1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第47页 共47页Assignment specification (BA Program)英语专业必修课程作业要求 (专升本课程)Course:Practical Business Project DesignAssignment:02 (Units 6-10)Assignment title:Data Collection/Appendices, Project Implementation, Discussion, Conclusion, Introduction, Abstracts, and the first dra
2、ft of the whole paper重要声明:本课程的各阶段作业要求以网院在平台上发布的作业要求为准,而不是根据教材中的作业要求完成作业。姓名: _周建霞_学籍号: 091011010231_ 年级:09春专升本3班学习中心:北京总部学习中心辅导教师: 刘敏跃 Based on the project design you have completed in the previous stage, you are asked to implement your project and then compose the core parts of your BA degree paper
3、in this assignment. Please refer to units 6-10 of Practical Business Project Design for guidance and support to this assignment. The information in brackets indicate the specific unit you can refer to. There are SIX parts in this assignment.Part One Data Collection/Appendices (Unit 6Activity 2)DIREC
4、TIONS FOR STUDENTS:In your online courseware, two categories of forms/methods are introduced to collect primary data: l Observation and logsl Surveys and interviewsPlease present the types of forms you plan to use to collect data in this project, which are going to be attached as appendices in your
5、BA degree paper. You should give a title to each of the form, such as “Focus Group Discussion Outline”, “Training Evaluation Form” and “Questionnaire”. But first, please restate your project objective and hypothesis to which your tutor can refer while they evaluate the types of data you are going to
6、 collect.Project objective: The problem I am facing is that using traditional human resource management in CEI cant make employees satisfied. The goal of my project is to use NINE STAGE STAFF PROJECE to reduce employee turnover from 50% to 10%. _Project hypothesis: Project hypothesized that the main
7、 reason of high staff turnover is discrepant between personal goals and company management idea ,dissatisfaction with fair pay and promotion opportunities In CEI. That lead to morn than 40% employees leaved the company.(according to the survey in preamble). If we carry out our project, the employees
8、 will understand the company management idea preferably. We adjust incentive mechanism so that employees can feel satisfied . then the 80% of potential leaving employees will decide staying here. So we can lower the staff turnover from 50% to 10%. Insert your description after the prompts in the spa
9、ce below.Form I:Questionnaire1员工离职调查问卷(Questionnaire)本问卷旨在分析员工离职原因及工作因素,而不影响公司日后对阁下之重新招聘。部门(department): 职位(post): 入职日期(join date): 离职日期(leave date): 1、什么因素促使您申请离职(reasons)?薪资福利salary and benefits 晋升机会promotion prospect 工作环境 work environment 个人目标与公司目标差异Team Goals and Individual Objectives 人际关系relati
10、onship 个人因素personal reasons其他,请说明(others) 。2、您认为公司给您现在的职位是否合理?Is it reasonable that he company offer you position?合理的 reasonable 不合理的unreasonable原因reasons是: 。3、您喜欢您的同事吗?为什么?Are you like you co-workers? Why?喜欢 不喜欢原因reasons是: 。4、您觉得在公司是否得到公平的对待?哪些方面?Did You be treated fairly in company? What aspects?得
11、到公平的对待got fairly treated 没有得到公平的对待didnt got fairly treated5、您觉得您的上司和您在工作方面的沟通是否顺利?Did you think that the communication between your boss and you is successfully?非常顺利 very successfully 比较顺利 successfully 一般general 沟通困难 difficultly 6、目前的工作环境是否是您所期望的?如果不是,您认为本公司应该怎样来改善工作环境?是 不是具体是哪些: 。7、您认为应该被给予更多的培训吗?需
12、要 不需要应该提供:管理方面的 技术方面的 管理和技术方面的8、您觉得您所在部门的士气和氛围是否是您所期望的吗?您所期望的是什么样的?是 不是您的期望9、您对公司的薪资福利满意吗? 非常满意 比较满意 一般 不满意不满意,您目前的标准是 ,您期望的标准是 。10、公司的相关政策、制度与程序能让您充分了解吗?如果不是,为什么?能 一般 不能原因是: 。11、您觉得促使您离职的哪些原因公司是可以改进的?薪资福利 晋升 工作环境 工作性质 人际关系 健康因素其他,请说明: 。12、您认为公司应该采取哪些措施能更加有效地吸引和留住人才?13、您选择工作最看重的三样是什么?接见者: 部 门: 职 位:
13、日 期: Form II:Training Evaluation Form培训效果评估表Training Evaluation Form培训结果调查表反映层说 明:此表是为了评估员工培训工作的效果,进而为我们培训工作的持续改善提供参照,请完整而诚实地回答,并在相应的数字上划圈。评 分 标 准:5=非常同意 4=同意 3=中立 2=不同意 1=非常不同意项目名称九段员工项目培训日期举办部门人力资源部培训地点课程目标这个课程目标与我工作的相关54321课程内容达到我的期望程度54321课程设计与安排课程内容组织符合逻辑,易于学习54321课程的程序安排妥当54321课程难易适中54321课程讲授的
14、时间安排54321 54321培训讲师课前的准备54321专业水平54321讲课亲切度54321课程内容表达54321课程中使用技巧、案例分析的有效54321有机会让学员参加54321学员参与度本人很认真的参与了54321其他学员积极参与了54321您对这次培训的整体评价54321您觉得此次培训最有价值的三点是什么?您觉得此次培训最不喜欢的三点是什么?您建议我们以后的同类培训作哪些调整? Form III:Group Discussion record 小组讨论记录表Group Discussion record项目名称九段员工项目项目阶段讨论主题时间、地点、参加人员讨论情况记录发现主要问题解
