1、面试经典问答大全(中英文双版)(强推)(续)99问:你是单独工作效率高还是小组工作时效率高?答:我需要一些个人时间去做计划,但我喜欢周围的人的活动和他们的声音,并和他们分享见解。我想,大多数作家需要完善,因为我们偶尔都会遇到写作上的困难。面试官在寻找一个能在有干扰的环境下工作的人。诚实地进行交流,表明你是一个灵活的、易于适应环境的职员。Q:Are you most productive working alone or in a group?A:I need some private time for planning,but otherwise I like the activity and
2、 noise of people around me and the ability to hare ideas.I think most writers need reinforcement,because we all get writers block occasionally.100问:告诉我使你难以保持客观的情形。答:我曾为我们的图书馆研究一种新的在线资源,但最后我的经理却决定撤销资金。我感到沮丧,因为我为该产品激动,就像卖主那样,我告诉了许多人可以拥有这种资源。但我明白改变预算的必要性,并且在当时此事不是我说了算的。在这里,一个明显的例子就是你已在一个项目上花了很多时间,而得到的结
3、果就是取消该项目,或你可能发现该项目从战略上讲,并没有你期望中的那么出色。你是否能够重新调整你的思维做一些从长远来看是最好的事情。Q:Tell me about a situation in which it was difficult to remain objective.A:Id researched a new online source for our library,and my manager decided to pull funding at the last minute.It was ustrating for me because Id gotten excited a
4、bout the product,liked the vendor,and had even told some people to count on having the resource.But I understand the need to revise budgets,and the matter was out of my control at the time.101问:你现在的老板想改变你的什么工作习惯?答:我习惯早上工作,而我的老板却是个夜猫子。我喜欢提前至少一小时到办公室,通常是7点左右,一到办公室就开始工作,而我的老板喜欢9点以后来办公室,一就到晚上。所以我想知道她要改变
5、我的一项习惯,很可能是要我也变成个夜猫子,以便她想工作的时候我也在场。面试官想知道你是如何与你将来的老板和同事合作的,同时他们还想确信,他们已发现了你与人合作方式里的所有与众不同之处。回答该问题,一个好方法就是指出彼此之间轻微的爱好差别。或者你可以有选择地谈谈你跟老板经过共同努力改善了的缺点。Q:What might your current boss want to change about your work habits?A:Im a morning person and shes a night owl.I like to come into the office at least a
6、n hour early,usually by seven,to get a jump start on my work.My boss likes to come in after nine and work late into the evening.So I think if she could changeone thing about me,shed probably make me into a night owl,too,so that Id be available during many of the same hours she likes to work.102问:谈谈你
7、所认识的卓有成就的经理、管理者,或其他处于领导位置的人。答:我曾碰到过一位非常优秀的教授,在他给我们上新课之前,总会复习上一课的重点。他细心地观察我们的反应,我们一旦有疑惑,他就会重复所讲的内容。有时他会问些反馈性的问题“你们还有什么困难吗?”,他从来不作太多的假设,也不会让我们因为未能迅速掌握一个概念就觉得自己很愚蠢。请谈谈一个管理者的管理模式和人际技巧。重点在建设性上,那就是他是如何工作的,而不在于他做什么类型的工作。他是如何能够取得如此骄人的成就并能得到你的赞许的?Q:Tell me about an effective manager,supervisor,or other perso
8、n in a leading role youve known.A:The best professor I ever had always reviewed me most important points from our last class before he moved on to new material.He also watched our faces carefully and repeated information whenever he saw a blank stare.Sometimes he would just ask for feedback by sayin
9、g,“What are you having difficulty with?”He never assumed too much or made us feel dumb for not grasping a concept quickly.103问:你认为哪种类型的管理模式是有成效的?答:有些人充当教练而不是专家,我总能从他们身上学到有价值的东西。当别人有问题向我请教时,我会尽力提供帮助,就如和他一块分析推理一样,在帮助他时我也在学习,但我从来不给对方答案,我想帮他树立独立解决问题的信心更重要。这个问题与“讲讲你所认识的卓有成效的经理或管理者”很相似,举一个你个人或众所周知的领导人卓有成效
10、的领导的例子。为什么该领导能有这么大的成就?谈谈你自己的管理模式和你与同事和领导之间的人际关系,并且谈谈你如何从你所钦佩的领导人身上学到好的习惯。Q:What type of management style do you think is effective?A:Ive always learned well from people who act as coaches rather than experts.When someone comes to me with a problem,I try to act as if Im reasoning through the problem
