1、Unit 1 Culture Behind LanguageUnit 1 Culture Behind Language请同学们认真学习教材第一章谚语部分请同学们认真学习教材第一章谚语部分 P17-18P17-181). Fill in Blanks1). Fill in BlanksDirections:Directions: Choose oneword or expressionfrom those in the boxbelow tofill in the blanks in each of the sentences.a. Culture b. Subgroupc. Cultural
2、 identity d. Subculture(1)_A_is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions,attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatialrelations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a groupof people in the course of generations through individual and groupst
3、riving.(2)_D_refers to a culture that exists within dominant culture, and isoften based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographicregion.(3)_B_, usually does not involve the same large number of people andis not necessarily thought of as accumulating values and patterns overgenerati
4、ons in the same way as culture do.(4)_C_ refers to ones sense of belonging to particular culture orethnic group.2). True or False Questions:2). True or False Questions:Directions:Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F) according to what has been learned in this c
5、hapter.(1)_T_The iceberg model of culture implies it is very difficult tounderstand a culture thoroughly.(2)_F_ Culture is innate as soon as person is born.(3)_T_People may sometimes get term confused about his or her culturalidentity.(4)_F_Scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in descri
6、binga culture which exists within a dominate culture.(5)_T_A person could be a member of several different subgroups at thesame time.3) Translation:3) Translation:Directions:Directions: Put the following proverbs into Chinese(1) Discontent is the first step on progress.不知足是前进的第一步(2) Work while you w
7、ork, play while you play.工作时工作,玩耍时玩耍(3) Well done is better than well said说得好不如做得好(4) Life is but a candle before the wind.人生好比风中烛(5) There is nothing to fear but fear itself.最大的恐惧是恐惧本身(6) Time lost cannot be worn again.时间一去不复返4.4. Keys to assessment:Keys to assessment:1). (1) a (2) d (3) b (4) c2).
8、 (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) F (5) T3).(1) 不知足是前进的第一步。(2) 工作时工作,玩耍时玩耍。(3) 说得好不如做得好。(4)人生好比风中烛。 (5) 最大的恐惧是恐惧本身。(6)时间一去不复返。请讲解第一章谚语并进行相应复习。请讲解第一章谚语并进行相应复习。Unit 2 Communicating InterculturallyUnit 2 Communicating Interculturally请老师们讲解教材请老师们讲解教材 P38-41P38-41 页练习题页练习题1. Fill in BlanksDirections:Directions:Choo
9、seChoose oneone wordword oror expressionexpressionfromfrom thosethose inin thethe boxbox belowbelowto fill in the blanks in each of the sentences.to fill in the blanks in each of the sentences.a. Channel b. Sender c. Receiver d. InterculturalCommunication(1). _B_ refers to the person who transmits a
10、 message.(2). _A_ (sometimes called the medium) is the method used todeliver a message.(3). _C_ is any person who notices and gives some meaning to amessage.(4). _D_ is communication between people whose cultural perceptionand symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event.2. Tru
11、e or False QuestionsDirections: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) orDirections: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) orFalse (F) according to what has been learnt in this chapter.False (F) according to what has been learnt in this chapter.(1). _F_ intracultural com
12、munication occurs when the sender andthe receiver from different races exchange messages.(2). _T_ Communication and culture are inseparable and stronglyconnected.(3). _F_The sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methodsto send an intentional activity is called decoding(4). _F_ The process of
13、 communication has nine components: sender,encoding, message, channel, noise, receiver, decoding, feedback, andcontext.3. Case analysisWe and TheyWe and They-Rudyard KiplingFather, Mother, and Me,We have doors that latch.Sister and Auntie sayThey drink milk and bloodAll the people like us are We,Und
14、er an open thatch. We haveAnd everyone else is They.doctors to fee.And They live over the seaThey have Wizards to pay.While we live over the way,And(impudent heathen!) TheyBut- would you believe itLook upon We -They look upon WeAs a quite impossible They!As only a sort of They!All good people agree,
15、We eat pork and beefAnd all good people say,With cow-horn-handled knives.All nice people, like us, are WeThey who gobble Their rice off a leafAnd everyone else is They:Are horrified out Their lives;But if you cross overWhile They who live up a tree,the sea,Feast on grubs and clay,Instead of over the
16、 way,(Isnt it scandalous)You may end by (think of it!)Look upon Welooking on WeAs a simple disgusting They!As only sort of They!We eat kitchen food.Answer the following questions:(1) Who do you think “We” and “They” refer to in this poem(2) Compare and contrast “We” and “They”.(3) What does the poet
