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1、21年项目管理师每日一练8辑21年项目管理师每日一练8辑 第1辑 Using the figure in the Special window, The Critical path is _ weeks.A . 21B . 22C . 23D . 24E . 25正确答案:D 进行活动排序时可采用多种工具和技术。工具和技术的选区由几个因素决定。如果项目经理决定把子网或部分网作为他/她的进度计划编制技术的一部分,这对项目意味着什么?A、 该工作非常特殊,在不同的阶段需要特殊的网络图。B、 在现有的电子网络上可以获取管理资源的软件C、 在项目整个生命周期有几个相同或几乎相同的活动系列反复重复。D、

2、 项目中存在多个关键路径。正确答案:C 60 The Utility Theory _ .A. considers risk propensity of the decision maker.B. attempts to formalize managements risk considerations.C. works well with decision tree analysis.D. is considered highly theoretical.E. All of the above正确答案:B Arbitration is a _ approach to conflict man

3、agement in resolving conflict disputes.A lose-loseB win-winC win-loseD lose-winE closed door正确答案:A 持续改进过程为机构创造并保持了一种不断提高的文化。它应该由谁来领导?( )A项目经理B总经理C参加质量链的员工D项目干系人正确答案:B 与他人协商达成条款或协议称为_a. 双赢b. 获得同意c. 谈判d. 仲裁e. 面对面,对质正确答案:C76. c. Negotiation Negotiation involves compromise so that each party feels it ha

4、s received something of value, even though it has had to make certain sacrifices.21年项目管理师每日一练8辑 第2辑 以下哪项是成本顺应质量的例子A、 返工B、 质量培训C、 废料D、 保证成本正确答案:B 当一个项目被实施并且自由浮动时间也在各个单一的工作上被消耗则剩余工作所需的浮动时间( )A不明显B被减小C未被改变D提高正确答案:C 在项目环境下下列有关沟通的论述哪一个是正确的( )A项目经理必须承担主要责任以确保发出的讯息已经收到B有效的会议作战室和紧密型矩阵可以促进有效的沟通C如果一个项目由12人组成则

5、存在42个潜在的沟通渠道D大多数项目经理花费30%的工作时间用于沟通正确答案:B 45 A clear definition of the users needs serves as the direct basis for the:A. Work breakdown structure.B. Functional requirements.C. Project cost estimate.D. Selection of personnel.E. Termination decision.正确答案:B 以下哪项不是开工准备会议的目标A、 建立工作关系和沟通线路B、 回顾项目计划C、 建立个人和

6、集体义务、职责D、 讨论合同相关具体法律事宜正确答案:D 项目经理要求项目团队对其项目风险进行量化和评估,以下几点不能证明这样做的好处的是: ( )A彻底理解项目、相关风险、以及风险对项目各部分的影响B制订处理已经识别的问题的风险降低策略C保证所有已以识别的风险问题纳入项目计划编制D识别可能存在的替代方案正确答案:B21年项目管理师每日一练8辑 第3辑 你准备结束项目的合同,你应该评审以下各类文件,除了( )A合同收尾的有关文件B采购审计C发票和付款记录D卖方绩效报告正确答案:B 189 The utility of network-based schedules:A. Reveals int

7、erdependencies.B. Facilitates what if exercises.C. Highlights critical activities.D. Provides information on resource requirements, time requirements and tradeoffs.E. All of the above正确答案:E 在哪类组织结构中出现项目促进员( )A矩阵型组织B项目型组织C职能型组织D任何组织正确答案:C 要整合和衡量项目进度和成本绩效,能用下列哪项技术方法:a. 挣值管理b. 蒙托卡罗方法c. 质量管理计划d. 利用矩阵结构正

8、确答案:A 93 The most common types of schedules are Gantt charts, milestone charts, line of balance, and: A. Networks.B. Time phased events.C. Calendar integrated activities.D. A and C only.E. B and C only.正确答案:A 41 The project scope/charter baseline includes:A. Summary of background conditions defining

