1、幼儿英语游戏1、 开火车:小朋友每人戴一个动物头饰,教师充当火车头,开到一名幼儿前,提问:Who are you?”小朋友回答I am *.然后老师说Hello*,请该小朋友上火车,两人开火车,一次询问下一名幼儿,游戏反复进行,可以开火车到户外游戏Look, I am a the train driver, when I ask you “Who are you ?” answer me Please, If you are right, follow me ,and the other say” Hello *” OK?2、 猎人与动物:老师扮演猎人,小朋友扮演各种小动物,播放一段轻快的音乐
2、,小朋友随音乐模仿自己想扮演的动物,在音乐停止时,幼儿必须保持最后一个动作不能动,猎人走到各动物前,提问“Who are you?”小朋友回答正确,可以坐下,错误将被猎人捉走,游戏反复进行。I am a hunter, you are animals , and you can act any one you like ,If the music stop , you must keep the posture,Ok? I ask you” “who are you?” If you are right ,you can sit down, if youre wrong ,I will eat
3、 you. Understand?3、 Cover the cards:教师准备一张白纸,在白纸上挖一个个小洞或剪出一条条小缝,然后用白纸盖住卡片,让幼儿猜单词,可进行分队竞赛Guess! Whats this ? who is fast,who is winner.4、 找名字:适用学习Whats your name? My name is*,新班级,让幼儿互相认识 让幼儿把自己的名字写在卡纸上,然后收集上来,再分发下去,确保没有拿到自己的名单,然后进行游戏,将手中的名片送给名字的主人Hello, My name is *,Whats your name?Write down your na
4、me please, give it to me, and then hand out , you need to find the person who named it,so you say Hello, My name is *,Whats your name?,understand?5、 加1法:老师读一遍,幼儿读两遍,老师读两遍,幼儿读三遍I read 1time , you read 2times ,add 1,understand?6、 减1法:老师读两遍,幼儿读一遍,老师读一遍,幼儿不作声。I read 2times , you read 1time , minus 1, , understand?7、 男孩女孩:老师说Boy,男孩站起来读单词,老师说girl,女孩站起来读单词,可扩充为ABC组I call boy, If you are boy ,stand up ,and read it, I call girl ,if youre girl ,stand up ,and read it8、 BINGO:两队回答问题,每次回答迅速准确的队伍,可在五子棋棋盘上画一个棋子,先连好五颗棋子的为胜If you get 5 pieces, you win.