11、with the person,learning as I go.I never just give an answer.I want employees to develop confidence in creating answers for themselves.104问:描述一下你个人的管理方式。答:我重复别人告诉我的东西,但我用一种有助于他们独立发现问题和找到答案的方式重新归纳它们。有时,我只是不断地提问,直到他们找到解决方法为止。这种方法,是我从一位成功从事审讯工作的律师朋友那里学来的。谈你的管理方式和你与同事、领导之间的人际技巧。谈谈你是如何从所敬佩的领导人身上学到好的习惯。Qe
12、scribe your personal management style.A:I repeat what someone has told me,but I reorganize the information in a way that helps them see the problem or answer themselves.Sometimes I just ask questions until they see a clear solution.I learned this from watching a friend whos a ccessful trial lawyer.1
13、05问:你觉得你跟哪一类型的人一起工作能使工作最有成效?答:我倾向于和有自信并且性格直率的人一起工作,与懦弱的人一起相处则较难,因为我工作节奏快且处事果断。重点谈积极的方面,你是哪种类型的上司、员工和同事?请记住,面试官想知道你如何与公司的其他人处得好,而不是公司里别的员工如何适应你。Q:What type of people do you work with most effectively?A:I tend to work well with people who are confident and straightforward.Its more difficult for me to
14、be around timid eople,because I move quickly and am decisive.106问:同事给你印象最深的是什么?答:我敬佩性格好、诚实而且正直的人,并能与他们合作得很好。我认为,自信和热情在任何工作环境里都起积极的作用。雇主想知道你的人际关系技巧怎么样。更可能的就是,你不但要跟你所在的部门的人交往,更要与公司的其他人交往。显现出你能在这方面表现出色。Q:What things impress you in colleagues?A:I admire and work best with people who are of good characte
15、r and have integrity.I also think confidence and enthusiasm is positive in any business environment.107问:你的上司所做的事情有哪些是你不喜欢的?答:我惟独不喜欢的一件事就是当着大家的面询问反馈信息,我愿意私下听取正反两面的反馈,以使我有时间且不受任何干扰地对该问题进行思考和作出反应。我相信这是提高学识或改变将来的行为的公平做法。介绍一下你从困境中学到的积极经验,尽可能地避免对前任老板或经理进行批评。Q:What are some of the things your supervisor d
16、id that you disliked?A:The only thing I really dont like is to get feedback in front of others.I want to hear good or bad feedback in private,so that I have time to think and react to the issue without other distractions.I believe thats the fair way to improve earning or to change future behavior.10
17、8问:你如何组织和安排那些重点项目?答:我会事先集体讨论,假定最好、最糟糕和最可能出现的情形。接着我会拟定一个比较切实可行的时间表。我发现在计划执行中最好和最坏的一面都会同时出现,当这些问题出现时,我就能容易地调整我的计划,因为我已经想像到会发生什么事情和我该如何作出反应。告诉面试官,你在完成复杂任务的一般方法上的一个好主意。你可以从以下方面着手:你如何安排时间、设置时间下限、任务轻重缓急的排序、分派任务和决定你该做什么。Q:How do you organize and plan for major projects?A:I love to brainstorm a best,worst,a
18、nd most likely scenario.Then I set a timetable thats realistic.What I usually find is that some combination of my best and worst cases evolves;I can adjust my schedule easily as these things unfold because Ive already visualized what could happen and how Id react.109问:描述一下你在巨大压力下工作的一次经历。答:在连续不断地工作了两
19、个星期后,我还得完成最后的1/4的工作。打进打出的电话多得令人难以置信,因为我不能随身带着办公文件。很幸运,我有个得力的秘书和不错的文件系统。最后,我们把每件事都处理得井井有条。回答这样一个问题,最好的办法就是集中在你的时间安排技巧上。举一个有足够细节的例子,谈你面临的严峻形势及你如何轻松自如地解决了问题。Qescribe a time when youve worked under intensepressure.A:I had to complete an endofquarter report once while I was on the road for two consecutiv
20、e weeks.The amount of lephoning back and forth was incredible,because I couldnt bring my office files with me.Luckily I had a great secretary and a logical filing system,so we located everything we needed.110问:在典型的工作日,你如何安排时间?答:我总是给予已建立起关系的顾客优先权,因为他们提供给我们更好的机遇和回报。最后一件事,是处理商业信件,尤其是内部的商业函件,这些都放在快下班或周末
