2022年小升初尖子生测试题及答案 .pdf

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1、精选资料欢迎下载小学尖子生测试卷及答案数学卷(包括三道大题, 14 道小题,时间 60 分钟,满分 80 分 )一、填空题(本道大题包含5 道小题,每道小题4 分)1.计算:111111+1 222232333343 449 10 10=_。2.有 30 个数: 1.64, 1.64+130,1.64+230, 1.64+2930。如果取每个数的整数部分,并将这些整数相加,那么,这些整数之和是_。3.某次数学竞赛原定一等奖10 人,二等奖 20 人,现在将一等奖中最后4 人调整为二等奖,这样,得二等奖的学生平均分提高了1 分,得一等奖的学生的平均分提高了3 分。那么,原来一等奖平均分比二等奖平

2、均分多_分。4.在一条公路上,甲、乙两个地点相距600 米,张明每小时行走4 千米,李强每小时行走 5 千米。8 点整,他们两人从甲、乙两地同时出发相向而行,1 分钟后他们都调头反向而行,再过 3 分钟,他们又调头相向而行,依次按照1、3、5、7(连续奇数)分钟数调头行走。那么,张、李两个人相遇时是8 点_分。5.某班在一学年中组织了三次郊游活动,有 70的学生参加了第一次郊游,80的同学参加了第二次郊游, 90的同学参加了第三次郊游,有l2 人这三次郊游都参加了,全班每人至少参加两次。这个班有_学生。二、填空题(本道大题包含7 道小题,前面每道小题6 分,第 12 题 8 分)6.在自然数中

3、恰有 4 个因数的所有两位数的个数是个。7.甲、乙两个盒子共装了400多个球,如果甲给乙 x 个,则甲比乙少196; 如果乙给甲 x个,则乙比甲少176;则 x =_ 。8.一方有难,八方支援,武汉市红十字会决定由甲、乙两个服装厂生产同一规格的成衣送往灾区。现知每个厂的人员和设备都能全力进行上衣和裤子的生产。但是各厂的特点不同,甲厂每月用53的时间生产上衣,52的时间生产裤子,每月生产900套成衣;乙厂每月用74的时间生产上衣,73的时间生产裤子,每月生产1200套成衣。为了尽可能多生产成衣支援灾区,现在两厂联合起来生产,尽量发挥各自的特长多生产成衣,那么联合起来后比过去一个月多生产成衣_套。

4、9.把 1、5、25、125等 5 的方幂定义为 A 数,如果一个数能写成一个或几个不同的A数的和或差,则称这个数为“好数” ,比如 21( 25 5 1)就是好数, 130( 125 5)也是好数,但 17 就不是好数我们把好数从小到大排列,第11个数是 _。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页精选资料欢迎下载10. 如图,有一个正方体水箱,在某一个侧面相同高度的地方有三个大小相同的出水孔用一个进水管给空水箱灌水,若三个出水孔全关闭,则需要用1 个小时将水箱灌满;若打开一个出水孔,则需要用1 小时 5 分钟将水箱灌满

5、;若打开两个出水孔, 则需要用 72 分钟将水箱灌满 那么,若三个出水孔全打开,则需要用 _分钟才能将水箱灌满。11.一个等腰直角三角形和一个正方形如图摆放,、这三块的面积比依次为1:4:41。那么,、这两块的面积比是_。12. 在下面等式中, 不同的汉字代表不同的数字, 代表一位自然数。要使算式成立,“好”字代表数字_。巨人尖子班好厉害 =好好好好好好好好好三、解答题(本道大题包含2 道小题,每道小题8 分)13.某项工程,可由若干台机器在规定的时间内完成,如果增加2 台机器,则只需用规定时间的87就可做完;如果减少2 台机器,那么就要推迟32小时做完,现问:由一台机器去完成这项工程需要多少

6、时间?14. 下表显示了上次武汉巨人学校尖子生测试结果,上行的值表示智慧点数, 下行表示获得该点数的人数:智慧点数0 1 2 3 13 14 15 人数9 5 7 23 5 2 1 经分析知: 1智慧点数最高为 15点;2对3点或3点以上的测试者来说,每人平均是6点;3对 12点或者 12点以下的测试者来说,每人平均是5点。问:本次测试所有测试者的总点数是多少 ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页精选资料欢迎下载语文卷(包括两道大题, 16 道小题,时间 30 分钟,满分 30 分 )题号一二三总分得分一基础知识1

