一艘用机器推进的使用绳钓从事捕鱼的船舶航向相反相互驶近致有构成碰撞危险时;II、互见中一艘操纵能力受到限制的船舶与一艘限于吃水的船舶航向相反相互驶近对驶致有构成碰撞危险时;III、互见中,一悬挂一圆

6、柱体号型船舶与一艘驶帆并悬挂有一尖顶朝下的圆锥体号型的船舶航向相反相互驶近致有构成碰撞危险时A.IB.I、IIC.I、II、IIID.II、III正确答案:B设有效波高之值为1个单位,则其他统计波高与其比值为()。A、H为0.63B、H1/10为1.94C、H1/100为1.27D、H1/1000为1.61参考答案:A21年海船船员模拟试题8卷 第3卷柴油机_运转时,流动穴蚀较为严重。A.低负荷B.中等负荷C.高负荷D.空负荷参考答案:C所谓阳极被溶解是指阳极发生了_反应。A.氧化B.还原C.化学D.电化学参考答案:A 造成喷油器喷油太早的主要原因是_。A.调节弹簧太紧B.喷油器滤器堵塞C.喷

7、油器调节螺钉松动D.喷孔堵塞正确答案:C When fighting a large fire on your vessel and attacking it from ABOVE the space on fire,it is important to _A.Rotate personnel,due to heat stressB.Station personnel on the hot deck immediately above the fireC.Stay low by crouching or kneeling on deckD.All of the above正确答案:A For

8、cargoes _ grain meals,coal,ventilation is needed to prevent them _ spontaneous combustionA.I.e./ofB.For instance/awayC.For example/offD.Such as/from正确答案:D 互见中,一艘在狭水道中靠右行驶的机动船与另一穿越该狭水道的机动船交叉相遇并致有构成碰撞危险,则_。A.穿越船为让路船B.穿越船为直航船C.适用交叉局面条款D.两船均应采取避让行动正确答案:C You are carrying triethylamine,methyl methacrylat

9、e and isoprene in your multiple-product tanker. Which of the following statements is true?A.Isoprene may be carried in a cargo tank adjacent to either of the other two cargoesB.Methyl methacrylate may not be carried in a tank adjacent to a pump roomC.Methyl methacrylate must usually be heated to mai

10、ntain its stabilityD.Portable thermometers are not permitted to be used to take the cargo temperature of triethylamine正确答案:A21年海船船员模拟试题8卷 第4卷 Which vessel when anchored at night,would not be required to show anchor lights?A.A vessel engaged in underwater operationsB.A vessel engaged in mine clearanc

11、eC.A vessel engaged on pilotage dutyD.A vessel engaged in survey operations正确答案:A 燃油锅炉若过剩空气系数太小,则火焰_。A.呈淡蓝色B.呈橙黄色C.呈暗红色D.发白正确答案:C对船队签证有何特别规定?参考答案:1)拖轮或顶推船及其所拖、顶驳船的签证,可由拖轮或顶推船持本船及所拖、顶驳船的签证簿,向港务监督或其签证站点统一办理。2)除装载危险货物以及进港封存、修理的驳船外,其它驳船不论在港停泊时间是否超过72小时,其进出港签证均可在出港前一次办理。对办理出港签证后36小时内未能出港的驳船,如驾长没有变动,驳船适航条


13、理签证手续。根据我国防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例,船舶不得向依法划定的_排放船舶污染物。、海洋自然保护区;、海滨风景名胜区;、重要渔业水域;、其他需要特别保护的海域。A.B.、C.D.答案:C 热力膨胀阀温包漏气则阀_。A.开大B.全关C.开度视蒸发压力而定D.开度视温包温度而定正确答案:B 冰中锚泊,可使用体积为()的硬木块作冰锚。A.0.70.42立方米B.0.070.252立方米C.0.70.45立方米D.0.070.255立方米正确答案:B 构成追越的条件是_。A.后船位于前船正横后大于22.5度的尾灯光弧范围内B.后船的速度而在于前船C.两船在互见中D.以上应同时具备正确答案:D21

14、年海船船员模拟试题8卷 第5卷 应变部署中各种警报信号一般用报警器或汽笛向全船发出。()参考答案:正确 COW开始时间.日期等内容应记载在()。A.油类记录薄B.垃圾记录簿C.轮机日志正确答案:A To turn over a liferaft that is floating upside down,you should pull on the _.A.canopyB.manropesC.sea painterD.righting lines正确答案:D 组成值班的船员的每天休息时间10小时,可以减少到不少于连续的_小时;条件是这种减少不得超过_天。A.6;7B.8;3C.6;2D.6;3正

15、确答案:C 胸外心脏按压法,如操作不当容易造成:()A.休克B.肋骨骨折C.昏迷D.以上均是参考答案:B At last,the palm trees that fringe the natural harbor of Port Aloahoa come into view on the horizon lit by the setting sunThe meaning of this sentence is that _.A.a vessel arrives at a port in a eveningB.a vessel leaves a port in a eveningC.a vess

16、el arrives at a port in a morningD.a vessel leaves a port in a morning正确答案:A 系缆桩的检查、养护周期为_。A.一个季度B.二个季度C.三个季度D.四个季度正确答案:B21年海船船员模拟试题8卷 第6卷无机胶黏剂不适于零件的_。A.套接B.槽接C.平接D.搭接参考答案:C废气锅炉吹灰时,应尽量在主机()工况下进行。A、高负荷B、停车C、低负荷D、50%参考答案:A北半球副热带高压带下沉气流,向南、北分流形成()。A、东风带,东南信风带B、盛行西风带,东南信风带C、东风带,东北信风带D、东北信风带,盛行西风带参考答案:D

