1、烟草科技稿件英文内容格式及规范要求烟草科技稿件英文 内容 格式 及 规范 要求 自 烟草科技自 2016 年第 1 期起将增加文章中的英文内容,调整后以下内容要求中英文比照:英文摘要(论文标题,作者姓名,作者单位,摘要,关键词),图题和表题,以及文后参考文献 中的中文文献 。详细格式及规范要求如下:一、英文摘要 两种抽吸模式下卷烟烟气有害成分释放量与滤嘴通风率的关系 吴 超1 , 夏岩石 1 , 李荣华 1 , 吕永华 2 , 余义文 1 , 赵伟才 3 , 邱妙文 3 , 郭培国 *11.广州高校生命科学学院,广州市番禺区高校城外环西路 230 号510006 2.广东省烟草专卖局(公司),
2、广州市天河区林和东路 128 号510610 3.广东省烟草南雄科学探讨所,广东省南雄市雄州镇河南工业开发区东厢铺 1 号512400 摘要:为了解不同抽吸模式下卷烟烟气有害成分释放量与滤嘴通风率的关系,考察了 ISO和加拿大卫生部深度(HCI)两种抽吸模式下主流烟气中烟碱及乙醛、丙烯醛、苯、苯并a芘、1,3-丁二烯、一氧化碳(CO)、甲醛、N-亚硝基降烟碱(NNN)、4-(N-甲基亚硝胺基)-1-(3-吡啶基)-1-丁酮(NNK)、苯酚、巴豆醛、氢氰酸(HCN)和氨等 13 种有害成分的释放量与滤嘴通风率的相关关系,并进一步探讨了单位烟碱有害成分释放量与滤嘴通风率的相关性。结果表明:在 IS
3、O 抽吸模式下,除 NNN、NNK 外,其他有害成分的释放量与滤嘴通风率负相关;甲醛和巴豆醛的单位烟碱释放量与滤嘴通风率负相关,乙醛、CO、苯并a芘和氨的单位烟碱释放量与滤嘴通风正相关。在 HCI 抽吸模式下,甲醛、巴豆醛、苯并a芘、苯酚和烟碱的释放量与滤嘴通风率负相关,HCN 释放量与滤嘴通风率正相关,其余有害成分的释放量与滤嘴通风无显著相关性;乙醛、丙烯醛、巴豆醛、CO、HCN 和氨的单位烟碱释放量与滤嘴通风率正相关。关键词:抽吸模式; 滤嘴通风率; 释放量; 有害成分; 主流烟气 Relationships between filter ventilation rate and deli
4、veries of harmful components in mainstream cigarette smoke under ISO and HCI smoking regimes ( 英文标题:首词首字母大写,其余小写) WU Chao 1 , XIA Yanshi 1 , LI Ronghua 1 , LÜ Yonghua 2 , YU Yiwen 1 , ZHAO Weicai 3 , QIU Miaowen 3 , and GUO Peiguo *1( 作者拼音:姓前名后,姓全大写,名首字母大写) 1. School of Life Sciences, Guangzhou
5、 University, Guangzhou 510006, China 2. Guangdong Tobacco Monopoly Administration, Guangzhou 510610, China 3. Nanxiong Tobacco Science Research Institute of Guangdong Province, Nanxiong 512400, Guangdong, China ( 作者单位:请运用每个单位规范统一的翻译) Abstract: To find out the relationships between filter ventilation
6、 rate and the deliveries of harmful components in mainstream cigarette smoke under different smoking regimes, the correlations between filter ventilation rate and the deliveries of nicotine and 13 harmful components (acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, benzoapyrene, 1, 3-butadiene, CO, formaldehyde, NN
7、N, NNK, phenol, crotonaldehyde, HCN and NH3) in mainstream cigarette smoke under ISO and HealthCanada intensive (HCI) smoking regimes were investigated, and the correlations between filter ventilation rate and the deliveries of harmful components per unit nicotine yield were analyzed as well. The re
8、sults showed that: 1) Under ISO smoking regime, filter ventilation rate negatively correlated to the deliveries of harmful components (excluding NNN and NNK); filter ventilation rate negatively correlated to the deliveries of formaldehyde and crotonaldehyde per unit nicotine yield, while positively
9、correlated to the deliveries of acetaldehyde, CO, benzoapyrene and NH3 per unit nicotine yield. 2) Under HCI smoking regime, filter ventilation rate negatively correlated to the deliveries of formaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, benzoapyrene, phenol and nicotine, while positively correlated to the delivery
10、 of HCN, there was no significant correlation between filter ventilation rate and the deliveries of the other harmful components. The deliveries of acetaldehyde, acrolein, crotonaldehyde, CO, HCN and NH3 per unit nicotine yield also positively correlated to filter ventilation rate. Keywords: Smoking
11、 regime; Filter ventilation rate; Delivery; Harmful component; Mainstream cigarette smoke ( 英文关键词要与中文关键词一一对应,每个关键词首词首字母大写,两个关键词之间以分号间隔)二、 图题 和 表题 表 1铝胁迫对烟草叶片生长的影响 Tab.1Effect of Al stress on growth of tobacco leaves ( 表题:首词首字母大写,其余小写)图 1铝胁迫对烟株株高的影响 Fig.1Effect of Al stress on height of tobacco plant
12、s ( 图题 :首词首字母大写,其余小写)三、参考文献 全部按 参考文献的著录格式按 GB/T 77142015 的规定执行 , 凡是作者自译的文献,请在文献后标明。1 Christopher I C. Carotenoids in nature: insights from plants and beyondJ. Functional Plant Biology, 2011, 38(11): 833-847. 文后参考文献中英文文献的作者姓前名后,姓全拼首字母大写,名缩写、仅保留每个名的首字母、大写,多作者(3 位以上) 列出 3 位后加 et al ;论文英文标题:首词首字母大写,其余小写
13、 2 吴超, 夏岩石, 李荣华, 等. 烟草青枯病抗性与分子标记的关联分析J. 烟草科技, 2015, 48(10): 1-6. WU Chao, XIA Yanshi, LI Ronghua, et al. Association analysis of tobacco bacterial wilt resistance with molecular markersJ. Tobacco Science Technology, 2015, 48(10): 1-6. 文后 参考文献中 全部 中文文献 要求中英文比照 。其中,作者拼音:姓前名后,姓全大写,名首字母大写,多作者(3 位以上) 列出 3 位后加 et al ;论文英文标题:首词首字母大写,其余小写 。期刊名每个单词首字母大写,其余小写,请勿运用缩写。