7b unit 5 reading ii教案doc--初中英语 .doc

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1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数教案 7B unit5 Reading and vocabulay the fourth periodAims: 1 Revise some phrases of Reading. 2 Learn some adjs about characters & their opposites.Type of lessons: Revision and new Teaching ways: in pairs /groups of fourTeaching tools: A computerTeaching keys: phrases and adjsTe

2、aching steps:Step1: Guide to the new lesson. Show the aims of this lesson. Revise the text of reading (describe the story) Revise some phrases (while loking at some pictures)Step2 Revision (further revise) Revise some phases in sentences.Step3 Presentations Present some pictures1 Let students descri

3、be his characters2 Talk about their opposites (one by one) Q:1 what is he like? 2 Whats the opposites of it?Step4 Drills(matches) After the students are familiar with the adjs, let them do it.Step5 Text (Fill in the blanks) 1 Show students the text and give them the clear requests 2 Check their answ

4、ers. (let two students write answers on the blackboard) 3 Praise and encourage studentsStep6 Widen the eyes Help students to use the languages 1 Ask students to talk freely with adjs in sentences. 2 Help them correct the wrong sentences(said by students). Step7 Homework Revise the adjs and some phra

5、ses.helpful slowcareful unhappybrave unkindpolite carelessquick unhelpfulhappy afraidkind ungratefulgrateful inpolite/rudeHandwriting on the blackboard:Thoughts of myself after teaching: Steps are clear. The teacher helps students to learn new knowledge. The lesson makes students interested. Different activities are necessary in revisions and presentations.They help students develop listening and speaking abilities.It can get a good result. 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数


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