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1、-毕业设计(论文)外文翻译-基于OBD模式的车联网的研究分类号编 号成 绩本科生毕业设计 (论文)外 文 翻 译原 文 标 题Wireless OBD-II Car diagnostics interface with Bluetooth or ZigBee译 文 标 题无线OBD-II车载诊断接口,带蓝牙或ZigBee作者所在系别机电工程学院作者所在专业车辆工程作者所在班级B13141作 者 姓 名作 者 学 号指导教师姓名指导教师职称副教授完 成 时 间2017年3月北华航天工业学院教务处制-第 1 页密 级译文标题无线OBD-II车载诊断接口,带蓝牙或ZigBee原文标题Wireless

2、 OBD-II Car diagnostics interface with Bluetooth or ZigBee作 者Floker Stangs;Erwin Reuss译 名国 籍德国原文出处Elektor electronics worldwide 2011年37卷412期诊断现代汽车故障的最便宜的方法是将其OBD-II接口连接到运行合适诊断软件的笔记本。然而,有线连接并不总是用来这么做的。最适合的是自带OBD测试人员使用的电脑相当昂贵和不灵活的选择方案。一个有趣的选择是无线OBD接口与笔记本的无线接口:这里描述的自制解决方案是允许选择使用蓝牙或ZigBee。现在几乎每辆车都有一个诊断连



5、和从2003 0nwards建造的任何柴油发动机汽车获得诊断,而不考虑制造商。通常,接口直接插入汽车中的OBD-II插座,然后使用USB或RS-232电缆连接到笔记本计算机。然而,更实用的是在OBD接口和笔记本之间使用无线电链路,特别是如果在驾驶时获得诊断。在这种情况下,OBD接口可以从OBD插座本身获取电源。由于许多笔记本电脑和笔记本电脑已经包含了蓝牙接口(以及那些不能与适当的加密狗一起使用),这似乎是理想的选择标准。如果蓝牙不适用,ZigBee可作为一种替代。1.1特征.体积小巧,适合在OBD II插头.集成DXM模块.自动协议.PWM,VPWM,ISOgi4i,KWP2000和CAN接口

6、标准.与“moDlag”和“OBD-DIAG”兼容的软件.适用于所有配备OBD-II的汽车1.2蓝牙版本.兼容Windows XP,Windows Vista和Windows 7.3类蓝牙模块,最大范围为100m1.3 ZigBee版本. Cortex M3和AtmeIATgoUSB162主机微控制器. Windows驱动程序使用INF文件. 频率范围2405 MHz t0 2480 MHz,自动通道选择. 接收机灵敏度 - 101 dBm. IEEE 802n5.4-2003(类似ZigBee协议). 自动重试失败的传输. 范围约10m t015 m(最大约30 m至40 m). ZigBe

7、e U盘兼容Windows XP,Windows Vista和Windows72.构建自己在制作体积小且强大的OBD接口时,不可能避免使用细间距SMD器件。然而,如果使用现成的SMD微控制器模块,则DIY方法是可行的。这里使用的DXM模块1在2009年9月的Elektor2中描述。本机随附用于OBD应用的32位ARM Cortex M3处理器的DXM模块和一系列外设。通过加载固件,它成为一个通用的OBD-II诊断和控制单元,可以直接连接到车辆的OBD-II连接器。该模块可以使用AT命令(有关详细信息,请参见1)配置为各种应用,包括作为以适当波特率运行的诊断接口。在输出侧,它提供3.3 V电平的

8、串行接口。这可以连接到无线收发器,其可以例如是蓝牙或ZigBee模块。我们将看看下面的两个模块。2.1蓝牙蓝牙版本的OBD-II接口电路,包括一个DXM模块和一个蓝牙模块以及一个3.3 V开关稳压器。模块连接到输入侧的OBD-II连接器和输出侧的紧凑型Ray-son BTM222蓝牙模块。该模块在2009年12月发行的Elektor3中描述,并已经用于为自主OBD-II分析仪NG2提供蓝牙扩展。 该模块完全预配置,并以19200波特传输数据。 因此,我们还配置DXM模块以此速度运行。电路的电源从OBD-II插座获得,它提供车载12 V电源。 二极管D1提供反向极性保护,并且小的开关调节器有效地

9、将电压降低到两个模块所需的3.3V。BTM222是一个“3级”蓝牙模块,指定范围可达100米。 然而,该范围仅在理想情况下实现,并且需要在链路的另一端使用3类蓝牙接收器:这是大多数配备蓝牙的笔记本电脑不提供的。 如果需要最大范围,则3类蓝牙适配器可用作PC侧的收发器。 包含在部件套件中的电路板具有内置的印刷的四分之一波长天线。该天线工作得非常好,并且不应当通过添加额外长度的电线来改变。 该板已准备好安装SMD元件,只剩下少数元件需要焊接,蓝色器件是线圈L1,而不是电解电容。2.2 ZigBee而使用蓝牙数据传输是通过使用密码配对设备授权的,ZigBee是两个固定站之间的点对点协议。由于笔记本电

