1、-新一代大学英语综合教程unit1-第 2 页Reference:和很多人一样,亚里士多德也因最好的论点并不总能赢得辩论而困扰。他想知道这是为什么,以及我们能对此做些什么。基于他在雅典城市广场上对数场辩论的观察,亚里士多德设计了一些方法,以使观众的观点能受各种因素的影响,而不是严格地遵循逻辑或事实。他提出了修辞的艺术(我们现在也这样称它),即使别人同意你的观点的艺术。他的有些观点永不过时,时至今日依然适用:你必须缓和对方的恐惧;你必须说得很有趣,因为人注意力集中的时间很短暂;你也许要用事例让你的观点鲜活起来。Reference:The predominant orientation of tr
2、aditional Chinese philosophy is the concern about how to live ones life, rather than finding out the truth about reality. Zhuangzi posed a well-known question in the fourth century B.C. was he Zhuangzi who had dreamt of being a butterfly or was he a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuangzi? Zhuangzi came
3、to the realization that he had perceived the transformation of things, indicating that one should go along with this transformation rather than trying in vain to search for what is real. Confucius call for rectification of names is more a method for securing sociopolitical order than for capturing the essence of things. Similarly, the views of Mencius and Xunzi about human nature are more recommendations of how one should view oneself in order to become a better person than assertions about whether humans are by nature good or bad.