7、1 分1、请根据汉字写出拼音。 2 分()()()()()峭壁倾斜天 涯海 角呜咽给予2、请选出没有错别字的一组()2 分A 喧闹、云霄、踱步、谈笑风声B 诧异、急燥、鉴赏、大名鼎鼎C 谦逊、矫健、懊悔、金碧辉煌D 惊惶、坚韧、淳朴、强辞夺理3、请选出下列各组词语都是形容词的一项()2 分A 美丽、胆怯、渺小、阻挡B 刚强、果断、昏暗、凶狠C 珍藏、珍贵、修长、微小D 凶猛、赞颂、风趣、坚固4、“气蒸云梦泽,波憾岳阳城” 。是孟浩然描写的壮观景象;“秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还” ,这两句诗出自于王昌龄的出赛二首,诗句中的“人”指的是。2 分5、在括号里写出对联歌咏的古人的名字。3 分草堂留

8、后世,诗圣著千秋。()千古诗才,蓬莱文章建安骨;一身傲骨,青莲居士谪仙人。()写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入木三分。()二口语交际5 分体验采访 - 采访要有明确的目的性,事先要明确采访的对象,列好采访的提纲。校园小记者周青准备采访即将告别母校的六年级同学,请你为他列个采访提纲。三、阅读理解14 分苏七块冯骥才苏大夫本名苏金散,民国初年在小白楼一带,开所行医,正骨拿环,天津卫挂头牌。连洋人赛马,折胳膊断腿,也来求他。(A)他人高袍长,手瘦有劲,五十开外,红唇皓齿,眸子赛灯,下巴颏儿一绺山羊须,浸了油似的乌黑锃亮。张口说话,声音打胸腔出来,带着丹田气,远近一样响,要是当年入班学戏,保准是金少山的冤

9、家对头。他手下动作更是“ 干净麻利快 ” ,逢到有人伤筋断骨精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页精选资料欢迎下载找他来,他呢? ( B)手指一触,隔皮截肉,里头怎么回事,立时心明眼亮。忽然双手赛一对白鸟,上下翻飞,疾如闪电,只听“ 咔嚓咔嚓 ” ,不等病人觉疼,断骨头就接上了。贴块膏药,上了夹板,病人回去自好。倘若再来,一准是鞠大躬谢大恩送大匾来了。人有了能耐,脾气也怪了。苏大夫有个格色的规矩,凡来瞧病,无论贫富亲疏,必得先拿七块银元码在台子上,他才肯瞧病,否则决不搭理。这叫嘛规矩?他就这规矩!人家骂他认钱不认人,能耐

10、就值七块,因故得个挨贬的绰号叫做:苏七块。当面称他苏大夫,背后叫他苏七块,谁也不知他的大名苏金散了。苏大夫好打牌, 一日闲着,两位牌友来玩, 三缺一,便把街北不远的牙医华大夫请来,凑上一桌。玩得正来神儿,忽然三轮车夫张四闯进来,往门上一靠,右手托着左胳膊肘,脑袋瓜淌汗,脖子周围的小褂湿了一圈,显然摔坏胳膊,疼得够劲。可三轮车夫都是赚一天吃一天,哪拿得出七块银元?他说先欠着苏大夫,过后准还,说话时还哼哟哼哟叫疼。谁料苏大夫听似没听,照样摸牌看牌算牌打牌,或喜或忧或惊或装作不惊,脑子全在牌桌上。一位牌友看不过去,使手指指门外,苏大夫眼睛仍不离牌。“ 苏七块 ” 这绰号就表现得斩钉截铁了。牙医华大夫

11、出名的心善,他推说去撒尿,离开牌桌走到后院,钻出后门,绕到前街,远远把靠在门边的张四悄悄招呼过来,打怀里摸出七块银元给了他。不等张四感激,转身打原道返回,进屋坐回牌桌,若无其事地接着打牌。过一会儿,张四歪歪扭扭走进屋,把七块银元“ 哗” 地往台子上一码,这下比按铃还快,苏大夫已然站在张四面前,挽起袖子,把张四的胳膊放在台子上,捏几下骨头,跟手左拉右推,下顶上压。张四抽肩缩颈闭眼龇牙,预备重重挨几下,苏大夫却说:“ 接上了。 ” 当下便涂上药膏,夹上夹板,还给张四几包活血止疼口服的药面子。张四说他再没钱付药款,苏大夫只说了句: “ 这药我送了。 ” 便回到牌桌旁。今儿的牌各有输赢,更是没完没了,

