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1、* * * * * * *SATURDAY/SUNDAY,SEPTEMBER 11 - 12,2021 VOL. CCLXXVIII NO. 61WSJ.comHHHH $5.00WSJTHEWALLSTREETJOURNALWEEKENDdown the easy-money policiesthat helped drive the S&P 500to more than 50 fresh highsthis year.After a blockbuster earn-ings season and speedy eco-nomicrecoverythisyear,some analyst

2、s have said thatthe peak in economic growthmay have passed. The latestjobs report showed that U.S.hiring slowed sharply in Au-gust as the surging Delta vari-ant hampered the economicrecovery.Manybusinesseshave curtailed travel, and ameasure of consumer senti-PleaseturntopageA6At U.N., China Makes Su

3、r eFol ksWriteTaiwan s NameJust SoiiiAfter a complai nt,Colorado hi ghschoolagreesto call i slanda provi nce of Chi nathink their strategies. Schools are writing andrewriting pandemic policies for faculty andstudents from the moment they walk in thedoor, including where and how they interact,require

4、ments for masking and testing, andthe best ways to support studentsmentalhealth.For the most part, districts are left tocome up with their own rulesa challengethat has grown trickier with the spread of theDelta variant. Pediatric Covid-19 hospitaliza-tions have grown sharply since July, and doc-tors

5、 are bracing for more cases. Some schooldistricts are also contending with state man-dates that require masks, or that ban maskrequirements. Vaccines aren t approved forPleaseturntopageA11In Dallas public schools, mandatory tem-perature checks are out, while mask require-ments are in. Seattle added

6、more options forstudents to eat lunch together to promote so-cialization. And on Thursday, Los Angeles de-cided its eligible public-school students mustbe vaccinated for in-person classes.Last year, Covid-19 shut down schoolsaround the nation, forcing a largely failed ex-periment in remote learning

7、and angry stand-offs among teachers and parents over return-ing to schools. Now, the majority of thecountry s 51 million school-age children arereturning to class in the midst of a coronavi-rus resurgence, compelling districts to re-BYBENCHAPMANEXCHANGECAR TROUBLEThe auto dealershipfaces new trendsi

8、n buying andselling vehicles.B1Why ThereHasnt BeenAnother 9/11REVIEWCan the CruiseIndustry ShineAgain?OFF DUTYsuchgroupsemailedtheschool. It said there was a hic-cup: Regis Jesuit swebsite used in-correctterminol-ogyforTaiwan,the democraticallygovernedisland.Thecommitteesuggestedsaying“Taiwan, Provi

9、nceof China.”Beijing has longPleaseturntopageA11Trying to givestudents a taste offoreignaffairs,Colorado sRegisJesuit High Schoolapplied for creden-tials to attend theUnitedNationsCommission on theStatus of Women.This spring, theU.N. committee that accreditsBYSTUWOOThe U.N. logoApple Inc. must loose

10、n itsrestrictions on how developerscan seek payment within theirapps, a federal judge ruled Fri-day, but she left the tech giant spowerful App Store in place asthe only way to download pro-grams to iPhones and iPads.U.S. District Judge YvonneGonzalez Rogers rejected ef-forts by Epic Games Inc. tofor

11、ce Apple to let programs bedownloaded outside of the con-fines of the App Store.Instead, she gave the “Fort-nite” videogame maker a par-tial victory, saying Apple can tblock developers from sendingusers outside the App Store tomake payments related to apps.Apple had already begun toloosen those rule

12、s due to a sep-arate class-action suit and anantitrust probe in Japan.“The Court does not findthat Apple is an antitrust mo-PleaseturntopageA4BYTIMHIGGINSAppleOrderedTo RelaxPaymentRulesInmixedverdict,judgegivesdevel opersnewwaystogetpaidbutl eavesAppStoreintactBullish Mood Wanes,Stocks Drop f orWee

13、kThe S&P 500 index slumpedto its worst weekly showingsince February, with a broadpullback Friday highlightinginvestor concerns about a vol-atile fall ahead.Stocks remain close to re-cord highs but have retreatedin September after steadilyclimbing for much of the sum-mer. Many investors say theyare c

14、losely watching the Fed-eral Reserve s plan to slow itsbond purchases later this yearas the central bank scalesBYJOEWALLACEANDGUNJANBANERJInated.The coronavirus has killedmore than 655,000 Americans,according to data from JohnsHopkins University, with therecent seven-day average ofreported deaths ab

15、out 1,500 aday, according to a Wall StreetJournal analysis of Johns Hop-kins data.The White House had previ-ously shied away from vaccinePleaseturntopageA6eral contractors. The ruleswould apply to roughly 100million workers, or two-thirdsof all workers in the U.S. As ofFriday, nearly 65% of the U.S.