21、去做。面试官想要一个证据来证明求职者能根据工作队伍的需要、部门的调整及任务的性质,来对工作做出轻重缓急的安排。他还想确信你不会为了避免工作的单调而优先娱乐,从长远来看,必要的惯例对于工作来说是很重要的。Q:How do you manage your time on a typical day?A:Ive always given priority to work with established clients,because they offer a better risk/return value.The last thing I do is general correspondence
22、,especially internal correspondence,which I take care of at the end of the day or week.111问:描绘你按别人的建议行事的例子。答:我改变了我的办公时间,因为几个员工都觉得除了早上,其余时间就很难找到我。展示你灵活的一面和你的人际关系技巧。人们乐意向你提建议吗?他们会相信你能公平客观地听取他们的意见吗?当你确实接受建议时,你会对他们表示赞赏吗?使面试官相信你的管理方式是合理的、公正的,而且你欣赏别人的好建议。Qescribe a time when you acted on someones suggesti
23、on.A:I changed my open office hours because several of my employees found it difficult to visit me except in the early mornings.112问:描述你在上司面前为自己的见解辩护的一次经历。答:我说服上司改变公关公司。我确信以芝加哥为基地的公司不能满足我们在西海岸的利益,通过向上司展示客源统计变化后,我说服了他。这与描述“你按他人的建议行事的经历”是相对立的。你能提出有建设性的建议并且让他人明白你的想法吗?请举出具体的例子来说明。Q:Tell me about a time
24、when you had to defend an idea to your boss.A:Once I had to convince my boss to change PR firms.I really believed that our interests on the West Coast werent being met by our Chicagobased firm.I was able to convince him after showing him the demographic shift in our customer base.113问:你想改变你的管理形式的哪些方
25、面?答:别人向我征求意见时,我常常控制着自己不把答案直接告诉别人。我认为使别人学会如何解决问题更为重要。我越来越善于教导别人并提出问题,但我从不告诉别人该怎么做。谈谈你正在努力改进的管理方式的一个方面。告诉面试官你采取的步骤,并给出证据来说明你取得的进步。Q:What aspect of your management style would you like to change?A:Ive been working on holding back the urge to tell people the answers when they ask for advice.I think its
26、more mportant to teach people how to solve their own problems.Ive gotten better at coaching and presenting questions and feedback without telling people what to do.114问:你有没有感到上司及同事对你的排斥?答:我必须说明一下为何我曾认为黑白色调更切合保险小册子的内容。最初,办公室里没有人赞同这个想法,因为我们都习惯于彩色的册子,人人都认为黑白册子看上去显得低档。最后我终于说服大家,用更为巧妙的方法呈现死亡抚慰金这一大难题会更行之有
27、效。举出具体例子说明你为自己的观点辩护的例子。避开谈及个性抵触、怨恨情绪或愤怒的争吵。你如何令别人理解你的观点?结果如何?一定要以积极的语气结束谈话。Q:Have you ever felt defensive around your boss or peers?A:I had to explain once why I thought a blackandwhite brochure was more suitable for the content of an insuranceproduct brochure.No one in my office liked the idea init
28、ially,because we were all used to color brochures,and everybody felt that black and white looked cheap.Eventually I convinced them that a more subtle approach would work better to present information about a difficult topicdeath benefits.115问:谈谈影响你管理风格的一次学习经历。答:我早期在银行工作时,给一位副执行主席发信,但忘记给在他手下做事的两位副行政主
29、席发副本。其中一位断定我有意作梗。从那以后,我对关键环节非常小心。把你的回答内容稍作改变,用以回应这个问题:“谈谈你最不喜欢的经理或监督员”。在此描述一次正面或反面的使你获得有效管理经验的教训,或者描述一位经理让你做你认为难以实现的事情的手段,他是如何激发你的?Q:Tell me about a learning experience that affected your management style.A:Early in my job at the bank,I wrote a letter to an EVP but failed to make copies for the two
30、AVPs who worked for him.One of them was impacted by the content of the memo and concluded that Id circumvented him on purpose.Ive really been careful about chain of command ever since.116问:你有没有仿效过别人的管理形式?答:我在许多方面效仿我的第一位上司。我在桌上为每个工作成员准备了一个文件袋。他们可把便条、想法、要我检查的工作或其他东西放在那儿,我就用这些材料来处理事情。这成为我们大家沟通的另一种形式。那么
