1、关于初中生英语短文阅读初中生英语阅读100篇随着全球化与多元文化的开展,英语正跻身为一种国际语言被广泛使用。WTT分享关于初中生英语短文,希望可以帮助大家!关于初中生英语短文:不要过于驯良Do not be too much of a DoveAlternate the cunning of the serpent with the candour of the dove.Nothing is easier than to deceive an honest man.He believes in much who lies in naught; who does no deceit, has
2、much confidence.To be deceived is not always due to stupidity, it may arise from sheer goodness.duanwenw. There are two sets of men who can guard themselves from injury: those who have e_perienced it at their own cost, and those who have observed it at the cost of others.Prudence should use as much
3、suspicion as subtlety uses snares, and none need be so good as to enable others to do him ill.bine in yourself the dove and the serpent, not as a monster but as a prodigy.应该让毒蛇的狡诈与鸽子的纯真结合起来。老实仁慈的人更容易被愚弄。从来不说谎的人很容易相信别人,从来不骗人的人总是信任别人。被别人愚弄并不是总是因为愚蠢,也有可能纯粹因为仁慈。有两种人擅长预见危险:一种是自己付出代价而汲取教训,另一类更聪明的人通过观察别人而学
4、到许多。你应该能慎重地预见困难并同样精明地走出困境。不要因为过于驯良以致于别人有机可乘。你应该兼有蛇和各自的特点,这不是魔鬼,是天才。关于初中生英语短文:允许别人嘲笑,但是不要嘲笑别人 Put up with RaillThe first is a form of courtesy, the second may lead to embarrassment.To snarl at play has something of the beast and seems to have more.Audacious raillery is delightful: to stand it proves
5、power.To show oneself annoyed causes the other to be annoyed.Best leave it alone; the surest way not to put on the cap that might fit.duanwenw. The most serious matters have arisen out of jests.Nothing requires more tact and attention.Before you begin to joke know how far the subject of your joke is
6、 able to bear it.前者是一种雅量,后者会让你陷入为难。 在玩乐时动不动就发脾气的人如野兽,甚至比野兽还野蛮。绝妙的玩笑令人心情开朗, 而知道怎样承受玩笑那么是才能的标记。假设你表现出正在生气,那只会让其别人更多地挑剔你。防止被人当成傻瓜的最可靠方法是,最好不去理睬。在玩笑中往往会产生严肃的问题。没有比开玩笑需要更多的警觉和技巧的了。在开玩笑之前,要弄清楚对方能承受你的玩笑的程度。关于初中生英语短文:让别人欠你的人情债Create a feeling of Obligation.Some transform favours received into favoursbestowe
7、d, and seem, or let it be thought, that they are doing a favour when receiving one.有些人将自己的利益假饰成其别人的利益:当他们真正承受恩惠时他们使之看起来好似在施予恩惠。There are some so astute that they get honour by asking, and buy their own advantage with applause from others.They manage matters so cleverly that they seem to be doing oth
8、ers a service when receiving one from them.有些人精明得很,明明是在求人,而给人的感觉却是他们在给人以荣幸。他们用使自己获利的方法来使别人产生荣誉感。They transpose the order of obligation with e_traordinary skill, or at least render it doubtful who has obliged whom.duanwenw. They buy the best by praising it, and make a flattering honour out of the ple
9、asure they e_press.They oblige by their courtesy, and thus make men beholden for what they themselves should be beholden.In this way they conjugate “to oblige” in the active instead of in the passive voice, duanwenw. thereby proving themselves better politicians than grammarians.他们安排事情的方式使其别人觉得当其别人给
10、他们东西的时候是在偿付债务。他们绝顶聪明,打乱主客的次序,让人迷惑不解,不知道谁是施惠者,谁是受惠者。他们用廉价的称赞赚取最好的东西;通过表示他们喜欢某件东西来给予别人荣誉和奉承。他们以别人的谦卑来获得对某物的所有权。本来该他们自己应觉得感谢的东西,他们却让别人感到受了他们的恩。他们在Oblige这个词上玩弄主动态或是被动态花招,他们更擅长的是政治而不是语法。This is a subtle piece of finesse; a still greater is to perceive it, and to retaliate on such fools bargains by paying in their own coin, and so ing by your own again.这真是妙不可言。但假如你能当场破其狡诈,阻止他反客为主,让声誉归于当归之人,让利益归于当得之主,那就证明你才是更精明的人。“关于初中生英语短文”END第 6 页 共 6 页