10、脑通常不带有ZigBee接口,因此必须使用插入计算机的USB加密狗。最大可达40 m的范围,但接口设计用于在更短的范围内进行通信。为此项目设计的ZigBee USB记忆棒,专门设计用于与ZigBee OBD-II接口一起工作。这里, ZigBee版本的OBD-II接口接口包括两个ARM Cortex处理器:一个处理DXM模块中的08D通信,另一个用于与AT86RF230 ZigBee收发器设备通信。 其中每种情况都必须用软件配置。 为此,两个电路都包括一个主机微控制器:在OBD接口电路中,这是一个NXP LPC1313 Cortex M3器件,而在USB棒使用AtmeIAT90USB162is

11、。在每种情况下,微控制器负责初始化和用于优化OBD-II的要求的数据传输。所有传输的数据都必须专门处理OBD-II,所以最后我们正在查看专有的数据传输格式。因此,家庭制造的ZigBee U盘是唯一可以在这里使用的。LPC1313必须使得数据流非常快速地可用,以便尽可能少地增加总延迟。 这就是在ZigBee OBD-II接口中选择功能强大的32位Cortex M3器件的原因。 AT90USB162是USB记忆棒的理想选择,因为它包括一个内置的USB接口。AT86RF230 ZigBee收发器的接线遵循Atmel的建议。 变压器(巴伦)将信号与打印的四分之一波长天线匹配。 两个微控制器的固件可以从

12、Elektor网站下载为十六进制文件5。 有一定范围可以修改ZigBee接口中的代码,并且板上的两个微控制器的编程连接都可用。 因此,有兴趣的构造函数可以使用一个合适的在系统程序员进行实验6。OBD连接器和电源周围的电路与蓝牙版本没有什么特别的不同。 还可以使用ZigBee版本的套件,包含所有必要的组件和已安装的SMD。 OBD-II插头显示了焊接有OBD插头的组装板。 3.施工在两种型号中,DXM模块都焊接到印刷电路板的下侧。 如果有必要,一个技巧可以简化蓝牙版本中的DXM模块和BTM222模块的拆焊:切割一小张纸(10 mm25 mm),将其放在模块和板之间,留下一个狭窄的间隙。 然后可以

13、使用拆焊编织物更容易地将模块从板上移除。当焊接模块(在蓝牙接口的情况下,DXM模块和BTM222模块),最好只是首先焊接在电路中实际使用的引脚。当安装DXM模块时,仅焊接指示的引脚。 需要一个相当强大的铁来焊接模块上的g圆形插针。 在蓝牙版本上,唯一要焊接的组件是线圈L1,RXD和TXD的接头以及两个跳线。在ZigBee版本上,线圈焊接在板的与DXM模块相同的一侧。OBD插头以相同的方式安装在两个版本的接口上。首先焊接八向接头,然后从针上取下黑色塑料带,使用刀或钳将其提起。这使得随后的OBD-II连接器块的焊接(正确的方法!)更容易。本文附带的Elektor网页5包括一系列照片和简要的施工指南

14、,这将有助于您自己的方向。最后将壳体的两个半部分拧在一起,将有机玻璃垫片安装在为可靠的应力消除提供的空间中。在ZigBee接口中,提供了两个垫片(一个具有孔和一个透明),以允许按钮S1在必要时被操作。4.测试那些拥有Elektor OBD模拟器7的幸运读者将能够从自己的长凳舒适地测试他们的设备。 不幸的读者将不得不在他们的车上做真实的事情。 连接接口后,DXM模块上的两个LED将短暂闪烁,表示成功进行自检。如果使用蓝牙接口,启动笔记本电脑上的蓝牙接口,允许它找到新设备,并输入主密码“1234”。Windows提供了大量的虚拟COM端口。第一个端口由我们的应用软件用于通信。 该接口可以在终端仿真

15、器(如AGV-Supertool 8)的帮助下使用。必须选择正确的波特率(19200)和COM端口。在终端窗口中键入ATZ或ATI,它应该提示来自DXM模块的回复。这样,蓝牙连接已经成功测试。要测试ZigBee接口,需要安装驱动程序。插入ZigBee U盘,Windows助手将自动启动,并将您关闭到Elektor网站下载驱动程序。将自动建立连接,而不需要主密码。“ED测试仪”工具将帮助测试:两个组件,主机和USB记忆棒,应该被识别。场强度条表示的值应在30和50之间。5.软件笔记本上的诊断软件的操作与用于无线电通信的标准无关,这意味着两个版本都可以使用moDiagOBD软件。这在2010年4月

