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1、秘密启用前2022届天津市河东区高三下学期二模考试英语试题祝考试顺利 (含答案)本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)、第II卷(非选择题)两局部,共130分,考试时间100分钟。第 I卷1至8页,第II卷9至10页。第I卷(选择题)第一局部:英语知识运用第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。彳列:Stand over there you5 I I be able to see it better.A. orB. andC. butD. while答案是B.1. 15 m afra i d I can5 tIt5 s said thatfini

2、sh the work that I have never done before.it wi I I not be difficult.B. Take it easyD. Never mi ndA. Take your timeC. I can5 t be I i eve i t【答案】B【详解】考查情景交际和习惯表达。句意:一我担忧我不能完成这份我以前从未做过的工作。 一别紧张。据说这并不难。A. Take your t i me慢慢来;B. Take it easy放轻松,别紧张;C. I can t be I ieve it真不敢相信;D. Never mi nd没关系。根据句意可知,

3、空处上句描述的是 我担忧完不成任务,下句说这项任务并不难,可以看出,空处应该是在告诉对方不要紧张,放轻 松(Take it easy)。应选 B 项。2. The newly-bui It schooI was much bigger than she at f i rst.A. was th i nk i ngB. thoughtC. had thoughtD. has thought【答案】C33题详解】此题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:从这次经历中,我学到了很多关于领导者的态度如何影 响团队成员。A. surprise惊讶;B. serve服务;C. i nterest兴趣;D. aff

4、ect影响。结合 前文内容可知,通过这次经历,作者学到了很多关于领导者的态度是如何影响(affect)团队成 员的。应选Do34题详解】此题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我没有把我的孩子看作失败者,而是鼓励他们。A. encouraged 鼓励;B. observed 观察;C. protected 保护;D. impressed 给予某人深刻印象。 根据I pushed可知,作者在推动和鼓励他们。应选A。35题详解】此题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:我帮助他们以不同的方式看待自己。A. honestly老实 地;B. individuaI Iy 个别地;C. calmly 镇静地;D. di

5、fferentIy 不同地。根据后句 and they built themselves into winners.可知,作者以胜利者看待队员们,结果经过努力,他们果真变 成了胜利者,应选D。【点睛】易错分析:Most important, I began to treat them I i ke 1J.11. A. Ieaders B. partners C. wi nners D. I earners此题容易误选B项,认为作者把队员当伙伴,但根据后文I nstead of see i ng my boys as I osers, I pushed and 19 them.以及文中最后一句提

6、示可知,作者开始像获胜者对待他们。应选 Co第二局部:阅读理解阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂L i terary Fest i vaIs across the WorIdLondon Book Fai rTime: he Id annua I Iy i n Apr i I for 3 daysPI ace: London, UKThe London Book Fa i r i s a part of the London Book & Screen Week. Vi s i tors i nc I udeanyone who i s i

7、 nvoI ved with the creat ion, d i str i but ion, sa Ie or treatment of content. Authors, ta I ent scouts (星探),editors, des i gners and digital gurus (领袖人物)a I I wa I k the fIoor-meet i ng, taIk i ng, observ i ng, d i scover i ng. It s a great opportun i ty to meet a I I k i nds of peopIe.BookExpo Am

8、ericaTime: he Id annua I Iy i n May or June for 4 daysPI ace: var i ous cities i n the USUni ike most book fai rs, BookExpo Amer ica doesn5 t have a base city. 11 moves to d i fferent pI aces every year-most Iy b i g cities such as New York, Wash i ngton, Los Ange Ies and Ch i cago.11 i s the Iarges

9、t gather i ng i n the Un i ted States of I i brar i ans, bookseI Iers and i ndustry profess i onaIs, as well as a great pI ace to d i scover the Iatest trends i n techno Iogy while network i ng with others i n the bus i ness. Go to autograph and book signing sess i ons (签书会)with your favor i te auth

10、ors, and part i c i pate i n pane I d i scuss i ons with top wr i ters wh i I e you enjoy breakfast. With hundreds of part i c i pat i ng authors, there5 s Iots to do, see and read.Frankfurt Book FairTime: he Id annua I Iy i n October for a weekPI ace: Frankfurt, GermanyThe Frankfurt Book Fa i r i s

11、 the wor Id5 s b i ggest and oIdest book event with more than 500 years of h i story, yet it never stops developing with time.Themat i c tours are prov i ded, dur i ng wh i ch trade v i s i tors and the genera I pub I i c can I earn more about the Frankfurt Book Fa i r. Led by experts, these top i c

12、a I tours take i nterested groups to stands and other Iocat i ons around the fa i r that are re Ievant to specif ic themes, such as educat ion, science, kids. With our Book Fa i r app, vi s itors have the poss i b i I ity to take a t ime-i ndependent, themat i c tour.Tokyo International Book Fai rTi

