1、1,胆汁酸代谢及其异常Bile acid metabolism and its abnormity 一、胆汁的组成(composition of bile) 胆汁是由肝细胞将胆汁酸、无机离子和水分等分泌到胆小管所形成。 Bile from the liver cells to bile acids, inorganic ions such as water and released into the tube formed by bile canaliculi .,2,bile pigment,cholesterol,inorganic salt,3,To promote digestion
2、and absorption of fat 促进脂肪的消化和吸收 To promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins 促进脂溶性维生素的吸收 Regulation of cholesterol metabolism, The maintenance of cholesterol in the bile of the state of dissolution 调节胆固醇代谢,维持胆汁中胆固醇的溶解状态,二、胆汁(主要是胆汁酸)的功能 Functon of bile acid,4,Reduce oil/water surface tension 降低
3、油/水两相之间的界面张力 Make the hydrophobic lipids in aqueous micro-emulsion into a small micelle 使疏水性的脂类在水相中乳化成细小的微团,立体构象:亲水面-疏水面,(较强的乳化剂),5,原料(precursor) :胆固醇(cholesterol )部位(site) : 肝细胞(liver)种类(type) : 游离型、结合型,三、胆汁酸的代谢与功能 Metabolism and function of bile acids (一)初级胆汁酸的生物合成 Biosynthesis of primarybile acid
4、s,概念(concept),胆固醇在肝细胞内转化生成的胆汁酸。Cholesterol in the liver cells generated into bile acids,6,胆酸 cholic acid,鹅脱氧胆酸 chenodeoxy cholic acid,游离型,甘氨胆酸 glycocholic acid,牛磺胆酸 taurocholic acid,甘氨鹅脱氧胆酸glycochenodeoxycholic acid,牛磺鹅脱氧胆酸taurochenodeoxycholic acid,结合型,7,8,部位(site):小肠(small intestine) 大肠(large inte
5、stine),(二)次级胆汁酸的生物合成Biosynthesis second bile acid,初级胆汁酸分泌到肠道后受肠道细菌作用生成的产物。 Primary bile acid secretion by the intestinal bacterial role in post-generated product,概念(concept):,9,10,11,12,13,14,胆汁酸本身的负反馈调节 Bile acid is a negative feedback regulation 甲状腺激素可促进胆汁酸合成 Thyroid hormone may promote bile acid
6、synthesis,(三)合成过程(synthesis process),关键酶:7-羟化酶(Hydroxylase),调节(regulation),15,胆汁酸经肝细胞合成后,分泌入胆汁,进入肠道后大部分可被重吸收,经门脉循环回到肝脏,再由肝细胞摄取,与新合成的胆汁酸一同分泌入胆汁,肠-肝之间的胆汁酸循环称为胆汁酸的肠肝循环。 Bile acid synthesis by the liver cells, secreted into the bile into the intestine after most of the weight can be absorbed through the
7、 portal vein back to the cycle of the liver, liver cells from the intake, and the synthesis of new bile acid secretion with bile into the intestines - Between the liver and intestine bile acid cycle known as the bile acid enterohepatic circulation.,概念(concept),四.胆汁酸的肠肝循环 Enterohepatic circulation of
8、 bile acid,16,有限的胆汁酸发挥最大的乳化作用; 并使胆汁中胆汁酸/胆固醇比例恒定,不易形成胆固醇结石。 Limited Bile acids play maximize the role of the emulsion; Bile acid / cholesterol ratio constant, Is not easy to form cholesterol gallstone.,胆汁酸的肠肝循环 Enterohepatic circulation of bile acid,意义(signification),17,18,第四节 肝病的生物化学代谢紊乱,一、肝硬化的临床生物化