15、决方式FOR TUTORS:You are required to provide between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below.评价指标Assessm
16、ent Criteria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改用了不同的工具来采集数据。A variety of tools are used to collect data.通过这些表格/工具等可获取充分的数据。Sufficient results can be obtained by using these forms.表格中的题项或问题设计严谨,有助于检验项目假设。The items or questions in the forms are well-designed to help verify the credibility of the proje
17、ct hypothesis.语言正确、准确,无歧义。Each form is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous English.Tutors Comments:Part Two Data Presentation (units 6 & 9)DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:After having implemented your project and analyzed the data collected, you are now asked to describe in detail what you have fou
18、nd. You should describe your findings with the support of necessary graphs, charts, tables, etc. This important part will later on be presented in your BA degree paper under the heading such as “Data Presentation” or “Project Findings”.Write your text under the following blank space according to the
19、 above areas. (Suggested length: no fewer than 800 words.)Results1 Changes in the number of new customer recruits and sales ranking By having a comparison of the employees turnover intention last year and this year , it is obvious that more employees want work at the company for long time . We could
20、 see from Table 1 below that the employees want leaving form 100 down to after one year.Table 1: Results Comparison (Before Promotion and After Promotion)Number of employees who want leavingNumber of employees whoWant stay long2011.4-51001002012.1-2 501502012.2-3302002012.3-4202502012.4-510300 FOR T
21、UTORS:You are required to provide between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below.评价指标Assessment Crit
22、eria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改简要概括了项目实际实施情况,包括是否调整了原设计方案。A brief summary of the actual implementation is given, including any deviations from the original design.明确描述数据收集的方法、时间、对象以及数量。Conditions for collecting the data are specified, including dates, times, research subjects and quantity.用图
23、表或表格呈现数据,每个图表或表格有编号和标题。Tables or charts are used to compile the data and show trends. Tables and charts have proper titles and numbers so that variables are clear.数据描述清楚、呈现方式恰当。The data is clearly and properly presented.语言正确、准确,无歧义。This whole part is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous Engl
24、ish.Tutors Comments:Part Three Discussion and Conclusion (Unit 10)DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:Based on the data you have presented in Part Two, you are now required to select some significant facts and interpret these findings in a broader context. Instead of simply restating your results, you should dr
25、aw inferences about their implications for business in general. This important part will later on be presented in your BA degree paper under the heading like “Discussion”.Write your text under the following blank space according to the above areas. (Suggested length: no fewer than 500 words.)Discuss
26、ion 1 Research SummaryAs a long-term company, we need to have stable employees. Will good competitive environment, allowing employees to use their strength, at the same time, the goal of employees and the company development should be same direction. “An organizations Core Group is the source of its
27、 energy, drive, and direction. Without an energetic and effective Core Group, all efforts to spark creativity and enthusiasm sputter out.” According to Art Kleiner(2003).Through the survey we found that our companys salary is not lower than it in the similar companies. But employees turnover is high
28、 in out company, Most of the employees are not dissatisfied for salary . They put forward the major reason is that the company cant provide fair opportunity about promotion and others . Personal value and Personal efforts didnt relate closely. Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory and Dual-Factor Theo