13、me: he Id annua I Iy i n September for 3 daysPI ace: Tokyo, JapanBe i ng As i a5 s Iead i ng book fa i r, the Tokyo Internat i onaI Book Fa i r has severaI sub categor i es, including the NaturaI Sc i ences Book Fa i r, the Human i t i es & Soc i a I Sc i ences Book Fa i r, and the Ch i Idren5 s Boo

14、ks Fa i r.One of the h i gh I i ghts of the event i s the e-books expo, wh i ch sh i nes a spot I i ght on the fact that peopIe5 s reading habits are switching from pr inted books to digital books.Bes i des book products, the newest e-1 earn i ng software and digital pub I i sh i ng technologies are

15、 a I so presented.36. The Iargest and oIdest book fair i n the worId i s he Id i n every year. A. Apr i IB. May or June C. OctoberD. SeptemberHow i s BookExpo Amer i ca d i fferent from the other three book fa i rs?A. It is held in different cities every year. B. It attracts many famous wr iters.C.

16、It d i spI ays the Iatest trends i n techno Iogy. D. It is the Iongest annua I book fa i r.37. Which book fair provides tours of specific themes?A. The London Book Fa i r.B. BookExpo Amer i ca.C. The Frankfurt Book Fa i r.D. The Tokyo Internat i onaI Book Fa i r.38. What do we know about the Tokyo I

17、nternat i onaI Book Fa i r?A. It is the most popuI ar book fa i r in Asia.B. It i s a great pI ace for e-book I overs.C. It mainly focuses on naturaI science books.D. It mainly d i spI ays pr i nted books for schooIs.39. Which of the fol lowing statement i s Right?A. You can meet a I I k i nds of pe

18、opIe i n May when you waIk around London.B. BookExpo Amer i ca i s a I ways he Id i n the same c i ty.C. Vi sitors can5 t see the newest e-learning software on Socia I Sciences Book Fa i r. D. The Frankfurt Book Fa i r a I I ows v i s i tors to take a t ime- i ndependent, themat i c tour.【答案】36. C 3

19、7. A 38. C 39. B 40. D【解析1【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了世界各地的图书展览会。36题详解】细节理解题。根据小标题 Frankfurt Book Fair 下的The Frankfurt Book Fa i r i s the wor Ids b i ggest and o I dest book event wi th more than 500 years of h i story, yet i t never stops developing with time.(法兰克福书展是世界上规模最大 历史最悠久的图书展,已有 500多年的历史,但它从未随着时间的

20、推移而停止开展。)可知,法兰克福书展是世界最大最古 老的书展;再根据Time: he I d annua I I y i n October for a week”(时间:每年10月举办, 为期一周)可知,书展举办的时间是每年10月。应选C项。【37题详解】细节理角星题。根据小标题 Book Expo Amer i ca 下的Un I i ke most book fa i rs, Book Expo Amer i ca doesn t have a base c i ty. 11 moves to d i fferent pI aces every year- most Iy b i g c

21、ities such as New York, Wash i ngton, Los Ange I es and Ch i cago.(与大多数书展不同,美国书展没 有基地城市。它每年都会迁移到不同的地方,主要是像纽约、华盛顿、 洛杉矶和芝加哥这样的 大城市)可知,与其他书展不同的是,美国书展每年在不同的城市举办。应选A项。38题详解】细节理解题。根据小标题 Frankfurt Book Fa i r 中 uLed by experts, these top i ca I tours take i nterested groups to stands and other Iocat i ons

22、around the fa i r that are re Ievant to specif ic themes (在专家的带着下,这些主题之旅将有兴趣的团体带到展台和展会周围与特定 主题相关的其他地点。)”可知,The Frankfurt Book Fa i r提供特定主题的参观。应选C项。39题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段 u0ne of the h i gh I i ghts (亮点)of the event i the e-books expo, wh i ch sh i nes a spot I i ght on the fact that peop Ies read i ng h

23、ab i ts are switch i ng from pr i nted books to digital books. Bes ides book products, the newest e-learn i ng software and digital pub I i sh i ng techno I og i es are a I so presented.(此次活动的一大亮点是电子 书博览会,它突出了人们的阅读习惯正在从纸质书转向电子书的事实。除了图书产品,还介绍了 最新的电子学习软件和数字出版技术)可知,东京书展包含了电子书博览会,所以对于电子书爱 好者来说是一个好去处。应选B