9、学 Clinical biochemistry of hepatocirrhosis,肝硬化是一种以肝组织弥漫性纤维化、假小叶和再生结节形成为特征的慢性肝病。是许多肝脏疾病晚期的共同病变。临床上有多系统受累,以肝功能减损、门脉高压两大症侯群为主要表现,晚期常出现上消化道出血,肝性脑病,继发感染等严重的并发症。,概念(concept),Cirrhosis is a pathological diagnosis.It is characterized by widespread fibrosis with nodular regeneration. Its presence implies pre
10、vious or continuing hepatic cell damage.,19,注意:,肝小叶、血管结构改变,即假小叶形成。如小叶结构大部分完好(先天性肝纤维化)也不是肝硬化。,纤维化和结节再生必须同时存在。只有再生结节或纤维化不是肝硬化。(如肝门脉性硬化症没有结节再生),肝硬化的病变为弥漫性,累及整个肝脏。局部纤维化不是肝硬化。,20,常见的病因包括: 病毒性肝炎(viral hepatitis) 酒精性肝炎(alcoholic hepatitis) 胆汁郁积(cholestasis) 严重心力衰竭(severe heart failure) 肝豆状核变性(hepatolenticu
11、lar disease) -抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症(- antitrypsin deficiency),病 因 Aetiology,引起肝硬化的病因较多,同一病因可发展为不同病理类型的肝硬化,而同一病理类型的肝硬化亦可由不同病因引起。,21,1.肝硬化的生物化学机制 Cirrhosis of the biochemical mechanisms 缺氧和炎症刺激,导致胶原纤维合成增强。以I型及型为主。 Hypoxia and inflammatory stimulation, resulting in enhanced synthesis of collagen fibers. I type in t
12、he main-and . 机体免疫机能不足,肝细胞反复遭受HBV破坏,以及肝细胞结节状再生,纤维组织不断增生,导致肝硬化。 Lack of immune function, liver cells from recurring destruction of HBV, as well as nodular liver cell regeneration, continuous proliferation of fibrous tissue, leading to cirrhosis.,22,跟Kuffer细胞分泌多种细胞因子及胶原酶等生物活性物质以及储脂细胞产生胶原等有关。Kuffer cel
13、ls with a variety of cytokines and bio-active substances, such as collagenase, as well as fat-storing cells produce collagen and so on. 涉及许多遗传因素,这已成为肝细胞对损伤反应的独立病原因素。肝细胞和胆管上皮细胞内角蛋白的表达异常等都与肝纤维化有关。Many of the genetic factors involved, this has become a liver cell injury in response to the independent p
14、athogenic factors.,1.肝硬化的生物化学机制 Cirrhosis of the biochemical mechanisms,23,2. 肝硬化的生物化学诊断,1. 血清蛋白质检测 TP(总蛋白),ALB(白蛋白) ,A/G(白球比例),球蛋白 2.血清胆红素与胆汁酸-两者呈不同程度升高 3. 血清酶类-ALT,AST,MAO等增高 4. 凝血酶原时间延长,且VitK不能加以纠正,肝功能实验 Liver function test,24,分类(classification): 线粒体(Mitochondria) 向阳极移动 2种 结缔组织(Connective tissue)
15、 向阴极移动 2种,单胺氧化酶(monoamine oxidase,MAO),分布(distribution):肝、肾、脑,25,纤维化形成机制:,结缔组织中的MAO,如赖氨酰氧化酶催化胶原末端的部分羟赖氨酰基及赖氨酰基氧化成醛,然后与其临近的赖氨酰基生成Schiff碱。 这种稳定交联的形成使胶原纤维结构稳定,故血清中的MAO活性增高,常提示胶原纤维增生活跃。,26,-脯氨酸羟化酶测定( -proline hydroxylase, -PH),-PH催化胶原中脯氨酸变为羟脯氨酸,在胶原合成中起关键作用。 肝纤维化: -PH含量及活性,27,透明质酸( hyaluronic acid, HA)由间