12、直到点灯时分,肚子空得直叫,大家才散。临出门时,苏大夫伸出瘦手,拦住华大夫,留他有事。待那二位牌友走后,他打自己座位前那堆银元里取出七块,往华大夫手心一放。在华大夫惊愕中说道:“ 有句话,还得跟您说。您别以为我这人心地不善,只是我立的这规矩不能改!” 华大夫把这话带回去,琢磨了三天三夜,到底也没琢磨透苏大夫这话里的深意。但他打心眼儿里钦佩苏大夫这事这理这人。13. 阅读全文,概括苏七块这一人物形象的特点。3 分14. “格色”一词在文中的含义是什么?小说介绍苏七块“格色的规矩”有什么用?3分15. 小说中多处运用细节描写刻画人物形象,任选一处加以欣赏。4 分16. 请对文中的 A B 处加批注

13、。 4 分英语卷(包括六道大题, 43 道小题,时间 30 分钟,满分 40 分 )一. 找出下列单词画线部分发音与其它三个单词不同的。(5 ) ( ) A. baby B. plant C. lake D. sand 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页精选资料欢迎下载( ) A. birds B. is C. sixteen D. sweater ( ) A. cycle B. class room C. center D. course ( ) A. thanks B. those C. weather D. t

14、hrow ( ) A. slow B. blow C. brown D. cow 二. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。(5 ) 1. “ Ma Lin, it s your turn. You are the _ (five). 2. Sorry, I am late because the bus was _ (late) than yesterday. 3. Did he _ (eat) many ice creams last Sunday? Yes, he_ (do). 4. Listen! Nancy _ (sing) an English song now. 三. 从 A、B、C 中选出

15、最佳选项。 (10 ) ( ) 1. Jackie Chan( 成龙) is a super _. A. policeman B. actor C. cleaner ( ) 2. How many _are there in the street? A. shoe store B. shoe stores C. shoes stores ( ) 3. I want to exercise. Would you like to go to the _ with me? A. gym B. clinic C. classroom ( ) 4.- How old is Peter? - He is

16、_.Today is his _birthday. A. thirty ;thirteenth B. thirty; thirtieth C. thirteen; thirtieth ( ) 5. Look! The tiger is _ A. runs B. run C. running ( ) 6. She _ a mouse in the street last night. A. see B. saw C. will see ( ) 7.We _ a trip tomorrow. A. take B. are going to take C. took ( ) 8. -Would yo

17、u like some _ dumplings, Jenny? -No, thanks. A. more B. many C. much ( ) 9. I wanted to fly a kite. I hurt my arm and Jenny _me. A. help B. helping C. helped ( ) 10. -_ do you exercise?- Twice a day. A. How long B. How often C. How much 四.句型转换。 (5 ) 1. We are sweeping the floor. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _ 2. He

18、goes to school on foot.( 就划线部分提问 ) _ 3. He has a pencil. ( 改为否定句 ) _ 4. What s the matter with you?( 改为同义句 ) _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页精选资料欢迎下载5. They pick apples in the country. ( 用 now 改为现在进行时) _ _ 五.完形填空。 (5 ) A Most American families are smaller than the families

19、in other countries. Most American families have one or two_1_and one or two children each. Children in the US will_2_their parents home when they grow up. They usually live_3_their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often_4_to their parents or telephone them. And they often go to visi

20、t their parents on_5_. Parents usually let their children choose their_6_job. Americans think it is_7_for a young people to decide on their lives by themselves. Children are asked to do some work_8_their house. And in many families, children are_9_for doing some work so that they can learn_10_to mak

21、e money for their own use. “ This bbird, can ttalk,” he says. “ It can only stttamer.”( ) 1 A. uncles B. aunts C. parents D. grand parents ( )2.A. leave B. reach C. love D. hate ( )3. A. near B. far from C. next to D. close to ( )4.A. come B. drive C. move D. write ( ) 5.A.Monday B. weekdays C. Frid

22、ay D. holidays ( ) 6.A.own B. first C. last D. best ( ) 7.A.bad B. possible C. important D. wrong ( ) 8.A.outside B. around C. next D. beside ( ) 9.A.asked B. made C. paid D. called ( ) 10.A.what B. when C. where D. how 六. 阅读理解。 (10 ) A Hello Kitty She has no mouth, but she always looks happy. She s

23、 on just about everything you see; clocks, notebooks, schoolbags, watches, even on toasters(烤面包机 )!She is Hello Kitty-one of the most popular cats on the earth. Hello Kitty was born on November 1 and she lived in London with her parents and her twin sister, Mummy. Her hobbies include travelling, mus

24、ic, reading, eating delicious cookies and making new friends. The Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty 31 years ago. The cat soon became a big hit. People love her different styles. In 1995,she was wearing a nurse s uniform. Two years later, the ribbon(饰带) in her hair was changed to a flower. Mi

