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1、摘要 ii摘要 唐纳德巴塞尔姆是美国最富有影响力的后现代主义作家之一,被誉为“后现代主义作家的新一代之父”,并于 1 9 7 2 年获得美国国家图书奖。 巴氏代表作白雪公主后传以经典格林童话小说白雪公主和七个小矮人为蓝本,运用其擅长的碎片,拼贴等后现代主义创作技巧勾勒了反传统的现代版的白雪公主。本论文从巴式对经典格林童话的重构这一特征入手,以后现代主义的视角,分析两个文本的异同,尤其是人物性格及叙事手法的变化。 第二次世界大战以来,文学界涉及经典重写的作品屡见不鲜,其中以对传统经典童话的重构最为显著。 事实上, 童话经典重写早在 2 0 世纪 6 0 年代就已兴起,而本文的个案分析对象- -

2、- 唐纳德巴塞尔姆的白雪公主后传被列为鼻祖之一。巴氏在白雪公主后传中对格林经典童话白雪公主和七个小矮人的戏仿入木三分,引人深思,不失为经典重写的经典范例。因此,从经典重写视角来分析巴氏这一创新型作品对文学研究的重要性可见一斑。 基于这种研究的必要性和创新性,本论文将探索性地从经典童话重写视角来分析巴氏白雪公主后传。 本论文共分七章。第一章是整篇论文的简介包括研究价值,文章结构和词汇解释。第二章阐述了经典和经典重写的定义,历史和现状等,同时简要分析了格林童话白雪公主和七个小矮人这一文学经典。 第三章是对作者唐纳德 巴塞尔姆及其代表作白雪公主后传的重点介绍,其中涉及了巴式创作手法的特征和白雪公主后

3、传的内容介绍和文学界所做的评论。作为个案分析的第四章则是本论文的核心,共分为两大部分,前者分析了巴式小说对经典小说人物的重塑,详述了白雪公主这一人物的颠覆性重构,并阐述了王子人物在白雪公主后传中的缺失与经典童话英雄救美的所形成的强烈反差。后者则以具体文本列举的方式对巴式所用的创作手法一一详述。以白雪公主后传所列文本为基础,举例分析了碎片,拼贴,反讽,元小说等写作技巧的应用和体现。论文最后,引出了对经典重写的作用及产生原因的思考, 并探索性地从当时社会历史及作者本人特性等因素来解释缘由。结语部分,全面回顾了论文结构及内容,总结并补充说明各章节,同时指出该篇论文的局限性,并鼓励今后更为深入广泛的研

4、究。 摘要 iii 关键词:唐纳德巴塞尔姆;白雪公主后传;经典;重写;后现代 ABSTRACT iv ABSTRACT As the “ father of the new generation of postmodernism writers” , Donald Barthelme ranks top among most influential postmodernism writers. In 1972 he arrived at his literary prime by winning the National Book Awards. Barthelme s representat

5、ive work Snow White is the modern version of the Grimm s canonical fairytale Snow White and Seven Dwarves, and successfully incorporates typical postmodernism techniques. This thesis attempts to approach Barthelme s Snow White from a postmodernism perspective by addressing its salient features of an

6、ti- traditional character revision as well as massive usage of postmodernism techniques. The post- World War II age abounds in reconstructing and rewriting works, especially popular are the rewriting of canonical fairytales. Nevertheless, the rise of canon rewriting dates back to as early as the 196

7、0s, when Ronald Barthelme, the typical postmodernist, published his milestone- like novel Snow White, a parody of German Grimms Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. Barthelme s Snow White forms sharp contrast to the original fairytale, provokes deep thoughts from readers and thus is enlisted into best canon

8、- rewriting novels. A canon rewriting view of Barthelme s Snow White is essentially innovative and important to literary research. Hence, this thesis seeks as an exploration to fulfill the mission. Altogether the thesis is composed of six chapters. The first chapter serves as an introduction, which

9、includes the significance of the research, the structure of the thesis and a note on vocabulary. The second chapter explains the definitions of canon and canon rewriting as well as introduces Grimm s Snow White and Seven Dwarves as a literary canon. In chapter three, I expand to illustrate Donald Ba

10、rthelme and his Snow White with most space devoted to his writing technique features. Of same importance are the literary criticisms towards his epoch- making work. Chapter four, a case study of canon rewriting, is the focus of my thesis. Whereby I analyze Barthelme s Snow White from a postmodernism

11、 perspective, casting light on the anti- traditional characterization of Snow White, Paul and the seven dwarves and the ABSTRACT vsharp contract between the lacking of hero in Barthelme s Snow White and the eulogizing of unbeatable hero in canonical works. Moreover, I illuminate the postmodern writi