29、ry told us there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction.2 Directions for Further ResearchOverall, the results of my research supported my hypothes. Our project set up a group of scientific post evaluation mechanism, set
30、 up standard of work on every post, set up assessment system and set up a training plan, establish the core employees group, the core team construction activities. The project achieved a good result: increased employee satisfaction, reduced staff turnover , the core team had been formed.Of course, T
31、he NINE STAGE STAFF PROJECT have not long time history. The core group in out company are not stability enough. The employees needs are different. We should adjust process when employees need .We should insist on employees training is for the long term.ConclusionThrough this project, we found that t
32、he traditional staff management is not suitable for modern company and high knowledge workers.We need to introducing the most advanced human resources management to keep competition advantage. The current enterprise competition is human resources competition. To keep high intellectual human resource
33、s stay out company, we must understand their needs. We cant make simple and rough management.Through proceeding NSSP, the Core Group had been already established. the Core Group is the genuine heart of the organization. Once you understand the Core Group nature of organizations, then you can underst
34、and how to navigate and influence those organizations.Now, we have something to do,for example, how to implement the training long-term down, and how to implement the employees eliminated, etc. Human resources management will bring great benefit to the company FOR TUTORS:You are required to provide
35、between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below. 评价指标Assessment Criteria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估(
36、)合格需修改从与项目假设最相关的事实/变化入手,对显著现象进行讨论。Significant facts have been selected for discussion, starting with those most relevant to the hypothesis.数据分析与讨论充分得当。The data is properly analyzed and discussed.明确阐述了数据与项目目标和假设的关系。The meaning of the data in relation to the original objective and hypothesis is made c
37、lear.阐述了结论,比如项目结果是否证明假设成立。Final conclusions, such as whether the findings support the hypothesis, are stated.说明了项目调研结果以及项目意义。The significance of the results and the project has been explained.包含了对项目局限性的说明和/或未来更深入的调研计划。Any limitations and directions for future research have been discussed.结论不少于300字。T
38、he conclusion contains no fewer than 300 words.语言正确、准确,无歧义。This part is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous language.Tutors Comments:Part Four Abstracts (units 7 & 8)DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:Your BA degree paper needs two abstracts, one in Chinese and a second in English. The Chinese abstrac
39、t should have between 500 and 800 words, and the English abstract about 300 words. Although the two abstracts differ in length, their content is about the same. The abstract should concisely describe: l the project background, problem statement, problem analysis, objective(s), hypothesis, research s
40、ubjects, key contents, implementation period, key method(s), main results and significance.Insert your description after the prompts in the space below. 摘要 (中文)CEI公司是一家有着15年历史的中外合资公司。主要从事国际教育、教育服务与培训等业务的新兴公司。是有400名员工的中型企业。该公司有一定资金实力,主要投资者负责公司全面管理。CEI公司是一家典型成长期的公司。在规模扩大以后,虽然该公司薪金待遇在同行业中中等偏上,但人员流动仍然非常
43、员工计划取得了良好的效果,公司有了非常透明的人力资源管理机制,员工团队意识不断加强,满意度大大提高。科学的人力资源管理将极大节约公司用人成本,提高人力资源利用效率,特别对公司长远发展有重要意义。关键词:九段员工;中型企业;人力资源管理Abstract (English)CEI is a Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures with a history of 15 years . It engage in international education cooperation project, the education service and education tr
44、aining etc. There are more than 400 people in CEI. Staff turnover ,became more serious in recent years. The company has certain financial strength, the main investors responsible for overall management of the company. CEI company is a typical growth of the company. Although the company salary is above-average, but still very high turnover. Especially some senior staff didnt feel