1、世纪商务英语翻译教程(第三版),返回,Unit 9,Business Letters 商务信函,SECTION 2 Lead-in,I. 一封完整的英文商务书信应该包括下列哪些内容?,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,1. letter head 2. date 3. inside name and address 4. salutation 5. subject 6. complimentary close 7. signature,8. attention line 9. enclosure 10. postscript 11. carbon c
2、opy 12. references 13. mailing notation 14. body,1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 14,ANSWER,SECTION 2 Lead-in,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,试把上题中的答案译成汉语并填入下表(这是一封采用缩行式的商务信函,划横线处代表该位置应填写的相关要素)。,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14,信头,_,查阅编号,_,邮寄说明,_,日期,_,信内名称和地址,_,请某人亲阅/办理,_,主题,_,称呼语,_,正文,_ _,结尾敬语,_,签名,_,附件,_,
3、附言,_,副本抄送,_,SECTION 2 Lead-in,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回, 商务信函在语言上应该有哪些特点?请从下列几项中试着做出选择。,1 收函人为中心 (Readers Point of View) 2 应该礼貌 (Courtesy) 3 直接简练 (Directness but an investigation made by the surveyor has revealed the fact that the damage is attributable to improper packing. For further
4、particulars, we refer you to the surveyors report enclosed.,考虑到这些损坏应归咎于轮船公司的粗暴装卸,我们向他们提出了索赔,但调查员做出的调查结果表明,损坏是由于包装不当所致。有关详情,请看所附的调查员报告。,SECTION 7 Practice,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 6,返回, 翻译下列信函。(1),19 January, 2008 Ms. Sally McBride Manager Outback Wool Ltd. 44 Bridge Street Sydney New South
5、Wales Australia Dear Ms. McBride, We refer to our purchase contract No. 954. Under the terms of the contract, delivery is scheduled for June 2008. We would now like to bring delivery forward to March 2008.,SECTION 7 Practice,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 6,返回, 翻译下列信函。(2),We realize that the chan
6、ge of delivery date will probably inconvenience you and we offer our sincere apologies. We know that you will understand that we would not ask for earlier delivery if we did not have compelling reasons for doing so. In view of our longstanding, cordial commercial relationship, we would be very grate
7、ful if you would make a special effort to comply with our request. We look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Eric Evans Manager,ANSWER,SECTION 7 Practice,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 6,返回, 正确运用状语从句的翻译方法翻译下列句子。(1),2. No doubt I could earned something if I had really meant to.,3. Even
8、 when it started, Debonair set itself slightly apart from its low-cost competitors by offering more seat comfort, a drink in-flight and simple frequent-flyer scheme.,1. We offer to take ten percent off if your order is big enough.,如若贵方订货量足够大,我们愿意让利10%。,毫无疑问,如果我想的话,一定赚到了。,即使在其初创时期,戴博纳航空公司就已经通过提供更舒适的座
9、位、机上饮料以及普通的常客奖励计划来显示自己与其他低成本竞争对手的不同之处。,SECTION 7 Practice,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 6,返回, 正确运用状语从句的翻译方法翻译下列句子。(2),4. If the beast of inflation escapes, the increase in interest rates needed to recapture it will then have to be bigger.,如果爆发通货膨胀,为了抑制通胀将不得不进一步提高利率。,5. It is important to sound i
10、nterested, helpful and alert when the secretary answers the phone.,6. Although the net will change the way of the world, todays pioneering internet companies are unlikely ever to earn the vast profits needed to justify their current share prices.,秘书接电话时要使声音听起来关注、热情、敏捷,这是非常重要的。,尽管互联网将会改变整个世界的模式,如今领先的
11、网络公司不大可能赚取合乎其当今股票价格的巨额利润。,SECTION 7 Practice,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 6,返回, 正确运用状语从句的翻译方法翻译下列句子。(3),7. You may have to make or receive calls to or from regular customers and prospective customers, so a good telephone manner not only makes an impression in business, but also helps to make mo
12、ney.,8. Unless you propose something definite together with larger improvement on your price, we are not inclined to place a large order.,有时必须与老客户或潜在客户通电话,因此礼貌地接打电话不仅能给业务伙伴留下好印象,而且还能帮助你赚钱。,除非你方提供具体建议,并较大幅度地降低价格,否则我们是不会大批订货的。,SECTION 7 Practice,尊敬的麦克布瑞德女士: 有关第954号采购合同,条款列明交货日期为2008年6月。现欲提前于2008年3至4月交货。 本公司对于提早装运该货所引致的不便,深表歉意。然而,实因有急切需要,才作此要求,还望贵公司能加以谅察。 鉴于贵我双方长期良好的商业联系,相信贵公司定会倾力相助。 如蒙帮助,将不胜感激。速复为盼。 经理 (签名) 埃里克埃文斯敬启 2008年1月19日,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 6,返回,The End !,返回,