1、常用英语励志格言常用英语励志格言 1、Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。 2、Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle. 随遇而安。 3、Be just to all, but trust not all. 要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。 4、Believe not all that you see nor half e effects. 良药苦口利于病。 20、Blind men can judge no colours. 不宜问道於盲。 21、Blood is thicker than water. 血浓
2、于水。 22、Bread is the staff of life. 民以食为天。 23、Brevity is the soul of wit. 言以简洁为贵。 24、Bring up a raven and hell pick out your eyes. 养虎贻患。 25、Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 投鼠忌器。 26、Burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 27、Business before pleasure. 事业在先,享乐在后。 28、Business is business. 公事公办。 29、By doing we learn. 经一事,长一智。 30、By falling we learn to go safely. 吃一堑,长一智。 31、By others faults, wise men correct their own. 他山之石,可以攻玉。 32、By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it. 读书可以使我门的思想充实,谈话使其更臻完美。