9、 the project.B. Organization, authority and responsibility relationships.C. Functions to be performed.D. Resource requirement schedule including time estimates.E. All of the above正确答案:E21年项目管理师每日一练8辑 第4辑 加快项目进度的一个方法就是在项目设计阶段为每一个行为分配五个人而不是两个人,尽管你在考虑这种方式,但是这种做法会使项目团队在规模上将增加一倍。这种方法将会( )A降低生产力B增加生产力C减少对

10、高水平团队成员的需要,因而会降低总体资源的成本D生产力提高的比例将高于资源增加的比例正确答案:A 44 The estimated cost to complete (ETC) is _.A. BCWP/ACWPB. the forecasted and final cost - cost to dateC. (ACWP-BCWP)/BCWP * 100D. Total estimate - ACWPE. None of the above正确答案:B 幅度估计可以识别以下各项目,除了:A、 出现成本超支的算术概率B、 根据底线重要性对风险和机会进行排序C、 达到一定置信度的可能性D、 影响估

11、计的具体风险事件正确答案:D Cost Reimbursable contracts are equivalent to:A Cost plus contractsB Fixed plus contractsC Progress payment contractsD Back charge contractsE None of the above.正确答案:A 最近的数据表明每年有10,000多飞机乘客被从座椅顶上落下的行李砸伤。90%以上的此类事故造成了坐在通道座位的乘客头部伤害。你最近被 任命负责一个项目以增加坐在通道作为乘客的安全程度。你进行了内部制造还是外部购买的分析,最后决定将行李架

12、的设计和生产工作承包除去。你的航空公司目前还没有合适的供应商名单采购之用。不希望将这个重要的承包内容只交给一个承包商。因此,项目小组需要制订一个合格的供货商的名单。一般来讲,以下那种方法对于项目小组不会有用?A、广告B、因特网C、贸易产品目录D、相关的地方供货商行会或协会正确答案:A 149 A program can best be described as:A. A grouping of related activities which last two years or moreB. The first major subdivision of a projectC. A groupi

13、ng of projects, similar in nature, which support a product or product line and have no definable end pointD. A product lineE. Another name for a project正确答案:C21年项目管理师每日一练8辑 第5辑 以下哪项属于外部风险? ( )A项目延迟、预算过低、市政设施迁移B法规、货币变化、税收C自然灾害、法规D通货膨胀、设计、社会影响正确答案:B 在贴现现金流方法下,在哪种条件下项目是可以接受的?A、 在整个项目生命期的所有估算现金流的净现值总和等于

14、利润B、 现金流入的现值比现金流出的现值多出一个既定的百分比C、 所有预计将来的现金流的净现值和首次现金投资的比值大于1D、 回收期开始于项目的次年正确答案:B 39 Filling vacant positions by recruiting within the organizationA. Is exempt from equal employment opportunity lawsB. Is less expensive than recruiting externallyC. Can help provide new and innovative ideas to the orga

15、nizationD. Is more time consuming than recruiting externallyE. A and B正确答案:B The project charter is a document designed to tell _ exactly what the project entails.A The project managerB The project officeC The project teamD The project sponsorE Anyone associated with the project正确答案:E 当你在检查项目的成本绩效数据

16、的时候,对于基准线偏离的不同程度要求作出不同的反应。例如,10%的偏离可能不要求立即行动,而100%的偏离将要求调查研究。一个描述你计划怎样管理成本偏差的计划是A成本管理计划B变更管理计划C业绩衡量计划D计划偏离管理计划正确答案:A 条件图法如GERT用于:( )A表示四种依赖关系(完成-开始 完成-完成 开始-开始 开始-完成)B创建一个比PERT图还容易解释的网络图形C因为PCM和ADM不允许非序列活动,如回环或条件分去D帮助促进项目网络图的准备正确答案:C21年项目管理师每日一练8辑 第6辑 The time necessary to complete a project is call