16、adult population was fully vac-cinated.Mr. Biden s six-part plan,which also includes efforts toimprove access to testing andmakeCovid-19treatmentsmore widely available, comesamid a surge in infections andan increase in hospitalizationsand deaths, the vast majorityof them among the unvacci-criticism,

17、 he said scientistssupported his plans and thatRepublicans who have foughtagainst mask rules and otherpandemic restrictions werebeing“cavalier”withthehealth of children and theircommunities. “We re playingfor real here. This isn t agame,” Mr. Biden said.On Thursday, Mr. Biden un-veiled his new appro

18、ach toCovid-19, requiring vaccina-tions for employees of manyprivate-sectorbusinesses,healthcare personnel and fed-WASHINGTONPresidentBiden defended his sweepingnew vaccination mandates todeal with the Covid-19 pan-demic, as businesses workedto understand the rules andRepublicans attacked them asove

19、rreach.Mr. Biden and first lady JillBiden traveled Friday morningto Brookland Middle School, 4miles northeast of the WhiteHouse. Responding to GOPBYCATHERINELUCEYANDSABRINASIDDIQUIBiden Def ends Vaccine StanceAs Businesses DigestMandateSchoolsRewriteVirusPoliciesontheFlyDelta variant prompts new str

20、ategies; I t s as chaoticas you can get. Changei nCovi d-19cas esper100, 000, byagegroup, endofAugus tf romendofJ ul y*Change in seven-d aytotal s for the weeksend ing Au g. 28 andJ u l y31 .Sou rc e: CDC050100150cases0-4AGE5-1112-1516-1718-2930-3940-4950-6465-7475+Data asof Sept. 1 0 Aid requested

21、as businessesstruggle anew. A3AjudgeorderedAppletorelaxitspaymentrules,butsheleftthetechgiant spow-erfulAppStoreinplaceastheonlywaytodownloadpro-gramstoiPhonesandiPads.A1The S&P 500 slumped toits worst weekly showingsince February, ending Fri-day s session down 0.8%. TheDow and Nasdaq fell 0.8%and 0

22、.9%, respectively.A1Facebook s WhatsAppsaid it would extend encryp-tion on the messaging ser-vice to backups of chatsshared on the platform whenthey are stored on Apple andGoogle s cloud services.B1 Bank of America said itis installing new finance,technology and legal chiefsand adding three womento

23、its senior ranks.B1 Brian Robbins, the headof ViacomCBS s Nickel-odeon, is expected to takeover as chairman and CEOof the company s Para-mount movie studio.B3 Yahoo said it nameddigital-media veteran JimLanzone as its new chiefexecutive.B3Disneysaidthe remainderofitsfilms settobereleasedthisyearwill

24、beshownex-clusivelyintheaters first.B12 UPS is getting intosame-day delivery with adeal to buy Roadie.B3WhatsNewsCONTENTSBooks. C7- 12Busi ness News. B3Food. D7- 8Heard on Street.B14Obi tuari es. A10Opi ni on. A13- 15Sports. A12Style & Fashi on D2- 3Travel. D4U.S. News. A2- 4,6Weather. A12Wknd I nve

25、stor. B5World News. A8- 9s 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.Al lRi ghts ReservedBiden defended hissweeping new set ofvaccine mandates to dealwith the Covid-19 pandemic,as businesses worked to un-derstand the rules and Re-publicans attacked them asgovernment overreach.A1 Biden hailed the “unityand resil

26、ience” of theAmerican people as hecommemorated the 20-yearanniversary of Sept. 11.A3TheBidenadministrationisreleasingmorethan$25billioninrelieffundstohealthorganizationsfrommoneyCongressgrantedlastyear.A3Senate Democrats pro-posed tighter tax rules onpartnerships and an excisetax on stockbuybacks, a

27、slawmakers look to plug gapsin their healthcare, educationand climate legislation.A4 U.S. and EU officials aremaking progress on keep-ing data flowing across theAtlantic, aiming to resolvea long-running conflict be-tween strict European pri-vacy laws and Americansurveillance measures.A9 Ex-Giuliani

28、associateIgor Fruman pleadedguilty to solicitation of apolitical contribution by aforeign national.A2The Biden administrationis targeting Beijing s wide-spread use of industrialsubsidies.A9World-WideBusiness&FinanceNOONANA Day of Grief andHuman GloryA159/11 Victims Honored With Tribute of Light on A

29、ttacks 20th AnniversaryALEXANDER COHN/THE WALL STREET JOURNALIN MEMORY: The Tribute in Light shown over lower Manhattan on Friday to mark the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. President Bidenon Saturday will visit Ground Zero, as well as the site near Shanksville, Pa., and t

30、he Pentagon, where planes hijacked by terrorists hit two decades ago. A3For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or .更多细分领域报告请关注搜搜报告(s o s o y a n b a o ),行研君胃:s o s o

31、 b a o g a oA2| Saturday/Sunday, September 11 - 12, 2021* * * * * *THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.U.S. NEWStrations in the studentsblood donations and identi-fied 0.02 international unitsper milliliter as the levelneeded to prevent infection.With these diseases,the magnitudes ofresponse to thevaccines comb

32、ined with theantibodiesrates of decayproduce durable immune re-sponses: Measles antibodiesdecay slowly. Tetanus anti-bodies decay more quickly,but the vaccine causes thebody to produce far morethan it needs, offsetting thedecline.“We re fortunate with tet-anus, diphtheria, measlesand vaccinia,” Dr.