17、 want to tell us about the world答案:I 1. b 2. aII1. F 2. TIII 1. “We” here refers to people who are the same race/nationalities;“They”refers to people who are not the same with “We”, and“They” are the different races2. “We” eat porkand beef with cow -horn-handled knives, eatkitcheny food, have doors
18、that lacth“They” who gobble their rice off a leaf, drink milk and blood.poet wants to tell us that “we” and “They” should know each othermore, and avoid some culture barriers to have effective interculturalcommunication.跨文化沟通跨文化沟通P41-42P41-42 作为参考范围,详情请参考书籍。作为参考范围,详情请参考书籍。Unit 3 Barriers in Intercul
19、tural communicationUnit 3 Barriers in Intercultural communicationI INonverbal communication Racism Stereotyping PrejudiceEthnocentrism refers to negatively judging aspects of another culture by the standardsof ones own culture.2. _Prejudice_refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion, or hatred ofa
20、particular group, race, religion,or sexual orientation. communication_ is the study of nonverbal communication sent by the eyes. anypolicy,practice,belief,orattitudethatattributescharacteristics or status to individuals based on their race. is used to refer to negative or positive judgments made abo
21、ut individualsbased on any observable or believed group membership.1. ethnocentrism 3. nonverbal communicationII. True or False Questions1. T The psychological filters refer to the psychological factors,including the attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions of the individual.2. T Ethnocentrism, stereoty
22、ping, prejudice and racism are learned.3.T Although stereotypes are considered as being negative judgments,they can also be positive. 4.T When communicating with people from other cultures, an individualsometimes is likely to treat them as ”his people”and to assume thereis only one way of doing thin
23、gs: that is ”his way”.5.F Assumption of superiority may lead to assuming similarity insteadof difference.答案:1-5T T T T F6.TA big dinner was arranged by Hong and her university to welcomeJoe. T 提示:case207.FAt the end of the visit Joe treated Hong and the Chair of theDepartment to dinner to thank them
24、. F 提示:case208.THong didnt realize that her arrangement made Joe feel like aprisoner. T 提示:case209.TJoe has a Chinese friend who is working in a Chinese university.T 提示:case2010.TWhen communicating with people from other cultures, anindividual sometimes is likely to treat them as“his people”and to a
25、ssumethere is only one way of doing things: that is “his way”. T 提示:Ethnocentrism11. F Joe would like to have some time to explore the city and the area,and the itinerary would leave him some free time. F12. FAt the end of the visit Joe treated Hong and the Chair of theDepartment to dinner to thank
26、them. F13.TJoe felt annoyed because all the plans were made withoutconsulting him. T答案 6-13 T F T T T F F T(该部分判断题的案例来自于参考教材第四章 P104case20 Chinese Hospitality-Overdone)II. Multiple Choice Questions1. Anxiety happens out of being afraid of failure in communication events,while _ happens when we are u
27、nable to predict others ideas andbehaviors.A. prejudiceB. racismC. uncertaintyD. stereotype提示:anxiety and certainty,2. _ deals with how well accepted or well known certainstereotypes are within a community.A. DirectionB. IntensityC. SpecificityD. Consensus提示:Stereotyping3._isthestateoffeelingnervous
28、,whichcanaffectcommunication when one focuses so much on his own feelings.A. AmbiguityB. AnxietyC. UncertaintyD. Prejudice提示:anxiety and certainty4. When you disclose your personal information to your counterpart, hopingthey feel obliged to reveal something equally important about themselvesto us, y
29、ou are using the _ strategy.A. activeB. passiveC. interactiveD. All of the above.提示:strategies to overcome anxiety and uncertainty,5. _ can take many forms, including irrational feelings ofdislike and even hatred for certain groups, biased perceptions and beliefsabout the group members.A. Ethnocentr
30、ic attitudeB. Stereotyped attitudeC. Prejudiced attitudeD. Racial attitude提示:Prejudice,6. Anxiety happens out of being afraid of failure in communication events,while _ happens when we are unable to predict others ideas andbehaviors.A. prejudiceB. racismC. uncertaintyD. stereotype提示:anxiety and cert
31、ainty,7. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the persistence ofethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice and racismA. Socialization.B. Economic benefits.C. Psychological benefits.D. Acculturation.提示:reasons for the persistence of ethnocentrism8. _ refers to the idea that people coming from ano
