1、-国际经济学模拟习题国际经济学模拟习题(3)(3)一、or False(10*1=10).ade is zeo-su aivity;i oneountry gains,t otherut ose 2A naon max mizesatisfactio y rh h highe t possib inifferencecurve,ad n he abse ce ofde willroduce wherets rod cton pos bil tesche ules tang nt to an indferenceure3The fact r end wmen sdel p edic s hat
2、in ationale w l tto uz t ricesf trade aleod mng nations,ut to i ceaseh wag gp ten cap tlabunda td labor-a nda tations.Atax o 0 pe ent onmpots of s oewod be an exampo aspec fitaiff.5.A mpo t qu ta ll ot aie th dstc price of theproductas would ariff,because it is not taxo iport.-6.In ba ac-of aym nts
3、a cunt,a t ansaction r sultin rceipt of a paymetis reco ded a ared t,whrea a ansactio resul iina pa mento o her n tins is re rdedas deb 7.ecausee d ot i clu e anxchango goods o eices,un laeal ransfer dono app ron a n obalance of payments accout.8.avid Humeas o of t fir tecnists t prvide analyticalsu
4、pport for mercatilisttade po ici 9A ationold b mot lik ly toinitstra e balan e improvi gafte a rency d prec ainif t naisdema d or mports and foreig demand fo itsxportswa vy in lstic.1.nawih niterbaanceofpayment surplus n ra balance o paym ntsefici is si t b in inter al blac.二、cho ces(15*3=45)-1.T e
5、awof co parat aatagea).as ratif d y heWorldradeOranizaon b)explain ho allunt es ca bet wh n each spe ialize in p oucngitemsn whic i hastheestelative efficiecy c).ex lains h nly t eosteffic ent natio s c nbeefto rade).is u ed t evaluate a cunrs m liarystrength2.The th y of absolu eadantag wseveloped
6、bya.th Mecan list b DadHumec.damSmthd David Ricardo3.D vid Ricar o dev lop he p incipl ocomp rati advanta soin thata a nat onmust beeleast costpro uce f a goodn o erto exp rt tha tem.nonatio ou avean absolu eadva tae inall goods.in ooutry example,ol ne ationn h e compa tve adva ag-d anaio that haslw
7、er pr ductivity in all godscan bene i by xpingth it i wih i rela vly lessineffi ien.An indifferenc curvea.showsthatmostole ely ar inifretaoutntrntionale b.owthe de nd efer ncesf c numrsc.flect te elie osts ofroductionwithina nati n.diatesow mu h aora count y has.T max ize i s s tisfactio,a n on w le
8、nsu e th titsterm-of tdeiea.s t gn to its p oducti n p sibil tie fron ier one point(rod cin oint)andalso t th highes attai abl inifference cuv atthr po nt(con umton poi t)b.s tan nttits pro ctionpbliti s frontierand in ers cts an in iffren cur einter ets its pro ctonpsibiiesfro tiernis tangen to ind
9、i feeecurv-d.nersects i prutionssibilities froti at one pointnd an indi frec curve at anote pint.actor-priceeqaiati n predictsht with i ter atonl tradea.therieo a nat onsundantatorill r s ndhat ofs carceact r willfal b.thepri e ofnation nant fac orwll fa l and tha of t scar e ctor w llris the price