16、质细胞合成,大部分在肝内被代谢。肝病患者,肝间质细胞增生,合成明显增多,肝细胞受损,对血中的HA摄取及降解障碍 层黏连蛋白(LN)细胞外间质中基底膜的主要成分,肝纤维化倾向时,LN合成和沉积增加 型胶原前肽( procollagen III peptide,PIIIP)血清中含量反映肝纤维化的程度和活动性 IV型胶原是血管基底膜的主要成分,肝纤维化倾向时增高,其他生物化学检查,穿刺肝组织活检 Liver needle biopsy,28,29,二、乙醇性肝脏疾病的生物化学 自学,30,三、 肝性脑病hepatic encephalopathy,是各种严重的肝病(如:严重的肝功能不全)的并发症或
17、终末表现,是以代谢紊乱为基础、临床以意识障碍和昏迷为主要表现的中枢神经系统功能紊乱的综合征。 Hepatic encephalopathy is a syndrome observed in patients with cirrhosis of the liver. It is characterized by personality changes, intellectual impairment, and a depressed level of consciousness.,1、概念(concept),31,2、临床表现 Clinical presentation,Sleeping di
18、sorder Apathy Childishness,Confusion,Drowsiness 睡意,Coma,32,3、病因Etiology,肝硬化(各种),大部分,肝炎后肝硬化最多见,门-体分流(手术或肝内自然分流) Cirrhosis (all kinds), most of liver cirrhosis, up to see the door - shunt (Natural intrahepatic or shunt surgery) 急性或爆发性肝功能衰竭:重症肝炎(病毒性、中毒性、药物性) Acute or fulminant hepatic failure : severe
19、hepatitis (viral, toxic, drug-induced) 原发性肝癌、妊娠期急性脂肪肝、严重胆道感染 Primary liver cancer, acute fatty liver of pregnancy, severe biliary tract infection 各种肝病的终末期 A variety of end-stage liver disease,33,4、诱因inducement,上消化道出血Upper gastrointestinal bleeding 感染infection 大量排钾利尿a large number of potassium diuret
20、ic row 放腹水put ascites 高蛋白饮食high-protein diet 便秘constipation 尿毒症uremia 催眠镇静剂hypnotic sedatives 麻醉药anesthetics 外科手术surgical,34,5、发病机制,氨中毒学说 Ammonia intoxication hypothesis 假性神经递质与氨基酸不平衡学说 -氨基丁酸/苯二氮卓 (GABA/BZ) 复合体学说 氨、硫醇和短链脂肪酸的协同毒性作用,35,(1)、氨的形成与代谢,氨在肠道的吸收受肠道pH值的影响,大部分是由尿素经肠道的尿素酶分解产生 小部分是食物中的蛋白质被肠菌氨基酸氧
21、化酶分解产生,代谢(Metabolism),来源(Source),肠道、肾、骨骼肌产生氨,36,氨在肠道的吸收受肠道pH值的影响 氨在肠道的吸收以非离子型氨( NH3)弥散进入肠粘膜, 其吸收比离子型氨(NH4+ )高 游离NH3有毒,能通过血脑屏障 NH4+相对无毒,不能通过血脑屏障 NH3与NH4+ 相互转化受 pH影响 肠pH6大量弥散入血 pH 6, NH4+ 从血转移入肠道,随粪排泄,37,(2)氨的清除途径 scavenger pathway of ammonia,脑、肝、肾利用和消耗氨: 在ATP供能条件下,将氨合成谷氨酸和谷氨酰胺,肺: 氨过多时,少量从废部呼出,肾: 尿素、
22、肾在排酸同时也排NH4+,肝: 肠源性氨在肝经鸟氨酸代谢环转变成尿素,38,NH3 production,NH3 clearance ( urea cycle ),Ammonia intoxication hypothesis,Under normal condition, the production and the clearance of NH3 is in balance,39,Upper alimentary tract bleeding Gastrointestinal dysfunction Renal dysfunction Muscle contraction Portal-
23、systemic shunt,NH3 production,NH3 clearance,Causes,Severe hepatic dysfunction,dysfunction of urea cycle(substrate ATP , enzyme inactivation),40,Decreasing energy production 氨干扰脑的能量代谢,高能磷酸化合物降低 Changing neurotransmitters increasing glutamine and GABA decreasing glutamic acid and acetyl choline 脑在去氨中合