25、llions of Japanese schoolgirls copied her style. In 1999,Kitty even got a boy friend, Daniel. “ Why do we love Kitty so much? It is because she is changing with the times, ”said Yuko Yamaguchi, the Hello Kitty designer. “ We always try to give Kitty a 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6

26、 页,共 8 页精选资料欢迎下载fresh look. The first Kitty I made was with a piano. That was because lots of Japanese girls at that time played the piano. And a piano was something they all wanted.”( ) 1. Hello Kitty is a _name. A. dog s B. cat s C. monkey s D. girl s ( ) 2. Hello Kitty was born on_1st. A. August

27、B. September C. October D. November ( ) 3. Daniel was Kitty s_. A. father B. brother C. uncle D. boyfriend ( )4.why do people love Kitty? A. Because it s a beautiful dog. B. Because she has a twin sister C. Because it s a clever cat D. Because she is changing with the times BListening needs thinking

28、 Andy was watching TV and reading an interesting book when his mother came into the living room and asked him ,” Will it be fine tomorrow? what did the TV say? Did you listen to it ?”“ Oh, Mum, I m sorry .” said Andy ,” I wasn t listening carefully.”Has something like that ever happened to you? You

29、hear something , but you don t really concentrate( 集中) on it. Hearing and listening are different. You can hear a lot of words and sounds but not pay attention to them . But you have to pay attention to them when you listen . It is not easy to be a good listener. One way to become a good listener is

30、 to think about the words that you have heard. Listening needs thinking . ( ) 1. What was Andy doing when his mother came into the living room? A. He concentrated on reading the newspaper. B. He was watching TV. C. He was reading an interesting book and watching TV at the same time. D. He was talkin

31、g to his friend on the phone. ( ) 2. What did Andy s mother want to know about? A. She wanted to know about the weather. B. She wanted to know about Andy s tests. C. She wanted to know if they could start dinner or not. D. She wanted to know when Andy s father would come home. ( )3. Why did Andy say

32、 sorry to his mother? A. He didn t watch TV. B. He didn t know when his tests could begin. C. He didn t listen to the weather report. D. He was reading about the weather. ( )4. How is it to be a good listener? A. To be a good speaker first. B. You should not only listen but also write it down. C. He

33、aring all the words is the best way. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页精选资料欢迎下载D. You should pay attention to the words and sounds, and think about them. 语文答案:基础知识答案:1、qi o q ngya y j 2、C 3、B 4、洞庭湖万里出征的战士5、杜甫李白蒲松龄口语交际答案:采访 6 年级某班的班长采访大纲 : 1.最后一年是怎么度过的,与前面的5 年的异同2.作为即将毕业的班长,学习方面

34、有什么值得我们借鉴的经验与心得3.面对第一次升学考试的感受有什么感受4.对将来升学有什么打算5.暑假期间有什么不一样的安排6.作为即将告别母校的学长,有什么想说的话( 对老师对同学 .) 阅读答案:1、医术精湛,行医规矩奇特,性格倔强但不失善良2、“格色”意为特别,含贬义推动情节的发展,能更鲜明地塑造人物形象。3、如:苏七块赠送药物的细节描写,突出表现了苏七块善良的本性和鲜明地个性。4、A 运用肖像描写,突出了任务的精明干练.。B 运用了传神的动词和生动的比喻,表现了苏七块精湛的医术。数学答案:1.49100 2.49 3.10.5 4.8点 24 5.30 6.30 7. 45 8. 60

35、9. 29 10. 82.5 11. 9:14 12. 7 13. 解:增加 2 台机器,只需用规定时间的87,则增加后和原来的效率之比即机器台数之比为: 8:7 ,原来机器数为: 2(8-7)7=14(台)减少 2 台机器,则现在和原来的台数之比为: (14-2) :14=6:7 现在所需时间和原来所需时间之比为:7:6 ,原来时间为:26=43(小时)一台机器去完成这项工程需要时间:144=56(小时)14. 解:设点数 4 到 12的共有x人,得:6(23+x+5+2+1)-5(9+5+7+23+x)=89 解得:x=123 总点数为: 6(23+123+5+2+1 )+15+27=94

36、3 英语尖子生选拔测试参考答案一、1-5:C B C D B 二、1. fifth 2. later 3. eat did 4. is singing 三、1-5:B B A B C 6-10:B.B.A.C.B 四、1. Are you sweeping the floor?2. How does he go to school? 3. He doesn t have a pencil.4. What s wrong with you? 5. They are picking apples in the country. 五、1-5:C A B D D 6-10:A C B C D 六、1-4: B D D D1-4:C A C D精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页


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