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1、个人澳洲留学简单申请书个人澳洲留学简单申请书范文Dear_,After I complete my MBA degree from the I will pursue acareer in with,; or. The position will bechallenging and include. I will be able to apply my skills learned during my graduate experience to make an immediate impacto I will have the opportunity to interact with man

2、agers from various; and.In the short-term I am interested in pursuing a new and increased role in one ofbusiness segments. This new role will provide me with the opportunity to learn more about one of our businesses and will include ,and responsibilities. While in this role I will learnas much as po

3、ssible about the business, its role within and thetotal company role in the marketplace. I will take advantage of the opportunities presented to become involved in and , , and the varied aspects of.This new role will also provide me with the opportunity to.Ultimately, my aim, after completion of my

4、MBA at, is to embrace an career and work for a worldwide corporation at adecision level. I want to experience management and decision making in an environment, particularly as a.This will grant me withthe background and business connections necessary to lever age my ambitions of setting up an compan

5、y developing for the market.I seek an MBA degree from because it will empower me toimprove the level of professionalism and management in the nonprofit world, I plan to build relevant,and skills throughbusiness studies. I intend to gain a better understanding of the sector and apply it directly to t

6、he unique issues and politics of.MBA training will dramatically broaden my scope of business vision and I will be able to apply this new knowledge immediately.On completing my MBA, there are two directions I envision myself taking. The first fuses my past experience and my new MBA skills by heading

7、towards a senior position with an sector company. Inparticular, I would like to join such a company as.My intent would be to stay within one business segment of for to years so I can learn the business in detail. After thattime I will consider looking for a new position in another business withinIn

8、the long-term I will continue to progress on my career path, going as far as my education, talent and experience will take me. My long-term goals include becoming the or, then movinginto a higher management position (vice-president or CFO). Upon retirement I would like to.Ive been working in the ind

9、ustry, in particular,. Myaspiration is to remain in the same sphere, both for the short and for the long run.While working towards the degree I plan to do a summer internship an dimmediately after the degree work full-time in.After earning my MBA, I would love to work for.Over the long term, however

10、, the only job that will harness and parlay all of my passion and energy is one that I design from the ground up. Starting my own company is the ultimate challenge.However, an alternative direction also attracts me: the entrepreneurial path. Given an interesting opportunity and the right confidence

11、in the market, I know I would be very tempted by this.That is part of the MBAs appeal: while it boosts my projected career, it also expands my potential to make the most of unforeseen opportunities: building flexibility into my future.Yours sincerely,澳大利亚留学新生入境指南一、填写入境卡登机以后,在平稳飞行的时候,空乘人员会询问是否需要入境 卡,

12、新生入学必须要进行填写,大家需要遵照实际情况,将自己的所 有信息填写到相关的栏目中,确认自己的入境资格。由于入境卡是公开信息,大家可以直接搜索相关模板,在国内 的时候就可以填写进行熟悉,这样在飞机上直接誉写就可以了,不用 担忧会出错,并且也可以很快完成这个工程。二、入关选项大家下了飞机以后,是需要经受入关的检查的,大家可以选择 人工检查,也可以选择自助入关,前者是新生入境必须要经受的检查, 如果已经是老生了,那么可以选择资助入关会节省时间一些。人工窗口排队的人会比拟多,大家要提前准备好检查需要出示 的证件和材料一一护照、签证、COE、入境卡,如果有申报的行李需 要再次经受检查,没有的话检查合格

13、就可以直接入关了。三、领取行李基础检查完成以后,遵照机场内的指示牌,前往行李带着取自 己的行李,标志是Luggage Claim,经受入关人工检查的学生,去领取 的时候基本上只有自己的行李了,会比拟容易找到。拿到行李箱以后,要先检查有没有损坏和破损,如果没有的话, 直接去海关经受检查;如果有的话,要按时的联系机场的工作人员, 进行索赔和经受补偿,一定要维护好自己的权利。四、过海关这是大家经受考核的最后一步,也是比拟关键的一步,对新生 会有期的严格,除了要开箱检查行李,还会检查大家的手机,虽然是 抽查,但是大家爱也需要提前准备和检查好,确认自己没有问题。后续大家再次入境,就会简单很多,如果没有申