33、Slifka said.“We have identified what thethreshold of protection is.You track antibody declineover time, and if you knowthe threshold of protection,you can calculate durabilityof protection. With Covid,we don t know.”Historically, the most effec-tive vaccines have used repli-cating viruses, which ess

34、en-tially elicit lifelong immunity.Measles and chickenpox vac-cines use replicating viruses.Non-replicating vaccinesand protein-based vaccines(such as the one for tetanus)don t last as long, but theireffectiveness can be en-hanced with the addition ofan adjuvanta substancethat enhances the magnitude

35、of the response.Tetanus and hepatitis Avaccines use an adjuvant.The Johnson & JohnsonTHE WALL STREET JOURNAL(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edi ti on I SSN 0099-9660)(CentralEdi ti on I SSN 1092-0935) (Western Edi ti on I SSN 0193-2241)Edi tori aland publ i cati on headquarters:1211 Avenue of the Ameri cas,

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39、J back i ssues and framed pages:Our newspapers are100% sourced from sustai nabl y certi fi ed mi l l s.GOT A TI P FOR US? SUBMI T I T AT WSJ.COM/TI PSU.S.WATCHFLORI DACourt Allows Ban onSchool Mask RulesThe ban imposed by RepublicanGov. Ron DeSantis to pr eventman-dating masks f orFlorida schoolstud

40、ents amid the ongoing cor ona-virus outbr eak is backin for ce.The 1stDistrictCourtofAp-peal ruled Friday thata Tallahas-see judge shouldnthave lifted anautomatic stay two days agothathalted enforcementofthemask mandate ban. The upshotis the state could resume its ef-forts to impose financial penalt

41、ieson the 13 school boards currentlydefying the mask mandate ban.DeSantis spokesperson Chris-tina Pushaw said in a tweetthatthe appeals courtdecision means“the rule requiring ALL Floridaschool districts to protectparentsrights to make choices aboutmasking kids is BACK in effect!”The U.S. Departmento

42、fEdu-cation announced Thursday ithas begun a grantprogram toprovide funding forschool dis-tricts thatlose money forimple-menting anti-coronavirus prac-tices such as mandatory masks.White House press secretaryJen Psaki amplified thatpositionFriday, saying the administrationwill use money and otherre-

43、sources to supportany schoolofficials “who do the rightthingby students, and thatincludesputting in place mask require-ments and otherrequirementsthatwill keep them safe.”The back-and-forth legal bat-tles stem from a lawsuitfiled byparents contending thatMr . De-Santis doesnthave authority toorderlo

44、cal school boards to banmask mandates.Leon County CircuitJudgeJohn C. Cooperagreed in an Aug.27 order , then on Wednesdaylifted a stay thathad blocked hisruling from taking effect. The ap-peals courtnow has putthatstay back in place as the gover-norseeks a ruling making hismask mandate ban permanent

45、.Associated PressCALI FORNI ALightning Sparks MoreWildfires in the NorthFirefighters scr ambled toquash fires ignited by lightning asthunderstorms with mostly smallbutwelcome amounts ofr ainrumbled across drought-strickenNorthern California, where forestshave been burning forweeks.Firefighters were

46、divertedfrom the huge CaldorFire southofLake Tahoe to fightmultipleovernightlightning fires through-outEl Dorado County, accordingto the local unitofthe CaliforniaDepartmentofForestry and FireProtection.The largestofthose fireserupted in heavy brush in thesteep terrain ofKanaka Valley.Rain from the

47、storm cell helpedfirefighters, and the fires spreadwas stopped atless than 7acres, Cal Fire said.Anotherfire believed to havebeen sparked by lightning wasburning in Mendocino County,north ofSan Fr ancisco Bay. ThePress Democr atreported itcov-ered 8 acres Friday morning.Lightning blitzes can have di

48、-sastrous outcomes in parchedCalifornia. Lastyears recordamountofland burned includedhuge Northern California firesthatwere ignited when rem-nants ofa tropical storm un-leashed thousands ofbolts.The National WeatherServicesaid there were more than 1,100cloud-to-ground lightning strikesin California

49、between Thursdayevening and Friday morning, in-cluding 110 in the Bay Area.Rainfall from the thunder-storms was no drought-busterbutwas welcome anyway.The official downtown SanFrancisco rain gauge recorded0.01 inch ofrain by 5 a.m., mark-ing the firsttime ithas rainedthere on Sept. 10 since 1978, theweatherservice said.The mostrecentmeasurableSeptemberrain in the city hap-pened in 2019.Associated PressDEDI CATI ON: A statue honoring Buffalo Soldiers was unveiled at the U.S. Military Academy, 114 years after they arrived at the then-segregatedacademy to teach horsemanship to white cadets. Crea


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