24、项。40题详解】细节理解题。根据小标题 Frankfurt Book Fa i r 中“With our Book Fa i r app, vi s i tors have the poss i b i I i ty to take a t i me- i ndependent, themat i c tour.(借助我们 书展应用程序, 游客可以进行一次独立于时间的主题之旅。)”可知Frankfurt Book Fair允许游客进行时间 独立的主题之旅,所以D项陈述正确。应选D项。BWhen you are little, the who Ie worId fee Is I i ke a b

25、 i g pIayground. I was I i v i ng in Conyers, Georgia the summer it a I I happened. I was a second grader, but my best fr i end Stephan i e was on Iy i n the first grade. Both of our parents were at work and most of the time they Iet us go our own way.11 was a hot afternoon and we dec i ded to have

26、an adventure i n Stephan i e5 s basement. As I opened the basement door, before us I ay the b i ggest room, fu I I of amaz i ng th i ngs I i ke guns, do I Is, and o I d c I othes. I ran downsta i rs, and spotted a red stee I can. It was pa i nt. I I ooked beyond i t and there I ay even more pa i nt

27、i n br i ght co I ors I i ke purp I e, orange, bIue and green.“Stephanie, I just found us a project for the day. Get some paintbrushes. We are fixing to pa i nt. 55 She screamed with exo i tement as I to I d her of my secret p I ans and immed i ate I y we got to work. We gathered a I I the brushes w

28、e cou I d f i nd and moved a I I of our mater i a I s to my yard. There on the road i n front of my house, we pa i nted b i g str ipes (条纹)of colors across the pavement. Str ipe by str i pe, our colors turned i nto a beaut i fuI ra i nbow. It was fantastic!The sun was start i ng to s i nk. I saw a c

29、ar i n the d i stance and jumped up as I recogni zed the car. It was my mother. I couIdn5 t wa i t to show her my masterp iece. The car pul led slowly i nto the dr i veway and from the Iook on my mother5 s face, I couId te I I that I was i n deep troubIe.My mother shut the car door and wa I ked towa

30、rds me. Her eyes gl ar i ng, she shouted, “What i n the wor I d were you th i nk i ng? I understood when you made cast I es out of I eaves, and cI imbed the neighbors5 trees, but this! Come inside right now!” I stood there glaring back at her for a mi nute, angry because she had i nsuI ted (侮辱)my ar

31、t.“Now go and c I ean i t up!55 Mother and I began c I ean i ng the road. Tears ran down my cheeks as I saw my beaut i fuI ra i nbow turn i nto bI ack cement.Though years have now passed, I still wonder where my ra i nbow has gone. I wonder if, maybe when I get oIder, I can find my rainbow and never

32、 have to brush it away. I guess we a I I need some sort of ra i nbow to br i ghten our I i ves from t ime to time and to keep our hopes and dreams co IorfuI.40. What d i d the wr i ter want to do when h i s mother came home?A. To show h i s artwork to her.B. To introduce Stephanie to her.C. To put t

33、he mater i a Is back i n the yard.D. To prevent her from see i ng h i s painting.41. I n the mother5 s eyes, the wr i ter .A. was a born art i stB. a I ways caused troubIeC. was a prob Iem so I verD. worked very hard42. The under I ined word “rainbow“ in the Iast paragraph refers to .A. the ra i nbo

34、w i n the skythe str i pes on the pavementB. someth i ng imagi nat i ve and funimportant Iessons I earned i n ch i Idhood43. What d i d the wr iter fee I when the ra i nbow was cIeaned up?A. Sad.B. Exc i ted.C. Embarrassed. D. Cur i ous.44. 11 can be I earned from the passage that parents shouId .A.

35、 encourage chi Idren to pa i ntvaIue fr iendshi p among ch i IdrenB. d i scover the h i dden taI ent i n ch i Idrenprotect rather than destroy chi Idren5 s dreams【答案】41. A 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. D【解析】【导语】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。主要讲述了作者小时候和朋友在家门前的马路上,用油漆和刷子在人行道上画了很多颜色的条纹,感觉像是彩虹一样,而感到异常的高兴。但是后来当母 亲回来时,受到母亲的批评和训斥而感

36、到伤心和沮丧。在很多年后,作者回想此事,明白了我们 都需要某种彩虹不时地照亮我们的生活,让我们的希望和梦想多姿多彩。41题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段中“I saw a car i n the d i stance and jumped up as I recognized the car. 11 was my mother. I couIdn5 t wait to show her my masterp iece. 5, (我看见 远处有一辆车,当我认出那辆车时,我跳了起来。是我母亲。我迫不及待地想让她看看我的杰作。) 可知,当他妈妈回家时,作者想展示他的作品给她看。应选A项。42题详解】细

37、节理解题。根据第四、五段中The car pul led slowly into the dr i veway and from the Iook on my mother9 s face, I couId teI I that I was i n deep troubIe. My mother shut the car door and walked towards me. Her eyes g I ar i ng, she shouted, What i n the wor I d were you th i nk i ng? I understood when you made cast