16、的Elektor杂志中作为描述分析仪NG的蓝牙扩展的一部分进行了描述,并且可以从5下载。“OBD-DIAG”程序也兼容这两个接口。一个有趣的可能性是通过蓝牙将OBD数据传输到智能手机。这将需要在智能手机上运行的合适的(以及尚未开发的)诊断软件; 然而,作者将热衷于帮助任何热情的软件开发商在这个方向有野心。6.互联网链接1www.dxm,obd- (DXM module)2 -II Analyser NG)3 with the ATM18)4l090918 (Bluetooth expansion for the OBD-II Analyser NG)5 OBD-II project pages

17、)6www.obd-diag.de (ISP STM/NXP device programmer)7 simulator)8www.er-forum.de/odb-diag-dl(OBD-DIAC software)Wireless OBD-II Car diagnostics interface with Bluetooth or ZigBeeThe cheapest way to diagnose faults on a modern car is to connect its OBD-II interface to a (notebook) PC running suitable dia

18、gnostics software. However, a wired connection is not always. the most suitable, and self-contained OBD testers are a rather expensive and less flexible alternative to using a PC. An interesting option is a wireless OBD interface with a radio interface to a PC: the homebrew solution described here a

19、llows the choice of using either Bluetooth or ZigBee.Almost every car these days has a diagnostics connector hidden away somewhere in the passenger compartment. Although the distance from the steering wheel is, with some exceptions, standardised (at 0.61 m), this does not seem to have constrained ma

20、nufacturers creativity significantly: OBD-II connectors are found tucked away in the door pillar, in the drivers footwell, in the central console, in the glove box, behind ash trays and storage compartment flaps and in who knows what other nooks and crannies. It is probably best not to have to try t

21、o find the connector in a hurry when your car has conked out at the side of the road.1. Make the connectionAssuming that you have managed to find your OBD-II connector, the next task is to get data from it to your PC. This requires special-purpose software along with, in the simplest case, a level s

22、hifter to convert the OBD-II signals to RS-232 voltage levels. Often a USB-to-RS-232 adaptor will be required as well, as few modern PCs have RS-232 ports.In the most straightforward scenario just one pin (called the K line) on the OBD-II socket is used. Then a MAX232 is all that is needed on the ha

23、rdware side, with a bidirectional output stage to interface to the socket. Using software specific to the model of vehicle the cars electronics can then be interrogated.In theory this remains valid with the stand-ardisation of OBD-II. Indeed, the pin out of the diagnostics connector is standardised

24、(for most pins at least), and there is a basic set of five permissible protocols (ISO,KWP2000, PWM,VPWM and CAN). A universal interface has to be able to recognize all these protocols and be able to adapt itself accordingly. This means that in practice the interface needs a microcontroller in additi

25、on to the level shifter so that a connection can be made automatically to the vehicles electronics and the desired data transferred. In combination with suitable OBD-II software it is then possible to obtain diagnostics from any petrol-engined car built from 2000 0nwards and any dieselengined car bu

26、ilt from 2003 0nwards,regardless of manufacturer. Normally the interface is plugged directly into the OBD-II socket in the car and then linked to a notebook using a USB or RS-232 cable. It is more practical, however, to use a radio link between OBD interface and notebook, especially if diagnostics a

27、re to be obtained while driving. In this case it is possible for the OBD interface to derive power from the OBD socket itself. As many notebooks and notebooks already include a Bluetooth interface (and those that dont can be kitted out with a suitable dongle), this would seem to be the ideal standar

28、d to choose. If Bluetooth is not suitable, ZigBee is available as an alternative. 1.1 Features. compact size, fits inside an OBD II plug. integrated DXM module. automatic protocols can.PWM,VPWM,ISOgi4i, KWP2000 and CAN interface standards.software compatible with moDlag and OBD-DIAG.suitable for use

29、 with all OBD-II-equipped cars1.2 Bluetooth version. compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Class 3 Bluetooth module with maximum range of 100m 1.3 ZigBee version. Cortex M3 and AtmeIATgoUSB162 host microcontroller. Windows driver using INF file. Frequency range 2405 MHz t0 2480 MH

30、z with automatic channel selection. Receiver sensitivity-101 dBm. IEEE 802n5.4-2003 (ZigBee-like protocol). automatic retry on failed transmission. range approximately 10 m t015 m (maximum approximately 30 m to 40 m). ZigBee USB stick compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows72. Build-it