32、ther cultureare more similar toyou than they actually are orthat another personssituation is more similar to yours than it actually is.A. AnxietyB. UncertaintyC. StereotypeD. Assuming similarity instead of difference提示:Assuming Similarity Instead of DifferenceSection D. 填空题Directions: Choose oneword
33、 or expression from those in thebox below tofill in the blanks in each of the sentences.2. a. Racism b. Stereotyping c. Prejudice d. Ethnocentrism(1)D refers to negatively judging aspects of another culture bythe standards of ones own culture.(2) C refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion, or hat
34、red of aparticular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation.(3)A is any policy, practice, belief, or attitude that attributescharacteristics or status to individuals based on their race.(4)B is used to refer to negative or positive judgments made aboutindividuals based on any observable or belie
35、ved group membership.Section E. 翻译题A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese or English. Payattention to the words in boldface.提示: Lack of vocabuary equivalence1. He is green-eyedgreen-eyed. 他眼红/妒忌别人。2. She turned whitewhite with fear. 他因恐惧而发狂。3. Tom gave me a blackblack look. 汤姆恶狠狠地冲我瞪了一眼。4
36、. He became purplepurple with rage. 他脸色气得发紫/铁青。B. Translate the following expressions into English. Pay attention to thequantifiers.1. 一连串络绎不绝的访问者 a continuous/endless stream of visitors2. 一队骆驼 a procession of camels3. 一群鱼 a shoal of fish4. 一群蜜蜂 a swarm of bees5. 一群鸟 a flock of birdsUnit 7 Cmmunicat
37、ing NoverballyUnit 7 Cmmunicating Noverbally1. a. Proxemicsb. Chronemicsc. Kinesics d. verbal communicatione. Oculesics(1) D refers to the messages sent without using words.(2)E is the study of nonverbal communication sent by the eyes.(3) A is the way we use fixed space and personal space.(4)C inclu
38、des gestures, body movement and facial expressions.(5)B is the study of how people perceive and use time.d, e, a, c, b2. True or False Questions Direction; decide whether the following statement are true (T) or (F)according to what has been learnt in this chapter.(1) _F_ Speaking is the only mode of
39、 effective communication.(2) _F_ The Thais like to touch babies or small children, especiallythey like others to pat their childrens head.(3) _T_ Saudi Arabs belong to touch culture.(4) _T_ The appropriateness of eye contact varies with differentcultures.(5) _T_ Paralanguage may imply the communicat
40、ion of the actualwords.(F, F, T, T, T)4. functions of nonverbal communication:_repeating, complementing,substituting, _regulating, contradicting_5. consider the various meanings of a widening of eyes (见第四章 PPT)案例参考题跨文化沟通案例分析参考1. Explain the sentence in your own words and then analyze it.Some people
41、often say to Americans-You Americans do not even know whoyour grandfather is!提示:从美国成立比较晚,历史短。2. Richard, an engineer from the United States, was invited to take teawith one of his British colleagues while he was in England. This was apurely social, relaxed occasion. Tea was served along with sugar a
42、nd cream.As he helped himself to some sugar and cream, he sensed he had donesomething wrong. Can you tell what went wrong提示:to be a guest 与 help yourself 的区别3. A young Chinese officer, together with his wife, was meeting an Americanconsultant at an airport. After phatic communication, the consultant
43、complimented him on his wife out of politeness, “Your wife isbeautiful!” The officer felt embarrassed and said, “Where! Where!”(哪里!哪里!) “Where! Where!” the consultant was puzzled and had tosay,“From head to foot.” Question: What went wrong in the case and Why提示:文化差异,中国人较谦虚,不自信4. One of the very comm
44、on manners of touching - handshaking - mayresult in conflictwhen performed with no consideration of culturaldifferences. Among middle-class North American men, it is customary toshake hands as a gesture of friendship. When wanting to communicate extrafriendliness, a male in the . may, while shaking
45、hands, grasp with hisleft hand his friends right arm. Once, a North American businessmanvisiting Middle Eastern countries attempted to emphasize the sincerityof his friendship in this manner to his Saudi Arabian business partner.However, the Saudi Arabian business man was greatly displeased. Can you
46、 tell what went wrong How do we avoid this in the interculturalcommunication提示:沙特阿拉伯人信奉伊斯兰教,其将左手作为是不纯洁的,而案例中将左手搭在右手,就出现文化差异,造成双方误解;因此,在交际过程中,可减少过多的接触。5 Two Japanese who knew some Chinese were one day at a Beijing subwaystation. They saw a warning sign which read: Xiaoxin di hua! (小心地滑)They were very much surprised to see that nobody around them was skating,though the floor was really very smooth.参考:日本人中文断句错误,造成理解差异,进而影响沟通。