24、成谷氨酰胺 a酮戊二酸缺少(氨与其结合成谷氨酸),脑细胞供能不足,不能维持正常活动 Disturb membrane function 氨干扰神经传导,影响大脑功能,氨对神经系统的毒性作用 Effect of ammonia on CNS,41,Severe hepatic dysfunction,Urea synthesis,hyperammonemia,Elevated level of brain ammonia,Brain dysfunction,Summary of ammonia intoxication,42,2、假神经递质学说 fasle neurotransmitter hy
25、pothesis,假神经递质: 分子结构与正常神经递质相似,但不能传递神经冲动或作用很弱,以致神经系统某些部位发生功能障碍,使大脑发生异常抑制,导致昏迷。 False neurotransmitter: molecular structure similar to the normal neurotransmitter, but it can not transmit nerve impulses or the role of the weak, resulting in some parts of the nervous system dysfunction occurred, so tha
26、t the occurrence of abnormal brain inhibitory, resulting in a coma.,43,假性神经递质:肝功能障碍时体内产生的一类与正常神经递质结构相似,并能与正常递质受体相结合,但几乎没有生理活性的物质。如苯乙醇胺,羟苯乙醇胺。,44,假性神经递质学说 (1)正常时 酪 氨 酸 酪 胺 苯丙氨酸 苯乙胺 (2)肝衰或门体分流时 酪 胺 鱆 胺(假介质) 苯乙胺 苯乙醇胺(假介质),肠菌脱羧酶,单胺氧化酶,脑神经冲动传递障碍昏迷,食物中芳香族 氨基酸(肠内),45,3、氨基酸不平衡学说Amino acid imbalance theory,严
27、重肝功能损伤或有门静脉短路时,血浆中支链氨基酸降低,芳香族氨基酸异常增高。,46,氨基酸代谢不平衡学说 (1)正常时 BCAA /AAA 比值为 34/1 (2)肝衰竭或门体分流时 BCAA /AAA 比值为 1/1或更低 (3)AAA增多,BCAA减少的后果 AAA进入脑内并进行代谢 苯丙氨酸苯乙胺苯乙醇胺 酪 氨 酸酪 胺鱆胺 色 氨 酸5-羟色氨酸5-羟色胺(抑制性介质) (4)AAABCAA原因 AAA在肝内代谢减少,BCAA在肌内代谢不受影响。 肝病时,胰岛素在血内增高,并促使BCAA进肌肉。,假介质,48,5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)是中枢神经系统
28、中的一个抑制性递质,是去甲肾上腺素的拮抗物。脑内5-羟色胺增高可引起睡眠,故认为它可能是引起肝性昏迷的一个重要原因。 5 - HT is a central nervous system inhibitory neurotransmitter, norepinephrine is the antagonist. Brain 5 - HT may be caused by increased sleep, so that it may be caused by hepatic coma is an important reason.,49,4、 GABA学说(GABA hypothesis),谷
29、氨酸Glutamic acid,-氨基丁酸(-aminobutyric acid GABA),谷氨酸脱羧酶decarboxylase,-与突触后膜GABA受体结合 Activation of GABA receptor -细胞外氯离子内流 Opening of Cl- channel -神经原出现超极化抑制 Membrane hyperpolarization of neuron,昏迷,50,5、硫醇(mercaptan)增多,甲烷硫醇 methyl mercaptan 二甲基硫化物 dimethylsulphide,肝臭,51,(1) 硫醇、酚及短链脂肪酸对脑神经细胞的毒性 含硫氨基酸-HS
30、-CH3, HS-CH2CH3 酪氨酸/酪胺-酚 短链脂肪酸-8个碳原子以下 抑制Na+-K+ATP酶 (2) 毒性物质甲基吲哚与吲哚的毒性作用 色氨酸-甲基吲哚、吲哚 抑制脑细胞呼吸,52,(三)Lab test 实验室检查,1、血氨(blood ammonia): 对鉴别氮源性肝昏迷有重要参考价值 2、鲎实验,用于检测血中的内毒素endotoxin 3、弥漫性血管内凝血(disseminated intravascular coagulation ,DIC),53,第五节 肝功能实验室检查Lab tests of liver function,54,55,二、代谢性肝功能实验,56,三、肝胆疾病的临床酶学,肝细胞通透性 Liver cell permeability 肝细胞坏死 Liver cell necrosis,58,(3)肝胆阻塞,59,ALP同工酶 灭活后 活性20% 来源于骨(肿瘤),60,(4)肝癌及肝纤维化(Liver cancer and hepatic fibrosis),61,(5) AST/ALT ratio,62,肝胆疾病的临床酶学,