10、of a nati s abu dant a d scar facto sbohl rsed.the p icesof aati nsaunantd cce fac osbth w l fall7.The effe tve r teof protecti na dstnuisheseteenari f that areefftivedtosethatare ineffectiveb.she num level at whiha tariff becms effcte i liiingmportsc.how theincr asenvalue-a de rdomesticoduc on t at
11、 a par ila tariff-tructure m esssl,erengeterm .s osh efect e aarif s n isg revenue8.e nstitutiona fram wok de lpd in 197o pro ote trade liberalization is knon asa.t e G TTb.th WTOc.te IMF.The World B nk9.De opi ations.haveery limite inolv e i iternati na adb.tr dmostly witheahhr.ely he vly n ex ors
12、o primary p oducs o dutria nat s d.re y heav lyon e ports maufact rd oucs10.cust m uions u iueina i.has notaiffs tr among membe natonsb has no t iffs onrade amongmemr nat os andcommon set of tariffs o imort fmnn-m mbers-.ha n tari ntrde amon meberatos,a com ost of t rif on impor sfro nn-me bers,andf
13、reliyoffactorsf p dcio suc as l bond cpit l a on emrs d.allows unrestritdabr im igration fromon-e ntions1.Anaio balan e faymen s tate enta.s rcoof t atnations as ts rad a d ts l bil ties to th e from ot enations.sanacc nting a jsmetproces nsrn tha a nat nsxport will beqa to its i prt doesoinc ude tr
14、 atio sf fo eig cizensor companies lving o peratin with that natid.s a re or of theono i anscti nsbetweenesidentso tha ntio nd th res o th wd,usually foraperiod of one year.12.e bal c-of pay ent accoun is a dou e-entrycount n syst,expor of U.S.wheat t Mxico p i foby a-pst to the.ex ort rs acc u i Me
15、x canank w ul erecord donthe U.S.baace ofpayments asa.at for me chandise exps a d cedi to short-terinan alowsb acrt for m rch ndis expor ad a deb to short-t m financial flos.c.credi forchandise e pts a d a d i to nilater lransfersd.credi for merc andise exports ad a d bitoffcial settlemens13.e for i
16、g-xage marketa is octed in New Yorkb.is mat i Cicgo f r the in ntiona trading ofommodities such as wheatr co pe.c.s amecansm forindividuals annstitutionsto xhangeone na ina r regi na curren y or debtinstr m for tho e f ther nations orgons.d.i openrom 9:00am.o 3:0.m New Yo k me,Mna thugh F ia.4.Marke
17、t funaentalstatmigh be exp cted to-infl ee xange rate moementsiclu e alothe fo ing f rs excepta.dfere csinea o growthrates b tecuntriesb.d ffe encesin rea iners rate betweencuniesc.seativeinionoture e chan e ra es d.hang s n rie ofitabilit f cono iivestmentsbetwe twocuntries1 If i lation isigher inx
18、icoan in the Unted Stat s,hela of one pr cewoul dict thata.t ade betwe n Mexicond thenited State woulddecl b.thedol r pri e ofutospuchase nMexic wulbe ig hanthedollarpre f compa le auspurc sedin theited State c.thepesowold piat reatv toth llr by an amou t eua in peentagetemsthe d ffeenc betweenhe on