12、ng techniques employed in the Snow White by exemplifying the texts accordingly. Based on the passages from Snow White, applications and embodiment of such postmodernism techniques as fragmentation, collage, irony and metafiction are analyzed in detail. In chapter five, I attempt to provoke thoughts

13、upon the causes and contributions of canon and canon rewriting by presenting author s personal complex, social and historical factors and by demonstrating the novelty effects of canon rewriting. In the conclusion, I summarize and supplement the whole thesis concerning both contents and structures, p

14、ointing out the limitations of my thesis so as to encourage further researches. KEY WORDS: Donald Barthelme; Snow White; canon; rewriting; postmodernism 上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法

15、律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名:陈玉平 日期:2008 年 3 月 18 日 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Finally it comes the time to express my deep gratitude to all those who helped me through the course of the thesis. It is never an easy task to complete an insightful thesis, and I could never finish my mission without the

16、 support from the below mentioned persons. My supervisor, Professor Hu Quansheng, is the first person to whom I own the most gratitude. His offer of essential materials, patient guide, kind understanding and timely reminding, suggestions and support lead me step by step on the way to the final versi

17、on of this thesis. Moreover, in the course of the thesis writing, he exerted great influence on my values of both literature and life, which I find to be beneficial for my whole life. I am also grateful to my dear schoolmates Miss Zhao Yihua, Miss Chen Dan and Mr. Shang Biwu. Whenever frustrated by

18、the great stress and tight schedule, I would turn to Miss Zhao and Miss Chen for a hearty talk, which is highly relaxing and comfortable. Mr. Shang Biwu is always ready to share my f eelings and aid me in locating my inspirations. Moreover, I should give my cordial appreciations to my boss Mr. Wolfr

19、am Rother of the company where I conducted my internship. His generous permission of holidays upon request freed me from busy working schedules and enabled me to shift back in time to my thesis. Thanks also go to my beloved boyfriend who gave me strong support and great care all the time, standing b

20、y my side firmly and fervently. Words and spaces are too limited for my hearty gratefulness to all those mentioned or unmentioned for their support and aid. The thesis may “ gone with wind” as time passes by, but their kind help would never be erased from my waning memory. Chapter One Introduction 1

21、Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Significance of the research. Rewriting of canons rises as a popular composition form in the literary age of postmodernism. Scrolling through recent works, we would inevitably get frequent access to many of the rewriting or reconstructing of canons. The 1992 Nobel litera

22、ture prize winner Derek Walcott composed a poem Omeros according to the famous Odyssey by Homer while George Lamming rewrites Shakespeare s Tempest into Water with Berries. Especially popular within this trend is the rewriting of fairytales. There are novels like Sleeping Ugly (1981) by Jane Yolen,

23、and Sleeping Person of Better- Than- Average Attractiveness, and both are modern versions of Sleeping Beauty. The same is true of Cinderella by Anne sexton, which is a poem parodying the cognominal fairy tale story. Nevertheless, the most prominent fairytale canon rewriting comes from the typical po

24、stmodernist writer Donald Barthelme. It was in 1960 when Donald Barthelme published his famous parody of German Grimms Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. Barthelme s milestone- like rewriting of Snow White forms sharp contrast to the original fairytale, provokes deep thoughts from readers and ranks among

25、the top canon- rewriting novels. The prevalence of the canon rewriting ensues wild- spread literary critics as wells as phenomenon analysis. Externally, there are postmodern intertexuality theorists like Julia Kristeva, Roland Barthes and Harold Bloom, whose intertexualitical theories provide critic

26、s with a stronger analytical force. Internally, literature researchers as well as professors employ rewriting technique theories to the specific analysis of parody works. Professor Chen Shidan (2002) gives a general attention to the writing characteristics to Barthelmes parodying work as general, wh

27、ile Professor Zhang Deming (2007) focuses mainly on the cultural level in Chapter One Introduction 2Caribbean writers post- colonial rewriting of literary canons. So far, most domestic researches of Barthelme s of Snow White focus on either the embodiment of postmodernist elements like nonlinear nar

28、rative and pervasive fragments, or the dramatic contrasts between work of Grimm and that of Barthelme. Abroad researches, on the other hand, seem to be more interested in the theoretical pioneering spirit in Barthelme s Snow White. Few of their work give detailed analysis of the character revision o

29、r textual- based illustration of techniques. Hence, a canon rewriting view of Barthelme s Snow White with detailed case analysis is essentially innovative and important to literary research. My thesis, therefore, seeks to complete that mission. It is neither a theoretical introduction of rewriting t

30、heories, nor merely a specific work analysis, but one with both theoretical introduction and case analysis. Thereby I would endeavor to display a more comprehensive and impressive view of canon rewriting. 1.2 Structure of the thesis To begin with my analysis, I will first invite you to a brief intro