17、ed the _ of a project.A.Implementation TimeB.Life CycleC.Operation TimeD.Critical PathE.Completion Phase正确答案:B 155 You have assembled your thoughts into a message. As you pass this information to a second party, you are giving this person your:A. InputB. OutputC. DataD. FeedbackE. A and C正确答案:B 125

18、Clearly defined group goals are important because they _.A. motivate team behavior.B. cause inner tension within team members until they are metC. encourage member interactionD. All of the above.E. A and C正确答案:D 一个项目失去控制,你被任命为该项目的新项目经理,要求你对项目的质量水平进行核实并且采取纠正措施,你首先应该做什么?A、 审核项目计划B、 绘制控制图C、 召开头脑风暴会议D、

19、建立一份风险减轻计划正确答案:B Bar charts are most appropriate for:A Comparing actual to planned performance to each activity.B Showing slack time.C Showing critical path dependencies.D Showing which activities can be rearranged in parallel.E All of the above.正确答案:A 项目经理发出了关于数月来项目状态一系列报告,用以表明在与合同方的项目谈判中出现的问题,这表示的

20、是什么形式的沟通:a. 正式的言语沟通b. 正式的书面沟通c. 非正式的言语沟通d. 正式的书面沟通正确答案:B21年项目管理师每日一练8辑 第7辑 181 The critical path in a schedule network is the path that:A. Takes the longest time to completeB. Must be done before any other tasksC. Allows some flexibility in scheduling a start time.D. Is not affected by schedule slip

21、pageE. All of the above正确答案:A 9 Cost management includes processes that are required to maintain financial control of projects. These processes may include:A. economic evaluationB. cost estimatingC. cost forecastingD. B and CE. All of the above正确答案:E 92 The main player in project communication is th

22、eA. sponsorB. project managerC. functional managerD. functional teamE. All of the above正确答案:B 127 Cost management includes processes that are required to maintain financial control of projects. These processes may include:A. economic evaluationB. cost estimatingC. cost forecastingD. B and CE. All of

23、 the above正确答案:E 按照激励的预期理论( )A不良业绩表现是不良训练的自然结果B管理者对于员工不应该期望过多C应该用某种预期的结果来激励员工的行为D管理者应该期望薪水高的员工会更加努力地工作正确答案:C 24 A quality control manager decides to increase his daily sample size from three to six. The size of the control band will:A. increaseB. decreaseC. remain unchangedD. not determinable from g

24、iven dataE. None of the above正确答案:B21年项目管理师每日一练8辑 第8辑 162 Which of the following can result in misinterpretation of the statement of work?A. Using imprecise language (i.e. nearly, approximately)B. Mixing tasks, specifications, special instructions and approvalsC. No pattern, structure or chronologic

25、al orderD. Wide variation in the size of tasks or details of workE. All of the above正确答案:E 16 Which of the statements regarding benefit-cost analysis in the Special window are true?A. 1 and 2B. 2 and 3C. 1 and 3D. 1, 2 and 3E. None of the above正确答案:C The basic terminology for networks includes:A.Act

26、ivities, events, manpower, skill levels and slack.B.Activities, documentation, events, manpower and skill levels.C.Slack, activities, events, and time estimates.D.Time estimates, slack, sponsorship involvement, and activities.E.Time estimates, slack time, report writing, life cycle phases, and crash

27、ing times.正确答案:CC The most common form. of written project communication isA PublicationsB Bulletin boardsC ReportsD Letters and memosE All of the above正确答案:D 168 The salvage value of an asset is:A. The value of the scrap metal if a new asset were taken to a scrap yard.B. The value that an asset has

28、 on the books after one year of depreciation.C. The costs that have been sunk into the project to date.D. The expected cash value at the end of an assets useful life.E. A and D only正确答案:D 146 The five major cost categories of quality are _ .A. prevention, appraisal, internal failures, external failures, and equipment (measurement and test). B. specifications, QA programs, QC programs, parts rejected and parts returnedC. Staffing, Training, reviews, equipment and rejected goodsD. sampling, design considerations, manufacturing considerations, training and rework.E. None of the above正确答案:A


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