19、ftion ratesd.the pesowouldeprecia relativethe-olar by anmunt equa n ercentagees to te iferencewen thewoinfl ti rates三、Qusion(5,nwethe qstonsin Chine e)1 Asum ht labo is theny act r usedinouio,ad hattcostsofpducingbutteran clo hareiven by the tableeow(8)Cos labr-hors Homeo produce n o uter1unit ofclo
20、th1/81/4112Foeig(1)xpres h pice of utterrelat e toth prce of clot in rms ofabr con ent for Ho anFor ign in th abs ce of t ae.(2)What dthese reate pri esreal abou ech cou trys com aativevage?(3)Wa othes relativ prces s get aoutt ew rldpr ce o utterr l tiv tcloththatwill existcese coun riesradewith ea
21、ch o r?-(4)If theorldpricestabi iz at1 wh rad,whatare thain y teHom untrychievedthro g radewithth Foeignountr?2 Expla n the immi eri inggwth a listhe caseformiseri ingrwhto beocr(8)3.Eplainthe exc ane rate ohoingy(8)4.Sup oseatthenom al er taton 3-mon h Tre suy bils is 8 ercentteUite Satesad perc in
22、 UnitedKngdo,adthe rate of infl tion is 1 percen in th ited States and 4eret theUited King om.()(1)Wa is he el nerestate in echnaion?()Iwhichirci wouldnterna ion investm tfowin espo se t the e re l ert rates?(3)Wht impactwuld thesevtetow have onhe d lrs exc a alue?-5 Whaefes doesabrmirtion ha e onte
23、 coun rfimm gtion?ecoun ryof em grati n?Th wor d asa hle?(12)国际经济学模拟习题国际经济学模拟习题(3(3)参考答案)参考答案一、判断题(每题 1 分,共 10 分)二、选择题(每题 3 分,共 45 分)bcdbacabdcd三、简答题(共 4分)1、(1)封闭条件下,本国可以用一半的生产一单位布的劳动时间生产一单位黄油。这表示,在封闭条件下,本国黄油与布的相对价格是/2,外国黄油与布的相对价格是。(2 分)(2)根据上面的相对价格,表明本国生产黄油有比较优势,外国的比较优势是生产布。(2 分)(3)如果两国发生国际贸易,国际比价应
24、该落在封闭条件下本国和外国国内相对价格之间。(2 分)(4)如果世界市场价格为1,本国通过出口黄油,进口布,用一单位黄油可以换得 1 单位布,比在本国用两单位黄油换一单位布多获得一单位黄油的利益。(2 分)、出口偏向型增长对一国的福利产生两种相反的作用,因为生产-的多,该国可获得好处,但由于出口价格下降,也遭受损失,如果贸易恶化的负向作用超过了产量增加的正向作用,该国就发生了贫困化增长。(4 分)以下情况下最有可能发生贫困化增长:(1 1)一一国的经济增长偏向于它的出口部门国的经济增长偏向于它的出口部门(1(1 分分)(2 2)该该国相对于世界市场而言是个大国(国相对于世界市场而言是个大国(1
25、 1 分)分)(3 3)外外国对本国出口产品的需求严重缺乏价格弹性(国对本国出口产品的需求严重缺乏价格弹性(1 1 分分)(4 4)本本国严重依赖于国际贸易国严重依赖于国际贸易(1(1 分分)3 3、汇率的粘性价格货币分析法简称为超调模型,汇率的粘性价格货币分析法简称为超调模型,它认为商品市场它认为商品市场与资产市场的调整速度是不同的与资产市场的调整速度是不同的(2(2 分)分),商品市场上的价格水平具有,商品市场上的价格水平具有粘性,购买力平价短期内不成立粘性,购买力平价短期内不成立(分)分),经济存在由短期平衡向长期经济存在由短期平衡向长期平衡调整的过程,平衡调整的过程,而汇率作为一种特殊
26、资产的价格,而汇率作为一种特殊资产的价格,其变动受人们对其变动受人们对未来市场基本因素预期的变化影响很大(未来市场基本因素预期的变化影响很大(1 1 分分),),当货币供给一次性增当货币供给一次性增加以后,本币汇率的瞬时贬值程度大于其长期贬值程度(加以后,本币汇率的瞬时贬值程度大于其长期贬值程度(2 2 分分),),我们我们称这种现象为汇率超调现象称这种现象为汇率超调现象,该现象有助于解释为什么汇率每一天的该现象有助于解释为什么汇率每一天的升值或贬值会如此剧烈升值或贬值会如此剧烈(2(2 分分)。4、(1)实际利率=名义利率通货膨胀率(1 分)美国实际利率=-10%=2%(分)英国实际利率6%-4%=(分)(2)国际资本应该从美国流向英国(分)(3)国际资本从美国流向英国,对英镑需求增加,英镑升值,所以即期市场上美元相对于英镑贬值(2 分)。远期外汇市场上,美元升水-率为 4%(分)。5、(1)对世界来说,由于移民,工人被吸引到他们最有效率的领域,世界产出趋于扩张(2 分)劳动力流动增加的世界收入并没有在所有国家和所有生产要素之间平均分配。(2 分)(2)对移入国,由于生产要素增加,总收入增加(2 分),但收入由劳动力向资本再分配,其本土工人遭受损失(分)(3)对移出国,由于生产要素减少,总收入减少(2 分),收入由资本向劳动力再分配,未移民的劳动力收入增加(2 分)-