14、报的行李,可 以直接走绿色通道,不需要再经受检查;而如果有申报的行李,走红 色通道,开箱检查合格也可以直接进入澳洲。澳大利亚留学选课指南一、选课准备大家在正式开始选课之前需要做好充分的准备,这样在开始选 课后才会尽可能的减少不必要的麻烦。首先大家需要做的,就是了解自己需要修满多少学分才能顺利 毕业,其中必修的科目和选修的科目各自是多少,这号才好规划需要 选的科目数。接着就要根据自己的专业来做功课,看看自己可以选的课程有 哪些?然后就是要弄清楚各个课程的上课时间,防止选到重合的课程 而浪费时间。最后就是要了解课程的考察形式,在澳洲的大学中,考察学生 学习成果的方式有很多种,有不少是国内没有的形式

15、,如果不适应的 话,就不要选这些课程。二、选课流程选课是一件不简单的申请,主要囊括两个步骤,一是选课,而5是安置时间表,以防止有串课。大学都会有自己的,网页内会有专门的选课模块,在学校开放 选课以后,大家就可以直接等苦开始选课了。首先需要找到选课的入口,登陆以后直接开始,页面会弹出你 可以选择的课程,必修课直接勾选即可,选修课需要点点击选择,再 勾选。选好课程以后,跳到已选课程页面,将所有的课程都添加到课 程安置,网站会根据你选的课程直接自动生成课程表。最后就是调整和检查,如果有冲突的课程,需要舍弃,如果后 续又不想要的课程,一定要在规定时间之前选择退课。澳大利亚留学要注意平安问题一、家居平安

16、篇作为留学生来讲,经常搬家是很常见的现象。提醒大家中选择 新房时,应该充分考虑家居平安问题。门窗配备防盗锁;门上应该装 有插锁,平安链以及猫眼;有警报系统的房屋是最理想的选择。检查 住所内有无完备的防火设备(如灭火器、报警器等),并熟悉住处的求 生通道。了解住房最近的警察局位置,以备不时之需。单独在家时如 果点了外卖,送外卖的人来时要核实其身份,并在门口接过送来的物 品,不要让其进门。切勿将大量现金放在房间,应存入银行账户。二、外出平安篇1 .时刻注意周围环境,堤防身边的陌生人,尤其是当你单独外 出或者天色昏暗时。平时应多注意学习防身,脱身的知识和技巧。62 .走路不要听音乐,或者将音乐调小,

17、否那么可能会觉察不到危险的临近。3 .如果发现有冲突爆发或者其他犯罪活动发生的任何迹象,请 立刻离开现场,并通知警方。4 .谨慎对待陌生人的请求,例如向你要一支烟或者换些零钱的 人,他们中或许会有居心叵测的人。5 .不要把钱包放到后裤袋,这样既显眼又不平安。6 .外出聚会时,小心饮料被人做了手脚。7 .走路时要与路人进行眼神接触,让他们知道你注意到了他们 的存在。8 .不要回应陌生人的搭讪,不管他们是在街上还是车上,继续 走自己的路。9 .准备进家门时,环顾四周,提高警惕,谨防陌生人尾随入室。10 .不妨携带个人遇袭警报器,必要时制造噪音,引起路人注意。11 .面对持刀抢劫时,交钱保命。12 .进入电梯前发现可疑乘客,不要进入。单独搭乘电梯时,应 靠近控制板。三、交通平安篇出租车网约车通常是一种相对平安的公共交通工具。但是为了 更平安起见,大家可以参考以下建议:1 .尽量坐在后座的位置,保持 通畅。2 .如果司机选择了一条你不熟悉的路线或者没有遵照你指明的路线行驶,你应该提出异议。3 .时刻注意周围环境,与司机交谈时尽量防止涉及个人信息的话题。


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