31、,当我们坐下来谈论时,要解决的问题都在手头上了。你应该描述一位自己认识的上司,用积极的方式激发你去达到超出你自己目标的要求。详细说明他是如何实现这种做法的。Q:Have you patterned your management style after someone in particular?A:Ive emulated my first boss in many ways.I keep a file for each member of my staff on my desk.They can throw notes,ideas,work they want me to review,o
32、r anything else in there,and I do the same with material I have for them.Its an xtraform of communication whenever one of us gets an idea.Then,when we sit down to talk,the issues we need to cover are in one place,at our fingertips.117问:描述一位你敬佩的领导。答:我一直很敬佩公司的董事长,他不是那种高高在上的人,他不占用特殊的车位或餐位,他给人的感觉就像他只是团体
33、里的一员而已。举例说明你认为能干的领导,这个例子可以是个人认同的,也可以是大众认同的。为何你相信这位领导能取得如此的成就?你从你所敬佩的领导身上学到了什么?Q:Describe a leader you admire.A:Ive always admired the president of my company.Hes visible,he doesnt want a special parking place or table in the afeteria,and he gives you the feeling that hes just another member of the t
34、eam.118问:你怎样处理工作中遇到的批评意见?答:第一次受到一个客户的抱怨时,我发现很难把这些抱怨和我的专业报账服务分开。那个客户对自动柜员机停工检修感到不满。我知道表示同情和理解往往能平息这种不愉快。我还认识到,没有客户会对每一样事情都感到满意,即使他们所有的经历都是积极的。面试官正寻找一种能表明求职者责任感和职业特性的东西。描述具体的一项工作计划或习惯曾带给你的麻烦,直到后来你勇敢地面对并克服了这些困难。或者你可以谈谈你是如何对工作中遇到的特别严厉或者无理的批评与指责做出客观而专业的反应的。Q:How have you handled criticism of your work?A:
35、The first time I had a complaint from a client,I found it difficult to keep the complaint separate from my professional service of the account.The client was upset about the downtime on ATM machines.I learned that showing empathy usually calms an unpleasant situation;I also learned that no client is
36、 going to be happy with everything,even if that clients overall experience is positive.119问:告诉我你最近一次说错话的情形?答:我告诉我的朋友丽莎,我不会再参加年鉴俱乐部的聚会,因为我觉得编辑根本就是个白痴。后来我发现编辑居然是她的堂兄,我立刻向她道歉,并问她为什么在我说这蠢话时没有作声。幸好,我和她直到现在还是朋友。每个人都会犯错,能认识错误是很重要的。面试官想了解你是不是具有是非感,还有你会采取什么措施去弥补过错。别人对你、你的公司或者你的客户留下一个坏的印象,这会给你的公司带来很大的不利。Q:Tel
37、l me about the last time you put your foot in your mouth.A:I told my friend Lisa that Id no longer be attending yearbookclub meetings because I thought the editor was a complete idiot.I later found out that the editor was her cousin.As soon as I found out,I apologized and asked her why she didnt say
38、 anything when I made that foolish comment.Luckily,she and I are still friends today.120问:告诉我,你与同事相处时遇到的问题。答:我非常平易近人,而且易于与大部分人融洽相处。但我记得有一次,我们请了一个爱发号施令的新助手,他的态度冒犯了一位实习生。我把他叫到一旁,告诉他请求别人帮忙比命令别人去做事有效得多。不幸的是,我的意见似乎没起多大作用。但从那以后,我们在聘用新员工时都更加小心了。免讨论与个性抵触的问题,而应把重点放在你与你的同事的职业道德的不同之处,又或者把重点放在面试官有可能强调的其他方面。例如:你
39、可以谈谈某些人追求完美的标准没有你那么高。Q:Tell me about a problem youve had getting along with a work associate.A:Im pretty easygoing and tend to get along with most people.But I remember one time when we brought in a new associate who was very bossyto the point where he offended one of our interns with his attitude.I
40、 actually pulled him aside and told him that I found it more productive to ask people for help than to give orders.Unfortunately,my advice didnt seem to help much,but we were more careful when we hired new staff after that.121问:你的专业技能如何成为你宝贵的财富?答:尽管我从未想过要当作家或出版商,但我在市场推广部的大量工作都要靠良好的写作技巧和富有创意的设计才能。大学时