38、 Ies out of I eaves, and cI i mbed the ne i ghbors5 trees, but this! Come inside r i ght now!” “ (车子慢慢地停在车道上,从母 亲脸上的表情,我可以看出我有大麻烦了。妈妈关上车门,朝我走来。她瞪着眼睛喊道:“你到 底在想什么?当你用树叶做城堡,爬上邻居的树时,我可以理解,但这个!快进来!”)可知,在母 亲的眼里作者总是制造麻烦。应选B项。43题详解】词义猜想题。根据最后一段中I wonder if, maybe when I get older, I can f i nd my ra i nbow

39、and never have to brush i t away. I guess we a I I need some sort of ra i nbow to br i ghten our I i ves from t i me to t i me and to keep our hopes and dreams co I orfu I. (我想知道, 也许当我变老的时候,我能找到我的彩虹,再也不用擦掉它。我想我们都需要某种彩虹不时地照 亮我们的生活,让我们的希望和梦想多姿多彩。)故可猜想,这里的“rainbow”指的是有想象力 又有趣的东西。应选C项。【44题详解】细节理解题。根据第六段

40、中“Tears ran down my cheeks as I saw my beautiful rainbow turn into black cement. ,5 (当我看到我美丽的彩虹变成黑色的水泥时,泪水顺着我的脸颊流下。) 可知,当彩虹被清理干净时,作者是伤心难过的。应选A项。45题详解】推理判断题。根据文章大意以及最后一段“Though years have now passed, I still wonder where my ra i nbow has gone. I wonder i f, maybe when I get o I der, I can f i nd my r

41、a i nbow and never have to brush i t away. I guess we a I I need some sort of ra i nbow to br i ghten our I ives from time to time and to keep our hopes and dreams colorful.” (虽然多年 过去了,我仍然想知道我的彩虹去哪里了。我想知道,也许当我变老的时候,我能找到我的彩虹, 再也不用擦掉它。我想我们都需要某种彩虹不时地照亮我们的生活,让我们的希望和梦想多姿 多彩。)故可从文章中推知,父母应该保护而不是摧毁孩子的梦想。应选D

42、项。CRobots i n the art wor I d are noth i ng new. I n fact, for centur i es, peop I e have built robots as art objects一一or simple mach i nes that perform a ser i es of movements一一i n anc i ent Ch i na and Japan. However, what5 s d i fferent now i s that art i sts and eng i neers are bu i Id i ng robo

43、ts that actuaI Iy create art.In 1973, Br i t i sh-born pa i nter Haro Id Cohen wrote a computer program and cal led i t AARON. At f i rst, AARON on I y made simple out I i nes whose co I or and deta i I s Cohen wou I d I ater add. F i fty years I ater, I andscapes add just about anyth i ng e I se a

44、human cou I d pa i nt. So can AARON be cal led an art i st or creat i ve? In 2010, Cohen addressed these quest i ons. He exp I a i ned, “AARON can generate uni imi ted numbers of images. So accord i ng to Cohen, the simple answer i s yes-AARON i s creat i ve.It s not just pai nt ings that robots are

45、 creat ing, though. Last year, a robot cal led Sh i mon re I eased its f i rst a I bum on Spot i fy. Sh i mon began I i fe as a s imp I e robot mar i mba, however, it s I earned how to jam, wr i te original songs and compose I yr i cs. Shimon does thi s by ana lyzing huge amounts of music-roughIy 50

46、,000 rock.11 may be coo I to hear a song created by a robot, but i s there any other reason to build robots that can pI ay mus i c? Accord i ng to Gi I We i nberg, one of Shimon5 s creators, he and h i s team “hope and be I i eve that these new ab i I i t i es wou I d push human cooperators to new u

47、ncharted d i rect i ons that couId not be ach i eved i n human-to-human cooperat i on. ”While quest i ons about robots creat i ng art are fun to th i nk about, there are many other ways that robots can he I p art i sts i n the way they create the i r works. For examp I e,advancements i n 3D-pr intin

48、g techno I ogy wi I I allow art i sts to bu i I d more comp I ex p i eces for the i r scuIptures.45. What was AARON abIe to do at f i rst?A. Pa i nt peopIe and Iandscapes.B. Prepare bas i c out I i nes for Cohen.C. Draw p i ctures of i tseIf and Cohen.D. Co I or pa i nt i ngs under Cohen5 s i nstruct i ons.46. What does the articIe teI I us about Shimon?A. It is both a mar imba and guitar pIayer.B. It has created about 50,000 or iginal songs.C. It is expected to push humans to achieve more.D. Its creators hope that it can outperform humans.47. What does the author5 s attitude towards robots


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