31、duction of the structure in my thesis. Altogether, there are six chapters in my research, a general introduction including significance of research, structure of thesis and vocabulary explanation is named as Chapter One and put before my major analysis. In Chapter Two, such related terms as canon an

32、d rewriting are defined one by one. Different definitions of canon are given, which may vary in denotation while sharing similar connotations. What are essential to my thesis are the characteristics of rewriting in postmodernism. As Donald Barthelme is entitled “ the father of postmodernism” , his r

33、ewriting differs radically to the traditional ones. Rewriting abounds in writing techniques, parody, satire, burlesque and imitation, pastiche, ect. As to parody, the major technique employed in Snow White, I will explain the term in great details, in comparison with both burlesque and satire. The l

34、ast part of Chapter Two is devoted to fairytale canon Snow White and Seven Dwarves by Grimm. In Chapter Three, I firstly Chapter One Introduction 3introduce the life of Donald Barthelme as a typical postmodernist writer as well as his literary achievement, and then move on to a major discussion of h

35、is Snow White as a rewriting work, including the literary criticisms on his parodying Snow White. Chapter Four serves as the case analysis of Donald Barthelme s rewriting of Grimm s Snow White and Seven Dwarves. The first part emphasizes the revision of characters and reconstruction of beliefs, whil

36、e the second part focuses on the different writing techniques applied in both works. Here, I endow a further examplication of the postmodern features, for instance, reconstruction, fragmentation, collage, and irony, to name just a few. Through this multi- faceted analysis and emphasis, one would com

37、e to know what causes Donald Barthelme to compose such a striking work in parody of the well- accepted happy ending fairy tale and why he makes use of all the seemingly trashy words and strange sentences to convey his meaning, if there is any. The answers to these questions await in Chapter Five, wh

38、ich explores the causes of canon rewriting in aspects of social background and Barthelme s personal preference. The latter part of this chapter, however, discusses to some extend the effects and meaning of this canon rewriting. Chapter Six, the conclusion, reviews the whole thesis and points out its

39、 limitations in a hope to encourage further researches. 1.3 A note on vocabulary Intertextuatlity There are basically two schools of intertextuality. The first is the more practical and traditional one, which delimits itself to the study of the relationship between a text and its pretext. According

40、to this view, the intertextual relationship becomes interesting only when the connection can be clearly verified and pointed out in the text, and this textual relationship usually takes the form of an allusion, quotation, annexation, etc. The dialogic interplay between a text and its pretext may und

41、erstandably create problems for interpretation, but then again this narrower view of intertextuality provides a sound, practical method of analyzing these questions. The communication process underlying this traditional forms of intertexuality may well be described in the following manner: “ an auth

42、or refers to other texts within his own text Chapter One Introduction 4expecting his readers to understand these references as part of the strategy of his text; and the ideal reader does not only understand these references, but is also aware of the fact that the author is aware of their presence wi

43、thin his text as well as of the reader s awareness of them” ( Broich 1989:120). The second view is the more theoretical one, associated with poststructuralism and theorists such as Julia Kristeva, Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida. It posits the wider view of intertextuality which says that all tex

44、ts are intertexts. Intertextuality is the basis and requirement of all communication, and all communicable texts and discourses are always built upon existing cultural codes and norms. T o quote from Kristeva: “ Every text is constructed as a mosaic of quotations; every text is absorption and a tran

45、sformation of another text. Thus the term intersubjectivity is replaced by the term intertexuality , and the language of poetry has to be read, at the least, as double” (Kristeva 1969: 146). In my thesis, the first view of intertexualtity will mainly be my concern, nevertheless, the second view of i

46、ntertexuality is also applicable in the analysis of characters in both texts. Metafiction Fiction that deals, often playfully and self- referentially, with the writing of fiction or its conventions. In a weak sense, many modern novels about novelists having problems writing their novels may be calle

47、d metafictional in so far as they discuss the nature of fiction; but the term is normally used for works that involve a significant degree of self- consciousness about themselves as fictions, in ways that go beyond occasional apologetic addresses to the reader. The most celebrated case is Laurence S

48、terne s Tristram Shandy (1760- 7), which makes a continuous joke of its own digressive form. A notable modern example is John Fowle s The French Lieutenat s Woman (1969), in which Fowles interrupts the narrative to explain his procedures and offers the reader alternative endings. Chapter Two Canon a

49、nd Canon Rewriting 5Chapter Two Canon and Canon Rewriting 2.1 Canon: the concept What is canon? This is a question that I, the writer of this paper, should clarify at the foremost and you, the reader of this dissertation, would mostly want to be informed before further ideas come up. Thereby I would

50、 like to devote some spaces to the connotation and denotation of the word Canon. According to Eastons 1897 Bible Dictionary, the word canon is derived from a Hebrew and Greek word denoting a reed or cane. Hence it means something straight or something to keep straight, and hence also a rule or somet


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