41、在报社的兼职工作让我学会许多出版方面的知识,如何排版和如何写最有影响力的短句等技巧。市场推广方面的工作使我必须向图形设计师说明我的目标,以避免大量的复查工作。描述你如何用专业技能解决问题。举个具体的例子,说明相同的技能怎样才能在不同情况或在你负责的工作中变得实用。如果你被聘用,在什么样的环境下你会发挥得最好。Q:How have your technical skills been an asset?A:Although I never planned on a career as a writer or publisher,much of my job in marketing has de
42、pended on good writing and creative layout skills.My parttime college job with a newspaper taught me a lot about desktop publishing,how to position something on a page effectively,and how to write short sentences with maximum impact.In all of my marketing jobs,Ive been able to explain my goals clear
43、ly to graphic designers,which has helped me avoid costly design revisions.122问:描述你运用专业技能解决问题的情形。答:在运送部件到达目的地时总是出现裂痕。我用原料学方面的知识判断这与航运期间的存放温度有关,尽管我们的仪器都安全地存放在两端封闭的地方,但在到达目的地之前,仪器要放在无空调设备的船舱里30个小时。现在我们用另一家航运公司运送货物,我们用贴在货物上的标签显示极高或极低温度都是不允许的。迅速向面试官说明问题,然后集中在你的专业技能如何帮你解决问题。你采取了什么行动?取得什么效果?Q:Describe a si
44、tuation in which youve applied technical skills to solve a problem.A:One of our components kept arriving at distribution points with stress cracks.My materialsscience background helped me to diagnose the problem as one of storage temperature during shipping.Although our equipment was safely stored a
45、t both end points,it had been sitting in unairconditioned cargo space for up to thirty hours before reaching its destination.Were now using a different shipping company,and weve improved our labeling on large shipments to reflect the users warning about temperature extremes.123问:你的专业技巧和其他技巧结合起来如何能提高
46、工作效率?答:良好的经济学知识和电脑销售经验,为我提供了综合的技能并使我能在电脑行业方面从事金融调查工作。我的大部分熟人和他们的兴趣都与高新科技有关,因此很自然我有好奇心,而这有助我与行业的变革同步前进。这个问题给你一次推销你自己的机会,即为何你独特的复合技能奏效?举出一两个例子说明你常被要求去处理的事项。Q:How do your technical skills,combined with other skills,add to your effectiveness on the job?A:My strong economics background,along with my comp
47、utersales experience,provide a balanced set of skills to perform financial research on the computer industry.Most of my contacts and hobbies are also related to high tech,so I offer a natural curiosity that helps me stay abreast of changes in the industry.124问:描述你如何运用解决问题的步骤。答:一次我们接待了几个客人,他们被安排在地区周围
48、免费的酒店住宿。我建议成立一个电脑小组建立一个预告系统,顾客的名字与先前的不满记录或免费服务相对应。现在,当顾客登记入住时,我们输入名字,就马上知道这个顾客在我们的任意一家酒店中有过不愉快的经历。我们小心地对待这位顾客,承认我们意识到问题所在,并承诺尽可能地向他们提供完美的服务。这一做法既预防了那些想欺诈的顾客,又告诫了我们职员要特别小心对待那些再次光顾我们酒店的顾客。我们酒店的满意率提升了,欺诈事例减少了。向面试官说明你如何一步步解决问题,如何做到圆满的成功。你用什么措施或准则来控制解决问题的步骤?结果如何?Q:Describe how youve used a problemsolving
49、 process.A:We once had several customers whod arranged numerous free hotel stays around the country using our 100 percent atisfaction guarantee.I suggested leading a PC task force to set up a warning system that flags any guest name corresponding to a revious reported complaint or free service.Now w
50、hen a guest checks in and we type in a name,we know immediately that the person has had an unpleasant experience at one of our hotels.We proactively approach the guest,acknowledge were aware of the problem,and offer our commitment to do everything possible to provide them with impeccable service.Thi