31、-yourselfIn making a compact and powerful OBD interface it is impossible to avoid the use of fine-pitch SMD devices. However, the DIY approach is feasible if a ready-populated SMD microcontroller module is used. The DXM module 1 used here was described in the September 2009 issue of Elektor 2.As Fig

32、ure 1 shows, this unit comes with an ARM Cortex M3 processor and a panoply of peripherals. With firmware loaded it becomes a universal OBD-II diagnostics and control unit that can be connected directly to the vehicles OBD-II connector. The module can be configured for various applications using AT c

33、ommands (for further information see1),including as a diagnostics interface running at a suitable baud rate. On the output side it offers a serial inter-face at 3.3 V levels. This can be connected to a wireless transceiver, which might, for example, be a Bluetooth or ZigBee module. We will look at b

34、oth options below.2.1 BluetoothThe OBD-II Bluetooth interface circuit consists of a DXM module and a Bluetooth module plus a 3.3 V switching regulator. The DXM module is connected to the OBD-II connector on the input side and to the compact Ray-son BTM222 Bluetooth module on the output side. This mo

35、dule was described in the December 2009 issue of Elektor 3, and has already been used to provide a Bluetooth extension to the autonomous OBD-II Analyser NG 2. The module comes completely preconfigured and transfers data at 19200 baud. We therefore also configure the DXM module to run at this speed.P

36、ower for the circuit is obtained from the OBD-II socket, which provides the vehicles on-board 12 V supply. Diode Dl provides reverse polarity protection, and a small switching regulator efficiently steps the voltage down to the 3.3 V required by the two modules.The BTM222 is a class 3 Bluetooth modu

37、le, with a specified range of up to 100 m.However, this range is achieved only under ideal circumstances, and requires the use of a class 3 Bluetooth receiver at the other end of the link: this is not provided by most Bluetooth-equipped notebooks. If maximum range is required, then a class 3 Bluetoo

38、th dongle can be used as the transceiver on the PC side. The circuit board, included in the kit of parts, has a printed quarter-wave-length antenna built in. This antenna works very well and should not be modified by the addition of extra lengths of wire. The board is ready populated with the SMD co

39、mponents, and only a few components remain to be soldered ,the blue device in Figure 3 is coil L1, not an electrolytic.2.2 ZigBeeWhereas with Bluetooth data transfer is authorised by pairing devices using a password, ZigBee is a point-to-point protocol between two fixed stations. Since notebooks gen

40、erally do not come with ZigBee interfaces, it is necessary to use a USB dongle plugged into the computer. A range of up to 40 m is possible, but the interface is designed for communications over a rather shorter range.The circuit for the ZigBee USB stick designed for this project with the ZigBee OBD

41、-II interface.Here, The ZigBee OBD-II interface includes two ARM Cortex processors: one handling 08D communications in the DXM module and one for communicating with the AT86RF230 ZigBee transceiver device. which in each case must be configured in software. For this reason both circuits include a hos

42、t microcontroller: in the OBD interface circuit this is an NXP LPC1313 Cortex M3 device,while in the USB stick an AtmeIAT90USB162is used. In each case the microcontroller is responsible for initialisation and for optimising the data transfer for the requirements of OBD-II. All data transferred have

43、to be specially treated for OBD-II, and so in the end we are looking at a proprietary data transfer format. Consequently the home made ZigBee USB stick is the only one that can be used here.The LPC1313 has to make the data stream available very quickly, in order to add as little as possible to the o

44、verall latency. This is the reason for choosing a powerful 32-bit Cortex M3 device in the ZigBee OBD-II interface. The AT90USB162 is an ideal choice for the USB stick, as it includes a built-in USB interface.The wiring of the AT86RF230 ZigBee transceiver follows Atmels recommendations. A transformer

45、 (balun) matches the signal to the printed quarter-wavelength antenna.The firmware for the two microcontrollers can be downloaded from the Elektor website as a hex file 5. There is scope to modify the code in the ZigBee interface, and the programming connections for both microcontrollers a re availa

46、ble on the board. Interested constructors can therefore experiment using a suitable in-system programmer 6. Button S1 in Figure 5 is only used when the system has to learn a new USB stick.The circuit around the OBD connector and power supply is not especially different from the Bluetooth version. A

47、kit is also available for the ZigBee version, containing all the necessary components and with the SMDs already fitted. 3. ConstructionIn both versions the DXM module is soldered to the underside of the printed circuit board. A trick comes in handy to simplify desoldering the DXM module and BTM222 module in the Bluetooth version if necessary: cut a small piece of paper (10 mm by 25 mm) and place it between module and board, leaving a narrow gap. Then the module can be more easily removed from the board using desoldering braid.When soldering the module


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