17、A mobile offshore drilling unit will show the day-shape in DIAGRAM 10 to indicate that it is _.A.at anchorB.being towedC.agroundD.drilling正确答案:B Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates _ duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in orderA.validity inB.valid forC.effec

18、tive atD.effectiveness for正确答案:B 操纵中用锚时,锚的抓力取决于_。A.锚型、锚重、抛锚方法、风力、水流、海浪B.出链长度、水深、底质、排水量、风力、水流C.锚型、锚重、抛锚方法、排水量、风力、水流D.锚型、锚重、抛锚方法、出链长度、水深、底质参考答案:D 白天看到他船在主桅上垂直悬挂两个黑球,表示_。A.锚泊船B.拖带船C.失控船D.捕鱼船正确答案:C21年海船船员模拟试题8卷 第7卷 泵排出压力pd=0.55MPa,吸入压力ps=-0.05MPa,流量Q=60m3/h,总效率=80%,其轴功率为( )。A.10kWB.12.5kWC.10.4kWD.8kW正确

19、答案:B 船员是国际化最明显的职业之一,职业的流动性、分散性和国际性使得遵纪守法的职业道德显得十分重要。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 柴油机船舶动力装置有时布置成双机双桨式,下列说法中正确的是()A.由船首向船尾看,布置在机舱右舷的柴油机为右机B.由船首向船尾看,布置在机舱左舷的柴油机为左机C.由船尾向船首看,布置在机舱右舷的柴油机为右机D.布置在机舱左舷的柴油机大多为顺时针旋转正确答案:C 扑救毒品火灾时,若扑救人员配戴有防护用品,则任何方向均可施行扑救。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:机舱资源中的备件、物料、工具是()A.消耗资源B.环境资源C.设备资源D.信息资源答案:C 下列_

20、情况下不应该填写船舶机电设备损坏事故报告,报送船舶所属企业的海(航)监主管部门及有关的港务监督部门。A.因船舶机损而造成的海损事故B.因海损而造成的机损事故C.机损事故D.海损事故正确答案:D 下列泵中流量均匀性最差的是()。A.往复泵B.螺杆泵C.齿轮泵D.离心泵正确答案:A21年海船船员模拟试题8卷 第8卷 附则要求的排放条件不针对()物质的载运。A.Y类B.Z类C.OS类正确答案:C On a voyage charter party when the vessel is in port the charter will specify a definite period of time

21、 for loading or discharging of cargo by the ChartererThis time is called _ A.DemurrageB.DispatchC.Days of readinessD.Laydays正确答案:D 桅灯的水平光弧是_。A.1125B.135C.225D.360正确答案:C造成海洋污染的主要污染源之一是船舶柴油机排出的废气中加带的有害排放物,这些有害的排放物主要有以下哪几种:()、一氧化碳CO、碳烟、氧化硫,包括二氧化硫和三氧化硫未燃烧的碳氢化合物HCA.、B.、C.、D.-参考答案:D 为迅速扑灭遇水燃烧的物质引起的火灾可使用:A

22、.水雾灭火器B.泡沫灭火器C.干粉灭火器D.以上都不可正确答案:C 船舶排水体积的中心称为_。A.漂心B.浮心C.重心D.稳心正确答案:B 材料:The crude oil washing installation and associated equipment and arrangements shall comply with the requirements established by the AdministrationSuch requirements shall contain at least all the provisions of Specifications for

23、the Design,Operation and Control of Crude Oil Washing Systems adopted by the International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention,1978,in Resolution 15 and as may be revised by the OrganizationAn inert gas system shall be provided in every cargo tank and slop tank in accordance with th

24、e appropriate Resolutions of Chapter II-2 of SOLASWith respect to the ballasting of cargo tanks,sufficient cargo tanks shall be crude oil washed prior to each ballast voyage in order that,taking into account the tanker&39;s trading pattern and expected weather conditions,ballast water is put only in

25、to cargo tanks which have been crude oil washed. Every oil tanker operating with crude oil washing systems shall be provided with an Operations and Equipment Manual detailing the system and equipment and specifying operational proceduresSuch a Manual shall be to the satisfaction of the Administratio

26、n and shall contain all the information set out in the Specifications referred to in this RegulationIf an alteration affecting the crude oil washing system is made,the Operations and Equipment Manual shall be revised accordingly问题:According to this passage,with respect to the ballasting of cargo tan

27、ks,ballast water is put only into _A.slop tanks which have been cleaned with waterB.gas freed cargo tanksC.inertized cargo tanksD.cargo tanks which have been crude oil washed_ shall be approved by the AdministrationA.Specifications for the Design,Operation and Control of Crude Oil Washing SystemsB.A

28、ppropriate Resolutions of Chapter II-2 of SOLASC.An Operations and Equipment Manual detailing the crude oil washing system and equipment and specifying operational proceduresD.International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention,1978This paragraph is most likely extracted from_A.MARPOL

29、 73/78B.SOLASC.IBCD.IGCIt can be concluded that _A.it is not necessary to do crude oil washing prior to ballast voyageB.taking into account the tankers trading pattern and expected weather conditions,it is sometimes necessary to do crude oil washing after each ballast voyageC.if it is possible balla

30、st water shall always be put into cargo tanks prior to commencing their crude oil washing operationsD.sufficient cargo tanks shall be crude oil washed prior to each ballast voyage in order that the tanker could be kept properly ballasted without breaking any regulations in connection with ballasting of cargo tanks请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!问题 1 答案解析:D问题 2 答案解析:C问题 3 答案解析:A问题 4 答案解析:A


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